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Chapter title: None
3 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005035 ShortTitle: ISLAND03 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Maitena) This is your name: Ma Asti Maitena. Asti means existence. Maitena means esteemed by, loved by.
Existence care for everybody. Without existence loving us we cannot exist even for a single moment. It goes on pouring life into us
We are immensely esteemed by existence Although we go on taking it for granted -- That's where our stupidity lies.
If we take it for grated there is no gratitude We think as if we deserve
We think as if it is our right; in fact
We think as if we are not getting as much as we deserve, hence there is A constant undercurrent of complaints.
This is the state of the irreligious man. The religious man feels gratitude Immense gratitude.
Just for sheer being he is grateful.
And once you start feeling gratefulness There are thousand and one things
To feel grateful for.
And the more you feel grateful 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The more gifts go on arriving. Many gifts are not reaching to us Because of our complaining mind.
If this complaining mind is put aside
All the stars are ours and all the mysteries That existence contains are ours.
(To Rinie) -- Your name: My Dhyan Rinie. Dhyan means means Meditation. Rinie is a beautiful name; It has many meanings and all meanings are of
The first meaning is pure, purity.
Man needs a pure heart to commune with existence. The heart becomes pure
When the mind is no more dominant within you. Till the mind dominates
The heart remains impure. The mind clings to the heart Like dust clinging to a mirror.
Mind is nothing but thought-dust.
Each thought is just dust and nothing else. One has to clean all thoughts
Then purity is attained.
Purity has nothing to do with morality. Of course, a pure heart is moral but
A moral person need not be pure.
A moral person is still living in his head
His morality is still a domination of the head. The head is saying, 'Do this, don't do that.' And the head is very calculative:
It calculates about this world It calculates bout the other too.
It does not know purity because
it is not innocent, hence remember:
Morality does not lead to purity, The vice versa is not true.
Purity certainly leads to mortality
But first comes purity, then morality follows. And the second meaning is clean
Spotlessly clean.
Mind is cunning, it cannot be clean.
It is crafty, it is continuously playing tricks With others and with oneself -- it is a politician. Heart is love and only love can be clean.
Diplomacy is bound to be dirty. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The third meaning is crystal. Gurdjieff used to say, 'Unless a man Becomes crystalized, he has no soul.'
If he was giving you the name, he would have
Simply jumped upon the word 'crystal', because That contains his whole philosophy.
Ordinarily a man is a crowd, fragments --
He is not one, he is many, he is multi-psychic And that is his misery:
There is constant war inside
All the fragments are fighting for supremacy. And this is how our whole life is wasted: Our all energies go down the drain
And man needs a single centre of being And that is crystallization.
Meditation brings crystallization It melts the many fragments Into one integral whole.
And there are other three meanings also:
Beauty, grace and devotion -- they are by-products. One who is pure, clean and crystallized
He is bound to be beautiful.
A tremendous inner beauty arises
And it radiates outside. Life becomes graceful. All ugliness and meanness disappears
One starts enjoying sharing whatsoever one has One is always ready to share and give
Just for giving's sake.
And the ultimate consequence of all this process Is devotion: one comes to know what devotion is. Devotion means the feeling
That god surrounds you;, that god is everywhere That you are within and without, full of god Everything is overflowing with god!
Seeing it, feeling it --
What you can do, except surrender! That surrender is devotion.
And all these things
Can become possible through meditation. Meditation is the magic key.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
(To Gebhard) -- This is your name: Swami Atit Gebhard. Atit means go beyond, surpass, because Gebhard is a dangerous word. It means the gift of being hard.
Hitherto humanity has praised hardness very much Particularly in man.
For centuries man has been a male chauvinist pig! He has praised all that is aggressive, cruel Violent, warlike, and
He has condemned all that is feminine. And it is because of this
A great problem has arisen. The problem is: All that is beautiful is feminine
And if you condemn the feminine
Then the beautiful disappears from the world. And we have struggled hard
To destroy the beautiful.
The ugly has dominated the beautiful
And he hard has been praised against the soft. By becoming a sannyasin
You have to change all priorities.
Lao Tzu says, 'Don't be hard like a rock But be soft like water.'
He calls his way of life the watercourse way. And he says, 'Ultimately the soft
Wins over the hard,
The rock will disappear one day. Let the water go on falling on it
And the rock will be reduced to sand.'
Of course, right now you cannot see it happening It will take time
But the rock cannot destroy the water. For that one needs a little deeper insight. A longer vision, a bigger perspective.
And we are very short-sighted, We only see so far.
Because of this shortsightedness
The rock seems to be worth choosing, not water. Those who have seen reality
Into true perspective of eternity They say something totally different. Let softness be the gift.
A soldier needs to be hard
An sannyasin needs to be soft. A soldier needs to be aggressive Violent, destructive.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
A sannyasin needs to be just the opposite: Receptive, loving.
A sannyasin basically lives in a kind of let-go. So go beyond your old name.
It is good, so I am keeping the old So it will remind you that
You have to go beyond it. And I am adding the new too That you have to go beyond.
Your name has both, your past and your future. Not only your past but the past of humanity And not only your future
But the future of humanity.
We have to absorb feminine qualities. The woman has to be accepted.
Without the woman man is half
Just as woman is half without the man.
And when both energies meet and mingle
They are not opposites, they are complementaries. And they help and a higher synthesis arises.
The effort to live in a man-oriented world Has failed, utterly failed.
Our whole history is a history of failure. Now we have to try something else.
It is time we should try -- if we don't try Then humanity's future is doomed.
We have come to a cul-de-sac.
Man and woman have to merge their energies Into one so that we can have a human world Neither male-oriented nor female-oriented Neither a patriarchy nor a matriarchy -- Simple human.
And that's my effort here.
My sannyasins have to become Heralds of a new age, of a new man.
(To Sylvie) -- This is your name: Ma Subhadro. Subhadro means grace.
Grace is beauty of the inner.
It filters out too but it originates At the very centre of your being.
And slowly slowly it starts radiating Through your mind, through your body But it is not of the body
It comes from somewhere deeper than the body. It is not of the mind either.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
There are physically beautiful people
We give them awards -- a Miss Universe. There are psychologically beautiful people We give them Nobel prizes.
But we have not yet recognized A spiritually beautiful person.
We have not been able to ignore them
But we have not been able to recognize them. We have crucified them, that's why I say
We have not been able to ignore them.
We have poisoned then, killed them, murdered them We have done all kinds of thing
That is their reward.
but it doesn't matter to a spiritual person. He rejoices even in his death.
One who has attained to grace Rejoices in everything
Even the darkest night is not dark for him, It is luminous.
Even the thorn is transformed into his vision In a flower.
Grace cannot be cultivated, obviously. You can go to the beautician for the body You can go to the universities for the mind but for the inner grace
You will have to go inwards. Buddhas can only point the way They can only give you vague hints Not specific programmes
Because the inner journey is a mysterious journey No maps can be made
No fixed programmes can be given Because each individual
Has to travel in a different way And each individual
Has to go in a different inner world Because each individual
Has a unique inner territory.
Meditation is the only way that brings you To grace, in inner beauty, it inner realization. But once attained
Your whole life becomes flooded with it. Then whatsoever you touch turns into gold.
(To Herbert) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Vinamaro. Deva means divine. Vinamaro means humbleness.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Humbleness is never a human achievement It cannot be by its very nature.
If it is your achievement, the ego will pretend
That 'I have achieved humbleness,' And that is a contradiction.
The ego will say, 'Look. I have become humble. Nobody is more humble than me.
I am the humblest person on the earth.' And the ego can go on playing the game. Just few days before, Pope Paul
Played the drama of being Jesus:
He carried the corss to a hill nearby the Vatican And thousands of people followed him
And he touched the feet of a poor beggar Washed the feet and kissed the feet -- And this is pure exhibitionism.
This is showing that 'Look, how humble am I. Nobody is more humble than me.'
But it is all drama, it is only for the show. Real humbleness comes as a gift from god. All that man can do is an effort to understand The ways of the ego -- that's all.
One can watch how the ego functions
One can see its cunning and subtle strategies
Tactics, its trips,
And one can watch it in all possible ways.
And the miracle is: The more you become aware Of its strategies and tricks and trips
The more and more those trips
And tricks and strategies start evaporating. Just be sheer awareness this miracle happens And one day suddenly, there is no ego
And in that moment something from the beyond Descends in you as a gift, just as a shower.
You cannot say 'I am humble,' you can simply say 'I am no more, humbleness has happened.'
You cannot claim it as your own achievement. Meditation helps you
To become aware of the ways of the ego And then everything else can be left to god.
(To William) -- Deva Yogen. Deva means divine; 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Yogen means meeting -- meeting with the divine. It is possible any moment; there is no particular Fixed moment for it to happen
Hence it is unpredictable -- it can happen right now. All that is needed is the courage to drop the ego.
Whatsoever time one wants to take To gather courage to drop the ego That is the time that the meeting
Has to be postponed for that time only. Once you are ready to drop the ego
To lose your identity,
To say totally with the heart
'I am no more' -- suddenly, god is! It is a very strange meeting.
Ordinarily in a meeting two persons are needed. This is a very strange meeting.
This meeting happens only when one is absent. If two are present it never happens.
Of you are there and god is there Then it won't happen
Because you will be the barrier.
If you are not there then it happens. In your absence the barrier falls The block disappears
Suddenly you are one with god
There is nothing to divide, nothing to separate. It is like a dewdrop
Slipping from a lotus leaf into the lake. Be a dewdrop -- allow yourself
To slip from the lotus leaf Don't cling to the lotus leaf. This buddhafield is only a lake Sannyas is only a lotus leaf
You are a dewdrop on the lotus leaf Don't cling! Slip!
And go dancing, go singing, die into the lake! And immediately you are no more but god is. And that's what you in reality are>
You are that -- 'Tat-tvam-asi'
That is one of the greatest statements ever made; Thou art that.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
No Man is an Island
Chapter #4
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