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Chapter title: None
29 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005295 ShortTitle: ISLAND29 Audio:
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No 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
This is your name: Swami Anand Franco. Anand means bliss. Franco means freedom.
Bliss is freedom and vice versa is also true: freedom is bliss. In fact they are inseparable -- two sides of the same coin. If you are blissful you are bound to be free, if you are free you cannot be other than blissful.
Freedom and misery can't exist together, neither can bliss and bondage exist together. Attain to one and the other follows. And one can enter from any door, both the doors are the same, they lead to the same shrine.
Buddha enters from the door of freedom, so does Mahavira -- hence their
ultimate truth is freedom; not god, not bliss, not love, but moksha. Moksha exactly means what Franco means: absolute freedom, infinite freedom with no conditions attached to it. But people have entered from the door of bliss too.
Jesus enters from the door of bliss. Hence he says again and again to his disciples, "Rejoice, rejoice! I say again and again to you, rejoice!"
The Upanishadic mystics in India entered from the door of bliss. Hence their ultimate god, the ultimate idea of god is satchidanand: truth, consciousness, bliss. Bliss is the ultimate. Even truth is lower, even consciousness is lower. That is their trinity: truth, consciousness, bliss -- but bliss is the very pinnacle.
The door that you enter through becomes your experience of the ultimate and, of course, your expression of the ultimate too. Hence there are so many expressions, different expressions, but they are all aspects of the same phenomenon of the same reality. Once this is understood then the message of Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra is only verbally different, conceptually different -- not in reality. Their words are different because they have entered from different doors. Their language is different but not the content. Their containers are different but not the content. It is the same message, the same truth, the same freedom, the same bliss.
The real seeker of truth cannot be a Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan or a Buddhist for the simple reason that there are not two truths. You cannot make a cult out of truth, you cannot make a creed out of truth. All dogmas are anti-truth and all churches are anti-truth. The real seeker becomes free of all creeds, churches, theologies. He drops that whole rubbish, he simply moves into his own innermost being -- in silence, prayerfully, singing and dancing. And the goal is not far away, it is very close-by. We are carrying it within our own selves.
(To Lorenzo) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Lorenzo.
Dhyan means meditation. Lorenzo symbolizes two things; One is victory, another is immortality -- and both are attained through victory.
Meditation does not mean concentration -- remember. Millions of people
Live under the wrong impression
That meditation means concentration. And if one starts
With a wrong concept from the very beginning Then the whole journey goes wrong.
The first step is the most important step It is almost half the journey.
If the first step is right
The second follows it automatically. And the first step is
To understand precisely and exactly What meditation is all about.
It is not concentration. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Concentration is something of the mind And meditation is going beyond the mind. Concentration is needed in scientific work; You have to focus your mind
On one thing exclusively.
You cannot include many things otherwise Those many things will become distractions. You have to exclude everything out
You have to bracket everything out
You have to focus as closely as possible On one point.
They define science as Knowing about less and less. If that is true
Then ultimate science will be defined as Knowing everything about nothing.
Meditation means
Not excluding anything out of your vision Not bracketing out anything
But including everything. It is inclusive It is not afraid of distraction.
The whistle of the railway train, a dog barking The horn of a car, the traffic noise
The birds , the people, the children playing Somebody shouting, somebody singing -- Everything is included in it;
You are simply a witness of it all
Not concentrating on anything in particular Just a diffused awareness
Just being watchful, whatsoever is happening. All doors and all windows are open
And you are available to everything.
In concentration distraction is bound to happen But in meditation
There is no possibility of distraction Because meditation is vast enough To include destructions also.
That's the beauty of meditation:
You cannot disturb a meditator -- impossible. That is impossible
From the very definition of meditation. If he is disturbed, that simply means He was concentrating, not meditating;
He has not yet understood what meditation is. If you concentrate then naturally, anything else 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Trying to get your attention is a destruction; You cannot think of two things simultaneously So when you think of the other
You miss the first,
For the moment you are no more there. But meditation is not thinking at all
Hence everything is included, simultaneously, And existence is simultaneous, remember; Thinking is linear.
If somebody asks you, 'What happened today In darshan, when you were taking initiation? How many people were there?'
The description will be linear, A B C D, that way
But they are all present here, simultaneously. In description
They will not be present simultaneously.
A will be followed by B
B will be followed by C
C will be followed by D;
Thinking is linear, one-dimensional, And reality is multi-dimensional, Reality is simultaneous
It is all happening, all together.
A meditator allows this simultaneousness And becomes simply watchful, serene, silent Alert, but not focussing at all.
Just the other day I was reading a joke.
Two girls from a village came to a big town. The first thing they wanted to
Was to be photographed
So they went to the photographer -- That was their first experience of life
Of being photographed. The photographer Threw his black cloth over his head Looked inside his camera...
One girl asked the other, 'What is he doing?' The other said, 'He is going to focus?'
So the first said, 'Both of us?'
First he should photograph and then
He can do whatsoever he wants... But not right now!
Meditation is not focussing.
It is just awareness, just watchfulness
And out of it these both things are possible: You will become victorious over yourself 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
And you will come to know that you are immortal. Not that you have to believe in immortality --
No belief is needed; it becomes your experience. As you go deeper into awareness
You become aware of both the things:
A deep inner victory, a sense of victoriousness That you have conquered the inner world That you have come home, that there is Nothing more beautiful than this
Nothing higher than this
Nothing more precious that this --
What Jesus calls the kingdom of god, You have conquered it.
Knowing it is conquering it
And at the same moment suddenly you become aware That you were never born and you will never die.
You belong to eternity, not to time. Meditation takes you beyond the mind -- Time belongs to mind.
Once you are beyond mind, time disappears, You become part of eternity.
-- How long you will be here?
-- I don't know.
-- Be here as long as possible.
-- I didn't get what Lorenzo means -- I was too much in...
-- What Lorenzo means?
-- Victory...
-- Huh?
-- Victory.
-- Ah, victory!!
-- And immortality...
-- And?
-- Immortality.
-- Oh, okay!
No Man is an Island
Chapter #30
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