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Chapter title: None
28 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005285 ShortTitle: ISLAND28 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Torsten) -- This is your name. Swami Anando Torsten. Anand means bliss. Torsten means god's jewel.
Bliss is the most precious phenomenon. There is nothing higher to it
Nothing deeper to it.
To attain bliss is the goal of life, To miss it is to miss all.
And very few people have attained it While it is everybody's birthright
It is our very nature:
We are destined to attain it.
We lose it by our own great effort We make all kinds of hindrances We obstruct, we create walls
We create prisons around our being,
And then we live in darkness and misery. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
My work here consists in destroying All the walls of your prison
All the walls that surround you, gross and subtle Of concepts, ideologies, religions, philosophies, To make you totally free
From all that mind has given to you.
To be free from mind is the beginning of bliss To be totally free from mind is its attainment.
This is your name: Swami Anand Ennio. Anand means bliss. Ennio means the number nine.
The number nine represents the highest number; After that there is repetition.
Nine means the climax. Bliss is the climax. And people live in misery.
Misery can be represented by a zero, emptiness. But not the emptiness of a Buddha
Because Buddha's emptiness is very full, It is not empty at all.
It is simply empty of the ego But is full of egolessness.
It is empty of misery but full of bliss.
It is empty of noise, but
full of silence and the music of silence.
I am talking about the ordinary emptiness; Everybody feels it, that's why people don't go in.
Masters from immemorial times have been telling people: go within,
know thyself, the kingdom of god is within you. People listen and yet, they don't listen at all Because their own experience is
Of a totally negative emptiness; they don't see any kingdom within they don't see any light
they see only death and darkness. When I am saying zero
I am referring to the ordinary man's experience Of an empty, meaningless life.
But zero is also a very mysterious figure:
It can also represent the Buddha, the Christ. It can also represent the ultimate but then
It has a totally different meaning 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
And a different context; then it means fullness Totality, wholeness, perfection.
But ordinarily we live at the negative zero. And you have to reach
To the ninth plane of existence,
you have to go beyond your misery. People go on living in misery
For the simple reason that they think it is created by others; it is not so.
You are the creator.
Once this is understood, misery can be dropped. Then it is up to you: you can drop it gradually Or you can drop it in a single blow.
If you drop it gradually, then you go From zero to one, from one to two, slowly slowly, step by step.
If you are courageous enough
you can take a quantum leap, you can jump from the negative zero to ninth plane, directly. There is no need to go gradually
But everybody has to follow his own pace. Hence there are two kinds of people in the world Who are really divided spiritually.
The one category is of those
Who go very cautiously, gradually, slowly. Nothing is wrong about it; they take their time. But there is also the other category:
the people who can take a jump from the known into the unknown
who can risk, who are like gamblers.
And I think gambling will suit you... It suits the Italians!
So don't go gradually. Jews go gradually Because they are business-minded people, they function through calculation.
But Italians are not calculators...
even if they want to be, they cannot calculate -- So why bother: from one to two, two to three, all that mathematics.
Just take a jump, from zero to nine. My sannyas is really for the gamblers. I accept the other kind of people also...
and I slowly persuade them to be gamblers!
-- How long you will be here?
-- I don't know.
-- That's good. Do many groups. And Italians don't go back. And don't be so much afraid!
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
(To Michael) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Jivano. Anand means bliss. Jivano means life.
Misery is death, the only death.
What we know as death is not a reality; You are simply changing a house, From one body to another
Or you are changing your garments From the old to the new.
The so-called death is not really a death But there is a far more real death --
I call that real death misery.
To live in misery is not to live at all. To live in misery
Is simply to move like a corpse,
To drag oneself somehow to one's own grave. And that's how the majority of people live -- No wonder they never come across bliss: Misery becomes their habit
Their very style of existing. To vegetate Becomes synonymous for them with life. Because they breathe, they eat,
They sleep, they reproduce children
So they think they are alive -- that's no life. That can be done in a far better way
By any computer.
A computer can do all these things.
He can drink, he can eat, he can go to sleep He can even write love letters, make love And sooner of later
Computers will produce children And they will be far better children Than we have ever produced because
The computers will go very scientifically at it. And they can do all mind work
That we think makes man special; in fact A computer can do within a single minute The work of one thousand scientists...
And more reliably.
Live begins only when bliss enters your being But for that you have to be vulnerable:
Open to the winds and the rain and the sun, Open to existence. It needs guts to be open
Because it is dangerous, to live is dangerous; To die is very comfortable. In fact there is
No place more comfortable than the grave -- No problems, no anxieties,
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
One simply has gone to sleep forever. People like deathlike life -- Comfortable, convenient, but they miss The whole thrill, the adventure
The zest, the juice. Remember it
That the first and the foremost thing For a man of intelligence
Is to seek and search for bliss. Once you are in contact with bliss
Once you have tasted it, you are reborn. Then real life begins
Then you know what it is all about.
(To Bernd) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Dwariko.
Anand means bliss, Dwariko is the city of god Krishna In Indian mythology it is the city of the gods.
Literally it means the door. The English word 'door' Comes from the same root as dwariko.
God's door -- bliss is god's door. And once you have entered into bliss You live in the city of gods.
You can call it paradise, the garden of Eden -- These are different names of the same thing. The thing that is referred by
So many different names is bliss. Man has lost track
He has lost completely who he is
From where he comes, where he is going. He lives without an identity
But to live without an identity is difficult So he creates false identities:
A name, an address -- and he believes in them that 'This is what I am.' You are not that.
You live on the earth but
You belong to the city of gods You belong to the beyond.
And the beyond is always ready to welcome you But you keep your back towards it and
You go on rushing, running after trivia, Mundane things: money, power, prestige. If you don't get them you are miserable
If you get them then too you are miserable. Whether you fail or succeed
You fail all the same. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The only victorious person is one
Who enters within his being and comes to know 'Who am I' -- he has entered into paradise again, He regains paradise lost.
Meditation is the only way
To enter into your own being; just as mind Is the only way to enter into the world
Meditation is the only way To enter into your own self.
And paradise is not outside you; It is within you.
This is your name: Swami Anand Dharma. Anand means bliss. Dharma means religion.
Bliss is my religion. I don't teach you God, I don't teach you any other ideology, I simply teach you the art of being blissful. Once you are blissful everything else follows on its own accord. You will come to know God, you will come to know truth, you will come to know everything that is worth knowing. But it all happens in the climate of bliss.
So first create that climate. Let the spring of bliss come and then thousands of flowers start blooming.
Then there is peace and silence, and love and compassion. Then there is great sensitivity, creativity, great joy, the experience of bliss, and life becomes a celebration.
(To Lino) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Upasani. Anand means bliss. Upasani means one who is in prayer. Bliss it the only right kind of prayer.
You need not say any prayer
You need not utter a single word; in fact God understands no language,
He understands silence, but silence can be dead Then it cannot communicate with god.
It has to be alive, it has to be dancing
It has to be blissful. Then there is communion. Whenever your heart is full of joy
You are closest, closest to god. The word 'upasani'
Literally means to sit close by. Metaphorically it means prayer
But both meanings have to be understood. Prayer brings you close to god
But to be close to god there is only one way 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
And that is being blissful. Misery creates distance
Disconnects you with existence, isolates you Makes you an island unto yourself -- Closed, alienated, and of course then
There is great anxiety and fear Because you are so alone.
Bliss connects, bliss becomes a bridge:
You are no more an island when you are blissful You become part of
The whole continent of existence You become part of this vastness. And that is to be close to god
To sit close to him. And that is prayer also; Prayer in the truest sense
Not the so-called prayer
That you will come across in the temples And the churches and the mosques; Those prayers are false, pseudo,
Creations of human imagination and desire. Be blissful and you will be prayerful.
And then there is no need to pray In the morning or in the evening
Or five times a day like a Mohammedan does: You are twenty-four hours in prayer
Your very breathing becomes prayerful Your every being is prayerful.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #29
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