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Chapter title: None

27 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005275 ShortTitle: ISLAND27 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Folkert) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Folkert. Dhyan means meditation. Folkert means strong spirit.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Meditation is not for the weaklings; It is not for the cowards

It is not for those who are full of fear, Because it is the ultimate adventure. It is going into the uncharted --

No maps exist, no guidelines either.

The master can only create a thirst in you, A tremendous thirst for truth

But he cannot give you a programme He cannot give you a discipline.

He can give you an insight, a longing, a love But then you have to go all alone

Because it is an inner journey --

Nobody can accompany you. That's why Many people become interested in meditation

But very few people ever do ANYthing about it. Their interest remains

Only an intellectual curiosity,

It never becomes an experiment. Or even if sometimes people try

They try with half-hearted efforts, lukewarm And meditation needs your total commitment. Unless you are boiling at hundred degrees You will not evaporate.

And meditation is a kind of evaporation into god: You disappear and only god remains.

Remember: the meditator never meets god. If the meditator is, god is not

If god is, the meditator is no more, Hence a really strong spirit

A really brave man is needed --

A man who is ready to die in the search Because it is only out of that death That a new life is born.

It is only through crucifixion That resurrection happens.

Meditation is like a cross:

You have to carry it on your shoulders.

(To Johannes) -- Your name is one of the most beautiful names, hence I will not change it in any way; it's perfect as it is: Swami Johannes. Johannes means the beloved disciple.

One can be a disciple only if one drops all knowledge. Disciplehood means that you accept the fact that you know nothing. It begins in a state of not-knowing. If you know then you cannot be a disciple. Then your knowledge will be a constant disturbance and whatsoever you know is nothing but rubbish; it is all borrowed -

- from traditions, from conventions, from the society, from the scriptures -- it is all conditioning and a disciple needs as a first step to be totally unconditioned. He has to drop his whole mind, he has to 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


behead himself. Unless that much readiness is there one can only be a student, not a disciple, and that is the difference between these two words. The difference is immense.

A student is only intellectually interested, he wants to know more. The disciple is not intellectually interested, he's existentially interested; he is not after accumulating more information and knowledge. He wants to be more; not to know more, but to be more. Knowledge is something of the mind and being is a totally different phenomenon. One can know all the scriptures of the world and yet may remain ignorant --

that's how scholars are: they are just donkeys carrying a big burden of scriptures. That burden has not transformed them, that burden has really hindered, hampered their progress. It is like with rocks hanging around your neck. You are trying to swim: You are creating unnecessary hurdles for yourself.

Socrates is right when he says, 'I know only one thing, that I know nothing.' That is the state of a disciple and in that state great things happen: Ego disappears, it can't exist -- How it can exist? There is no claim left. One becomes utterly empty and in that emptiness god comes to you; you become a host, he becomes a guest.

To be a true disciple

Is one of the greatest experiences of life,

The greatest experience.

There is nothing greater than that But it requires courage;

Courage to be egoless, courage To discriminate exactly

What you know and what you don't know. And if you really look into yourself

You will be surprised:

You know only about trivia

You know nothing about anything essential. God, soul, love bliss, truth, freedom --

You know nothing about them

And those are the essential things of life. Become a beloved disciple.

And when I say become a beloved disciple I don't mean be my disciple.

My sannyasins are my friends...

You have to be a disciple of existence You have to be a disciple to the sun To the moon, to the stars, to the trees

To all this beautiful existence that surrounds you You have to be a disciple to god himself.

The true master only helps you To discover your hidden secrets. And this is the key: Function Out of a state of not-knowing And you will become wise; Function out of knowledge

And you will remain stupid.

All scholars are stupid, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Universities are full of them.

Universities are factories to create stupidity. My work is just the opposite: Here we try To bring your intelligence back to you Which has been crushed , destroyed Covered, in thousands of ways.

(To Stella) -- This is your name: Ma Prem Stella. Prem means love. Stella means a shining star.

Love is the most shining star In the inner sky of your being.

The outer stars are nothing compared to it. Once it happened

A Sufi mystic woman, Rabiya el Adawiya Was sitting in her room

Meditating with closed eyes.

A friend, another mystic, Hasan

Was staying with her.

He went out -- it was a beautiful morning... The sunrise was so beautiful, so colorful The birds were singing

And the flowers were opening And the air was fragrant.

He called to Rabiya,

'Rabiya, what are you doing there Sitting in your room with closed eyes?

Come out -- god has created a beautiful morning! Come and see his beautiful creation.'

Rabiya laughed and said,

'Hasan, I know. When you are saying You must be true

But I am seeing inside god himself! So rather calling me outside

Why don't you come in?!' Hasan felt ashamed.

He came in, fell in the feet of Rabiya and said, 'Forgive me. I have never known the inner.

I have wasted my whole life seeing the outer.'


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The outer is beautiful

But nothing compared to the inner. And in the inner world

Love is the most shining star, the sun! It is the very soul of your inner world The very source -- go in and find it!

And when you have found it Share it, celebrate it!

That's my whole message

In a single word, love is my message Because love it god!

(To Franz) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Prasad. Deva means divine. Prasad means a gift.

Life is a gift from god. We have not earned it,

In fact we don't deserve it even.

But we are so ungrateful creatures that

Not even a simple thank you arises in us. We are not grateful that we are alive

We are not grateful that we have given This opportunity to grow, to see,

To love, to laugh, to enjoy

The music of existence, the beauty of the world. We are not at all grateful; on the contrary

We are continuously complaining. If you listen to peoples' prayer You will be surprised:

All their prayers are not out of thankfulness, They are asking for something more

They are saying, 'This is not enough,'

And in fact, it is never going to be enough Because the poor person is asking

The rich person is asking, the beggar is asking The emperor is asking -- everybody is asking! Once it happened, a great mystic, Farid

Was asked by the villagers that,

'Akbar -- one of the greatest emperors of India Respects you so much... Why don't you say to him


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


At least he can open a school for the village! If you say he will do it immediately.'

Farid said, 'Okay, so I will go. I have never gone to him,

He has always been coming to me But when I have to ask something It is better I should go.'

So he went, it was early morning...

He entered the palace, everybody knew him, Respectfully they took him

Into the king's chambers.

He entered, the king was praying So he stood behind and listened What he was saying.

The greatest emperor of India,

The man who ruled over the biggest empire ever Was praying for more; he was asking god,

'Give me more money, more power, more prestige More land, more victory.'

Farid turned back.

As Akbar finished his prayers he turned back And saw Farid going out of the room.

He said, 'How you came and why you are leaving?' He said, 'I have come to ask something from you But I saw that you yourself are a beggar.

So what is the point of asking a beggar? I don't want to reduce your riches.

I have come to ask for a small school

To be opened in the village, but no more -- I won't ask. And moreover,

If you are asking god, we can ask him directly; Why have a mediator?'

Akbar tried, persuaded him in every possible way. He said, 'No, I won't allow you

To open the school in my village. I was mistaken, I used to think

You are an emperor -- you are not!' But this is the situation:

Everybody is asking for more.

That simple means 'Whatsoever you have given Is not enough -- I deserve more,


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


You have not been fair to me!' I call this irreligiousness, Hence to me all the prayers That go on in the temples

And the mosques and the churches are irreligious. The true prayer is only of thankfulness,

Just a simple thank you is enough.

Learn how to say thank you to existence: For all that it has already done to us, for us And it's continuously doing

And you will come closer and closer to god. The only bridge towards god is deep gratitude.

(To David) -- This is your name: Swami Prem Dhyan. Prem means love. Dhyan means meditation.

Let love be your meditation, love more and more And love for no reason at all.

Love for the sheer joy of loving. Love people, love animals, Love trees, rocks, rivers --

It is not the question what is

Your object of love -- any object will do. The real question is

That you are continuously loving That you are showering your love. This is the miracle of love

That the more you give, the more you get. It is a very different kind of economics.

The ordinary economics is:

If you give you will have less. The ordinary economics Teaches you to be a miser, hoard Snatch, take away from people; Give less and get more.

That's the whole art of business But there is a higher economics --

Call it religion, spirituality

Or whatsoever you like, in which The law is completely reversed:

Give and you will have more, don't give And you will even lose that which you have. And what I am saying


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Is not a question of believing -- experiment And you will be surprised:

If you go on giving your love

You will find more and more love arising in you Which was never there before.

You will see so many new sources opening up, New dimensions becoming alive that

You are in for a surprise, for a big surprise! And then; you know the secret

That we are connected

With the farther away ocean of god's love.

If we give it

That ocean goes on filling us Again and again and again.

If we don't give, whatsoever we have Becomes poisoned, becomes stale, dead. Love alive is the greatest joy

And love dead, is the greatest burden.

(To Carlos) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Divyo. Anand means bliss. Divyo means divine.

Bliss is the most divine quality And misery the most undivine.

But for thousands of years sadness has been Praised by the so-called religious people.

If you look at their saints

The look so serious, so sad, so sombre They have such long faces

That sometimes I wonder:

God may have escaped and hidden somewhere (?) with himself(?) Just because of these saints.

And one thing is certain:

These saints cannot be allowed in paradise;

They will make a hell out of it. For centuries religion has lived With a totally wrong attitude And approach towards life.

The approach has been negative. I affirm life, I am life-affirmative. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


That's my conflict with the tradition:

The tradition is life-negative, all traditions: Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan, Jaina, Buddhist,

All traditions are life-negative

They deny life, they teach you to renounce life. I reach you how to live it totally

How to love it, because to me God can be found in only one way And that is through life

Not by escaping from it.

Celebrate life and then you will be blissful.

If you escape from life

You will be sad and you will be miserable. The so-called religions have done two things: One, few fools have tried to practice them And they have turned into zombies,

They are corpses.

They walk and they breathe, of course But their whole life is mechanical.

And the remaining majority Although it has not become so sad But its bliss has been poisoned.

Whenever you are feeling happy Something inside you says,

'You are doing something wrong.' This is the impact,

The poisoning impact of thousand of years Of life-negative teachings.

One feels a certain unease when one is blissful -- This is strange.

If you are miserable everything is okay, You never feel guilty.

I have never come across a person Who feels guilty because of misery.

But if you are feeling happy you feel guilty. I happens every day, almost every day:

People go on writing to me letters that

'Since we have come here we are feeling so happy But a certain guilt is there -- why is this guilt?' You are feeling guilty

Because you have been told Not to be happy, not to rejoice

Not to love, not to laugh, not to live! Death has been worshipped

And life has been condemned. My approach is totally opposite:

Worship life because life is god. There is no other god except life. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


(To Herman) -- This is your name: Swami Satyam Anubhav.

Satyam means truth. Anubhav means experience. Truth is not a concept

You cannot think about it.

It is an experience: you have to live it. It is not through philosophy

That you will come to know what truth is; It is only through religion

That you will come to encounter truth. You can read about it

You can ponder about it, you can think about it But remember:

Thinking about truth is not knowing truth Thinking about god is not knowing god Thinking about love is not knowing love. To know love you have to fall in love You have to experience it --

There is no other way except the existential. And to experience truth

You need a radical change of your vision: You have to get down from your head And enter in your heart,

You have to exist as the heart not as the head Because the head can only think. It can think beautiful thoughts

But beautiful thoughts are just

Mere thoughts, empty and impotent. It is through the heart

That you feel, that you experience. My work here consists

In shifting your energy From the head to the heart.

And all kinds of devices and methods Are being used here. And there will be Great resistance in the beginning because

The head has been so powerful for so long; It has been the ruler, the supreme ruler.

It can't lose its grip so easily. And the heart has been repressed But the heart is your real center,

The head is only your circumference.

The head is good as a machine -- it is a computer. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Use it when needed but don't be possessed by it. Be a master of your mind

Never be a slave of your mind. Let the heart be the master And the mind, the slave.

And that's what sannyas is all about. That's my definition of sannyas.

No Man is an Island

Chapter #28



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