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Chapter title: None

26 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005265 ShortTitle: ISLAND26 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Enzo) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Enzo. Deva means divine, Enzo means victory.

All victory is god's, all defeat is ours. Whenever you fail, remember it.

Whenever you succeed, remember it: Failure belongs to you

Success does not belong to you. Failure is a shadow of the ego and

True victory is the disappearance of the ego. Whenever there is no ego

God starts flowing through you,

Then all is golden, then even dust is divine. Then whatsoever you touch

Is transformed into gold. Then life has a magic 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Then your life becomes a miracle; But the secret is simple

Secrets are always simple.

If we can understand this simple secret that Frustration, failure

Is because we are keeping ourselves Separate from god;

We cannot succeed against the whole. We can be victorious with the whole. But never against the whole.

But to be with the whole

You need to sacrifice one thing And that is the ego.

And sannyas can be condensed into a single word: 'Surrender' -- surrender of the ego,

Then all victory is available,

Then there is no frustration, no failure possible. Then for the first time you start tasting

The glory of life, the eternal majesty of life, And all the mysteries

Open up their doors for you.

Don't be an ego -- and then nothing is impossible. Be an ego and everything is impossible.

(To Ilse) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Ilse.

Dhyan means meditation. Ilse means one who worships god. Meditation is the only way to worship god,

And I repeat emphatically that

It is the only way; all else is pseudo. What goes on in the name of religion Is simply false

But the false has an appeal because it is cheap

You have nothing to do -- it is formal: You become A Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan...

And to be a Christian what is needed?

Just you have to go every Sunday to the church, It is a Sunday-religion.

It does not affect your life, It does not change you:

Deep down you remain the same.

Deep down, the Hindu, the Mohammedan The Christian, the Jew, are all the same:

Boiling with the same anger, violence Rage, greed, lust but

Their surfaces are painted in different ways 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


But it is only a painted face.

Real, authentic transformation happens only When you start going deep into your own being -- That's what meditation is.

One need not go to the church

Or to the temple or to the mosque

But one certainly needs to go within oneself.

There is the real temple

Where god resides, where god is still alive. In the temples, in the churches

He has been dead long -- only corpses are there But people go on worshipping the corpses:

It is easier, convenient,

It does not require any transformation in you. Meditation means a death and a resurrection. (Can't get this part) crucifixion.

It means dying as an ego

And being born as an egoless entity. That is the only true way to worship god

Because that is the only way to know god.

(To Lalou) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Lalou. Anand means bliss. Lalou means god's gracious gift;

That is half part of the meanings. And the other half Means victorious spirit -- it is made of two words.

So your full name will mean: Bliss is a victorious spirit Given as a gift from god to you.

Bliss is not an achievement, it is a gift. One can prepare oneself to receive it

But one cannot prepare oneself to achieve it.

And remember the difference Between achievement and receiving:

Achievement is masculine, receiving is feminine. A sannyasin has to be feminine,

He is not a soldier.

He has to be open to existence, vulnerable. The whole art of sannyas is

To be more and more receptive To all that surrounds you.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The soldier is aggressive

The soldier is just the opposite pole of sannyas. The soldier is ambitious; he fights, struggles.

The sannyasin waits, prays, loves, hopes But simply waits -- his patience is infinite. And when the receptivity is total

When there is no trace of aggression left in you The gift arrives on its own accord,

It descends form the above and transforms you!

(To Andre) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Sandesh. Anand means bliss. Sandesh means message.

My sannyas is a message of bliss. It is not the old idea of monkhood. The traditional idea

Of all the religions about the monk Was that of anti-life.

My sannyas is life-affirmative; it loves life, It rejoices in life, it celebrates life,

Because to me life and god are synonymous; They are two names of the same phenomenon. And in fact, life is far more beautiful

Than the word 'god' because the word 'god' Has been used by the priests

In such ugly ways down the centuries -- They have contaminated it

They have destroyed its beauty They have corrupted it.

Life -- they have never used the word That because they have been anti-life.

So fortunately that word has remained Unpolluted, uncontaminated by the priests Unpoisoned by the priests. And life is god! And the beauty is that if you believe in life You need not be a Hindu

Or a Mohammedan or a Christian. If you rejoice life

There is no need of any ideology.

You need not even be a believer of god, a theist You can even be an atheist

And still rejoice in life.

Buddha was an atheist; he never believed in god And I think he did perfectly well


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


That he never believed in god

Because he came to see that how the word 'god' Has been exploited by the priests;

He simply dropped the word, he never used it.

My whole vision is that

Of a dancing, singing, loving, laughing humanity. I would like to fill the whole earth

With laughter, with music, With poetry, with paintings,

With creativity, with more sensitivity.

And the more a person is sensitive, creative The more he is close to the creator, obviously. So rejoice in life -- remember

That is my message to you!

(To Bernhard) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Sadhu. Anand means bliss. Sadhu means one who is very simple. An embodiment of simplicity.

Be blissful and be simple.

A complex person is bound to be cunning Because he has so many personalities.

He is a crowd -- how he can be simple? And he has to manage

The whole madhouse within himself -- He cannot be simple, and of course, He cannot be blissful either because

Those so many faces, so many personalities, Those so many small selves

Are constantly at each other's neck. There is constant war inside, People are living in a civil war Fighting within themselves --

One hand fighting with another hand One leg fighting with another leg One part fighting with another part.

Hence the mess in which humanity lives, Hence the misery.

Bliss and simplicity

Are like two sides of the same coin. Bliss means you are one

There is no crowd, you don't have many faces, You have simply your original face.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


You don't pretend to be anything else

You are simply whatsoever you are. You live in total acceptance of it

In the very suchness of it.

You have no desire to be somebody else. Complexity arises

With the desire of being somebody else. Complexity arises with the ideas:

You are this and you would like to be that You are A and you would like to be B;

Now you will be in trouble -- you can never be B. You are A and you are going to remain A.

Now there are only two possible ways of being A: One is, being in constant conflict with it

And suffering, miserable;

Another is, in total acceptance of it. Bliss is the by-product

Of that deep acceptance of whatever you are. That is simplicity.

A simple person is one

Who has no hankering to be anybody else Who simply rejoices whatsoever he is.

He never compares himself with anybody. He knows everybody is different

Hence there is no point in comparison. He never puts himself above others

Or below others.

He knows, 'I am myself, they are themselves.' There is no question

Of inferiority or superiority;

Nobody is inferior and nobody in superior. Then great simplicity arises in you

And with that simplicity Comes the fragrance of bliss!

(To Alfons) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Dhyano. Anand means bliss. Dhyano means meditation.

Being blissful is being meditative And vice versa:

Being meditative is being blissful. One can start from anywhere:

Either by being blissful

One can enter into meditation

Or by being meditative one can enter into bliss.

Two doors 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Leading to the same temple, to the same shrine. My suggestion for you is:

Enter from the door of bliss

And let meditation happen through it. My experience and observation is that Younger people can easily enter

From the door of bliss and reach meditation. Older people can easily enter

Through the door of meditation

And reach blissfulness -- it depends on the age. Before thirty-five it is easier to be cheerful

Far more easier! In fact it is very difficult To be sad and serious.

As you grow in age, as life becomes More and more a burden on you,

It starts destroying many things in you:

It destroys your qualities to wonder, It destroys your qualities to laugh,

It destroys your qualities to enjoy small things of life. As you grow older

You become so knowledgeable, so egoistic That you lose all innocence.

And with your innocence gone Bliss becomes impossible, Cheerfulness becomes impossible.

Older people have to make an effort to laugh; Children are giggling constantly --

For no reason at all, or any excuse will do. You start being cheerful -- dance, sing...

And this place is a place

Of dancers and singers and musicians... This place is not a serious place.

Don't at all think

That you have entered in a monastery --

It is not a monastery, it is just its opposite:

It may be a carnival but it is not a monastery! And I love carnivals more than monasteries.

Monasteries are for dead people

And one can be serious when one is dead;

In your grave you can remain serious forever. A disciple of Confucius asked him,

'Master, how to be serious?'

And Confucius scolded him; he said, 'You can be serious when you are dead, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


In your grave.'

It does not seem to be accidental

That graveness also means seriousness. Nobody has ever seen a dead person laughing And nobody

Who has become incapable of laughing is alive. Confucius said,

'You can be serious when you are dead

But right now there is no need to be serious. Birds are not serious, trees are not serious

Stars are not serious, so why should you be?' And I perfectly agree with him.

So be here in a very non-serious way. Enjoy the fun of it.

How long you will be here?

-- Half a year.

-- That's good! We will destroy your seriousness. You have something serious inside you --

maybe carrying something from your past lives...

But we will destroy it! Just, this seriousness can't be from this life -- that much is certain. It must be a hangover! Good. Do many groups!

No Man is an Island

Chapter #27



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