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Chapter title: None
25 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005255 ShortTitle: ISLAND25 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Moni) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Moni. Anand means bliss. Moni means aloneness.
Bliss is possible in two ways:
Either it can happen in a relationship, in love, Or it can happen in total aloneness.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The bliss that happens in love Is bound to be momentary;
It will come and it will go
Because it will depend on each other It creates a subtle kind of bondage.
And any bliss that depends On something on the outside Is always unreliable:
One day it may be there, next day it may be gone. One cannot make it permanent
Although people try their best.
Their very effort makes it even more impossible Because whatsoever they do
Destroys it sooner
Than it would have happened on its own. People become clingers
And the more you cling to the other, The other becomes afraid
The other wants to escape because
There is a tremendous inner need to be free. The desire for freedom
Is higher than any other desire Is deeper than any other desire.
So one can even sacrifice love But one cannot sacrifice freedom; It is not in the nature of things, Nothing can be done about it.
Hence the real bliss can happen Only in your aloneness.
Aloneness is an art, the whole art of meditation. To be utterly centered into one's own being Without any desire for the other
No hankering for the other,
To be in such a deep rest with oneself That nothing else is needed,
One is enough unto oneself -- that is aloneness. It brings the eternal bliss.
Once you have it
You can enjoy your love also because then You need not depend on the bliss
That comes through love -- you already have it. Then love has a totally different dimension
A different flavor, a different quality to it. It is sharing, it does not create bondage.
Hence meditation is first and love is second. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Those who try love first
Are bound to fail, are doomed to fail;
They will go deeper and deeper into misery. All lovers end into misery
And it is nothing to do with them. It is just the nature of things.
You cannot change the nature of things. But if first you are rooted in your being And then you move into relationship
It is a totally different phenomenon: Now you can share, you can love And you can enjoy this love too.
Even though if it is momentary, You can dance, you can sing And when it is gone, it is gone -- You don't look back.
You are capable of creating another love So there is no need to cling.
You don't carry any grudge You don't have any complaint; You are thankful to the lover You are thankful to the love That is no more there because It has enriched you,
It has given you some glimpses of life It has made you more mature.
But it is possible only if you have
A certain grounding in your being, otherwise If love is all that you have
And no meditative grounding
Then you will suffer, then each love affair Will become a nightmare -- sooner or later. And one hopes that it will be later
But it is never later, it is sooner! You have a very beautiful name.… Learn the art of how to be alone And blissfully alone --
That's what sannyas is all about.… And then everything is possible.
This is your name: Swami Dhyan Herman.
Dhyan means meditation. Herman means a man of diligence.
Meditation needs total effort. One cannot achieve meditation halfheartedly. You have to go into it without holding anything back, and you have to go into it without any hurry. You have to go into it with immense patience. And much effort will be needed because we have gathered such a mind in so many lives that it surrounds our being like many layers of rocks. All those rocks have to be broken, chipped away. It is 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
hard work, but it pays tremendously.
So those who think that meditation will happen just by sitting for ten minutes, fifteen minutes in the morning, fifteen minutes in the evening... and you will know what transcendental meditation is - are simply fools. All that you can learn from those fifteen minutes is a certain technique of falling asleep. Nothing is wrong with falling asleep. If you enjoy it, it is perfectly good, but don't mistake it for meditation.
All kinds of chanting, all kinds of mantras are nothing but lullabies; they create a deep, auto-hypnotic state. Repeating a certain word constantly - you fall into a certain state of trance which is not meditation.
Meditation means awareness. Meditation is not a trance. It is not auto-hypnosis; it is just the opposite of it.
It means silence, but fully alert. It means a state of no-mind. There is no chanting, no chanter. The whole mind has been dropped. It is possible, but it has happened to just a few people in the whole history of humanity. Only to very few
people, because very few people were diligent enough, very few people were ready to pay for it.
It needs a total commitment, it is a life-long work. So one has to be very patient, and one has to learn not to bother about the results; otherwise every day thinking about the result, that, "It has not happened yet..., it has not happened yet...," is an unnecessary disturbance and a distraction.
Krishna says to his disciple Arjuna: "Don't think of the result - just do it! Don't bother about the result.
The result will take its own course, it will come in its own time. Trust existence and go on doing your work, and whenever the time is ripe and you are ready, the gift arrives and the transformation happens."
And you are transformed into another world, a new being is born; you are no more part of time - you become part of eternity!
(To Tim) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Dhyana. Anand means bliss. Dhyana means meditation.
One can start meditation in a wrong way. And if the first step is wrong
Then every thing will go wrong.
One can start meditation in a state of misery Out of despair -- that is the wrong step.
Then you are simply trying
To avoid and escape from the misery. Meditation is only
A beautiful name for that escape. It is not true meditation.
True meditation begins in a state of bliss. So the first thing to learn is
To be cheerful, to be rejoicing Into small things of life!
The people, the trees, the sun, the moon The stars, the flowers, the butterflies, mm? Small things of life ...
Just a walk on the beach
Just the chirping of the birds in the morning Just he taste of the salty air on the beach --
One should learn to enjoy all these small things One should become more and more sensitive, Alert of all that surrounds you.
And one should rejoice
One should not be sad and serious. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Religions ordinarily make people serious and sad. I teach you just the opposite: Rejoice
Don't be sad and serious -- Those are pathological states.
And if you are in a pathological state Whatsoever you do will go wrong.
You are in a wrong state, you are in a confusion: Out of confusion anything done
Will create more confusion. So the first thing is
To get in tune with existence. Don't bother about god
And afterlife and the soul; Don't be bothered by
Great metaphysics and esoteric truths.
Don't be concerned at all about all that rubbish. Just enjoy moment to moment
That which is available::
A distant call of the cuckoo -- Let it sink deep in you.
Just a cup of tea -- the flavor of it, The taste of it -- enjoy it!
And by enjoying these small things
You create a right state of mind and from there You can take the jump into meditation.
That state has to be used as a jumping board. And when meditation starts --
Not as an escape but as an enquiry for deeper joys Because you have tasted something of the joyous In the ordinary way ...
Now you would like to lean
Some extraordinary ways to enjoy life.
You would like to know some other perspectives From where you can look to life
And see its beauty.
You would like to become more and more enriched. Meditation gives you
The deepest vision of the reality. The ordinary simply disappears
And everything becomes extraordinary. But first you have to enjoy the ordinary. If you don't enjoy the ordinary
Then there is nothing else.
The extraordinary is hidden in the ordinary
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The sacred is hidden in the profane.
And this is where religions have gone wrong: Their sacred is against the ordinary,
My sacred is in the ordinary
Hence religions have condemned people Who say life is eating, drinking, merrying -- Religions have condemned these people
As materialists -- I don't condemn them. I say that is the right approach
That is a good beginning:
If you can enjoy eating, drinking, merrying, Then sooner or later
You are going to become intrigued
Sooner or later the enquiry is bound to arise In an intelligent person's heart:
Is this more or there is more to it?
Then, when that question has arisen in you,
That there must be more -- because you start Having some glimpses of the more,
And now you start moving towards that more To discover it, to experience it --
Then meditation is very natural And you will never go wrong.
The first step is the most important step In fact the fist step
Is almost half the journey.
So while you are here to learn to enjoy everything And drop all kinds of sadness and seriousness.
Dance, sing, celebrate and slowly slowly Meditate to find out because
There is certainly more but for that more You need a deeper intelligence Meditation is nothing but
It gives depth to your intelligence It gives you clarity, that's all
It cleanses your mirror
And you start reflecting life more clearly.
(To Christopher) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Bhagwat.
Anand means bliss. Bhagwat means divine. Bliss is divine, hence a sannyasin has to learn All possible ways of being blissful.
Don't miss a single opportunity.
Each moment one has to live so deeply That one drinks the whole juice of it, Nothing is left behind.
Squeeze the whole juice 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Out of each moment of your life Whatsoever you are doing.
It is not question of what you are doing.
You may be cleaning the floor, singing a song Shopping wood, carrying water from the well Playing cards with a friend, gossiping Whatsoever, enjoy it to the uttermost! ...
As if this is the last moment.
Who knows? -- the next moment may not come.
Live each moment as if this is the last moment So that you can put your total energy into it.
And then slowly slowly
Life starts becoming wider, intenser, deeper, It starts gaining new dimensions
It starts having new richnesses Which it has never known before.
And when you have fulfilled your whole potential You know what god is.
God is not something there, outside you, God is the realization
The actualization of your total potential When you have come to a flowering You have experienced god.
To flower is to be religious. God is not somebody
It is not something separate from you; It is your own inner fulfillment
Just a name for that fulfillment. And it cannot happen
Just by going into a monastery
Or just by repeating old, rotten cliches Or just by doing formal prayers --
It can't happen that way.
One has to live life, one has to be One's own being, one's own self Not a carbon copy.
It can't happen to a Christian Or a Hindu or a Mohammedan. It can happen only to a person Who has become an individual
Who has no clinging to any ideology
Who is utterly free form all ideological prisons Who is absolutely free, his soul in unburdened. In that unburdening
You will know the taste of sannyas. When you are utterly unburdened 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
You are capable of flying
You lose all weight, you become weightless. And in that weightlessness
Everything that you come across is divine. But begin from being blissful, cheerful -- That is the first lesson,
That is the fist lesson of being divine. Misery is very undivine.
And your so-called saints look so miserable That I cannot even call them saints.
They need electric shocks so that
They can be brought out of their coma; They have gone dead!
But they think they are practicing spirituality. They are only practicing slow suicide.
So I teach a totally new kind of religion Which has never been taught
The way I am teaching it. So you have to be very alert
Because it is very easy to misunderstand me. As if I am just teaching the old truths
In a new language -- that is one misunderstanding.
The other misunderstanding is As if I am teaching something
Which is not religious at all because
It does not correspond to your idea of religion; Both are misunderstandings.
What I m teaching is pure religion But it has never been taught
The way I am teaching it because
It could not have been taught the way
It can be taught now -- Man has become of age! Mm, Jesus was talking to very immature people. He had to speak the language of immature people. Two thousand years is a long time
And it is really a pity to see people Still clinging to those childish parables.
Five thousand years have passed since Krishna And it is really sad to see
People still repeating Krishna Thinking that that's what religion is. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
These people are not contemporaries at all; They should have been born
Five thousand years back. They can't understand me,
Only one who is contemporary can understand me. That's why only very young people
Can have a communion with me. It is not an accident
That thousands of young people
Are gathering around me.
And of course, the more intelligent they are The more they are capable of
Making a contact with me, immediately.
(To Biek) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Gyana. Anand means bliss. Gyana means wisdom.
The only criterion of wisdom is bliss. If your wisdom is not radiating bliss
Then it is mere knowledge, not wisdom.
And knowledge is just the opposite of wisdom.
It is far worse than ignorance. Ignorance is better
Because the ignorance is unpretentious. The ignorant person is unteachable Because he already knows!
He is egoistic, he is full of scriptures
And all kinds of jargon -- it is all gibberish! But he is full of it and he thinks,
'This is knowledge,' so he clings to it. And he is utterly ignorant but Because of this so-called knowledge He is not even aware of his ignorance.
The ignorant person is at least innocent. The ignorant person is at least available; He will say, 'I don't know, so
I am ready to enquire, to go into any discovery.' The knowledgeable person
Is the most difficult person. But there is a criterion to judge
Because sometimes knowledge looks like wisdom: You can repeat Buddha's words
And those words came from a wise man 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
So those words have all the appearance of wisdom; You can repeat them like a parrot.
And you can befool others
And you can befool yourself also That you have become wise.
But the criterion is:
Is it making you blissful or not? Is it helping you to dance, so sing To love, to laugh or not?
If it is not making you blissful Then it is all bullshit!
Drop it as soon as possible and take a good bath! Cleanse yourself of it because
There are people who even worship bullshit -- They call it, they call it holy cow dung!
People are so stupid, they can worship anything.
In India, cow dung is worshipped and India Is the most religious country in the world -- That's what they say ...
And they worship cow dung and they drink ... The urine of the cow because it is holy!
Now these people can't be blissful -- they stink! And one can fall into the trap of these people Because they have a long tradition behind them. So beware of it!
While you are in India be very alert -- It is really dangerous to be here!
One can easily become religious. And my whole effort here is
Not to allow anybody to become religious In that sense.
I teach a rebellious kind of religion A religion that is intelligent
A religion that is rooted in awareness A religion that teaches blissfulness,. I don't teach any superstition --
It is all scientific whatsoever I teach.
You can experiment
You are not expected to believe in it
You are only seduced to experiment with it.
And if your experience shows you that it is so Then of course, it is for you to decide
Whether to go further, deeper into it or not. Wisdom is an experience, knowledge is borrowed, 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
So always remember that.
And the criterion is blissfulness.
Go on checking. Whenever you feel That you are becoming wise, check it: Are you blissful or not?
And immediately you will know that
If it is knowledge, you are not blissful at all. If it is wisdom, you will be full of bliss.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #26
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