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Chapter title: None

24 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005245 ShortTitle: ISLAND24 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

To (Ricardo) -- This is your name: Swami Atit Ricardo. Atit means past. Ricardo means hard, hardness.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Let hardness be your past Discontinue yourself with it. Let softness be your future.

Sannyas has to be a discontinuity: One has to die to the past

So that one can be reborn. Hardness is a quality

Which is very much praised in the world, in fact All that is violent, masculine pays in the world Because we have created such an ugly society.

It is rooted into our animal heritage. Physically we have come far

Away from animals, but psychologically We re still there, in the jungle.

The psychological revolution

Has to yet happen; it has not happened.

Once a man was saying to Bertrand Russell that 'What's your opinion about civilization?' Russell said, 'It is a good idea --

Somebody has to practise it.' It has not yet happened

It is just a good idea, it is utopia. Man lives in a very uncivilized way.

Hence qualities which are warlike are praised Qualities which are flowerlike are condemned. To be soft is thought to be feminine.

It is feminine, but there is nothing wrong in it. In fact it should be praised

Because it is feminine.

We have to create a new world, a new society In which qualities rooted in love are praised, Not rooted in war.

Then softness, openness, vulnerability will become great values.

They are values for a sannyasin.

The sannyasin has to live the future now. He belongs to the future hence

He will have to go through many difficulties Because he will have to live with people Who are clinging to the past --


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


And they are the majority.

A Sannyasin is bound to find himself an outsider, But it is good: all pioneers are outsiders.

So drop all that is hard in you, Become very conscious --

Don't carry anything hard in you And transform all the qualities

Into softness, into tenderness, into love.

(To Hildegard) -- This is a beautiful name hence I will keep it exactly as it is: Ma Hildegard.

It means protected by the mother goddess Hilde. Two things are implied in it.

One is that god is conceived as a mother, Not as father -- which is far more truer. God as a father is not so true; in fact

The very institution of father is arbitrary. It is created by the society

Hence it has gone through many changes. There is every possibility in future

The very institution may disappear; Father may become almost irrelevant. In fact the very idea of father arises Out of private property.

Because man became

Very conscious of possessing property He started possessing the woman;

He won't allow the woman The freedom to move freely

Without being possessed by anybody in particular. And of course, man is in a certain way

Stronger than the woman;

In an animal way he is stronger,

In a muscular way he is stronger, obviously. If you put Buddha and Mohammed Ali Against each other

Mohammed Ali is stronger Buddha is bound to be defeated, He may be even killed.

He is stronger in a totally different dimension. Mohammed Ali may not be

Even aware of that dimension.

The woman is stronger in a different way. She has more loving qualities, more heart, More capacity to be patient

Great capacity to resist

All kinds of misfortunes, immense power 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


To pass through suffering unaffected. Man s very weak in that way.

But muscularly he is powerful. His height is a little bigger

His bones are a little stronger

He can overpower physically any woman Hence he started possessing other properties. And he wanted to be absolutely certain that Only his children

Should be the owner of his property. That was the beginning

Of the institution of fatherhood. Mother is a natural phenomenon Father is artificial.

In animals there is no father, only the mother. In birds, only the mother;

The father is only accidental It is not so intrinsic.

The same is possible once women become More freer economically

More freer psychologically,

The same is going to happen again.

In the future, fatherhood is going to disappear. It can be predicted

And very confidentially predicted That father has outlived.

Because in the past

The male became very important -- He created all the institutions Around the idea of the masculine. Even god became masculine.

The Christian Trinity has no woman in it. All the three are male members.

It is a gay club! And must be utterly boring! At least one woman is needed

To make things a little juicy! Even if one woman was there

There must have been many gossips and Things would have started moving.

Nothing has happened since god created the world. All those three -- god the father

And god the son, and the holy ghost -- They go on sitting. What they are doing? They must be feeling very empty.

Just the entry of a single woman And there will be trouble 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


And there will be problems

And jealousies and fight will start And triangles will be created:

Holy ghost will fall in love and fight! And there will be some story in it.

You cannot write a novel without a woman -- I have never seen, you cannot

That is not possible

But the masculine mind imposes the idea. It is far more truer that god is a woman Because god is a womb.

Out of the womb everything has arisen Out of god's womb the whole creation These millions of forms: Trees

Birds and animals and rivers and mountains And stars, suns and moons, millions of forms. God must have a womb of infinite capacity.

Only a womb can be creative

No man can create a single child. Cannot give birth to a single child. A woman will be needed.

And this is accepted in the story of Jesus' birth: The father is discarded, it can be discarded.

Joseph is not needed

But virgin mother cannot be discarded. Even the male chauvinists

Could not discard the mother because

Then the whole idea would have been so absurd. It is already fifty per cent absurd but then

It would have been hundred per cent absurd. Then Jesus will have to come suddenly

From nowhere, not even out of virgin mother. That story unknowingly accepts one thing that Father is discardable but the mother is not.

So this is one implication of Hildegard That god is mother

And motherly qualities should be developed If one wants to come closer to god.

The second thing to remember is That god is always protecting;

We are not aware -- that is our fault. And because we are not aware

So we are never grateful, otherwise

He is constantly protecting, he is caring 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


He is surrounding us

In every possible way to help us grow,

He is a constant nourishment.

He is our very life. We are not alone. If these two things you can remember They will transform your whole life. Develop womanly qualities.

There is a danger to womanly qualities Very great danger:

First man destroys womanly qualities because He was very much afraid of womanly qualities; They were competitive to his qualities

And they were certainly softer, more beautiful More aesthetic -- he destroys them.

He destroyed woman as much s he could. He paralyzed all his ...

He used all his power to paralyze woman. And now the modern woman

Is committing the same mistake on her own accord. Now she is trying to become like man

She is trying to become a competitor So she is trying to develop hardness The fighting attitude.

The modern woman is trying to be Strong, as strong as man is

But that is going to destroy her totally. Man has already done much harm.

And the remaining will go because

Of this so-called woman's liberation movement. It is suicidal.

Woman certainly needs freedom:

Freedom to be a woman

Not freedom to become a man.

That is not freedom, that is imitation And imitation is not going to help.

The woman need not become A secondary type of man.

She should remain herself

Her own self, her authentic self.

Real woman's liberation has not yet started. I hope that my sannyasins


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Will trigger that process too.

Then the problem will be totally different

It is not a question of becoming another man. The question is how to be uniquely woman. So develop womanly qualities

And they are totally different from man Utterly different, the polar opposite of man. So no woman can really become a woman By imitating a man;

She will be only a carbon copy And carbon copies are ugly.

And the second thing to remember that Never feel alone, god is always with you: In each of your breath,

In each heartbeat god is with you The whole existence supports you So never feel alienated, alone.

Even in moments of despair, anguish, anxiety Remember, that you are well-protected,

That there is no need to become a pessimist.

Never allow your hope to die!

Go on hoping even against hope, against all hope. Go on believing in the dawn

Howsoever the night is dark -- That's the beginning of sannyas.

(To Philip) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Philip. Dhyan means meditation. Philip means strong in spirit.

Meditation is possible only for those who are really strong in spirit. It has nothing to do with physical strength but it certainly has to do something with an unwavering determination. The wavering person cannot go deep in meditation because meditation takes time to grow. It is not like seasonal flowers; it is like a cedar of Lebanon, it takes years, one has to be very patient.

There is a Sufi story. A king was passing on his horse, he had gone for a morning round of the capital, disguised. He saw a very old man, very very old man. He had never seen an ancient man, watering a small plant of a mango tree. He wondered, he stopped. He said, "Old man, you seem to be really a great optimist.

You are so old that I don't think you will survive even a week and what are you doing? -- watering such a small plant of a mango tree? It will take years! You will not be here to taste those fruits."

The old man laughed and he said that, "My father lived a hundred and forty years and I am only a hundred and thirty. And he was planting trees even when he was a hundred and forty. And it is because of him that I have enjoyed beautiful fruits and flowers. So what does it matter whether I am here or not?

Somebody will enjoy! I have enjoyed trees planted by others. Others will enjoy my planted trees. This is the only way to repay, otherwise I will be dying in debt. And who knows? If my father could live to a hundred and forty, I am still very young -- just a hundred and thirty. I may live to see this tree flower."

The king said, "If you live then don't forget me. Bring the first fruits to me. I would like to see. This will be a miracle."

And after ten years the old man knocked on the king's gate with a bucket full of mango fruits. The king had completely forgotten. He asked, "Who are you?" He said, "You have forgotten me" - he reminded him.

"And these are the fruits, the first fruits of the tree. And do you see, I am still alive and I am still planting new trees. Who knows? -- I may still live."

And the king was surprised because the man looked younger than before. He asked, "I am more puzzled even than before. I was puzzled that time but now I am even more puzzled, you look younger!"


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The man said, "One who lives with hope remains always young. I am growing younger every day because a new day, every day surprises me -- I am still alive! What wonder! And that wonder keeps me young, but you have grown very old. I knew that very day that you will grow very old, very soon and you will die very soon. And I tell you that you will die before me. You don't have a strong spirit, you live in pessimism," the old man said.

Meditation needs that kind of strong spirit, then certainly one comes to taste the fruits of the ultimate.

One comes to taste nectar, one comes to know eternity.

So put all your energies with great hope, with great patience and with an unwavering determination to create a meditative energy in you.

(To Arlene) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Anubhuti. Dhyan means meditation. Anubhuti means experience. Meditation is not a thought, it is not philosophy.

It is existential, it is an experience.

It is like love: just by thinking about love You cannot know love.

You may know much about love

But to know about love is not to know love To know love there is only one way:

To fall in love, to experience it -- And that's how it is with meditation:

You can think about it, you can study about it, There are thousands of books on meditation. People have written down the centuries

Great treatises on meditation. You will become a great scholar

About meditation, but that is not knowing it. Knowing means experiencing.

There is no need to go in the scriptures; One needs to go into oneself

One has to fall into one's being.

In love you fall into somebody else being, In meditation you fall into your own being. They are very alike, the fall is the same

Just the direction is different:

Love is other-directed Meditation is self-directed. The process is the same That you fall from the head.

In love you fall from thinking into feeling

In meditation you fall from thinking into being. This is the inner triangle, the inner trinity: Thinking, feeling, being.

People live in thinking;

Very few people come to know what feeling is 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


And even rarer are those people Who come to know what being is.

Sannyas means the great adventure into being It is the greatest adventure there is

Because it releases the greatest ecstasy And it allows you to know

Your ultimate reality, your immortality. It allows you to know

That you are birthless, deathless.

It makes you free from all fear, anxiety It opens the doors of blessings: Millions of blessings

Start showering on you like flowers And they go on showering forever And forever.

No Man is an Island

Chapter #25



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