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Chapter title: None

23 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005235 ShortTitle: ISLAND23 Audio:

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No 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Benita) -- Your name:..She follows?

Ma Dhyan Benita. Dhyan means meditation. Benita Means the blessed one.

Everyone is a blessed being

But it is only through meditation That one recognizes the face

Otherwise the treasure remains hidden

Unknown, unrecognized and we remain beggars. We are born of god

There can be no other higher blessing. We carry eternity in our being, Nothing more can be desired.

We have all the seeds which can become Great lotuses of bliss, benediction

But they will remain seeds unless we provide them The right soil of meditation.

Meditation is the only way for transforming Our unconscious state into a conscious one, The only way to know ourselves.

There has never been any other way And there will never be another Because the problem is the mind

And meditation helps you to transcend the mind It helps you to go beyond it

Suddenly all problems disappear,

All darkness disappears. You are full of light. In that light you recognize who you are.

That very recognisation

Is a declaration of one's blessedness

(To Manfred) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Manfred. Dhyan means meditation. Manfred means man of peace.

Everybody would like to be a man of peace But just by liking

One cannot become a man of peace. People go on shouting for peace

And the same people go on preparing for war. The same people go on talking about peace 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


And the same people

Go on piling up atom bombs, hydrogen bombs; They are not different people.

It is a very strange phenomenon: Man lives in such a contradiction For the simple reason that

It is easy to desire good and beautiful things But to materialize them

Is a totally different thing. To dream is one thing,

To make the dream a reality is another. And everybody can afford dreams And when you are dreaming

You can dream beautiful dreams

But dreams are dreams: when you wake up They have not changed your reality

Even by an iota -- the reality remains the same. And man becomes split: He dreams good things About god, about peace, about love, and he Prepares for war, for destruction, for violence.

Even in the name of peace

He is ready to plunge into a war; in fact

All wars have been fought in the name of peace All countries prepare for war but they all say that 'We are only preparing for war to save peace

We are not preparing for war.'

They all call their war ministries 'Defence ministries'. Then one wonders: Who has the aggressive ministry?

No country has any aggressive ministry, All are defense ministries,

They are all preparing for defense -- Who attacks them?

In fact, even when the war has been fought And millions of people have been killed

It remains an undecided phenomenon; Who started it? So whosoever wins the war Writes the history and he proves

That the defeated one was the cause of it. So all history is rubbish

Because it is written by the victorious.

It is not true, it has nothing to do with truth; It is simply one standpoint, the standpoint Of the one who has become victorious.

If the other party had won

The history would have been totally different. If Adolf Hitler had won the war

Then Churchill and Roosevelt and Stalin, These would have been the war criminals. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Then the history would have been Totally different; then these people Would have been the proved that They were the aggressive people

And Adolf Hitler was the saviour of humankind. But now because he has lost the war

He is a criminal.

The other criminals have become heroes. They are all criminals in fact.

All politicians are criminals

And all politicians talk about peace And they go on deceiving people. A real man of peace

Will have to go through an inner transformation, Only then the dream becomes a reality.

Meditation is the alchemy

Of transforming your aggressive energies Into peaceful energies.

It transforms your violence into love.

They are not different, it is the same energy. And remember always: energy is neutral,

It is neither good nor bad.

Energy used non-meditatively becomes dangerous It is a sword in a small child's hand: Either

He is going to harm himself or somebody else. If no harm happens

That will be simply an accident.

If harm happens that is not an accident at all, That was bound to happen, it was inevitable. We have energies but we are not grown-ups. Hence our energies go berserk.

Meditation is the process of growing up. And never forget the simple fact

But which is always forgotten,

That growing old is not growing up. Growing old is simple.

It has nothing to do with you, It happens on its own.

You go on aging because time goes on passing.

It depends on the clocks and the calendars, It has nothing to do with you.

If it has something to do with you Nobody will ever grow old.

Who would like to become old? Everybody would have been young.

But growing up is a totally different process; 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


It needs a deliberate, conscious effort On your part.

So it happens, a man may be only Twelve-year-old psychologically. Then he is in difficulty

And not only he is in difficulty.

And these are the senior citizens of the world. By the time these fools are becoming senile They attain to great power.

It takes time to attain to power:

To become a president

Or to become a prime minister, it takes time. By the time you are

A prime minister of a country You may be at least sixty

Or more -- seventy, eighty.

Morarji Desai became prime minister of India -- He was eighty-four, whole life's struggle

To become prime minister, a childish idea.

An eighty-four years is just a physiological age Because the childish idea is there.

And these people wield the power

And they create destruction in the world Growing up means: psychologically you become Mature, centered, integrated and all integration All centering, all maturity comes

By becoming more and more watchful of your mind And all its stupidities. Mind is a monkey.

You have to watch it and you have to see

All kinds of foolishnesses that it goes on doing And goes on manipulating you to follow it.

Meditation is simply

The art of watching the mind. Once you start watching

The monkey stops manipulating you.

Once you become more and more watchful Distance is created

Between you and your own mind, You are no more identified.

A moment comes when you are simply consciousness And that very moment mind disappears

Because it has no more any hold over you. That moment is the moment

When for the first time you know what it is To be a man of peace.

Peace starts overflowing you. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


In a thousand ways peace radiates through you. You live peace, you breathe peace,

Whatsoever you do has the grace and the beauty And the touch of godliness in it!

(To Maia) -- This is your name: Ma Deva Maia. Deva means divine. Maia means rebellion.

The ordinary revolution

Is apparently revolutionary -- only apparently. It gives you a false feeling of change

But it never changes anything in fact. Man has seen many revolutions:

The French revolution and the Russian revolution And the Chinese revolution, but all have failed; For the simple reason that

Revolution never takes account of consciousness. It tries to change the structure of the society

Not the consciousness of human beings. Structure is superficial,

It is not the center of life.

So you can change the structure, It is like changing the house: You live in one house,

Thinking that you are a very bad person

You change the house, you go into another house But that is not going to change you,

You will remain the same person. Only the house will be different:

The windows will be in different places And the doors will be in different places

Maybe it is made of marble and very beautiful But what about you? -- you are the same person. You will go on doing

The same stupid things as you were doing before. Revolution changes the houses people live in, Rebellion changes consciousness.

Hence rebellion is divine, it is inner. Revolution is outer, mundane Rebellion is sacred.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Sannyas is a rebellion And that is the only thing

That has ever succeeded,

But very few people have tried it. Still, its impact has been tremendous. Had a little more people tried it

Life would have been totally different. We can count those people on fingers:

A Buddha, a Jesus, a Moses, a Zarathustra, Only few names here and there.

But those few names have transformed humanity. With those few people

Humanity has gone higher and higher. It is a miracle

That just a man like Buddha changes so much Without changing anything on the outside; He simply changes himself

But his change triggers a process

Which still continues; it becomes a chain. He is not a Karl Marx, he is not a Lenin

He is not a Stalin, he is not a Mao Tse Tung, But these people will be forgotten

These people will remain

Just footnotes somewhere in the history

These people will be remembered only as nightmares But Buddha will always be remembered

As a cool breeze which still goes on blowing, A river which still is alive

Which is eternal in a way.

And those who are capable of drinking out of it Can still drink out of it.

My sannyasins have to be great lights, Great rebels, great ecstatic people

Who are not concerned with the outside things But to change themselves and create

A process of change through that.

It is an individual to individual effort, Heart to heart phenomenon but that's

The only thing that is going to change one day The whole face of the earth.

(To Jochen) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Jochen. Anand means bliss. Jochen means appointed by god.

Everyone is appointed by god

But we have forgotten completely our mission

We have forgotten even why we are here 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


We have forgotten the message That has to be delivered.

We have forgotten who has sent us and we have Forgotten to whom the message has to be delivered We have forgotten everything!

We are living in a deep forgetfulness And we call it life.

And people who are so utterly forgetful, Of everything

Think themselves intelligent people.

If you ask the awakened ones they will call This is sheer foolishness.

We have to wake up out of this foolishness, We are here to fulfil a certain purpose.

Everyone is here to sing a song

To dance a dance, to release a certain perfume

But that is possible only

If you become very very conscious, That is possible only

If you become so much alert that

You can see yourself directly, not via others. Right now

Whatsoever you know about yourself is via others: Somebody says you are very nice

And you believe it. Of course,

Everybody wants to believe that one is nice. And somebody says you are very intelligent And you believe it.

There are troublesome people also Who say you are not intelligent, You are stupid, you are a fool; Nobody believes them but

They create a disturbance. That's why we get angry:

Everything was running so smoothly,

Your father, your mother, your uncle, everybody Was saying you are so nice, so beautiful,

Then somebody turns up and says that You are just a fool -- how he annoys you. And he may be right!

There is far more possibility that he is right Because the world is full of fools.

But no mother can think that her son is a fool. She will realize it only but later on when the son Has fallen in the hands of another woman.

Then she will realize that he was a fool Because then she will see that

'I have made so much effort and worked hard ... It took twenty-five years for me

To make him intelligent enough And here comes another woman And within five minutes

She make a fool out of the same man!'

But till that happens, she will believe in you That you are a great hero,


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


That you are somebody special Because through your speciality

She becomes unique: Her son is special. Your father believes that you are great Because though you he is great!

So anybody who disturbs you, annoys you Says anything against your beautiful beliefs Enrages you -- you may not believe him But he creates a contradiction in you,

You become confused.

That's why everybody is in confusion Bound to be because contradictory opinions Are coming from every side

From every nook and corner. One person says on thing

Another person says another thing

And you go on collecting all these things. And it is impossible

To make any sense out of the whole So you are just like a patchwork:

Mm? You drop all that is not good and nice, You drop it into the unconscious.

It remains there and you make

A beautiful image out of public opinion But it is not self-knowledge,

You don't know anything about yourself directly. You know your face through the mirror.

Zen masters say to their disciples, 'Discover your original face.'

It happened once, a great Zen master, Bokoju Told one if his disciples,

'Discover your original face.'

And another day he came with a mirror And he said, 'Yes, sir

I have looked into the mirror -- This is my original face!'

And the master threw him out and said that 'Never come back again

Because this is not a place

For such damned fools as you are.

I accept fools but not damned fools!

How can the mirror show your original face? It can only reflect your mask.

For the original face you have to go inwards 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


You have to discover it

At the very core of your being.

No mirror can help, no scripture can help, All the Buddhas can only indicate the way But no Buddha can go with you there.

I can show you the way

But you will have to follow,

You will have to do it on you own.' Once you know your original face

A great joy arises, great bliss is born. Suddenly you see that you are not accidental

You are appointed by god, that you are carrying Some important message for existence,

That you are needed

That you are fulfilling a certain deep purpose In this great scheme of things

You are fulfilling

Some intrinsic, organic utility That gives great peace, great joy. No Man is an Island

Chapter #24



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