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21 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005215 ShortTitle: ISLAND21 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
(To Nika) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Nika. Anand means bliss. Nika has two meanings. Both Are beautiful and both are interdependent. The First meaning is born on Sunday and the second Meaning is belonging to god.
God created the world in six days.
The seventh day was his day -- he rested.
The seventh day belonged to him
Hence it is called a holy day, it is divine.
And rest has something about it which is divine:
Relaxation is divine.
The hold of, the whole art of meditation is nothing but The art of creating a deep inner rest
A relaxed state of being.
Six days you are involved in the world Thousand and one things have to be done. Seventh day you relax into yourself
You rest into yourself;
It rejuvenates, it again resurrects you. That's why I say both are related: Born on Sunday and belonging to god. Rest is the way to belong to god
And if one knows the art of restfulness One can act and yet be in rest.
The Jewish god
And the Christian and the Mohammedan god Which are by-products of the Jewish god
Is not so clear about it as the Eastern god is.
The Eastern concept of god is not that Sometimes he works and sometimes he rests. The eastern concept of god is:
His work is his rest.
That is a far higher dimension, Then every day is a holy day Then there is no division,
Your action and your meditation Are not two separate things.
Your creativity and your relaxation Are two aspects of the same coin.
And that's how my sannyasins have to be. There is no need to find
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
A separate corner in your life for meditation. Meditation should spread all over your life
Each moment should have the color of meditation. Even while working
You should be at rest, you should remain centered. You should not get disturbed, distracted.
Hence in the East there is no idea of a holy day. Before Christians came to the East
There was no question of a holiday because The Eastern god continuously is creative.
A Sannyasin has to learn the art
Of being active and inactive at the same time. It is a very paradoxical phenomenon
But once you know the knack of it It is the most beautiful thing
That can happen to a man. Then you can be in the world And yet be free of it
Then you can be anywhere, even in hell And still you will be in heaven.
Then one does not care where one is; Wherever one is
One carries one's paradise within oneself.
(To Lieve) -- This is your name: Ma Asti Lieve. Asti means existence. Lieve means a dear one.
Existence loves all.
Existence is not indifferent to us
But is appears indifferent for the simple reason Because we are indifferent.
Existence only reflects.
It is a mirror: It echoes us back. If we shout at it, it shouts at us.
If we sing to it, the song is returned. Whatsoever we do to it
Is returned in a thousandfold way
Because it is returned from all the directions From all the dimensions
From all the planed of existence.
It appears indifferent because we are not loving. Once you start loving all that is --
The river, the mountain, the stars, The people, the animals,
Once you start getting involved into life With deep love, with great intensity 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
With a fire in your heart, Once you become warmed up
The whole existence becomes warm towards you. It always pays in the same coin.
It looks meaningless
Because we don't create meaning. It looks as if it is very dull and drab Because we are dull and drab.
To a Buddha it does not appear like that. Buddha has said,
'The moment I became enlightened
The whole existence became enlightened.' And I can vouch for him. I am a witness: What he says is absolutely true.
That's my experience too:
Whatsoever you are, existence is that for you. Now all over the world
Thinkers are very much worried That existence has no meaning
And the only thing they should be worried is That man has lost the capacity to create meaning. Existence seems to be indifferent
And the only thing is
That we have become indifferent and cold. Meditation will teach you two things: Meditation
As far as you inner world is concerned, And love
As far as the whole existence is concerned. Meditation has to be your center, Awareness, a silent watchfulness
And love has to be your circumference, A warmth, for no reason at all -- Because it is so beautiful to be warm
It is so delightful to be warm. At the center be meditative
At the circumference be loving
And you will see the whole existence change. It is the same existence;
In fact you are changing
But immediately, as you change
The whole existence changes with you.
(To Rita) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Gito.
Anand means bliss; gito means a song -- a song of bliss. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
My definition of a sannyasin is a song of bliss. The old definition of sannyas was escapist.
The old saints used to be very sad Serious, with long faces.
And naturally they had to be sad Because they were torturing themselves They were practicing masochism
In the name of asceticism.
In the name of religion they were really Practicing neurotics.
And their neurosis was of their own creation Hence they were incurable because
If a neurosis happens to you as a disease
You can be cured, but if you practise it And you think it is something holy And something sacred
Then it is impossible to cure you.
And they were respected and worshipped for it So why they should think of being cured of it? Their egos were fulfilled by it,
But they were no saints. The whole idea was stupid
The whole idea was wrong, basically wrong Wrong from the very beginning,
And that idea has persisted up to now. That's why my sannyasins
Have to be condemned all over the world. Christians will condemn them
Hindus will condemn them Mohammedans will condemn them -- Everybody is going to condemn them
Because they all have a certain idea of how A sannyasin, a monk, a saint should be.
And what they call a saint, I call a masochist And what I call a sannyasin, they
think that
My sannyasins are materialists, indulgent. Our values are different
Our perceptions are different. Life has to be rejoiced
Life has to be lived in its totality.
It is not indulgence and if it is indulgence
Then god is very indulgent -- what can you do? He has created this life
And he does not seem to be an ascetic Otherwise why those flowers
And rainbows and butterflies -- for what? 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Just think an ascetic god
Will create so may flowers, so many colors So many trees, so may stars?
Darkness would have been perfectly sacred. In fact, an ascetic god
Would not have created any kind of beauty; He would have made everybody
So ugly and disgusting that
Nobody would have ever thought of love. But he makes people beautiful
He makes people lovely. God is not an ascetic --
That much is absolutely certain. God is a lover, a creator, a poet A singer, a dancer.
God is not a neurotic person
And he is not perfectionist at all, otherwise He would have created the perfect world.
In the very beginning.
There would have been no evolution at all He would have created everybody a saint. Everybody would have been a born-saint There would have been so need
Of any religion, of any growth,
But god creates opportunities to grow. He is not a perfectionist either:
He loves growth, he loves enquiry
He loves people discovering themselves. He is tremendously interested
In people growing on their own accord.
He accepts it that sometimes they will go astray; Otherwise they cannot grow.
And he accepts that they will commit mistakes; Without committing mistakes
Nobody can ever learn.
God is not a saint -- that much is certain. If there is any god
He is going to be something like my sannyasin: Utterly in love with existence and life Otherwise he would not have created.
And you have to learn a new kind of religiousness. A religiousness that can sing, dance, celebrate.
(To Connie) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Sarjana. Dhyan means meditation. Sarjana means creativity.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Meditation is inevitable creative, It cannot be otherwise.
First it creates you and then
It creates thousand and one things around you. And it goes on creating
It goes on finding new ways to be creative New methods to be creative; it never tires It is never bored with creativity.
It is always thrilled with new projects It is always full of new dreams Which have to be materialized.
But the old idea of meditation Was very uncreative, hence I say
It was not meditation, it was a kind of suicide. Real meditation cannot be uncreative.
Creativity is the criterion
Whether the meditation is true or false. If it releases creative energy in you Whatsoever you are doing,
If you start enjoying it more
If you start getting
More and more involved into life, if you start Squeezing each moment its total juice
If you start living moment to moment With such utter abandon
As if there is no other moment left, This is the last moment
So you have to live it totally Otherwise you will never live again -- Then your meditation
Is moving in the right direction.
If it makes you uncreative, escapist
If it creates the idea of renunciation in you -- Renounce life and run away from life Become a dropout and go to the mountains, That means it is not meditation -- Something else masquerading as meditation. It is just a slow kind of suicide
And the old idea of religion Has been very suicidal
That's why you will be surprised:
In the East very few people commit suicide In the West more people commit suicide.
And the Eastern so-called mahatmas and saints Brag about it. They say, 'Look!
Our people are so religious They don't commit suicide,
And Western people are so materialist, that's why 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
They are going mad and they are committing suicide.' But their argument is utterly false.
My own observation is totally different: In the East you need not commit suicide
You can become religious -- that is an alternative. You can go to the Himalayas: There are
Five hundred thousand Hindu monks in India. If these people were in the West,
They would have committed suicide Because there is no alternative.
And this is easier than committing suicide. Committing suicide needs a little courage It needs really guts; it is not for cowards.
Cowards go on lingering,
They take their time, they die slowly But religion provides them
A slow kind of suicide, a gradual kind of suicide. Escape form the world -- that is a suicide.
Live in a cave in the Himalayas -- That is almost living in your grave! What is the difference
Between a grave and a cave?
The only difference is that you are breathing But why bother about breathing?
Why so much trouble?
Just lie down in the grave and be finished. That seems to be far easier
Far more comfortable and convenient, For you and for others too.
Because if you live in a cave then Somebody else has to carry food to the cave,
Some fool is bound to serve you ... And it is unnecessary.
The reason why people
Don't commit suicide in the East is Because here is a religious alternative; In the West the religious alternative
Is no more available; in the past it was there. Christians monasteries were there
And people were not committing suicide Now Christianity has lost its relevance but In the East the grip of religion is still great. My religion is not suicidal.
It is life-affirmative
It is tremendous love for life It is rejoicing in life.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
So meditate
And release all your potential of creativity.
That's my message. No Man is an Island Chapter #22
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