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Chapter title: None
20 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005205 ShortTitle: ISLAND20 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Gunther) -- This is your name: Swami Veet Gunther. Veet means go beyond, transcend. Gunther means war.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
No more war;
Neither on the outside nor on the inside Neither with others nor with oneself.
Instead of war create love,
Love for others and love for yourself.
A soldier lives in the climate of war And a sannyasin
Is just the polar opposite of a soldier:
He lives in the climate of love. And the beauty of love is
That it conquers without conquering
It becomes victorious without any effort It becomes victorious through surrender.
(To Gregory) -- You have a beautiful name -- it exactly Defines sannyas. Gregory means to be watchful, to be
Aware, to be vigilant.
This will be your full name: Swami Anand Gregory. Anand means bliss. Gregory means awareness.
Bliss is a by-product of awareness.
The more aware you are, the more blissful The less aware you are, the more miserable. You can measure your blissfulness
And you can know how much aware you are. If there is no bliss in your life
It means you are fast asleep. Then don't make Any direct effort to become blissful,
Nobody can succeed in that Because bliss is a by-product, You cannot achieve it directly. You have to go via awareness. If you feel you are miserable That simply shows one thing
It is an indication that you are unaware
So become more aware, become more meditative. And as meditation will deepen
Misery will disperse
And the same energy that becomes misery Becomes bliss. All that is needed is
The mechanism of awareness.
It transforms energy, it is a transformer. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
It is a very scientific process:
It refines the energy, it transforms the energy It purifies the energy.
It takes out everything that is not needed And only the essential is left.
And once your energy
Has passed through awareness, bliss explodes. Misery is an indication, so is bliss
They are not goals. Nobody can avoid misery
And nobody can avoid unawareness, One can achieve awareness.
That is the right direction to work.
(To Bernd) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Bernd. Dhyan means meditation. Bernd means brave as a bear. Meditation needs great courage because
It is the journey towards the ultimate, It is no ordinary journey. It is entering
Into the most mysterious, the miraculous Hence it is not for the cowards.
The cowards can only pray, they cannot meditate And their prayer is false because
Unless the prayer is rooted in meditation It can never be real and authentic.
The temples and the churches and the mosques Are full of cowards.
They are praying god to help them
And god has given you everything you need. And he is not going to listen
To all this nonsense
That goes on in the name of prayer.
He has given you intelligence: Now use it! Man has used intelligence
And he has created great science,
And for thousands of years he was praying For the same things
And nothing happened, nothing materialized. Man has dreamt of flying
For thousands of years, as long as you go back Man has been always enchanted
With the idea of flying --
But praying ... it has not worked. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Once we applied intelligence Man has become able to fly. Man has always wanted
To reach to the moon, to the stars
But he was praying. Prayer is impotent Because god has given you the intelligence -- Use it! That's what meditation is:
It is use of intelligence for the inner journey. When you use intelligence for the objective world Science is created,
When you use intelligence
For the inner world, subjective world Religion is created.
Religion is as much scientific as any science, But certainly it needs more courage than science Because with science you are not involved,
You remain just an observer.
But when you enter in your own being
You have to become a participant; it is risky. The religions of prayer are false
Only the religions of meditation are true. And if prayer arises
Out of intelligence, out of meditation Then prayer too is true, but then
It has a totally different flavor. Then it is not asking for something:
On the contrary, it is simply thanking god For all that he has already given us.
(To Francis) -- This is your name: Swami Deva Francis. Deva means divine. Francis means freedom.
Freedom is the most divine phenomenon Hence never sacrifice your freedom
For anything whatsoever, not even for love Because noting is higher than freedom.
Everything can be sacrificed for freedom Even life
But freedom cannot be sacrificed for anything. Even god can be sacrificed for freedom
But freedom cannot be sacrificed for god. Buddha does not believe in god
But he believes in freedom.
Mahavira never believed in god But he believes in freedom.
They could discard the hypothesis of god 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
But they could not discard The hypothesis of freedom;
In fact, freedom is the real god. And the whole effort of sannyas is To help you to be free
To be free from all traditions All orthodoxies, all conventions
To be free from all your inner darkness Unconsciousness, instincts, mechanicalness. In a single word, to be free.
And to live in freedom Is to live a spiritual life
But your so-called saints live in slavery. They are not free people, they are really
The greatest slaves on the earth, Slaves of dead ideas, ideologies. Here you have to learn
How to be free, free of everything.
Once your consciousness is completely free It is no more imprisoned,
The imprisoned splendor is released. For the first time you know
Who you are, your glory, your beauty.
And that experience is the experience for which Jesus lived and died
Buddha lived and taught his whole life Socrates sacrificed himself.
Up to now only for very few people It has been possible
To taste that joy of freedom.
My effort here is to make it available To as many people as possible.
The time has come
That the fragrance of freedom Should be spread all over the earth.
(To Edda) -- This is your name: Ma Deva Sonar. Deva means divine. Sonar means gold.
Man is both dust and gold, dust and divine. Form the outside he is just dust.
If you observe him you cannot find any gold If scientifically you analyse him
You will find nothing else but matter. But if you meditatively go
Into your own interiority You will not find dust at all
You will not find matter at all. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
You will find a totally different phenomenon. You will find something
Which is absolutely non-material: You will find energy, pure energy You will find godliness, spirituality. That is your true being
Dust only make you ... (inaudible)
So when you die it is right to say dust unto dust But that is only half truth:
The inner being never dies
But it can't be seen from the outside. You can see it
Only from the innermost core of your being. Once you have seen it within yourself
You can see it in others also But the first experience
Has to happen within yourself. The moment you know that
You are more than the body, suddenly
The whole existence is more than it appears And that more is its reality,
And that more is eternal, immortal. It knows no death, no birth.
And that more is blissful, it knows no misery. That more is pure light,
It has never known any darkness.
(To Anton) -- This is your name: Swami Purno.
Purno means the perfect one. Nobody is imperfect
Hence nobody need to be perfect.
All that is needed is to live your life totally. Perfection is already there
We come from the perfect Hence we can't be imperfect We are born out of the ultimate
We are waves in the ocean of god So whatsoever is the quality of god Is the quality of the waves:
If god is perfect, we are perfect.
So the very idea of becoming perfect is absurd. There is no need to become perfect
Everyone is already perfect
But we are not living that perfection
In its totality, we are living at the minimum. We are not using our potential
We are using only a minor part of it; 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Scientists say, not more that seven per cent, Ninety-three per cent potential is simply lost. And it was always there, available for us to use. We have all the money that we need
But we are living like a beggar, For the simple reason that
We have completely forgotten about the treasure. The function of meditation is:
To remember it, to discover it. And the only way to discover it
The only way to remember it, is to live
More totally, more intensely, more passionately So that more and more potential
Is transformed into the actual.
When you live hundred per cent you are really Using the great opportunity
That god has given to you.
And only at the hundred per cent
The transformation happens, never before it.
So my effort here is not to make you escapists But in the contrary
To make you love life as intensely as possible To live each moment as holy as possible
And slowly slowly
Something starts unfolding in you And you start discovering yourself.
The more challenges you give to yourself, The more you discover.
(To Marijke) -- This is your name: Ma Anuraga. Anuraga means love.
Love is my message, the whole message. The small word contains
Everything that I want to convey to you.
If you can live lovingly, nothing else is needed. If you can understand the ways of love
You will understand everything else. If you can go on purifying your love From all that is unclean, from all
That is not love but pretends to be love, At the peak of that purification
You will find god.
God is nothing but love in its purest form In its most essential form.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Love, your so-called love
Is very much contaminated, polluted. The ego is there which is like a poison And the ego never comes alone;
It comes with a great army.
It comes with anger, with jealousy, with hatred With all kinds of numbers, trips;
It wants to dominate
It is ready to destroy one's peace It is ready to be destructive
To oneself and to the other. It is very suicidal But pretends to be love
And because it pretends to be love We go on being deceived by it.
Beware of it!
It is the ego that does not allow people Flowering, fulfillment, fruition, otherwise Everybody has the seed to become
A beautiful flower of love, a lotus.
But very few people have been able to become For the simple reason
That very few people are alert;
They can't discriminate what is what.
Watch how many things are pretending to be love Which are not love, which cannot be love.
If they are love; they cannot create misery -- Let that be the criterion: If they create misery Then they are not love, then get rid of them. Love always gives bliss,
It can never give misery -- remember it always Never forget it for a single moment.
But people are so stupid:
Rather than dropping those ugly things Which go on masquerading as love They are ready to drop love itself.
That's what for thousands of years
Monks and nuns have done: They dropped love. They were ready to drop love but
They were not ready to drop jealousy, Possessiveness, domination, ego.
They saved ego and they dropped love, They escaped from the world
Because world means opportunities for love. They moved into the monasteries.
Monks lived separately
Nuns lived separately -- they will not meet. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
There are monasteries
Where no woman has ever entered Has never been allowed to enter For the simple reason
That any opportunity for love is dangerous. They are so much afraid of love.
And these stupid people have been called saints For centuries.
Hitherto, man's history has been such a history of stupidity that
Future is going to laugh at the whole thing, Our children will not be able to believe That people were ready
To drop the real thing for the unreal But they were not ready
To drop the unreal for the real. That you have to remember.
Your name will remind you again and again.
(To Ernst) -- This is your name: Swami Anuragi. It means love.
Love has nothing to do with relationship It is more a state of being.
You have to become a loving person.
It is not a question of being in relationship -- I am not saying don't be in relationships;
Be in as many relationships as possible
Because each relationship has its own uniqueness
And each relationship has its own beauty And each relationship contributes its own joy And of course its own suffering, its own pain It has its own dark nights
And its own beautiful days, But that's how one grows:
Through darkness, through light Through sweetness, through bitterness. I am not against relationships
But one thing has to be clearly in our vision, That ultimately
Love is more a question of inner state:
You have to be loving, Whether in relationship or not That is not the question.
And you have to be loving to all:
To the trees, to the birds, to the animals 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
To people -- you have to be loving in general. Even if there is nobody
And you are sitting silently, alone, still You have to radiate love: Just a flower Will go on releasing its perfume Whether anybody is there or not,
Just as a candle will go on giving its light Whether there is anybody or not.
So is a loving person:
His love is a perfume, his love is a light. If there is nobody to share,
It still radiates, it still goes on spreading Because the loving person can't do otherwise. Once that state is attained you become religious. Religion has nothing to do with rituals
Nothing to do with churches and temples, And the Bibles and the Gitas and the Korans. Religion has something to do
With an inner state of love.
It has nothing to do with god really. If you are loving
If you reach to the pinnacle of love God is bound to happen to you.
That is inevitable
So we need not bother about it
We need not even take any note of it We need not even discuss about it.
It is inevitable, it follows love like a shadow.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #21
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