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Chapter title: None
17 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005175 ShortTitle: ISLAND17 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Arno) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Arno. Anand means bliss. Arno means eagle.
The eagle represents many things.
It represents the enquiry into the unknown 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
lt represents the courage
To take the jump into the unbounded.
It remains, represents strength, might, power
And all these qualities
Are needed for a sannyasin too.
He is also an eagle, eagle of the inner sky. He has to go deeper and deeper
Into one's own being. It needs great courage
Because you will be all alone.
It needs the joy of risking because every moment You will be leaving the known behind.
It is a constant movement
From the known into the unknown
And ultimately, from the unknown to the unknowable. The moment you enter into the unknowable
You have reached god. Remember these qualities.
(To Ulrike) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Ulrike. Dhyan means meditation. Ulrike means a wolf.
It represents courage and loyalty.
A disciple needs both: He needs immense courage Because he is going to travel a path
Which has no maps.
It is not like a superhighway With milestones and arrows
Showing where you are and where you are moving. It is like going into a deep jungle,
Not even a labyrinth exists. You have to walk and create it. There is nothing readymade.
Truth is a discovery
And naturally all that we know about truth Has to be dropped
Because we have not discovered it. Anybody else truth is not your truth And can never be your truth.
To believe in others' truths Is to remain in bondage.
Meditation is the way of dropping 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
All knowledge, all belief, all that is borrowed
So that you can discover on your own. Unless truth is found by you
It cannot liberate you. Meditation simply is a method Which does two things.
First, it destroys all knowledge,
Leaves you like a child, utterly innocent In a state of not-knowing.
This is the negative part of meditation,
And then the positive follows on its own accord, Then great wonder arises in you
And that wonder leads to discovery. Life is such a great mystery
And we are missing the mystery Because of our knowledge.
One has to be a child again And one has to trust existence. If you trust existence
You need not trust the scriptures --
They are pseudo, even though they have come from People who had known because
One of the strangest quality of truth is:
The moment you put it in words, it becomes a lie. Truth is not transferrable, not communicable.
The master does not give you the truth He only gives you a thirst for it
An immense longing for it,
A tremendous enquiry he triggers in you. You need courage to drop the knowledge
To drop the beliefs, to drop your conditionings And you need great trusting heart.
But remember when I say trusting heart I don't mean trust in the church
Trust in the Bible or the Gita or in me -- Trust in existence!
Anything else is not going to help but to hinder.
(To Trond) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Pathik. Dhyan means meditation. Pathik means pilgrim, a traveler.
Meditation is an inner journey. It is moving from your circumference to your own center. We live on the circumference and we have lived on the circumference for so many lives that we have become completely oblivious even of the fact that a center exists.
A man living on the circumference is a man without soul, is a man without roots, is a man who remains a victim of accidents. His life is at the mercy of a thousand
and one accidental causes; his life has no intrinsic value. He is just like driftwood -- he knows not where he is going, he knows not from where he is coming, he knows not where he is.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
I have heard that once a great politician lost his way while he was driving -- he had gone for a pleasure drive. He asked an old man who was sitting under a tree, "Where is the way to the capital?"
The old man said, "I don't know."
Then he asked, "Where does this way lead to?" And the old man said, "I don't know."
Of course the politician became very angry. He said, "You don't seem to know anything at all. Are you some kind of idiot or what?"
The old man laughed and said, "But I am not lost! I know where I am and you don't know even that! So who is an idiot?"
It is very rare to find a man who knows where he is. People are somewhere, certainly, but absolutely in a state of sleep -- like zombies they go on moving.
Sannyas means making a deliberate effort to become conscious. That's what meditation is all about -- a great effort to create the fire of awareness in you. It is there; it has just to be discovered, helped, nourished, nurtured. The center is there.
Once we have found it, we are centered, we are rooted. Suddenly we have a soul, we know where we are, and we know who we are. And that is the greatest moment in a man's life. There is nothing else greater than that -- to know "Who am I?" With that, the doors of the ultimate mystery open up. Then God becomes
available in all its splendor and beauty. Then life is no longer a drag, it becomes a dance! Then life is no longer momentary, it becomes eternity. Than there is no death.
Then you live beyond time and beyond space, and that is true life. Jesus calls it life in abundance, overflowing life, life in spring, in a state of celebration. And that's my whole teaching here -- how to make your life a celebration.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #18
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