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Chapter title: None
16 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005165 ShortTitle: ISLAND16 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Michael) -- This is your name: Swami Sangit Michael. Sangit means music. Michael means godly.
Music comes very close
To the experience of godliness because godliness Is the ultimate music of existence.
It is another name for the harmony That exists in the universe.
What we call music is only a tiny drop of it. But even though it is a tiny drip
It contains the whole secret of the ocean. That's the attractiveness of music:
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
It releases meditation in you
It releases the imprisoned splendor. For a moment
All the walls of the prison disappear. For the moment
You are transported into another world. For the moment
You transcend time and space You become infinite, unbounded. That is the beginning
Beginning of a journey that never ends. Music was born in deep meditation.
Music is an effort to create on the outside The same circumstance as it happens
In deep meditation within you.
Hence a real meditator is the true musician. He may play, he may not play.
He may compose, he may not compose.
But he knows the secret, he has the golden key. And the true musician is bound to stumble Sooner of later
On the fact of meditation.
He cannot avoid it long, it is inevitable Because the outer provokes the inner It challenges the inner music
That is fast asleep.
And the same music is hidden
In the whole existence; hence I call music
One of the most divine phenomenon in existence. God is not philosophy, god is more music.
God is not theology, god is more poetry. God is not a hypothesis, it is more a dance. Start searching god in these directions And you will be moving rightly
You will arrive home.
Follow music in the outer world
And in the inner world.
These is no need to go to any other temple,
Music is enough.
Learn to listen to the music of existence:
The wind passing though the pine trees Or the sound of water
Or the ocean in a tremendous dance. Listen carefully, attentively
Listen mindlessly, listen without thinking So that it can penetrate
To the very core of your being. And you will be surprised:
What the Bible cannot give to you 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
What the Gita cannot give to you Music can give to you.
My Buddhafield has to be a field
Of deep harmony, love, life, laughter. A great orchestra of different capacities Talents meeting and merging
And creating something organically one.
(To Maria Rosaria) -- Your name: Ma Maria Rosaria. Maria means fragrance. Rosaria means a rosary;
It represents prayer.
Prayer is the fragrance of life. That is the ultimate expression
Of beauty and grace; it has nothing to do With the so-called prayers
Taught in the churches and the temples. They are nothing but words
And all words are alike.
No word is holy, no word is profane. Silence is holy. Disturbance is profane. And all words are a kind of disturbance. Hence Lao Tzu says: 'Truth cannot be said. The moment you say it you falsify it.
Truth can be talked only in a roundabout way. You cannot say it directly
Because no word is adequate enough
No word can contain that infinite silence, Obviously
Because the word cannot contain wordlessness.' Prayer means
A silent gratitude toward existence
A deep heartfelt communion with existence -- Nothing of the mind;
A meeting and merging with the whole. Just like a river falling into the ocean, That is prayer.
When you disappear into the whole That is prayer.
And whatsoever causes it Is only a help, a device.
Once you understand the essence of it There is no need for any device.
Even the idea of god
Is only a device for people to surrender. For more important is surrender than god. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
God is just an excuse to surrender
But once you have surrendered then you will know. In the beginning people think god is important
And surrender is a means to attain god. The truth is just the vice versa: Surrender is the end
And god is just a means, an excuse Because if I say to you, 'Surrender,'
You will immediately ask, 'To whom? To what?' You cannot simply surrender, hence a hypotheses. God is only a hypothesis; it helps.
Once surrender has happened When you have put your ego aside,
You immediately become aware: there is no god. There is certainly godliness --
The whole existence is full of godliness But god is not a person
It is a quality, a fragrance
But you will know the fragrance only When you have become a fragrance.
We can only know that which we have become.
(To Joan) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Nityam. Anand means bliss. Nityam means eternal.
Pleasures are momentary, bliss is eternal. Whatsoever is momentary,
don't waste your life on it because whatsoever you do, it is going to disappear.
It is not in the nature of things
that it will keep forever -- it is bound to go. Just as it comes, it goes.
So those people who go on putting
their life energies into attaining pleasures are the only fools in the world.
They are playing with soap bubbles, and collecting soap bubbles,
hoping that they are diamonds. Nothing will be left in your hands. Those soap bubbles are empty.
They may shine for a moment or two; the sun rays may pass through them and may create the illusion
of a beautiful experience.
A rainbow may be created, but all that is a mirage. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The wise person puts his energies into that which lasts forever.
And that's what sannyas is all about:
It is an endeavor, a tremendous endeavor; a great enquiry, a longing for the ultimate,
for that which once attained is always yours. It cannot be lost.
Only then you become a conqueror, only then you become rich.
Otherwise people are just imagining things and wasting their great opportunity.
This same life can be used as an opportunity to become a Buddha or a Christ,
or you can waste it by playing cards
and sitting in a pub -- it all depends on you. It has to be your decision.
We create ourselves.
Sannyas is a great decision that we are now going to be sculptors of our own being.
And we have decided that right now we are only a rock but we are going to carve a Buddha out of it.
And every rock carries a hidden Buddha -- it has just to be discovered.
Just a few chunks have to be removed here and there and the Buddha will be discovered.
It is already there -- we have to free the Buddha from the rock, from its imprisonment.
(To Ivoree) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyano Sanatan. Dhyan means meditation. Sanatan means that which has Always been with you, the ancientmost truth of your being. You have never lost it
You have just forgotten about it.
It has always been there, it is still there. Even if you want to lose it you cannot lose it Because it is your nature, your very being -- How can you lose it?
But you can forget about it.
You can become too much focused on other things. You can keep your won nature at your back
And slowly slowly you can become 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
So accustomed of being an extrovert That your neck becomes paralyzed
And you cannot move in, you cannot look in You forget even the fact
That there is something inside you -- Millions of people are living
In that forgetfulness.
It is a kind a metaphysical sleep
That we are unaware of our own interiority Of our own subjectivity.
My work here is to help you to turn in. So every effort should be made
To remove your paralysis.
Every effort should be mad to help your neck To become again capable to turn is
Your eyes to turn in.
In the beginning it is painful
But once you have learned the art It is tremendously paying.
For the first time you start feeling blissful For the first time
You start feeling some significance in life Some meaning arises in you
And for the first time you know that
You are deathless, there is nothing to fear That you are eternal life, that you partake Something with the ultimate reality.
You are part of it!
(To Christine) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyano Gitam.
Dhyano means meditation; gitam means a song -- a song Of meditation. Man without meditation
Is a man without any song in his heart Without any poetry in his being Without any celebration.
His spring has not come yet His flowers are still waiting They have not yet materialized He has not yet bloomed,
He fragrance is not released.
He is just like a seed: encapsulated
Within himself -- unaware, completely unaware Of what he can be, of what he is.
And he goes on living an ordinary life With no joy, with no bliss, with no dance. He drags, life is like a burden:
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
He somehow manges to carry it. In fact death looks like a relief
That sooner of later everything will be finished And one will be able to rest in the grave.
Go to any cemetery and look at the gravestones. Many have the inscription: Rest in peace.
What does it mean?
What they were doing their whole life? Now they are resting in peace -- now, finally In the grave they can rest in peace.
But is seems difficult if you whole life You have practiced not to live in peace It is impossible that you will be able To live in peace even in your grave, You will toss and turn.
A woman died, went to heaven, asked Saint Peter That, 'Can you tell me anything about my husband?' Peter asked, 'What is the name of your husband?' She said, 'My husband's name is John.'
Peter said, 'That is very difficult
Because there are millions of Johns here. You give me some more details, particulars. What were your last words to your husband?' The woman said, 'The last words,
I don't remember what I said to him But I remember what he said to me.'
Peter asked, 'Okay, tell me what he said to you Because the last words are
And the woman said, 'My husband said, "Remember one thing: I am dying
But don't befool around otherwise I will toss and turn in my grave.'
Peter said, 'Then don't be worried -- You mean whirling John?!
He is continuously whirling. Everybody knows about him.
I will find him immediately -- you don't worry. He is very famous around: He can't sit --
He is continuously whirling!'
If you have practiced your whole life A certain kind of boredom
A certain kind of meaninglessness then That is going to be even in the grave Even in the afterlife.
Life is a school:
We are here to learn something 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
And the most important thing is to learn How to sing, how to dance, how to rejoice;
And all that becomes possible through meditation. Meditation releases all those energies in you.
And thousands of flowers Start blooming in you being.
Then paradise is not more after death, Then paradise is now and here.
And when paradise is now and here Only then it is a truth.
My sannyasins live here and now. I don't teach any future
I teach only the present
And meditation is the way to live in the present To be totally in tune with the present.
Forgetting the past because it is no more And dropping the future because it is not yet And living in the real, that which is --
That is the door to the ultimate.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #17
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