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Chapter title: None

15 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005155 ShortTitle: ISLAND15 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Valeria) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Valeria.

Dhyan means meditation. Valeria means determined resolution. Meditation needs a very determined heart.

The wavering mind

Is incapable of going into meditation. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


It needs an unwavering perseverance Because it takes time.

For so many lives we have lived non-meditatively That is has become almost our nature.

That non-meditativeness surround us like a rock And it has to be broken.

And unless we break the rock

Our inner nature will never manifest itself. So if one meditates one day

And hopes to attain something and finds

That nothing has been achieved and drops the idea Then he will never be able to go

Into the world of meditation.

It needs an absolute commitment that Whatsoever happens, irrespective of any results I am determined to go into it and

I am ready to wait and I am ready to risk all. The deeper the resolution

Greater the determination Easier becomes the process. If the determination is total And the intensity is absolute

It can even happen in a single moment.

It all depends on your intensity:

A passionate love affair it has to be.

One cannot just play around with the idea of it. It has to become one's life.

And it is worth risking all because There is nothing more precious than it. It opens the door to the divine treasures To the eternal kingdom of god.

(To Mario) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Mario Dhyan means meditation. Mario means rebellion.

Meditation is the only rebellion there is, The true rebellion.

All others are only pseudo coins.

One can change the social structure, the political structure But if man remains the same inside

Nothing is changed.

He will again do the same things, Maybe labels will be different now. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


For example, in Russian revolution Capitalists disappeared

The proletariat disappeared, the division Between the poor and the rich disappeared; A new division appeared: The division Between the powerful and the powerless.

It is the same game

Now just the names are different. Now those who are in power They are the rich people.

And those who are not in power

They are the poor people; revolution has failed. And that has been the case always:

All revolutions have failed.

Only few rebellious people have succeeded. A Buddha, a Zarathustra, a Jesus,

They transformed their consciousness And they lived in a total different way. If we really want

To change the whole earth into a paradise The only possible way

And I say the only possible way

Is to create as great a meditative force In the world as possible.

If millions of people are meditators Then we can change the world because

The meditator is no more interested in ego trips Otherwise, you distribute the money --

The ego trip comes in a new form:

It becomes a power trip

Or some other form, but the division will continue. Unless from your innermost core

The ego disappears, it dies totally Without leaving any trace

No revolution can succeed.

Hence I am not interested in changing the society. My whole interest is in the individual.

All social revolutions have failed,

Now the time has come to think of the individual And focus whole energy on the individual.

The individual is the only hope.

If millions of individuals can change

Through meditation if they can realize A kind of egolessness

Then they will create a society, naturally Spontaneously, which will be classless. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


To Burkhart -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Burkhart. Dhyan means meditation. Burkhart means courageous spirit. Courageous spirit is one of

The most essential things for a religious man. Without courage nobody can be religious.

Cowards can't afford to be religious Because it is a journey into the unknown Into the uncharted.

It is going to the farther shore.

There is no guarantee that one will reach No guarantee even

Whether the farther shore exists at all.

It needs really guts to drop that which you have

For that which is just an idea right now. It needs tremendous idealism

It needs a poet not a mathematician. It is not calculation, it is a love affair. It is almost mad in the eyes of those Who are calculating.

And meditation is the way to go into the unknown. It is going beyond the mind.

Mind consists of the known

Of the familiar, of the experienced. To go beyond the mind means

Go beyond all boundaries.

It is risking, it is jumping into an abyss

But blessed are those who can gather that courage Because theirs is the kingdom of god.

-- This is your name: Swami Dhyano Frank.

Dhyano means meditation. Frank means living in freedom. A man lives in slavery without meditation

Because he lives unconsciously He lives like a robot.

Meditation starts changing you: It transforms

Your unconsciousness into consciousness It changes your darkness into light.

It is the only alchemy which transforms

The raw energy into a refined world of mysteries. Meditation is a great art.

One has to be very very skillful and intelligent 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


To be meditative.

It is not for the unintelligent It is not for the mediocre.

It requires intelligence, and the irony is that Only mediocre people go to the temples And the churches and the mosques.

Temples are full of mediocres and cowards. They are there simply because

They are afraid of life, afraid of death Afraid of anything!

They live in a kind of phobia.

In fact thousands of phobias around them And they are not intelligent enough

To solve any problem

So they go on asking the stupid priests Who are just like parrots

Who go on repeating the scriptures.

They have not solved their problems either.

But this is a strange game -- this goes on and on. There are fools and there are charlatans

To exploit those fools.

And the charlatans are bound to remain there Unless fools disappear from the world.

Meditation requires only two things: You should be courageous

You should be a little intelligent.

And these are the essential religious qualities. Once courage and intelligence are there

Then there is no problem.

Meditation is bound to happen, is inevitable -- Just a little effort, a very little effort

And tremendous is the outcome.

And once you become conscious You can live in freedom Otherwise you live like a slave, Slave of thousand and one things.

Slave of the crowd, slave of the tradition

Slave of the church, slave of your own instincts. There are so many layers of slavery

But we accept them

We have taken them for granted so we don't think That they are bad, ugly, disgusting.

Once you have tasted a little freedom You will be surprised:

What kind of life you had lived before? It was not life at all.

Sannyas means

Entering into a totally new kind of life Bringing a new quality of life in your being. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


(To Walter) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Siddho.

Dhyan means meditation. Siddho means one who has achieved. Sannyas is a pilgrimage: A pilgrimage

From the dark night of the soul Towards the dawn of the spirit.

It is not a ritual, it is an inner revolution. It is not a formality, it is a love affair.

Unless it is something form your very heart

It won't work. It is not a question of believing It is not a question of intellectual conviction. It is a question of falling in love

With something which one can feel

But one cannot understand by intellect itself. It is a quantum leap.

You may never have done Anything like that before. But good that you have

Gathered courage enough to go into it; One hesitates in the beginning.

The mind pulls backwards...

Don't listen to the mind -- listen to the heart!

Learn more and more listening the heart And follow the heart.

The mind is not yours,

It is given by the society.

The heart is yours, it is given by god himself! If you listen to the heart

Meditation will not be difficult It can be achieved.

And once meditation is achieved Then there is no problem left

You have clarity, you can see things as they are. Then there is no question

Of choosing what to do and what not to do; You immediately know what to do.

There is no question of alternatives.

You simply know this is the right thing to do And one never repents.

That is the state of siddho:

One never repents, one never commits a mistake. The whole world may think

That you are committing a mistake

But as far as your heart is concerned You are totally in it


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


You know it from your very being

That it is not a mistake and you never repent. You know ultimately it is going to be good. Maybe right now it is impossible

To conceive what will be the ultimate outcome But the heart knows far better because the heart Lives in the deepest of the mysteries of existence. For the heart there is not past and no future, There is only present.

Once meditation is fulfilled

Once you have achieved meditation

Your life has a smoothness, a grace, a beauty.

No Man is an Island

Chapter #16



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