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13 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005135 ShortTitle: ISLAND13 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Anna) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Anna. Dhyan means meditation. Anna means prayer.
It has been the ancient idea that Meditation and prayer are totally different, Not only different but polar opposites.
Hence in the past religions became divided. There were two kinds of religions.
One, those who belong to prayer --
Christianity, Judaism, Mohammedanism, Hinduism; And the other category was
The religions that belonged to meditation -- Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism.
But in my vision the very division is wrong. Meditation itself
Is the essential core of prayer.
There is no prayer without meditation And there is no meditation
Without a prayerful heart; they are indivisible. To divide them is to kill both of them.
It is like cutting a man into two parts,
The left and the right: The man will be dead! You can keep the parts
But the parts will not be alive.
Life is possible only with the whole Only the whole is alive, never the parts. The parts are also alive
When they function in the whole. Take them out of the whole
And they lose all meaning.
Meditation is beautiful, prayer is beautiful But in a deep togetherness.
Meditation means getting beyond the mind And that's exactly what prayer means.
Their ways are a little bit different But they enter into the same temple 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
From different doors.
The doors are not so relevant. Prayer also gets beyond the mind By entering into the heart.
Its emphasis is on the heart. Meditation also gets beyond mind but
Its emphasis is on getting beyond the mind. The ultimate result is the same:
Both bring to you a profound silence A wordless state of consciousness.
Only in that state of silence One can encounter reality
Because one's vision becomes absolutely clear, There is nothing to debar, nothing to obstruct. So I am giving you a name which means Meditative prayer or prayerful meditation.
My sannyasins have to become The ultimate syntheses.
The future needs a religion
Which is not divided on any point; A kind of universal religiousness,
And this will become the very cornerstone.
(To Dennis) -- This is your name: Swami Dhyan Dennis. I am giving you a very paradoxical name
Because reality is paradoxical;
It contains all the polar opposites in it. Seen in the right perspective
They are not thought to be as opposites, They start looking as complementaries. Hence the paradox
Is only from the lower world of thinking.
When you reach yourself
To the peak of no-thought, there is no paradox; You suddenly see the unity of all the opposites. In the ultimate
The day and night meet and merge Life and death meet and merge Summer and winter meet and merge -- There is no difference.
Meditation means awareness Watchfulness, vigilance.
And Dennis represents the god of wine; It means drunkenness.
If you think about them they are opposites: 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Either you can be drunk or you can be aware If you are aware you cannot be drunk
But this is from the lower world of thought. From the ultimate, looked from the high above
The meditator is the real drunkard: He is drunk with the divine,
He is drunk and aware at the same time Simultaneously -- that is one of the most Incredible experiences of life,
To be both together. It is very difficult
To understand it intellectually
Because intellectually they are opposites. Intellect cannot conceive
That they can happen together But that is intellect's limitation.
When physicists for the first time discovered That the ultimate particle, electron
Which is the constituent of all matter, Behaves very paradoxically
They were at a loss -- to describe it: It behaves as a particle
And also as a wave -- simultaneously. It was impossible
For the scientists to describe it.
Either something can be a particle -- A particle means simply a dot,
It can't be a line, simultaneously. A line means many dots
A single dot is not a line. A wave is a line. For many years there was a great controversy How to describe it
Because it does not fit in the ordinary logic. Then they have to listen to reality.
What can they do?
If reality is behaving in that mad way
We have to describe it the way it is behaving We have to put our logic aside;
Our logic can't be that important. They tried in every possible way To make some logical statement But is was impossible.
Finally they decided, that it is both together. Since that day, physics has become metaphysics. Since that day
Physicists have started talking like mystics,
They had to. And now no great physicist can say That mystics are paradoxical;
Now they know themselves that You cannot avoid paradox When you encounter reality.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
The physicists
Have encountered reality in an objective way The mystics
Have encountered reality in a subjective way. The physicist has gone into the object
Deep to the ultimate core
And the mystic has gone into consciousness Deep into the ultimate core
And both have come the same conclusion: That it is paradoxical.
So your name will mean alert drunkenness. Now it is up to you
To figure it out what is means!
It may take your whole life to find out! But if you can find it out
You would have discovered something Of immense value.
(To Margret) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Dwaro. Anand means bliss. Dwaro means a door.
Bliss is the door to the divine.
It is only through bliss what we can
Create a bridge, between us and the ultimate. Never try to approach god through misery -- And that's how people try:
They go on crying and weeping in deep anguish, They remember god only
When they are in utter misery.
Whenever life is going good, who cares about god? But those are the real moments to remember god When life is going good.
Almost everybody thinks once in a while Of religion, meditation, prayer, god,
But almost at the wrong time:
When you are in some misery.
A beloved has died - then you remember But not while making love
And the right moment is while making love. But that is the time
We don't bother at all about god.
Even if he knocks on the door, we won't open; We will tell him, 'Wait! Don't disturb!
Leave us alone, Don't you have any sense? Is this the time to disturb, to interfere?' But those are the moments
When you are enjoying, flowing, flowering 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
When you are in a dance -- right moments When just a little bit of remembering
And the door can be open unto you. Jesus is right; he says,
'Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.'
But he has forgotten one thing that Don't knock at the wrong times.
Knock at the right time.
He says, 'Ask and it shall be given to you.' He is perfectly right but
This is a half statement.
The other, far more important half is missing: Never ask at the wrong time.
And the right time to ask is
When there is nothing to ask but only to thank. In fact god functions almost like banks:
If you need money, they won't give it to you If you don't need, they will chase you!
So whenever you ask something
You desire something, god escapes immediately! He is the oldest, ancientmost Jewish banker!
When you don't need ANYthing
When your life is fulfilled and contented Just remember him
And he is just standing by your side Ready to shower everything upon you.
This is one of the fundamental laws of life:
It is not for beggars, it is for emperors. My sannyasins
Have to learn the way of the emperors.
(To Gottfried) -- This is your name: Swami Anand Chaitanyo. Anand means bliss. Chaitanyo means consciousness.
Remember these two words -- they are key words: Be blissful and be conscious
Be blissfully conscious, be consciously blissful And then you need not bother about anything else. The whole of religion
Is contained in these two simple words. No need to believe in any god
No need to believe is any afterlife
No need to believe in any heaven or hell, In fact, no need to believe at all.
If you can follow these two words in your life 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
If they can become a climate around you
If you can imbibe them as a style of your life Then all else will follow on its own accord.
(To Gudrun) -- This is your name: Ma Prem Sonyo Prem means love. Sonyo means gold.
Love is the most precious thing in life. Love as much as you can,
Don't be a miser in loving. People are miserly;
They want everybody else to love them But they don't give anything.
This is the misery of the whole world.] This world can OVERflow with love
But the problem is: everybody wants to grab And nobody is ready to give;
Hence people start starving.
And this is a far greater starvation. Just as the body needs nourishment Your soul also needs nourishment; Love is your soul's nourishment.
But for thousands of years
We have been conditioned against love. And everybody goes on hoarding, as if
If you can give love, you will be losing something -- That is not the economics of love.
If you give you will have more. It is an inexhaustible source
You cannot exhaust it. You can go on giving You will never be empty of it.
If everyone starts giving love
instead of talking about love
This very earth can become a paradise. One old man went to the doctor.
He was looking very fragile, very weak.
The doctor examined him, a thorough examination -- Must have been a German hospital
Because in India you cannot find Anything like 'thorough examination'! German doctors really go to the very roots.
Even he had not said what he was suffering from, The doctor immediately told him,
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
'Undress,' so he undressed.
He examined his whole body and then said, 'But I don't see anything wrong.'
The man started giggling and he said, 'But my teeth are aching!'
The doctor said, 'Why didn't you say it before?' And the man said, 'I thought you were going To the very root of the problem.'
But the doctor said, 'It is good. I have looked at your body.
Teeth will be taken care of
But one thing more I have to suggest to you That you cut your sex life to half
Because you are old and you are weak And if you don't cut your sex life to half You will die soon.'
The man said, 'Okay, but which half? -- Thinking about it or talking about it?'
But that's how people's love life is: Thinking about it and talking about it. That is their whole love life.
Nobody is really sharing, giving.
My sannyasins have to love to give, share, And share with the whole existence.
Not only with human beings --
With trees, with rocks, with the stars With the moon, with the sun.
Be in a loving state constantly
In a deep love affair with existence. That is prayer, that is meditation And that will transform you,
That will bring a totally new being in you: You will be reborn through it.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #14
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