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Chapter title: None
12 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8005125 ShortTitle: ISLAND12 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Gertie) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Gertie. Anand means bliss. Gertie means courageous spirit. Bliss is only for the courageous
The cowards live in misery;
They have to, because they cling to misery. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
They think misery clings to them -- That is sheer nonsense.
Misery has no interest in anybody but They are cowardly people
They cannot let go of anything Even though it is misery.
They think, at least it is familiar and they are Afraid of the unfamiliar, of the unknown.
Courage simply means one thing:
Being in love with the unknown. And that is the way of the sannyasin:
Always being ready to go into the unknown Always ready to leave the known behind.
Then life becomes moment to moment bliss And the bliss goes on
Reaching higher and higher peaks Because there is no end to the unknown. It is not exhaustible
Hence bliss is inexhaustible.
(To Agnes) -- This is your name: Ma Deva Agnes. Deva means divine. Agnes means gentleness.
Gentleness is one of the most divine qualities Because the first requirement for being gentle
It to drop the ego -- ego is never gentle.
Ego is always aggressive, it cannot be gentle. It is never humble
It is impossible for it to be humble.
Its whole project crumbles if it becomes humble. And gentle is the way to reach to god.
One should be more like water than like a rock And remember always: In the long run
The water becomes victorious over the rock. One should be feminine rather than masculine. To be feminine is to be gentle
Hence even if a man becomes gentle He starts having the grace of a woman.
And if the woman becomes hard, aggressive Violent, then she loses all gentleness
She becomes masculine. Friedrich Nietzsche
Has condemned Jesus and Buddha as feminine. I don't condemn them but I agree with him: They were really so gentle
That it is absolutely true to call them feminine.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
I take it as a compliment, not as a condemnation. A sannyasin has to be gentle.
He is not a soldier, he is not a rock.
He is water; his way is the watercourse way.
(To James) -- This is your name: Swami Samarpan James.
Samarpan means surrender, total surrender, a state of Ultimate let-go. And James means god is our protector.
But only a man of deep surrender Knows that god is our protector. If you are not surrendered
You can never come to know that beautiful truth. The unsurrendered man tries to protect himself, Obviously, there is nobody else to protect him He is alone and
He has to struggle and fight against everybody: Against nature, against society.
His whole life is a struggle to survive.
Charles Darwin says
The whole history of life on the earth Is nothing but the struggle for survival And the fittest survive.
So you have not only to be fighting continuously You have to prove your mettle.
You have to be more aggressive than others You have to be more cunning than others You have to be more destructive than others, Only then you can succeed.
Charles Darwin knew nothing of surrender. He has seen only the superficial history of life He has not looked into the depths.
There have been people
Like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu
Who have lived without any struggle With no idea to survive
Who were ready to die any moment
Who were so surrendered to the whole that There was no question to protect themselves Or to fight for their protection
Or even to fight for their existence, yet They lived the highest quality of life They reached the ultimate pinnacle of joy. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Bertrand Russell says
There are three struggles in life.
One is with nature; science arises out of it. Another is with society;
Sociology, morality, ethics, these arise out of it. And the third is
The struggle of man with his own instincts; Out of that struggle religion arises.
Now he has explained everything With a single idea of struggle.
These is no need for any concept, for any Hypothesis for surrender in his vision of life But his vision of life is not of much depth.
It is the same: It is really nothing but
A reinterpretation of the Darwinian hypothesis. Bertrand Russell also lived
Without knowing anything of meditation. Meditation's whole secret is surrender, trust And then a totally different dimension opens up. Suddenly you know god protects you
You are safe, you have always been safe You were unnecessarily struggling.
There was no need to struggle
You were simply wasting your energy.
You would have rejoiced with the same energy. You would have danced with the same energy. Your life would have been
A beautiful flowering and a fragrance With the same energy
That you wasted in fighting, all kinds of fights.
(To Detlef) -- This is your name: Swami Veet Detlef. Veet means go beyond, transcend, surpass. Detlef Means the son of the people.
Sannyas is a rebellion:
Rebellion against the mass psychology
Rebellion against conventions, traditions Rebellion against all that is old and rotten, And the people represent the old, the rotten. They live by it, that is their way of life.
They live in superstitions All kinds of superstitions.
They call those superstitions religions:
They may be Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, Jews -- it makes no difference. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Just different traditions, different superstitions But superstitions all the same.
Different traditions
But traditionalism is the same. Different conventions
But the mind of a conventionalist is the same. They are all conformists
They cling to the status quo, the established.
They are not courageous enough to be individuals. So from this moment
You are no more son of the people but son of god. Enough is enough -- be finished with the people! Get out of the crowd and start living on your own According to your own light.
It is going into danger
It is going into insecurity
But tremendous is the joy of danger And great is the adventure of insecurity. Only those few fortunate ones grow Who dare to drop out of the crowd.
Jesus, Buddha, Zarathustra These are all dropouts
Otherwise Jews are not so bad people: They would not have crucified Jesus. He must have become really dangerous:
Dangerous to the very structure of the society Dangerous to all the values that
The rabbis have lived for centuries.
If they decided to kill Jesus, he must have
Provided all kinds of reasons for them. Ordinarily they are not that bad people Because before Jesus
They have not done anything like that And since Jesus also
They have not done anything like that. Jesus just have travelled really Towards individuality, total freedom. I call Jesus a real sannyasin.
And so is the case with Buddha
And Zarathustra and Lao Tzu, all the great ones They have not followed the masses.
To follow the mass, to follow the crowd
Is to remain stupid, is to remain adjusted to The lowest intelligence
The lowest strata of the society.
If you really want to be a peak of intelligence You have to be all alone.
So from this moment drop that idea Of being a song of the people 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Transcend that very idea.
(To Diane) -- This is your name: Ma Swargo. Swargo means paradise.
We have never lost paradise We are still in paradise because There is nowhere else to go;
Just we have fallen asleep and we have started Dreaming thousands of other things --
They are all dreams.
Somebody is dreaming he is a tiger And somebody is dreaming he is a dog And somebody is dreaming he is a man
And somebody is dreaming something else But these are all dreams.
The moment you wake up
You are nothing but a drop of god. And a drop of god
Is as much godly as the whole of god.
If you can understand a single dewdrop You have understood all the oceans Because it contains the whole secret.
If you can understand the formula H20 And that formula contains all the oceans,
Not only of this earth; wherever water exists That formula contains in miniature
The whole of god.
But that awareness comes only through
A constant persistent effort for awakening. That's what sannyas is all about.
It is not learning a new philosophy
It is learning a new way of being conscious. All that we know up to now
Is only ways of how to fall asleep How to remain asleep
How to make your sleep more comfortable That's all.
Our education, our society, they all teach us How to remain comfortably asleep.
The more comfortably asleep you are
The more in a coma you are.
To be in contact with a master means 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
A disturbance.
Ouspensky has dedicated one of his books To George Gurdjieff, his master.
In his dedication he says
'To Georges Gurdjieff, my master
The disturber of my sleep and dreams.' A master has, out of necessity
To disturb your dreams and your sleep.
So only very few, chosen few, who have guts Can remain with the master
Otherwise others escape.
Those who are seeking consolation This is not the place for them.
Those who are seeking awakening Then this is the place for them.
This may be the only place right now Upon the whole earth
Where awakening is possible. Consolation is available anywhere
Thousands of people are offering consolation. So let that decision
Take a deep root in your heart:
That this is a decision to wake up
And whatsoever the risk and whatsoever the cost. Once you have become absolutely decisive
It is not difficult, but all depends on you. I can help, I can show the way
But you have to follow it.
The Buddhas can only show the way.
(To Joe) -- This is your name: Swami Anutoshen. Anutoshen means deep, deep contentment.
A sannyasin has to learn A very paradoxical thing:
He has to be utterly discontented With the outside life: With the society With the state, with the church
With all that is established
And he has to be at the same time, Utterly contented with himself.
If you are discontented with the outside And contented with yourself
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
A revolution starts happening.
People are living just the other way round: They are contented with the society
With the established values,
They are discontent with themselves; Continuously condemning themselves Continuously devaluating themselves. It has to be changed.
Love yourself, respect yourself. Unless you love and respect yourself You cannot enquire withinwards
You cannot penetrate the inner mystery.
The doors open only
For those who are in deep love with themselves. And you can move in your interiority only if you Have become utterly frustrated with the outside. If some hope is still there
You will linger upon; you will say, 'Let us try this, let us try that.
Maybe something still can happen; I may still Get some joy, some bliss from the outside.' Be utterly hopeless about the outside.
There is no hope. When you have
Completely become hopeless about the outside then The energy starts turning in on its own accord, There is nowhere else to go!
You are no more interested In money, power, prestige
Then your whole energy turns in And that turning in is sannyas That turning in is meditation.
And once you have tasted your own being
Then life is a sheer joy, an utter beauty A tremendous benediction.
No Man is an Island
Chapter #13
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