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Chapter title: None

10 May 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8005105 ShortTitle: ISLAND10 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

(To Klaus) -- This is your name: Swami Prem Klaus. Prem means love. Klaus means a victorious heart.

The whole structure of the society

Is against the heart; it trains the head

It disciplines the head, it educates the head. It neglects and ignores the heart

For the simple reason

Because the heart is a dangerous phenomenon. The head is a machine.

Machines are never rebellious, they cannot be. They simply follow the orders.

Machines are good in that way -- they are obedient Hence the state, the church, the parents

Everybody is interested in the head. It is convenient for all.

The heart creates inconvenience

For the status quo, for the established order Of things, for the vested interest.

Head functions through logic 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


It can be convinced for certain purposes It can be argued, persuaded, conditioned.

It can be made Christian, Hindu, Mohammedan It can be made Communist, Fascist, Socialist.

Anything can be done with the head. And whatsoever you feed the head It goes on repeating it.

It can't bring a single thing new It is never original.

The heart lives through love And love cannot be conditioned. It is essentially rebellion.

One never knows where love will lead you. It is unpredictable, it is spontaneous

It never repeats the old

It always responds to the present moment. The heart lives in the present

The head lives in the past, hence the head

Is always traditional, conventional and the heart Is always revolutionary, rebellious.

But you can be victorious only though the heart Through love, not though logic.

Your victory means

The defeat of all the structures That have been imposed upon you. Their victory means your defeat Hence there is a subtle struggle

Between the individual and the collective.

And a sannyasin has to be aware of that struggle Because to be a sannyasin means you are moving

Towards being your own self, whatsoever the cost. Sannyas means

Now you are not going to be ruled by the mass By the crowd, by the objective mind.

Sannyas means

That now you will live into your own light According to your own vision; your are ready Even to commit mistakes, even to go astray But you will not lose your independence.

And the miracle is that

When you rebel against the crowd psychology And you become more and more independent Suddenly you start feeling that

You are becoming one with the whole With the universal.

So these are the three things:

The collective, the mass, the crowd, The tradition, the church, the state, The individual and the universal.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The individual is a passage, is a bridge From the collective to the universal.

It frees you first from the collective

And once you are free from the collective There is no need for you to be an individual. You can dissolve into the whole.

That is the miracle of individuality: It frees you first from the collective

And then, it dies in its own accord because Its needs are fulfilled, it is no more needed. It is medicinal, it kills the disease

Then you drop the medicine.

Your true victory means god's victory Your true victory means god has won Over the collective, over the dead.

But you will have to pass through A process of individuation.

It looks paradoxical:

The sannyasin first has to become an individual --

That's what all the growth groups are meant here. They are to help you

To become more authentic individuals, to free you From all the social nonsense, rubbish.

Once you are freed from the social rubbish And you start feeling yourself alive

As an individual, then the second work Has to be done by meditative process:

They dissolve your individuality. First become free from the society And then become free from the self.

And to be in the no-self, in the no-mind Is to be in god -- that is our victory.

Then there is no misery, no anguish Then all is joy and bliss and peace And it is eternal, it is forever.

(To Iris) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Iris.

Anand means bliss; Iris means rainbow -- a bliss rainbow. Bliss is never one-dimensional

It is multi-dimensional.

It is not like a solo guitarist

It is an orchestra.

The solo player has its own beauty But it is one-dimensional.

The solo flute player 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Certainly has its own place but it is not so rich. When it becomes part of a big orchestra

Then there is great richness. The rainbow represents

All the seven planes of being All the seven possibilities.

Man consists of seven planes.

The lowest is sex and the highest is samadhi. And between those two

There are five other centers.

From sex one has to move upwards towards samadhi Towards the ultimate flowering of your inner lotus. It is the same energy

The energy is not different but

It manifests differently on different planes. When the same energy comes to the heart That is the fourth center, it becomes love.

When the same energy moves to the fifth center That is the throat, it becomes prayer.

When the same energy moves to the sixth center That is between the two eyebrows, the third eye It becomes clarity, vision, one is a seer --

One can see everything as it is. All mist disappears.

And when the same energy moves To the highest plane, the seventh

That is the pinnacle -- the inner lotus opens up One is ready to move into god.

Now there is no need to return back No need to be again in the body

No need to be born

The lesson of life has been learned One has ripened, one has matured, One has become grown up.

But millions of people

Live at the lowest center -- sex. Hence the work of a sannyasin Begins at the sex center Because there is the energy.

Hence I don't condemn sex because it is energy Just we have to move it upwards.

And it can be moved upwards only If you have a deep respect for it

If you have affection for it If you are friendly with it.

All the religions of the world 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Have been teaching just the opposite: They teach antagonism with sex energy

And once you become antagonistic to sex energy You lose all track of spiritual growth because You lose contact with your own energy source.

You become uprooted from your own sources. That's why your saints look so dead and dull, So stupid and unintelligent:

They don't have the flavour and the fragrance Of one who has arrived.

They stink of guilt, they are guilty people, They are feeling far more guilt

Than anybody else in the world. They are burdened with guilt because

Whatsoever they have been condemning is there; Just be condemning your sex energy

You cannot get rid of it. The only way to get rid of it

Is to transform it to a higher plane So that it disappears from the lower. The work of a sannyasin

Begins with the sex energy and it ends With samadhi, with superconsciousness. This is the rainbow, these seven centers, This is the bridge, this is the ladder

That joins the earth with the heaven

This shore with the other shore -- the bridge. And as you move higher

You become more and more blissful.

In fact bliss is the only criterion to know: Whether you are moving higher or not.

As you move higher you feel more bliss More peace, more silence, more tranquillity More centeredness, simply joyous

For no reason at all.

Slowly slowly joy becomes your very climate. You even start forgetting that you are joyous. You are so joyous

And the contrary has stopped happening, You start forgetting about it.

It is just like breathing:

One never remembers it, Unless something goes wrong.

If your breathing is not as it should be Then you remember it.

If it is going perfectly normal and healthy There is no question of remembering it.

As you go higher you start forgetting -- Bliss, peace, silence, they become so natural

That you remember them only when you see others; When you see others in deep misery

Then suddenly, the recognition comes to you 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


That you are no more in misery. When you see other sad faces Then suddenly you recognize That your heart is always dancing

Continuously dancing, that you are

In a constant jubilation, in a celebration.

(To Brigitte) -- This is your name: Ma Anand Vandano. Anand means bliss. Vandano means prayer.

Bliss is the only prayer I know of.

All other prayers are just pseudo prayers.

A prayer need not be sad -- it has to be lived.

If one really feels god, one should be blissful Because god is -- that's enough to

be blissful.

If one feels surrounded by god Overwhelmed by god

One will radiate joy, one will radiate gratitude. There will be a constant thankfulness --

That is prayer!

There is no need to go to the church

Or to the temple or to the mosque to say prayers. Prayers cannot be said.

What you say in the name of prayers Are just stupid things.

You are trying to bribe god

You are praising god, as if you can buttress him. All the prayers have been made

In the same way as people used to Worship the kings and the emperors: They will go and praise the kings They will exaggerate in their praises

And of course, the kings' ego will be puffed up And these people will be rewarded.

It happened once: A Sufi mystic was sent to India

By the king of Iran

As a messenger to the Indian king.

The other members of his court were very jealous Because they were not chosen and

This strange man, a Sufi mystic has been chosen. So they were trying to find out

Some way of other to condemn this man. They had put spies and the spies followed him

And they were sending reports what is happening And they found many things

Particularly one thing that 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The Sufi mystic had said to the Indian emperor That, 'You are the full moon; our king is just

The moon of the second day, when you can hardly see. From third day it becomes more visible

Fourth day it is more clear

So our king is second day's moon

And you are the perfect moon.' The detectives were very happy,

They immediately sent a message that

'This man is praising the Indian king like this And humiliating our king.'

So when the mystic went back He was immediately arrested

Brought to the court and the king asked,

'How you dared? -- you called the Indian emperor The full moon and me, just the second day moon?!' The mystic started laughing and he said,

'You did not understand.

The Indian king was a fool because After the full-moon there is only death. He is just on the verge of death -- That's what I was saying.

And after the second day moon there is growth. You are a growing person, your empire is growing. That's what my meaning was.'

The king was very happy, the Sufi was rewarded. The Sufi got rewards from both the kings.

Must have been a clever man; He managed to befool both!

Our prayers have been also made in the same way: We are trying to befool god; that,

'You are great,' that

'You are father of the whole,' that 'You are compassionate,' that 'You will forgive our sins.'

We do two things in our prayers:

We condemn ourselves and we praise god. That is the way, the way of buttressing the egos But god is not an ego

Hence all these prayers are stupid They are feudalistic

They have nothing to do with religion. They simply remind us that

We have created the idea of god as great king. And god is not a person even

What to say about that he is a a great king. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


God is a godliness, a quality. So when I say prayer

I mean, you have to live

Blissfully and peacefully and joyfully

That is prayer! Your life should be a prayer! You should show by your very existence That god exists, that you are happy

That you feel blessed. Become a prayer. Don't pray -- become a prayer!

Never pray -- be a prayer!

(To Hedy) -- This is your name: Ma Dhyan Darshano.

Dhyan means meditation. Darshano means the capacity to see. Meditation creates clarity

It creates the capacity to see To see that which is

Without any interference from the mind. Ordinarily the mind is continuously interfering. It goes on interpreting

Everything that comes into you.

It goes on imposing its old prejudices. It never allows anything

To reach to you directly.

It distorts, colours, changes Bits here, bits there

Drops few things, adds few things

And the whole process it so automatic that

You are not even aware what your mind is doing. The scientists say the mind allows

Only two per cent reality to penetrate in. Ninety-eight per cent is prevented.

So we don't know what our mind allows us to know. Hence a Christian knows a different way

And the Hindi in a totally different way And the reality is the same.

The scientist knows in one way

The poet in another -- the reality is the same! But their minds are different, so different That if you listen to the poet and the scientist You will think as if

They are talking about two different realities.

It is only through meditation 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


That one drops the whole mind With all its prejudices, ideologies. To stop the mind from interfering Is what meditation is all about

So you can see directly.

And the moment you are able to see directly Immediately you are freed, you are liberated Because truth liberates.

To know truth is to be transformed.

No Man is an Island

Chapter #11



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