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Chapter title: None

8 February 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8002085 ShortTitle: NEVER08 Audio:

No 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished

Query:- Video:


[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

Ma Dhyan Renate.

Dhyan means meditation. Renate means reborn.

The first birth is not the real birth. One certainly comes our of the physiological womb of the mother, starts functioning as a independent, physiological unit, but there is still a deeper womb -- the psychological.

Unless one comes our of that too, the real birth has not happened.

Meditation is the process of coming our of the psychological womb, coming out of the mind. The moment you are out of the mind, you are free of all limitations. There are only two kinds of limitations: the limitations imposed by the body and

the limitations imposed by the mind. These are the only prisons, the only chains. Once you are out of these two you are as vast as the universe itself. Then you are just pure awareness, with no beginning, no end.

The pure awareness is beyond time and space both. This is the beginning of true life, a life that is eternal, a life that knows no death. The first birth is not true birth because it will come to an end. It is bound to be followed by death. How can one call it a birth? It implies death. It is not the beginning of life, in fact it is the beginning of death. The moment a child is born he starts dying; when he is one day old it means he has died one day. If he is going to live seventy years now there is one day less. Every day life will be running out of his hands. Each birthday will be really a death day.

A life that ends to death is not true life. Only a life that knows no death, knows no end, can be called a true life. Sannyas is the search for the true, the search for the second birth.

In India we have called the seers twice-born, vija. And that's exactly what Jesus means when he says to Nicodemus "Unless you are born again you shall not enter into my kingdom of god." His way of saying is old, metaphorical, religious. What I am saying is the same thing, just the words are more contemporary, they belong to this century; hence I will not call it the kingdom of god, because that unnecessarily creates troubles, I will call it the kingdom of awareness -- which is more relevant, more acceptable, to the modern consciousness.

Man has grown up, man has come of age. The way Jesus is speaking is a little childish. He calls god the father. his own word was "abba", which should not be translated as father, it can only be translated as daddy. All the old religions are in a way childish -- and it is natural -- religion was just beginning, but now we have to use a more mature language. So I say "Unless you are born again you shall not enter into the kingdom of awareness, deathlessness, eternal life."

(To Hilton) Good! You look crazy! (much laughter) This is your name: Swami Dhyan Giten.

Dhyan means meditation. Giten means a song.

When I say you look crazy I mean you belong to me! (laughter) Where you have

been for such a long time? (much laughter)

-(Can't get it)

-You... you have come home. I am collecting all the crazy people from (laughter) (?) nook and corner of the world, and I immediately recognise (can't get it)

So now there is nowhere to go! Say yes!

-Yes! (much much laughter)

-Meditation (much laughter)... exactly drives you crazy, because it takes you beyond the mind, but crazy in a very beautiful sense. It is a transcendence from all logic, and all the stupidities that are involved in the logical style of life.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Logic is applicable to the mundane world, for calculation, for arithmetic, for business, for science -- for the world of the objects it is perfectly okay, but the moment you start entering into higher planes of being, the moment you become interested in poetry, in singing, in music, in dance, in love, in prayer, then you have to leave the world of logic behind. Then you have to take a quantum leap, because unless you are capable of containing contradictions within yourself you will not be able to be a poet. You will not be able to be really a creator.

Logic cannot create. It can analyse, it can dissect.

There is a story of a Sufi mystic, Farid: one king came to visit the mystic. Somebody has presented him a golden scissor, studded with very precious diamonds. It was a piece of tremendous beauty and art, so he brought the scissor as a gift to the saint. When he presents it to Farid, Farid looked at the scissor, said "It is beautiful and I don't want to offend you, but it is useless to me. You keep it. Next time when you come rather bring a needle for me."

The king was a little puzzled. He asked "I don't understand." Farid said "It is very simple. The function of the scissor is the function of logic -- it cuts -- and I belong to the world not of analysis but of synthesis, where we join pieces together. A needle is needed. The needle is more symbolic, more representative for my approach," he said "than a scissor. My function is to create higher unities and the ultimate unity when the whole universe becomes one organic phenomenon is bound to be illogical, because it will contain summer and winter, man and woman, yin and yang, Shiva and Shakti, the positive and the negative, the creative and the destructive, life and death, day and night -- it will contain all contradictions. But that's its beauty that even though it contains all contradictions they are contained in such a beautiful, organic say that they create an orchestra. The total effort is of unity: they become complementaries.

And that's exactly the function of meditation: the function of a needle, not the function of a scissor.

Mind is like a scissor. Meditation is like a needle. Meditation simply means go on joining things together which logic has put apart. The moment you can conceive the whole as one you have arrives home

-- say meditation is a song, is a dance, is a love affair, love affair with the whole! It is celebration.

And hitherto all the religions have tried to be logical; hence they all have created theologies. Now that is an absurdity: theology means logic about god -- that is sheer nonsense. There is no logic about god. If you move through logic there is no god. If you experience god you have to drop logicalness. You cannot have both.

Theology is a contradiction in terms. Theo means god, logy means logic. Nobody has ever been to prove god logically and nobody will ever be able to prove. And it is good that god is not provable through logic. If you prove god through logic hi will become part of science, physics, chemistry, biology.

Religion will disappear the moment god is proved logically. Because god is not provable he is not disprovable either. One needs not intellect to penetrate into the ultimate; one needs intelligence. Intellect is of the mind, intelligence is a by- product of meditation.

Intelligence is not of the mind, it is of no-mind. It comes out of silence, when the

mind has completely ceased, when you have fallen into a deep abysmal silence, then your intelligence comes to its highest peak, and that intelligence brings clarity, perceptiveness, it gives you eyes to see that which cannot be seen, it gives you ears to hear that which cannot be heard. It makes you capable to touch the intangible to hold the unholdable, to contain the uncontainable.

This is the beginning of the world of mystery, of the miraculous, and then life becomes a song, then each breath brings a new song to you, then each moment opens a new door, a new dimension. Then there are surprises and surprises. One lives constantly from one wonder to another wonder. And it is inexhaustible. It's ecstatic and it is not a ecstasy that comes and goes; once it comes it stays, once it is there it is forever.

All the religions have made people sad. They have made people serious. They have made people less sensitive than they were before. They have dulled their sensitivity, their awareness, their loving quality.

They have killed in many says, they have been murderous and they have taught people methods which are methods of suicide.

Renunciation is suicide and nothing else -- slow suicide. I teach rejoicing not renunciation. My sannyas is a totally new phenomenon on the earth. Never before there has ever been anything like it. it is a new challenge, it is a totally new vision.

I don't separate the mundane and the sacred, I don't separate the ordinary and the extraordinary. To me everything is one. Yes, there is a way to live life in a mundane style -- that is logic, arithmetic, calculation, cunningness -- and there is also a way to live life as a sacred love affair, but then one has to be a little bit 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished

Query:- crazy!

And you have found the right master! (laughter) Good. I will not ask how long

you will be here -- you are going to be here.

-I hope till the end of March.

-No, that is not possible! (much laughter)

-(can't get it)

-That is not possible -- you will see! (much laughter)

-I (can't get it)


(To Stefan) This is your name: Swami Dhyan Premen. Dhyan means meditation. Premen means the loving one.

Meditation brings many flowers, millions of flowers. Love is one of the most beautiful flowers that it brings. Without meditation whatsoever is known as love is not love. It is something else parading as love, masquerading as love. And because it is something else it creates trouble, it brings misery. it gives you great hopes of joy but those goods are never delivered, because that is only a facade of love. Behind it, behind the thin curtain -- and it is really thin, almost like a Japanese rice paper curtain. Just scratch it a little bit and you will see monsters hidden behind! Possessiveness, jealousy, domination, all kinds of ego trips, even hatred, anger, destructiveness, violence -- all are there, just waiting for their time to erupt.

Yes, for the moment the volcano is silent, but the volcano is there, and any small excuse and it starts erupting. This is not love.

Without meditation love is not possible at all. So I am not condemning people; I am simply saying that what they are trying to do is impossible, it cannot be done in the very nature of things. First you have to kill those monsters -- and they can be killed only by meditation. Meditation functions in two ways.

For all that is wrong in you it functions as a poison and for all that is right in you it functions as a nectar.

As you go deeper into meditation, silence, awareness, you will be surprised by one thing: few things start disappearing, and few things start growing. Your inner scenery changes totally, radically. The same energy that was growing weeds now grows roses; the same soil and the same climate and the same sun, and the same water. Anger changes into compassion.

Greed changes into sharing. Sadness changes into festivity and slowly slowly the miracle goes on deepening. And as you come closer and closer to your centre of being there are more and more miracles to be encountered, and at the very centre of your being, the last and the ultimate miracle: the ego disappears.

And the moment ego disappears love arrives! Love is the fragrance of egolessness, and love is the culmination, crescendo of life and its joy. One who has attained to love has attained to god. Then nothing is missing, for the first time one feels nothing is missing, for the first item one feels an home, at ease, totally relaxed. For the first time one feels immensely grateful to existence. To me that gratefulness is prayer.

Nirvana now or never

Chapter #9



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