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Chapter title: None

19 February 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8002195 ShortTitle: NEVER19 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

Swami Anand Prabhu. Anand means bliss, Prabhu means the god.

The longing for bliss is a natural longing. It exists in the whole of existence. Nobody really longs for god or for truth or for paradise or for eternity;. These things are longed for because they are aspects of bliss.

The real god is the experience of bliss. That is the very centre of the whole existence; the whole centre of bliss has dominated not only humanity but all beings. And there is no quarrel about it. Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, theists, atheists, spiritualists, materialists -- they all agree only on one point and that is bliss.

And my observation is if that is the only point on which everybody agrees -- not only human beings but animals, birds, trees -- then all other gods are inventions, the real god is bliss.

So I don't teach worship, I don't teach prayer, I don't teach any dogma, I don't give you any proof for god. I only indicate the way towards bliss; hence I don't ask you whether are you Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan, whether you believe in god or not. These are all irrelevant things. All that I want to know is are you

interested in bliss. If you are interested in bliss then there is no need for anything else; you are on the right track that leads to god. God is another name for ultimate bliss.

Ma Anand Anupa

Anand means bliss. Anupa means unique.

The experience of bliss is the only unique experience in existence for the simple reason because it is unrespectable. It is unrespectable because it happens only once. Once it has happened, it is forever yours --

it never goes away. That which comes and goes is pleasure. That which comes and abides is bliss -- that's the only difference between pleasure and bliss; pleasure is something within time, it is temporal; bliss is something beyond time, it is eternal.

And the experience of bliss is also unique because in all other experiences you remain. In pleasure you are there, enjoying -- it is something extraneous to you -- but in bliss you dissolve. There is no observer.

The observer and the observed become one -- that's its uniqueness. The seer and the seen become one, the object and the subject lose their boundaries, melt and merge and create a new kind of organism.

No other experience does it; hence no other experience is fulfilling. No other experience dissolves your ego; hence the misery continues. Misery is nothing but the functioning of the ego. No other experience cures you, heals you; bliss cures all your anxieties because you are no more -- how can anxieties exist?

They were hanging around you. The very center has given way. Now they cannot hang around anything.

There is nothing to hang to.

The ego is no more found and with the ego the dark night of the soul is over. The ego gone, the day has come in; hence the only thing worth searching, worth seeking, is bliss and nothing else.



Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Ma Anand Surjya Anand means bliss. Surjya means the sun, the source of all light.

Just as the sun there in the outer sky is very essential for life to exist, for flowers to bloom, for trees to grow, for animals to survive; life in all its forms is nothing but solar energy. And the function of the sun outside is exactly the same as the function of bliss inside. The outer life needs the solar energy and the inner life needs blissfulness, the spiritual energy.

Just as the earth and the planets go around the sun your whole inner being goes rotating around the center of bliss. Once it is recognized things become very simple, clear, then you don't go zigzag, then you don't grope in darkness; then you can directly go towards the center. And the moment you start moving towards the center your life starts becoming light.

These are the four L's that I teach: life, love, laughter, light. And they happen exactly in that sequence.

First life -- one has to become more and more alive, full of zest, gusto, intensity. One should not withhold. When you are full of life love starts happening on its own accord, because what you will do with life, what you will do with that overflowing energy? You will have to share it -- that's what love is: sharing of your life energy. And the moment you share your life energy all sadness disappears, then life is just a heartfelt laughter. And these three l's fulfilled, the fourth I automatically happens. Three l's you have to fulfil. Those three l's are just like three r's of the educationalist, and the fourth is the reward from the beyond. Then light descends.

And the moment light has entered you, you are enlightened -- that is the meaning of the word


Ma Anand Anubhava. Anand means bliss, Anubhava means experience.

Bliss is not an intellectual concept; hence thinking about it is an exercise in utter futility. It is like a blind man thinking about light or a deaf person contemplating about music: it is not possible for the blind man to have any idea of light. He can have thousands of thoughts about it, but they will be all guesswork.

For the experience of light one needs eyes, not thinking. Thinking goes in circles, round and round --

that's the meaning of the word 'about': whenever you think about something that means you are going round and round. About means round and round. it leads nowhere. The centre always remains far away and the distance between you and the centre remains the same, because you are moving in a circle.

Bliss is not a concept; hence thinking is of no use. It is an experience, like the experience of light or music or love. it is a taste on the tongue.

This is very basic to understand because I am not in any way interested in philosophy, speculation. My whole effort is to bring you out of all philosophical jargon and to help you enter into the world of experiencing. And the way to experience bliss is the way of meditation. Then you have to be silent, you have to be aware, you have to put your mind and its noise aside. Mind is much ado about nothing. It is just smoke and clouds and dust.

Meditation is only putting all that dust and smoke aside so that you can see clearly. The moment the clarity to see is there, bliss instantly happens, because it is our nature; not only it is our nature, it is the very nature of existence itself.

Nirvana now or never

Chapter #20



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