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Chapter title: None

2 February 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8002025 ShortTitle: NEVER02 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed. It is for reference purposes only.]

[Note: There is no transcript for February 1st; probably no darshan that evening.]


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Swami Anand Peter. Anand means bliss. Peter literally means a rock, but symbolically it means eternity.

The rock represents the unchanging element. Ordinarily everything is changing, constantly -- even rocks are changing. So it is only a metaphor, but it has great significance.

Man can live either in time or in eternity. Both alternatives are open because there is nothing like destiny, nothing like fate. Man is freedom: he comes without

a fate. The future is open, always open; it is not determined when you are born -- each act determines it. In each act is your choice, and each step you can change the very direction of your life.

Millions of people live in time, for the simple reason that they are born in a crowd which knows nothing of eternity. Their parents have lived in time, their teachers have lived in time, their leaders have lived in time, the whole society around them lives in time, between birth and death; hence every child starts imitating. That's the way the child learns, but that's also how he becomes conditioned.

It is rare phenomenon to get out of the rut of time, only a few people have managed up to now. Not even all the names which are thought to have escaped, not all the so-called saints and mahatmas and sages, not more than one per cent of your so-called saints, have been able to escape from the prison of time. Although it creates much misery its walls are very invisible; hence there is a desire and longing to get ride of the misery, but you need great intelligence to see that the misery is bound to be there if you choose time as your lifestyle. Time means change -- and when everything is changing you cannot cling to anything, you don't have any support, no security. There is no earth underneath your feet, you are on shifting sands; hence one feels afraid, worried, anxious, and all this becomes the root cause of one's misery, despair, hopelessness.

But there is a way, and the way is not to fight with misery, the way is to get out of the wheel of time. In a way it is very simple, but sometimes the simplest thing, the very obvious thing, is missed because it is too obvious and our eyes are searching for something great, something far away -- and it is very close by!

Everybody has been told that time consists of three tenses -- past, present and future -- and that is absolutely wrong; time consists only of past and future. The present is a penetration of eternity, the present does not belong to time; it is transcendental. To live in the present is to get out of time, to be herenow, totally herenow, is to be out of the wheel. And the miracle is that the moment you are out of time you are out of misery. Misery is a by-product of time and bliss is a by-product of eternity, of timelessness.

And one can decide to move into eternity any moment, because it is always there. In fact the past is never there but we cling to it, the future is never there, but we cling to it; we cling to non-entities. And because both our hands are

clinging to non-entities we miss exactly what is in the middle of both: the present, the real, the existential. And both our hands are full: one hand is full of the past, the other is full of the future. A part of our being is full of memories, another part is full of fantasies, dreams, projections; and between these two is the very subtle and delicate moment. It is just like a rose flower -- crushed, missed.

Meditation simply means not to miss it, to get in tune with it.

Slowly, slowly empty your hands of the past and the future so you can be full of the now -- and that is transformation. It brings immense bliss, infinite bliss. It opens the doors of the divine.

Sw Anand Erhard , Anand means bliss. Erhard means noble.

Misery always makes a person mean. A miserable person cannot be noble -- that is impossible. He has nothing to be noble for, he has nothing to share.

Misery maketh man mean.

He is just a black hole. He sucks people. Even his presence is enough to make people sick.

The miserable person goes on creating around himself a dark aura of misery, and because he is miserable he cannot forgive the world. There is no question of being grateful to existence; he cannot even forgive it. And I can understand. Why he forgive it? He is just a victim of unknown forces, he has been thrown into existence without his consent. Nobody has ever asked him. One day suddenly he finds himself here, surrounded by misery -- not only on the outside but on the inside too. He goes on living because he cannot gather enough courage to destroy himself, but he fantasizes destroying himself.

The miserable person also lacks courage. The reason is very clear: the miserable lacks courage because he hopes "Tomorrow, things may be different -- don't risk everything, wait for tomorrow! Who knows?

Things may change, life may become beautiful"; hence he cannot risk, he cannot gamble. Only a blissful person can risk and gamble because he knows "What more can there be tomorrow?" He knows it cannot be improved upon, so there is no fear in risking it.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The miserable person cannot gather courage so he lives but his life is just flat, dull, dead. He cannot love, he cannot sing, he cannot dance; at the most he can only pretend. Even his pretensions cannot be very deep. Anybody who has a little bit of intelligence can see behind the mask. It is very easy to see tears behind people's smiles; they are smiling just to hide their tears -- there is no other reason. They are afraid if they don't smile they may start crying.

But up to now all the so-called religions have been praising poverty and misery. They have been calling the poor, the children of good, they been saying that the people who are exploited, oppressed will be rewarded greatly in heaven. This was just opium to keep them subdued, to make their lives a little more comfortable, a little more cosy. The so-called religions have been giving consolations to people, not revolutions.

That is not my function at all. I don't console anybody, in fact I do just the opposite: I tale away all your consolations, because your consolations are taken away and you are shown where you really are, there is no possibility of your ever becoming blissful.

Bliss is possible, but the misery has to be understood, not avoided, not escaped from, not rationalised away, not put into beautiful words, not hidden behind esoteric jargon. It has to be seen in its utter nudity. It hurts in the beginning, but only in the beginning. It is bitter; but once you see the point that if you really want to get rid of it, you have to understand the roots of it, the causes of it -- why you have chosen it, why you have become miserable... And once you see exactly the reasons of your misery it starts disappearing. It is almost like magic, you need not do anything to make disappear, you have just to see clearly. Your perception has to be absolutely clean, innocent, direct and penetrating.

When you have seen misery to its very core, suddenly you are out of it: the very seeing is freedom. And then bliss arises -- it is your nature. Misery is imposed from then outside, it is something learned; bliss is not learned, it is an explosion.

It is finding your own inner sources of life, love, light.

When there is bliss there is dance, there is celebration -- and that dance makes one noble. And when you are so full naturally tend to share, for no purpose at all

-- just for the sheer joy of sharing. when you have too much you want to give it. In fact one has to give it, otherwise it becomes a burden. When the flower is full of fragrance the fragrance has to be released to the winds. It is not a loss to the flower; it is a fulfillment.

Nobility has nothing to do with character; it has something to do with blissfulness. Nobility has nothing at all to do with birth -- because even kings are miserable, more miserable than anybody else. They are rich beggars, that's all, having beautiful facades, but behind the facades are all kinds of uglinesses.

Bliss is the only quality out of which nobility arises. Nobleness simply means the joy of giving, the joy of sharing, without even making the other feel obliged -

- that is nobleness. You give and you also thank the person who has accepted your gift -- that is nobility. You thank him because he could have rejected it. He has been really good to you in that he accepted your gift, in that he heard your song, in that he paid a little attention to you, in that he received your love with welcome; in that when you had so much to give he has not closed, he was open, available. He danced with you, he laughed with you -- you are obliged!

When this process is triggered in one's being one starts feeling obliged to the whole existence: to the trees and to the rivers and to the mountains and to the stars. To me this is religion -- not going to the church or to a temple or to a mosque, not reading the Bible or Koran or Gita, not worshipping Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira, but getting into a deep , loving relationship with existence, offering oneself totally to existence.

That is the only prayer I know of, and that's what nobility is all about. Swami Anand Neil: Anand means bliss. Neil means a chief.

Life ordinarily is very competitive: everything on the outside has to be struggled for. You have to fight tooth and nail only then can you reach the top, then you become a chief. It is ugly. So all chiefs are really nothing but mischiefs! (laughter)

But the inner world has a totally different quality. There is no competition

because you are alone; there is nobody else to compete with, there is no struggle. Everything happens very easily, in a relaxed manner.

And bliss represents all the inner qualities.

Love is love only because it is part of bliss. If love were not part of bliss nobody would ever hanker for it. Love is not loved; it is the bliss in love that is loved. Who would care about freedom if bliss were not in it? Because freedom and bliss go together, they are inseparable, that`s why freedom is desired. Who would even search for god? Who would care? For what? If bliss were not in the very experience, in the very search, in the very encounter with the divine. So bliss represents the whole spectrum of all inner qualities.

And one can become an emperor without any fight with anyone, without taking away anything from 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


anybody, without interfering in anybody`s territory. If you want more money then somebody will have less.

But if you want bliss, nobody will have less; in fact, on the contrary: if there is a blissful person the possibility for every human being to be blissful increases. The very presence of a blissful person raises the whole level of consciousness in existence.

A single buddha becomes a tremendous step in evolution. It is not only his own consciousness that reaches a higher peak, with him the whole humanity, knowingly, unknowingly, goes ahead. The moment a person becomes blissful he loses his ego, he is no more separate. His being is not his any more, it becomes part of the whole. It spreads all over existence.

When a man like Buddha or Jesus disappears from the body then he is everywhere, then the whole space is his home and his presence everywhere certainly affects the very quality of life in existence.

Think in terms of the inner kingdom and there it is good to be a chief, to be a king, or be an emperor, to be the first.

Jesus says "Blessed are the meek for theirs is the kingdom of god". He is talking about the outside world to make you aware that it is better to be meek, to be humble, to be the last rather than to be the first. But that is only half of the story: the other half has to be remembered. The other half is: Blessed are the blissful, blessed are the kings of the inner world, blessed are those who are the first in their subjectivity, who have reached to the highest peak, because theirs is the kingdom of god."

On the outside it is good to be the last, but it is not good to be the last in the inner world. To be the last in the world and to be the first in your being are perfectly in tune with each other -- two sides of the same coin. In fact those who have no inner integrity, those who are really suffering from some inferiority complex want to be powerful in the world through money, through prestige, through respectability, through politics.

These people are all suffering from an inferiority complex. The whole of politics is rooted in an inferiority complex. In that way Jesus is perfectly right: "Blessed are those who are meek" -- because they are not suffering from inferiority complex (laughter). Jesus did not say that (laughter) because he knew nothing about the inferiority complex -- but I can say it, and I can say on his behalf!

In the inner world just the opposite is true: be blissful and you are an emperor, be blissful and everything else that you have ever desired follows like a shadow to your blissfulness.

Blissfulness is the very key that unlocks the door to the kingdom of the beyond. Ma Anand Saroja. Anand means bliss. Saroja means a lotus flower.

The lotus flower is the most beautiful flower in the East; hence we have chosen it as the ultimate expression of the unfolding of human consciousness. Human consciousness when in blossom is as vast as the whole universe, not a bit less -- maybe a little more but never a bit less.

Human consciousness closed is like a seed; open, it is like a lotus flower. We have called the inner lotus, a one-thousand petalled lotus; one thousand in the East represents infinity.

When consciousness really comes to its total flowering then stars are within you, then the whole sky is within you, then you are no more confined in the body, in the mind, in the thoughts, in the feelings, in the moods -- you are not confined at all. And since the ancient-most days this freedom has been the goal of all true seekers. Of course there have been very few true seekers, because to be a true seeker a certain quality is needed which is missing -- missing because we are not trained for it. We are trained for the marketplace, we are trained to be businessmen, we are trained to be calculative, to be cautious, or be always suspicious, doubtful, because that's how the marketplace functions. But there is a beyond too: beyond arithmetic, beyond calculations, beyond the way the marketplace functions.

It is not logical, it is closer to love. It is not mathematical, it is closer to music. It needs the heart of a gambler, only then can one open up, because to open up is dangerous; you become vulnerable. The coward cannot open up: he remains closed, he remains always hiding. He is always armoured, he has created a certain armour around himself -- very subtle. These people miss the joy of life, they miss the very flavour and the fragrance of life.

Sannyas is a risk. It is the way of the gambler is the way of the drunkard. It is only for those few who are ready to go into the uncharted without any map, not knowing whether the other shore exists at all or not. In fact they are not concerned. The journey itself is so beautiful, each step on the journey is so ecstatic, who cares about the goal?

A sannyasin lives life moment to moment, as if this is the goal, as if this is the end. He lives with totality, intensity and passion. And when each moment is lived with totality, intensity and passion, the heart opens like a lotus.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Ma Anand Sarod. Anand means bliss. Sarod is an eastern musical instrument, one of the most beautiful musical instruments. it represents music.

The state of bliss is a state of inner music, accord, harmony.

Man ordinarily lives in deep discord. He is divided in so many fragments, and each fragment goes on trying to dominate all the others; hence there is great politics inside. The body tries to dominate the whole, the mind tries, the heart tries. And it is not so simple either, because mind is not one mind, there are many minds -- it is a crowd, and each mind tries to dominate. The heart is also not one -- there are so many feelings and moods, and every felling and every mood tries to be on the top. The body itself is not one, it has different divisions.

When you are eating food the stomach says "Enough!" but your tongue says "No. A little bit more. The ice-cream is so good!" (laughter) The stomach goes on crying "Stop!"

If you listen to the body you will find there are many voices. When you want to sleep a part of your body says "Get up! It is time to get up, and I am perfectly refreshed and there is no need to lie down." The other part says "A little bit more. Just five minutes..." (laughter) And this trick if five minutes works on almost everybody! (laughter) I have observed many people: it is always five minutes. But then after five minutes again it is five minutes.

The body is divided, the mind is divided, the heart is divided -- it is really a miracle how people go on carrying themselves together! Everybody is a humpty- dumpty (laughter). And who has put these people together? It is really strange to see that people are going with all parts together. Otherwise it would be more logical: one leg going to the north, one leg going to the south, the head going to the east and the heart going to the west, and all saying to each other "See you soon!" (much laughter). That would be far more natural.

Maybe it is just the skin that keeps you together; because everything is inside the bag and there is no way to get out -- the whole credit goes to the skin! (much laughter) This situation is bound to be very noisy and chaotic -- and that's what people are, a chaps.

When I say bliss is harmony I mean that we have to bring all these warring, conflicting camps together.

We have to make an orchestra out of them. And when they all are playing together as if they have fallen into a deep organic unity, then life for the first time has meaning, for the first time it has a subtle significance.

For the first time one starts feeling "We are not accidental." One can call it inner harmony or one can call it bliss -- it is the same.

Sannyas is the art of creating this orchestra. So my work consists of working on your body, on your mind, on your heart; first separately and then on all three dimensions together so that the fourth dimension can be created in you, or, can be discovered. Once the fourth dimension is discovered you have arrived home.

Nirvana now or never

Chapter #3



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