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An Energy Phenomenon

Meditation is an energy phenomenon. One very basic thing has to be understood about all types of energies, and this is the basic law to be understood: energy moves in a dual polarity. That is the only way it moves; there is no other way for its movement. It moves in a dual polarity.

For any energy to become dynamic, the anti-pole is needed. It is just like electricity moving with negative and positive polarities. If there is only negative polarity, electricity will not happen; or if there is only positive polarity, electricity will not happen. Both poles are needed. And when both poles meet, they create electricity; then the spark comes up.

And this is so for all types of phenomena. Life goes on: between man and woman, the polarity. The woman is the negative life-energy; man is the positive

pole. They are electrical—hence so much attraction. With man alone, life would disappear; with woman alone there could be no life, only death. Between man and woman there exists a balance. Between man and woman—these two poles, these two banks—flows the river of life.

Wherever you look you will find the same energy moving in polarities, balancing itself.

This polarity is very meaningful for meditation because mind is logical, and life is dialectical. When I say mind is logical, it means mind moves in a line.

When I say life is dialectical, it means life moves with the opposite, not in a line. It zigzags from negative to positive—positive to negative, negative to positive. It zigzags; it uses the opposites.

Mind moves in a line, a simple straight line. It never moves to the opposite

—it denies the opposite. It believes in one, and life believes in two.

So whatsoever mind creates, it always chooses the one. If mind chooses silence—if mind has become fed up with all the noise that is created in life and it decides to be silent—then the mind goes to the Himalayas. It wants to be silent, it doesn’t want anything to do with any type of noise. Even the song of the birds will disturb it; the breeze blowing through the trees will be a disturbance. The mind wants silence; it has chosen the line. Now the opposite has to be denied completely.

But this man living in the Himalayas—seeking silence, avoiding the other, the opposite—will become dead; he will certainly become dull. And the more he chooses to be silent, the duller he will become, because life needs the opposite, the challenge of the opposite.

There is a different type of silence which exists between two opposites. The first is a dead silence, the silence of the cemetery. A dead man is silent,

but you would not like to be a dead man. A dead man is absolutely silent. Nobody can disturb him, his concentration is perfect. You cannot do anything to distract his mind; his mind is absolutely fixed. Even if the whole world goes mad all around, he will remain in his concentration. But still, you would not like to be a dead man. Silence, concentration, or whatever it is called…you would not like to be dead—because if you are silent and dead the silence is meaningless.

Silence must happen while you are absolutely alive, vital, bubbling with life and energy. Then silence is meaningful. But then silence will have a different, altogether different quality to it. It will not be dull. It will be alive. It will be a subtle balance between two polarities.

One who is seeking a live balance, a live silence, would like to move to both

the market and the Himalayas. He would like to go to the market to enjoy noise, and he would also like to go to the Himalayas to enjoy silence. And he will create a balance between these two polar opposites, and he will remain in that balance. And that balance cannot be achieved through linear efforts.

That is what is meant by the Zen technique of effortless effort. It uses contradictory terms—effortless effort, or gateless gate, or pathless path.

Zen always uses the contradictory term immediately, just to give you the hint that the process is going to be dialectical, not linear. The opposite is not to be denied but absorbed. The opposite is not to be left aside—it has to be used. Left aside, it will always be a burden on you. Left aside, it will hang with you.

Unused, you will miss much.

The energy can be converted and used. And then, using it, you will be more vital, more alive. The opposite has to be absorbed, then the process becomes dialectical.

Effortlessness means not doing anything, inactivity—akarma. Effort means doing much, activity—karma. Both have to be there.

Do much, but don’t be a doer—then you achieve both. Move in the world, but don’t be a part of it. Live in the world, but don’t let the world live in you.

Then the contradiction has been absorbed….

And that’s what I’m doing. Dynamic meditation is a contradiction. Dynamic means effort, much effort, absolute effort. And meditation means silence, no effort, no activity. You can call it a dialectical meditation.



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