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Your real self
Meditation is nothing but a device to make you aware of your real self— which is not created by you, which need not be created by you, which you
already are. You are born with it. You are it! It needs to be discovered. If this is not possible, or if the society does not allow it to happen…and no society allows it to happen, because the real self is dangerous: dangerous for the established church, dangerous for the state, dangerous for the crowd, dangerous for the tradition, because once a man knows his real self, he becomes an individual.
He no longer belongs to the mob psychology; he will not be superstitious,
and he cannot be exploited, and he cannot be led like cattle, he cannot be ordered and commanded. He will live according to his light; he will live from his own inwardness. His life will have tremendous beauty, integrity. But that is the fear of the society.
Integrated persons become individuals, and the society wants you to be non- individuals. Instead of individuality, the society teaches you to be a personality. The word ‘personality’ has to be understood. It comes from the root, persona
—persona means a mask. The society gives you a false idea of who you are; it gives you just a toy, and you go on clinging to the toy your whole life. §
As I see it, almost everybody is in the wrong place. The person who would have been a tremendously happy doctor is a painter and the person who would have been a tremendously happy painter is a doctor. Nobody seems to be in his right place; that’s why this whole society is in such a mess. The person is directed by others; he is not directed by his own intuition.
Meditation helps you to grow your own intuitive faculty. It becomes very clear what is going to fulfill you, what is going to help you flower. And whatsoever it is, it is going to be different for each individual—that is the meaning of the word ‘individual’: everybody is unique. And to seek and search for your uniqueness is a great thrill, a great adventure.
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