Letters written from 1964 to 1965 and 1970/71 Miscellaneous
Letters written from 1964 to 1965 and 1970/71 Miscellaneous
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 1 Letters to Ma Yoga Sohan THESE FIVE LETTERS, SELECTED FROM MORE THAN 100 WRITTEN BY OSHO TO MA YOGA SOHAN FROM 1964 TO 1965, HAVE BEEN PRINTED IN THE HINDI PUBLICATION, PATH KE PRADEEP. AN ADDITIONAL TWENTY LETTERS HAVE ALSO BEEN TRANSLATED FOR THE BOOK, A CUP OF TEA. (OTI 16 JULY 1990) Beloved Sohan, Choosing between truth and oneself, the one who chooses truth finds truth and his own being....
< Previous | Contents CHAPTER 2 Letters to Ma Dharm Jyoti FIRST PUBLISHED IN OTI 1 SEPTEMBER 1990 Beloved Dharm Jyoti, Love. Don’t ever repress the mind. Repression is a disease. And that which is repressed will never be completed. It comes back again and again to attack you. The mind is to be understood. Finally, only understanding the mind becomes the solution. Repression is merely postponement of diseases. The path is neither in indulgence nor repression....