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25 April 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Ramen. It is a name of God. Remember it: respect yourself, love yourself, worship yourself because deep inside God is residing. We are temples of God. Only the forms are different, the shapes and sizes of the temples are different, but the deity that resides inside is the same. There is only one God. That God is neither Hindu nor Mohammedan nor Christian. That God belongs to nobody in particular, it belongs to all. It belongs to those who have love in their hearts. Only lovers can search for the divine.

Start loving by loving yourself – that is the beginning. Then only can you love others. Let the ripple arise at the very core of your being and let it spread. Once it is felt that you are divine, everybody looks divine.

Everybody looks exactly as you think about yourself because everybody is a mirror. You only see yourself reflected in a thousand and one mirrors.

A thief thinks everybody is a thief and a sage thinks everybody is a sage. It all depends on you: if you become God the whole existence becomes godly.

[Prem Kundan – love and pure gold.]

And it is the fire of love that makes a man pure gold. Love is fire. It burns! It helps to dissolve all that is meaningless in you. It is painful, because all that is meaningless you have been thinking very meaningful. When it is taken away it hurts. One clings to it although it has been creating misery. But one has become familiar with it; at least it is one’s own misery. It is rubbish but that is one’s whole past, one’s whole autobiography. One feels for it, one is sentimental about it. That’s why people go on collecting rubbish too and not only outside, inside also. It takes such courage to drop rubbish.

When you gather the garbage of your house in the morning, you don’t look at it, you simply go and throw it. That should be the case with the inner garbage too, but people don’t throw it easily. They look into everything; maybe something valuable is in it. They analyse, they dissect, they try to understand.

That s what the whole of psychoanalysis is all about: analysing garbage – dreams, nightmares, desires, thoughts. All is garbage. But one feels very good, one pays a psychoanalyst to dissect it, to find out whether there is something meaningful in it.

The East does not believe in psychoanalysis. It says it is simply garbage and whatsoever you do with your house garbage every morning do with your inner garbage too: simply go and dump it for the corporation to take away.

No need to dissect, no need to analyse, no need to understand, no need to go to a psychoanalyst, no need to pay for it. But that needs great courage!

It is possible, it is not impossible. That courage can be gathered and that is the only hope for man. Because if you go on analysing this garbage you can go on for lives together. It is never finished – no-body is ever absolutely psychoanalysed, cannot be, because the garbage has its own ways of growing. You become very very knowledgeable about it but it remains. In fact, the knowledge that you have gathered becomes in its own turn, more garbage. Love simply burns it, reduces it into nothing.

And kundan means pure gold, twenty-four carat gold... not a little less, exactly one hundred percent gold, no mixture. If one is ready to go through the fire of love, one comes out of it totally transformed. Let your sannyas be a fire, a love fire, and it will transform you.

[Osho talks to a sannyasin couple: One meditation you choose and then continue it, let it become a natural part of your life, as you take your bath, as you sleepAnd suddenly there will be no more

clouds in the sky and all will be open and sunny, and after that you will never be the same again!] [A seeker has said ‘either suicide or sannyas’ when booking for this darshan.]

So you have finally arrived! Good. This is the better way, rather than committing a suicide. This is a far better suicide, the real suicide. Close your eyes and disappear as you are so that the new can appear. Just feel as if you are disconnected from the past, utterly disconnected. I have the sword that will cut you completely from the past. Just feel in this moment completely, utterly cut from the past. And if something starts happening in your body – your breathing changes – allow it, because it will change. If your body starts shaking and trembling, go into it. But feel absolutely cut off. I have that sword in my hand!

Good. Come close to me. Just look at me...

So never be worried about the idea of suicide – it simply shows intelligence. And you have not committed it? That shows even more intelligence. Now that you have taken a jump into sannyas, something starts from this moment and it will go on gathering more and more energy Soon you will see that life has meaning. But we have to impart that to it.

This will be your name: Swami Prem Amrito. Prem means love, Amrito means immortality. There is no way to commit suicide. The inner core is immortal, it cannot be destroyed. You can destroy this body but another body will come. You can destroy this house but you will reside in another house. You will continue. One has been moving from one house to another, millions of times one has moved from one house to another house. One remains, houses go on changing. That one is immortal.

Only love gives a few glimpses of it. Meditation gives even more glimpses of it. Then going beyond love and meditation one arrives at it. So these are the three steps: Love is the beginning, meditation is the middle, and going beyond love and meditation is the end.

[A sannyasin says she had headache and back pains. Osho checks her energy.]

Something is happening in your body energies but it is something that is going to help your growth, so don’t think of it as illness or disease. And don’t take any drug. No. It will go on its own. If you take drugs it will disturb it. If the headache or the backache comes, you can just relax in a tub of hot water but don’t take any medicine. Just relaxing in hot water will be of great help.

First it will become more and more penetrating. And if, lying down in the bath, you start feeling like screaming, you have to allow it. With that scream it will disappear. You need a good scream; you have been holding yourself back for a long time and now the energy is moving upwards.

If you can scream well it will simply disappear. So first: hot water will be of great help. It relaxes the body and releases the energy and makes the passages more relaxed for the energy to move. Second: screaming will be of great help. And third: breathing will be of great help, but breathing in a special way.…

Inhale as deeply as you can and then just let the exhalation go; don’t you exhale. Simply inhale deeply, fill your lungs as deeply as possible, and then just let the air go out of the mouth. Inhale with the mouth and exhale with the mouth, don’t use your nose. Exhale, inhale with the mouth first and then allow the air to go out... with no effort on your part, exhalation has to happen automatically.

That will help very much. And even if the pain is not coming, these three things you can start doing. Every morning lie in a hot tub. Just rest there and wait. If your mind starts feeling the urge to scream, start screaming slowly, slowly, and you will feel great relief and the head will be cleansed. After that just sit and start inhaling with the mouth and leave the exhalation. Just ten minutes inhalation and you will feel great energy spreading all over your body, you will feel the tingling sensation coming. So don’t be afraid if it comes, because when it comes one really feels so full of energy that one can become afraid about what is happening.

... That is needed. The more it comes, the better. If you feel too much energy don’t be afraid and don’t go and ask any doctor about it because they will say ‘This is hyperventilation.’ They are right: it is hyperventilation that creates that tingling sensation and the energy and a great radiating force. But people have remained in subventilation so the hyper is helpful, it is not a disease.

But don’t go to the doctors because they think that hyperventilation is a disturbance in the body energy. It is not – it is a must, because people have been forced to live in a subventilated state. Nobody is breathing as he should, everybody’s breathing is shallow. The body is not getting as

much oxygen as it needs. So the hyperventilation simply helps the subventilation to go. Once that is gone the breathing settles on its own accord. It comes just into the middle where it should be. The hyperventilation is just a drastic effort to change a situation that has become chronic: subventilation.

So don’t go to them, otherwise they will say ‘Stop. This is hyperventilation.’ [Osho gives the name for a centre: Advaita.]

It means ‘not two’. The reality is one, but to say that it is one is not right because one creates the idea of two. The moment you think of one you can start thinking of two and three and four, and so on, so forth. Because one is only a digit in a chain, from one to nine is just part of a chain, it cannot exist on its own. It has meaning only in context with those eight other digits.

So in the East we have not called God, one; we have chosen a roundabout way to say it: not two. ‘Not two’ simply gives you the feeling of one, mm? When you hear ‘not two’, you don’t think of three, you don’t think of four – you think of one. When you say ‘one’ you start thinking of two and three and four. So just to avoid that, a roundabout way has been chosen; God is ‘not two’. It is just to say one but to avoid the chain; otherwise the mind starts functioning. It is a negative way of saying the same thing but the negative is always far better than the positive.

The negative only indicates, the positive pin-points. The positive particularises, the negative only gives a vague idea and that’s the beauty of the negative. Saying ‘not two’, just gives you a vague idea of oneness... vague, undefined, not clear-cut, not distinct, nebulous. And that’s the search, the search for the ‘not two’.

[The sannyasin says: I just feel very helpless.]

If you really feel helpless then I can become your help. I can help only people who are really helpless. Those who think they are not helpless cannot receive my. help. In your helplessness only can you surrender. If you have any idea that you can still do something on your own, why surrender? When you are really helpless, then you become one with me, then you are not. In your helplessness you disappear and the connection is made. A disciple has to be utterly helpless and then there are no more difficulties.

The only difficulty is that people are not helpless. Even if they say that we are ready to do whatsoever you say, they are only saying it; deep down they remain the decisive factor. They think ‘If it goes with us we will do it, if it fits with us we will do it. If it just goes against us, there is no necessity to do it.’ And deep down they go on thinking that they can still do something on their own. That may be very unconscious but yes, it is there.

This is good, this is how disciplehood arises: it happens in total helplessness. Just feel helpless and remember me and you will see miracles happening. They happen all the time – one just has to be able to see and receive them!

[A couple are leaving for the West. The man says: I’ve been fighting a lot with you.]

That’s perfectly good... that’s perfectly good! Go on fighting – that is one of the ways of being defeated faster. If you fight too much you will be defeated sooner because you will get tired. Because

fighting with me is fighting with your own self. I don’t get tired through it because really...you simply get tired. You are just fighting with the sky and jumping and howling. The sky is there but it is not affected by your shouting and jumping and all that. You will get tired – sooner or later you will fall! That defeat is coming soon.

Come back, mm? And if you can continue fighting, good – continue it. I need a few warriors too. They keep me working!

[A sannyasin says that all his life he has had visions about the world becoming whole, entering a new age, and working to help bring that about.]

Mm mm... good idea!... You continue. Put your whole energy into it.Put your whole energy into it

and everything is good.And the vision is right, you follow it.

[A sannyasin says she has a pressure in her chest in Dynamic meditation, and she experienced a rebirthing. She has trouble with the breathing. Osho suggests a rebirthing group, and she replies she has been hypnotised to remember her birth.]

No, that won’t help – breathing will help. So before you go, take one or two sessions, individual sessions of Rebirthing. That will help this block disappear, nothing else will help. And once this block is gone you will feel so free, so light and very fresh and young. That block is there – it is just an emotional block, mm? but almost everybody has it more or less because everybody has been repressing emotions. They become accumulated there, they create a certain state in the body also, a body formation, a musculature, and that can be broken only by a particular deep breathing. In Rebirthing that deep breathing happens on its own accord.

In fact, when the child is born something is being done all over the world which is such a calamity – that is creating this block. When the child is born they immediately cut the umbilical cord, they cut it immediately. It has not to be cut immediately because it leaves the child in a very very weird situation. He cannot breathe on his own yet and the connection with the mother is cut. The natural process is that he should start breathing and when he has started breathing and his breathing has started functioning perfectly well, then the umbilical cord should be cut. And there is a natural way to know when it has to be cut.

The moment the child starts breathing perfectly, the umbilical cord stops pulsating. Slowly, slowly, the more the child breathes, the less is the pulsation, the less the beat. Otherwise it pulsates because the child is breathing through it. Once the child has taken on the breathing process for himself, it stops, it pulsates no more. Then it has to be cut – now it is dead. What is being practised nowadays is: the moment the child is out of the womb, the first thing is to cut the umbilical cord. And the child is not breathing yet, so the breathing comes in such a chaotic way, with such a jerk, that it shakes the whole being of the child.and it never becomes rhythmic, never, for his whole life.

The first shock keeps vibrating. He never has a harmonious breathing and that causes a thousand and one diseases in the body, in the mind. And because of that this block starts from the very beginning. It is just like a shock – a knife has been stuck into the child’s being. He has to breathe and he does not know how to. His whole passage is full of things because he has never breathed. Amniotic fluid is there blocking the passage, mucous is there blocking the passage. And just to help

him they will hang the child upside-down by his legs and will slap him on his buttocks, just so the amniotic fluid goes out. This is all so violent, this is such an unwelcome welcome to the child, mm? – with life starting by beating, by hurting the child. Such a gap has been created in his being that the natural breathing has stopped and he cannot breathe; there is a gap. That gap has created the block. Then we go on repressing emotions in that gap. It becomes bigger and bigger, hard like a stone.

Rebirthing will help immediately. So just take one or two, three sessions so you know how to do it. Just do the whole process and you will be surprised: within two, three months you will come out of it completely and that will be really a new birth.



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