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24 April 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

[Osho explains the meaning of subiro: the courageous one. The inner journey needs great courage, first because you are alone there, you cannot take anybody with you. Secondly, the deeper you go inside, the more you start disappearing; it is a kind of death.]

Devaraj means: the divine king. And I declare you, this moment, a divine king as everybody else is too... because only God exists. So even a rock has divinity, sovereignty; it is utterly precious. So whosoever is alive, whosoever is, is divine, and that confers sovereignty, that makes one a king. I am not talking about the kingdom of this earth, I am talking about the real kingdom, the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of the heart, the kingdom within you. It is only a question of allowing this thought to sink deep and miracles start happening. Once it is confirmed, affirmed, once it takes roots in your heart, you start changing.

There is a great law called ‘the law of affirmation’: if you can affirm something deeply, totally, absolutely, it starts becoming real. That’s why people are in misery, because of that law: they affirm misery. That’s why people are happy, but only a few people, because only a few people are aware of what they are doing to their lives. Once they affirm joy they become joyous.

Make it a point: stop affirming negativities and start affirming positivities. Within a few weeks you will be surprised that you have a magical key in your hands. For example, if you get sad easily, then every night before you go to sleep affirm twenty times silently, deeply, to yourself but loud enough so that you can hear it, that you are going to be joyous, that this is going to happen, this is already on the way. You have lived your last sadness... good-bye! Repeat it twenty times and then fall asleep. And in the morning when you first become aware that your sleep is gone, don’t open your eyes, repeat it again twenty times and see the change in the day. You will be surprised – a different quality surrounds you. Within seven days time you will have affirmed something and known the result of it.

Then slowly, slowly, drop all negativities. Choose one negativity for one week then drop it. Choose one positivity and imbibe it.

It is all a question of our choice. Hell is created by your thoughts, so is heaven. A man is as he thinketh. And when you have seen this – that thought can create hell and heaven – then the ultimate jump can be taken into no-thought. One can transcend hell and heaven both. And remember: it is easier to transcend heaven than to transcend hell. So first move from the negative to the positive. It looks paradoxical but it is easier to leave something that is beautiful than that which is ugly; the ugly clings.

It is easier to leave richness than to leave poverty. It is easier to leave a friend than to leave an enemy. It is easier to forget a friend than to forget a foe. Change hell into heaven. Western religions have never gone beyond that but the East has tried to: drop heaven too because even a positive thought is still a thought. Start affirming no-thought, thoughtlessness, and then the ultimate happens. That makes one a ‘Devaraj’, a divine king.

[A sannyasin, leaving for the West, says her energy feels stuck in the head and throat. Osho checks her energy.]

It will go – nothing to be worried about. Just start doing one small thing every night before you go to sleep. Sit silently and put your hands the same way you put them before me and just remember me as I am sitting in front of you now. And then start singing any sound – not words but ‘ahh’, anything, like small children. Just go into that sound, sway with it and that will release the energy in the throat. By the time you are back here it will be perfectly settled. But everything is going well. It is not something bad, it is just too much energy arising that you cannot yet absorb. Soon you will be able to absorb it. The same energy becomes radiance, the same energy becomes joy. Once it starts flowing all over the body it creates a different body, the astral body.

This body is nothing compared to the astral. Once the astral body is there one forgets all weight. Gravitation functions no more, it functions only on this body. But the energy body feels no impact from gravitation. And then one feels so weightless, almost flying – one walks on the earth and yet does not walk on the earth.

Something great is going to happen. Just start doing this, mm? Sit in your room, close your doors, put the light off, just put your hands towards me wherever you are and they will reach me. Immediately a spontaneous sound will arise in you. Start singing that sound – whatsoever comes. It will change every day because according to whatsoever is the need it will change. And come back!

[A sannyasin says she is afraid to go to the West; to be alone and go back to old habits; to become absorbed in her husband and child again.]

Nothing to be worried about. Just don’t get into this idea. This idea will create trouble.

These are all ideas that create trouble. Now you are getting afraid. You are feeding fear, you are putting your energy into the fear. You will create it and then you will find it there.

... There is no reason – just the old experiences, just old habits. Try to change it before you leave and it will be changed. Tonight you put this box on your heart, just remember me and start laughing. And see how it changes. Every night just do that, and back in Munich also I will make you laugh!

There is nothing to be worried about and nothing to be serious about. The only thing to be understood is: don’t feed negatives. Otherwise they become real. Feed the positive and that becomes real. Reality is your creation, thought creates reality. Go with great joy, go in happiness and you will be surprised that everything fits with your joy and everything fits with your surprise. Everything helps you to be more joyous. Go with fear and everything will be gloomy and everything will prove that you are right.

The mind always proves itself right. So it is a suicidal trip: if you go with fear you will create it. When you are afraid you create fear in the other person also.

If you try to stop it you will carry it. Simply make a shift, don’t try to stop it. You are facing east, face west. You cannot stop the east but you can face west.

You are listening to one station on the radio; you can change the station. You cannot stop that radio station from broadcasting, it will go on broadcasting, but you need not receive it. Think of the mind like this – that you have all the knobs available, you can turn on any station, all the stations of the world are available. The whole world is available: sadness, fear, love, joy, anger, celebration, anguish, anxiety. Everything is available – just tune into whatsoever you need. And don’t be obsessed with the idea of how to stop fear There is no need to be worried about fear. If you become focussed on fear you will be feeding it.

Try it tonight. I am not saying stop fear, I am saying start laughing; that is tuning into another station. And just see: when you laugh, the whole body changes, the whole vibe changes and you are again flowing. Go laughing! And I will help you.

[A sannyasin says he is out of contact with himself; that whatever he does he is continually hearing words of reinforcement in his head. Osho checks his energy.]

Good! No need to be worried or afraid. It is just that for the first time you are having some out-of-the- body experiences, you are moving out of your body. It is a good experience but very frightening. One feels disconnected because we are so much identified with the body and when you are hovering beyond the body you naturally feel disconnected. The body feels so alien and foreign, as if it is somebody else’s body, as if you are carrying somebody else’s body. It is scary but it is beautiful. It is one of the very valuable experiences on the way. Allow it, don’t be worried. Hover around the body, remain disconnected.

Soon the connection will happen but it will happen on a new plane now, it will not happen on the old plane. You are disconnected from the old plane, disconnected forever. And once you are connected again you will see that you are entering into another body, a new body. It will be a very new feel because it is a different plane. Everything will become alive again and you will be connected but you will never think about yourself as ‘the body’. That idea has gone, that idea is no more relevant. You have transcended that idea. It is something very valuable – welcome it! And there is no need to make any hectic effort to get connected. That’s what you have been trying. If you make any effort, at the most you can be connected with the head because that is the closest point where you are hovering. I can see where you are hovering – just near the head, on the top.

So if you try much then at the most you can connect with the head, that is the closest. So you will hear words, nothing else.

No need to be worried. Remain disconnected. If you become too afraid just take the locket in your hand. That is the purpose of the locket: to bridge you when you are feeling unbridged. It will immediately give you a bridging. You will feel very very calm, quiet, settled and the harmony will arise without any identification. Your identity is broken and it is a valuable step towards growth.

Man is not the body, he only thinks that he is the body. That thinking is disrupted. Now you will have to learn a new way – to be in the body without being the body. Now for the first time you will abide in the body: the body will be a house and you will be just a resident. You will never be identified again so don’t try to be. If you try you will drive yourself crazy unnecessarily and you will miss a great opportunity.

The West cannot understand it yet. If you go to a western psychotherapist he will think something has gone wrong. You have lost your moorings in the body; you have to be rooted again. He will give you electric shock or something so that again the body can be forced into the old pattern and the soul can be forced into the old identity.

But in the East we have been longing for this! There are a thousand and one methods to create this. For years people work for this. They fast, they do yoga, they meditate, just to come to feel that they are not the body. Once it is seen then you live in the body again but the vision has changed, the perspective is different.



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