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11 April 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Prem means love, Geet means song – a song of love. Life is barren unless the song of love arises in you. Life cannot become a fulfilment unless the song of love happens. Life in itself remains meaningless. It is love that gives meaning to it. Make love as deep as possible; that very depth becomes God one day. God is depth and man goes deep through love. Love is almost like digging a well in your being. The mind is very superficial, shallow. It lives on the circumference, it is a coward. It knows only how to swim on the surface, it cannot dive deep. It is afraid of death. Only the heart is never afraid of death. The heart knows no death; it knows life and only life. That’s why it can take the plunge into love. Love is death – death of the old and birth of the new. But with love, life takes on a new colour, a new glory, a new splendour.
[Osho gives sannyas to someone.]
Something great is going to happen. Be ready for it!
The guest is going to knock on the door. Be a host. Sometimes it happens that the guest knocks and the host is not ready. Sometimes it happens that the guest knocks and the host cannot hear it. Or, even if he hears it he thinks it is something else – maybe just the wind or maybe a stranger. One can go on interpeting wrongly.
God is constantly searching for His people. Since Adam left He has been calling and calling. He still goes on calling and He still comes and knocks. But we are hiding. And we have created such barriers, we have created such mental attitudes that we cannot see, we cannot hear, we cannot feel.
When I say ‘be prepared’ I am saying: drop all barriers. Listen, feel, taste, smell, as deeply as possible, because these are the doors; the senses are the doors from where God can penetrate you. They are the only doors. Anything that goes in you, goes through the senses; there is no other
way. The sun goes through the senses, the wind goes through the senses, food, light, sound... The old religions have all been against the senses so they have made people very closed. They have made people almost without windows – capsules enclosed from everywhere. And then suddenly God doesn’t seem to exist at all because we can’t feel. And this is what the religions have done: they have been talking about God, prayer, love, and what they have been doing is just the opposite of it – they have destroyed sensitivity.
You have great possibilities to be sensitive. Mm? just a slight alertness and the senses will start becoming alive again. You can become a child again, and that is the only way to see the real. Only innocent eyes can see it:
Prabhati is a special song that is sung in the East in praise of the morning sun. It is sung just before the dawn, when the sun is just about to appear on the horizon... to receive the sun, to welcome it.
And you are in that kind of state where you can start singing a song to receive something, you don’t know yet what. The dark night can be over, it will depend on you. The morning is possible now, the sun can come on the horizon; the light is very close by. One can still miss, because people have become so skilful in missing it that they come very close by and then they go away. Sometimes they are just on the verge, when something was going to happen: one step more and they would have become transformed, illuminated. But they didn’t take that one step. They started moving in some other direction. And then the sun remains on the horizon and the dark night continues. It may take years for one to come to the same state again.
Because one is not aware, there is no way to know when the morning is close by. Hence the master is needed. Hence so much insistence in the East for the master – one who has seen the run rising. He can recognise the early signs of the sun on the horizon in the East. he can see the light. the sun is not yet there but some indications are there that with a little effort, a few steps, a little courage, one can be transformed.
[Osho reminds a sannyasin, who is leaving, to help sannyasins there for they are part of a very special family.]
It is a new family growing on the earth; it needs every kind of help possible. Devote your energies to it. It is one of the greatest creative possibilities that is opening. Contribute all that you can contribute to this. Because right now you may not be aware but later on you will feel tremendously happy that you had also contributed towards something which is going to become so meaningful. It is very difficult to see the future. It is very easy to be wise when things have passed.
When I was a student, on one Buddha celebration day the vice-chancellor said ‘I always think that if I had been in the days of Buddha, I would have sat at his feet... I would have walked in his shadow.’ I had to stand up. I said ‘You are talking nonsense.’ I told him ‘I know perfectly well that you were there’ – he became very much afraid – ‘and you never came to Buddha and you never sat at his feet. Buddha passed the places you were living in and you never followed him. Not only that – I know perfectly well that you were against him.’
He started perspiring. He said ‘What are you saying ? How do you know?’ I said ’I know because I know you! It has nothing to do with Buddha. I have been watching you for six years: I have never
seen you going to any temple, to any mosque. I have never seen you going to any saint, I have never seen you reading the Gita or the Dhammapada. It is very easy to be wise when things have passed.’
I asked him ‘Have you been to J. Krishnamurti?’ He said ‘No.’ ‘Have you been to Shri Ramana Maharshi?’ He said ‘No.’ Then I said ‘Take your words back, because Buddhas are still alive’
Something of great import is happening. Don’t miss it! Participate in this growing movement. And you will feel happy later on that you contributed something to it, that your hands were there in it.
[A sannyasin, returning to the West: I just finished doing the Primal group and after it I felt that I’ve been fighting you a lot since I’ve been here.]
Mm mm.and that is unnecessarily wasting your energy, because the same energy can be used in
growing and the same energy can be wasted in fighting. Fighting against me is really fighting against yourselfbecause I simply represent your innermost core, that’s all. I have no other business here.
I just want to give you yourself. Fighting with me means that you will be creating barriers against yourself. I have no other interests, no vested interests. My work is finished so I don’t need anybody.
But it happens to almost everybody: in the beginning they fight because they think ‘Why surrender? Why listen to this man? Why not follow our own mind?’ These ideas are natural, but you have lived with your mind, you have followed it up to now and it has not led you anywhere; that’s why you are here. Now listening to it again is going round and round in circles. But next time it will be easier: you will be more understanding and you will come closer to me...
Whenever it is possible, come back. And help my people there, mm? – just as a repentance!
[Two sannyasin sisters ask about their relationship. One is afraid of the other killing her, the other is upset by this attitude. Osho checks their energy together.]
Good! Very good! Yesreally great!
(to the one who is afraid) This is a very simple phenomenon: you are absolutely like her, that is the trouble. She hates herself and you are absolutely like her. So she is afraid of you. You are just a mirror image. She is afraid of herself and she projects her fear on you. It is not that you can kill her but that she has a suicidal instinct deep inside herself. She cannot see it there, it is very unconscious, but she can see something in you because you are just a replica. Very rarely are two sisters so alike.
Once it is understood, you can love each other tremendously. You can meet and absolutely merge into each other. But whenever this happens it creates fear. She has been escaping from herself, that’s why she escapes from you. Everybody is escaping from himself or herself, that’s why people search for the other. The other has to be opposite, hence a man searches for a woman, a woman searches for a man. And people find polar opposites.
The logical person is always bound to find some illogical person to fall in love with. A logician cannot fall in love with another logician; they will repel each other. So everybody is going in search to escape from themselves into the other.
The problem is simple with you, the problem is: you are exactly like her, so when she finds you in the room she is alone and she becomes afraid. But once you understand it you can love each other tremendously, there is a great possibility of love and you can help each other. This is going to happen.
(to the other sister) But it is good that you told me this. Sometimes if she escapes, don’t feel offended; feel more love for her. And things will change, mm?
[A sannyasin says she has a problem with her throat and is afraid of creative expression. Her work as a stage and production manager is very demanding and she has a breakdown when a show is finished. Osho checks her energy.]
You are into something you are not meant to be; your energy is not the kind of energy which can dominate and boss. You are not an arrogant, aggressive person, so you just manage it somehow: you pull yourself together, you force yourself to do it. You do it but each time it simply dissipates you. It is not worth it. It is destructive, it is suicidal.
There are aggressive people who will enjoy any kind of bossing. When they cannot boss they feel very tense; when they boss they are relaxed. But you are not that kind of person at all. You have a really feminine energy – very soft, delicate. This is unnecessarily forcing yourself and is destructive. And because your energy is so destroyed by this work, you can’t be creative either, because creativity will need your energy. Whenever you have energy you go into this work, and when you dissipate the energy you have to rest. So when will you be creative? This way you will never find enough energy to be creative.
You can be creative but your creativity will have to find its outlet in a place where you need not boss. And that is becoming difficult. In the old days creativity was an individual, personal phenomenon, nobody else was involved. A Van Gogh can go on painting, mm? – that is his personal thing, there is nobody else in it. But theatre, production, and things’ like that – so many people are involved, you are not alone there. It is teamwork really and if you are very feminine you cannot succeed there. If you cannot boss then others will boss you.
So the first thing: the work that you are in – maybe it is paying and financially good – is not spiritually good for you. It is time to get out of it. And it will not be a loss. Find something that you can enjoy and can do easily, smoothly, spontaneously. Then creativity will explode; just energy is needed.
Creativity is nothing but overflowing energy. It is a kind of surplus energy which is no more needed for the ordinary needs of life. When one is hungry one cannot be creative; when one is ill one cannot be creative. Creativity means that your cup is full, your needs are fulfilled. And you have more than that. Now with that energy you can play around. Creativity is a kind of play; poetry or painting or music are all play. But the way you have become involved in the work is such that it dissipates you. Then you have to just rest to gather energy again, and by the time you have enough energy you have to rush to work again. Hence your creativity has remained paralysed. Change your pattern of life.
You can come here, you can be here in the commune; And here you can do anything you want to do. You will find a milieu of creativity here. You can do the thing that you always wanted to do, you can
evolve a theatre here. Rather than escaping to the villages and to the mountains, come and escape into me! Finish things there and come here. Then start doing something just for its own sake.
That will be difficult there. Even if you change your work, you will have to get into some other work and that will be the same. Modern creativity has become so technological that it doesn’t allow the individual any expression. It needs so many people and so much machinery and so much arrangement and management that in fact there is no freedom for the creative person now. There are a thousand and one hurdles for the freedom of the creative person. Creativity is dying all over the world.
My effort here is to create a place where people can be utterly free and do things that they always wanted to do. . .and they can do it before death. Otherwise death comes sooner or later and we go on postponing. I don’t think there is any need.
And I don’t think there is any other problem. It has nothing to do with your body, it has nothing to do with any blocks. There are no blocks, even your throat is perfectly clear. So don’t be worried about tonsils and don’t try to remove them; they have nothing to do with it.
You have to change your life style radically. You come, come here, mm?
[She asks if she should return to the West to do a theatre project.]
There you will get tense again. Come and do your project here. Finish things there and you come.… Jump before you think! Thinking delays. Just go and finish things. And create the project here. You will find so many creative people. So many talented people are here and many more are going to come. Within two years you will find an explosion of all kinds of creative people here. One need not go anywhere – you will find all kinds of talents here and you can do whatsoever you want. This is going to be a different kind of work. It can be done for the sheer joy of it. So you come...
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