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Chapter title: None

24 September 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8009245 ShortTitle: ICEBRG24 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]

(Siggi, a therapist from Germany, received the name Dhyan Anutoshen -- then Osho took off from there.)

Meditation means a state of no-mind -- where all the functioning of the mind has ceased. The moment the functioning of the mind ceases you have a profound silence such that you have never known before, such clarity, such transparency -- because all the clouds are gone, all the smoke is gone, there is nothing to hinder your insight. All is absolutely clear.

Meditation gives you innocence, clarity, insight into your own being and into the very being of the existence that surrounds you. Suddenly all misery disappears, all desires disappear. Desires are by-products of misery; because you are miserable you are always hankering for a better state of things -- more money, more power, more prestige and that more is non-ending. When you attain it, again the mind is there asking for more.

Mind simply means the desire for more and more, ad infinitum. Mind means discontent, unquenchable thirst. The moment mind ceases there is suddenly contentment, absolute contentment, because there is no desire. One is so utterly happy in the now and the here that one cannot even conceive that things could be

better than this. Then one moves in a world which is absolutely perfect. It is the same world, only you are not the same person.

And when there is deep contentment inside you, of course it changes everything in your life. Your very aura becomes that of peace, you carry an energy field around you. You become infectious. Even people who 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


sit by your side will start feeling that something very strange and mysterious is there.

Those who are sensitive will be immediately moved, their hearts will start beating with a new joy. They will be surprised at what is happening. You are not doing anything, it is simply happening; you become a triggering point, a catalytic agent. Just your presence triggers some process in them.

It is a synchronicity. You don't cause it, it simply happens. You are not a doer in it. It is like the sun rising and the birds starting to sing; suddenly from nowhere the trees are awake and the flowers start opening. The sun is not telling them to do it, the sun is not doing anything, the sun is simply present, but the presence is enough. It stirs the life on earth immediately, sleep starts disappearing, a deep awakening happens in nature. When one is contented one carries the climate of contentment around oneself.

First become contented, then your very life will become a source of joy for others. That's the only true service -- not the service that Christian missionaries go on doing. That is mischief and nothing else. It is exploiting people in the name of service, it is converting people, it is a political game. And the people who are converting them are not themselves converted.

Conversion does not mean a change of religion; it means a change of consciousness. That's exactly the meaning of conversion: when you are no more asleep but awake, when you are no more full of the rubbish of thoughts and memories and desires, when you are utterly silent -- that is conversion. When the head has disappeared -- you are no more a head person -- when the heart has

taken its place then you are headless and just a pure heart -- that is conversion. It is not a Hindu becoming a Christian or a Christian becoming a Hindu -- that is sheer stupidity; just changing prisons from one prison to another prison, that is not conversion.

Conversion is something inner. The only conversion I know of is from mind to meditation, because is changes your whole being; from discontent it brings tremendous contentment to you.

The lifestyle of a sannyasin has to be that of contentment. He lives in the now and lives fulfilled. If he dies the next moment, he happily dies, dancingly dies -- because there is nothing more! All is already complete! He does not need any more time to do anything, nothing is incomplete. At every moment all is complete, all is accomplished. He is ready to go at any time. He will not even want to linger a single moment more.

(Life's ways are mysterious: that which we can work for is ultimately worthless, while that which is really precious is given to us as a present, Osho told Jean, a rolfer from the States.) There ar things which are not achievements: bliss, truth, love, life, consciousness. These are things which man has to be ready to receive. That's all that is needed on man's part: a welcoming heart, an open heart, a receptivity, a sensitivity. You cannot achieve them by effort, you can receive them -- only by rest, relaxation. And these belong to a world of a totally different dimension.

The outside world is the world of achievement and this is the opening of the interiority of your own being. These are gifts of god. Hence the more man tries to be blissful, the more miserable he becomes, because he is doing something wrong, something absolutely absurd. You cannot try to love. If you try then it is not love; it may be acting. If you are ordered to love somebody you can make an effort but deep do, you will know there is no love.

Love is a happening, you cannot force it. You can only be available. It is like the sun rising in the morning, you can open the door and the rays will come in. You cannot force the sun to rise but you can prevent the rays from reaching you. Even if the door is open you can keep your eyes closed. Everywhere there will be light but you will be like a dark island in the ocean of light, you will remain in darkness. By keeping your eyes closed you are not welcoming, you are not receptive, you are not available.

The truly religious person is simply available to god. And by god I mean the total -- not a certain person somewhere but the whole, this whole universe, this infinity, this eternity.

If you are receptive to it you will be showered with bliss, with love, with truth. Thousands of flowers will go on falling on you. But these are not achievements, hence ego cannot claim them; in fact ego is a barrier. Hence the achiever cannot meditate. For meditation you have to learn the art of non-achieving the art of effortlessness, the art of relaxing, the art of not doing anything. That's what meditation is -- just a total rest.

Neither is the body doing something nor is the mind doing something, all activity as such has ceased. In that profound silence god starts penetrating your deepest core.

(The mind is prosaic, the heart is a poet, Osho told us.) 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


The heart is not mathematics, it is something far more. It is not logic, it is something beyond logic, it is supralogical. But it has tremendous beauty and it contains the ultimate truth.

So poetry to me is just a metaphor to tell you to come down from the head, from the world of prose, grammar and calculation, to the world of the heart, of love, of dance, of music. That is the transformation that is the most fundamental thing in sannyas.

A sannyasin functions through the heart, not through the head. He uses the head but in the service of the heart; the heart is the master, the head becomes the servant. And then life has a fragrance. Otherwise life becomes a drag, a mundane affair, business. It loses all grandeur, all sacredness. The head is very destructive as a master -- and the head becomes the master. It has completely destroyed the heart. That is one of the greatest calamities that has happened to humanity, all over the world, in all societies, in all cultures, in all the religions too. People are all living in the head. Religion becomes theology, in the head.

Jesus is not a theologian... but the popes and the bishops and the priests -- they are all theologians.

What Jesus says is his love affair, his love affair with god. and what these people go on saying has nothing to do with love. They are arguing, trying to prove something which can only be proved by experience, which cannot be proved by any argument.

In fact the atheists go on succeeding because of these fools, because all their arguments can be destroyed very easily. In fact no argument has an ultimate value, no argument is self-evident, a better arguer can destroy it immediately. It simply depends on how much acumen you have for logic. And logic is a prostitute, it is always ready to go with anybody, whosoever is powerful.

Atheists go on succeeding because of these priests, bishops, popes. These people are the cause of atheism in the world because they argue for god. And arguments can be destroyed, I have never come across a single argument which cannot be destroyed. So it all depends on who is arguing. If the arguer is efficient he can destroy all arguments. It has nothing to do with truth.

Jesus is not arguing about god, he is living god. His very presence is a proof of god. The same is the case with Buddha, even more so because Jesus at least uses the word "god". Buddha never uses the word

"god". Buddha is the only person in the whole history of man who cannot be refuted by logic because he never gives you any argument. How can you refute him? -- he does not even use the word "god"

He used to keep silent about eleven things, one of them was god... and heaven and hell, etcetera, eleven things. He used to say to everybody "Don't ask about these eleven things -- I am not going to answer because every answer will be wrong. These are things to be experienced."

And he never answered questions about them; he never said yes, never said no. He never took any part in the whole argumentative process. But his very existence was proof enough.

H.G. Wells has said about Gautum the Buddha that he was the most godly and yet the most godless man.

And it is true, because he never talks about god; certainly he is godless. But you cannot say that he is not godly -- his very existence is divine.

Make religion a love affair, that's my message for my sannyasins. It is not a question of logic or the head, it is something of the heart. You need not prove it, you have to live it -- that is the only proof -- and then it is irrefutable.

(Meditation, like bliss, is ours for the uncovering.)

Meditation is like peeling an onion: you go on removing layer after layer and finally nothing is left. That nothing is silence, that nothing is meditation. That nothing is the greatest experience in life. There is nothing higher than it or deeper than it or more valuable than it, because out of that nothingness thousands of ecstasies are born. That nothingness is the womb of the whole existence.

So all that I teach here is how to peel the onion. Hence the meditators and the people who are working in the canteen are doing the same thing; there is no difference-both are peeling onions. And in both processes tears come to the eyes (laughter). It hurts!

So get ready for it. First try with the meditations and if you don't succeed (much laughter)... then you will be sent to the canteen! In any way, one has to peel the onion.

How long will you be here? Half a year or longer.

That's perfectly good! You will be able to peel the onion, don't be worried. (He renamed Ursula a love worshipper.)

Love is the only religion there is -- not Christianity, nor Hinduism nor Mohammedanism, but love.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Enough of all these isms -- they have tortured man enough, more than enough. It is time to get rid of all these isms and ideologies, all these dogmas and creeds. It is time to reject all that is non-essential and to save just the essential. The danger is that because the non-essential has grown so much and man has become so tired of it, he may throw out the whole thing -- even the essential with the non- essential, the baby with the bathwater. That danger is there.

For the first time in the history of man we have come to a very critical moment. If we want to save the essential then the non-essential has to be rejected, and the sooner the better, because almost half of humanity has rejected religion. Russia and China and the other communist countries constitute half of humanity. They have already rejected religion, in toto, for the simple reason that the non- essential really has been an opium for the people -- Karl Marx is right but he is right only about the non-essential. But the non-essential is almost ninety-nine per cent or even ninety-nine point nine per cent.

Scientists say that in prehistoric times there were very huge animals on earth, bigger than elephants, bigger than whales -- their skeletons have been found. They were very powerful, immensely powerful. Why did they suddenly die? What happened to them, that calamity happened to them? The only thing that scientists have concluded is that they became so huge that they could not survive. Their very weight became a hindrance, they could not move, their movement became impossible. And when climates changed they were not able to move to another place where the climate was right. They died because of their own size.

Smaller animals survived because they were able to move.

Now the same is the situation with the religions, they have become huge animals. Now Christianity is a huge animal, so is Hinduism and Mohammedanism. They are dying under their own weight. Nobody is destroying them, they are committing suicide in a subtle way.

The non-essential has become so much that the essential is almost lost in it. And it is time for us to sort it out before the essential is rejected. Let the non-essential be dropped and same the essential. And to me, love is the essential.

Jesus says god is love. That's enough, that's the whole Bible. Even if the whole Bible is destroyed nothing will be destroyed if this single statement is preserved: God is love. And out of this single statement the whole of life can be transformed.

Live a life of love. This is true worship and true prayer. Then you need not go to the church or the temple, then the whole existence is your temple. And then you can worship anywhere because everywhere god is. Under a tree, by the side of a rock, listening to the roaring waves of the ocean -- everywhere god is manifesting in millions of forms. This whole existence is a temple. There is no need to create idols because the trees are enough; the flowers are there, the sun, the moon, the stars are there, the people, the animals, the birds. What is the need to create statues, temples, mosques, churches? There is no need.

The whole existence is sacred for the man who knows what love is. So go on growing in love. Love unconditionally, rejoice in loving and you will be surprised to find that without doing any ritualistic prayer, without repeating a certain tradition, without quoting any scriptures, you have found god. And once god penetrates your being once there is an experience which you can call divine, you have come home. Then there is no desire any more; you are fulfilled, you have blossomed!

(Then Osho told us why man likes to live in lies.)

Man lives in lies because to seek truth is troublesome; it is risky, it is dangerous. It is adventuring into the unknown, into the unchartered sea. And man is a coward, he clings to the familiar, to the known. He is not really interested in knowing the truth, he only wants consolations; comfortable lies will do.

In fact truth is never comfortable in the beginning, it is very uncomfortable.

Buddha is reported to have said that lies are sweet in the beginning, bitter in the end, and truth is bitter in the beginning and sweet in the end. And he is right, absolutely right. Truth is bitter, not because truth is bitter, truth is bitter because we have lived in lies for so long that when truth comes our lies are shattered, and that hurts.

And truth never compromises. When it comes all lies are bound to be shattered and demolished. In the beginning it creates a chaos, but out of that chaos stars are born, out of that chaos is creativity. So only very few daring souls have

known the truth. Others have lived coddled with their lies, holding their toys, their teddy bears, clinging to comfortable ideas.

For example, man is afraid of death. Because he is afraid of death, knowing nothing of immortality he clings to the idea of immortality. He does not even know what life is, although he is alive. He does not know what death is although he has died many times. But he clings to the idea of immortality.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


People come to me and ask "What happens after death?" And I tell them, "First try to know what happens before death. You are alive -- right now your concern should be with what life is. Do you know what life is?" They say they don't know. And they are interested in knowing about something which has not happened yet: after death, what happens?

If you know what life is, if you know that which is right now, you will be able to use this same awareness when death comes. It is the same awareness; the same mirror that reflects life will reflect death.

And if you are aware, there is no death, there is no birth, there is only eternity. But that has to be an experience, not just an idea.

Truth means experience. Truth is never a belief. Beliefs are always lies. They can make your life a little bit more convenient but that's all; they are like tranquillisers. Truth is awakening. And man needs awakening, not tranquillisers to fall into deep sleep. But for centuries man has remained attracted to alcohol, to other kinds of intoxicants, to psychedelic drugs; from the time of the Rig Veda up to now he has remained addicted. In the times of the Veda he was addicted to soma and now he is addicted to LSD -- there is no difference. And all these intoxicants, psychedelic, alcoholic or whatsoever they are, are just efforts to avoid the truth. And to avoid the truth is to remain in misery.

Yes, we can make a life which is surrounded by misery a little comfortable, but it

is stupid. We can have an absolutely blissful life but that is possible only if we drop the lies and enquire into truth, And the first requirement of the enquiry is to not carry any a priori ideas. Go in absolute ignorance, knowing nothing.

Whenever a person moves in a state of not-knowing he is bound to know truth. And truth brings bliss.

My sannyasins have not to be believers but adventurers, explorers of the unknown. So I am not giving you any dogma, any creed to cling to. My whole effort is to push you into enquiry, because it is enquiry, authentic enquiry, that brings a man to truth, to the realisation of truth. And then bliss is yours, benediction is yours.

Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Chapter #25



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