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Chapter title: None

16 September 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8009165 ShortTitle: ICEBRG16 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]

Language is absolutely futile as far as god is concerned, hence any prayer that consists of words is not prayer; it will never be heard by god. Only silence can be the bridge, can be the communion. Hence prayer has not to be said. One has to be prayerful -- it is a quality. It has nothing to do with what you say, it has something to do with what you are.

A prayerful person is religious, not a person who goes on doing prayer -- that is not going to be heard.

And that is the difference between real prayer and false prayer: false prayer consists of words, real prayer is nothing but pure meditation. It consists of silence, overflowing with love; no word, no language. There is nothing to say. What can be said to god. He knows it already. Before we know about it god knows it. It is absolutely absurd to say anything. Just to be silent is enough.

Meditation is real prayer, but meditation simply means becoming absolutely silent, still, calm, quiet.

Nothing is said but everything is heard by god. The head disappears, only the heart goes on beating. It is a pulsation of the heart that reaches the divine. There

is surrender, there is trust, there is love, but no word, no language, nothing to say. One is simple in a state of absolute stillness.

Hence I don't teach prayer; I teach meditation, because to me meditation is the only real prayer which has ever been heard by god. What goes on in the name of prayer in the churches and the synagogues and the temples and the mosques is just pseudo. People are shouting as if god is deaf.

God understands no language. He understands trust, surrender, love, silence. That's his language.

The idea of being noble by birth is a substitute for real nobility. Everybody is born with a potential for nobility, but that potential can only grow in the climate of love. And it is unfortunate that the society, the world, the state, the church, and all the organizations that exist on the outside, don't provide you with the right climate.

They teach you hatred in such subtle ways that you never become aware that hatred is being taught and you are being poisoned, your very sources of love are destroyed.

Nationality means hatred. To be a Christian, to be a Hindu, to be a Mohammedan or to be a Jew means hatred. To believe in the white skin or in the black skin means hatred.

Humanity is one if you are loving.

Then there are no countries, no boundaries, no divisions, no fragments. Love unites, hatred divides. And the whole society is rooted in hatred. It is really continuously preparing for war.

History can be divided into two periods: hot war and cold war. When it is cold war it is preparation time for hot war. Don't think there is peace between two wars. No, there is not, not at all; between two wars there 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


is only preparation. You cannot be continuously fighting; you have to have little gaps to rest and to revive and to accumulate arms and bombs again, because every war is so destructive that it takes at least ten or twelve years to have another big war. Without that time gap how can you go on fighting? But somewhere or other on earth war has always continued.

In three thousand years, five thousand wars have been fought. Humanity is just insane. It is as if we are existing here only to fight. And when people are continuously preparing for fight they become like animals, worse than animals, because animals also have a certain nobility. But man falls even below that.

Man can rise towards nobility only through love. I teach my sannyasins to be loving in every possible way. And because there are no outside sources everybody has to create his own small world of love, like an island, like an oasis in a desert. Then you have nobility, and nobility is beautiful, blissful.

The real aristocracy has nothing to do with birth. It is love that makes you aristocratic because it makes you rich, it makes you a king. It gives you the taste of the kingdom of god.

Society is full of hatred. It may talk about love -- it does talk about love -- but it only talks about it; it prepares for hate. It is a very cunning world, very hypocritical. It gives you masks which look very beautiful, and behind those masks there are ugly faces. It does not transform your face, it simply hides it. It creates a division in you, it makes you schizophrenic, split. You become two. And then there is trouble, then there is continuous conflict.

Love is a rebellion, a rebellion against all these stupid structures -- the church, the state. This whole structure is stupid, but because it has existed for thousands of years we have become accustomed to it, we think this is the only possibility. It is not so.

Man can live in a totally new way -- without wars, without hatred, without killing others, without murders. There is no need for all that. How much energy is wasted in that? Almost ninety-nine point nine percent. Then nothing is left, then one feels exhausted.

Love needs overflowing energy. We are like a rosebush which is continuously fighting with other rosebushes. There is not time to grow roses, no energy left for roses. Roses come only, remember, when the rosebush is overflowing with

juice. If there is no overflowing of juice there will be no roses. The rosebush will exist in a retarded way -- pale, almost on its deathbed. How can it grow roses? There will be no dance, no song, there will be no joy. It will not welcome the sunrise, it will not be receptive to the songs of the birds, it will not sway and dance in the wind. Everything will look like a drag.

That's how man has become: a rosebush without roses. So love is our flowering. But flowering, remember, always happens only when you have more energy than you need for ordinary, day-to-day, routine work; only then can you blossom, can you flower. Flowering is a luxury, it is not a necessity. Love is a luxury, it is not a necessity. One can exist without love, but only exist; one cannot live.

Mere existence is not life. And people are only existing, vegetating, somehow surviving. For survival, bread and butter and shelter are enough, but there will be no grandeur, no splendor. Your inner sky will remain utterly dark. There will be no stars, no full-moon night will come.

One has to rebel -- rebel against all the nonsense that is being taught from the outside by the universities, by the churches, by the priests, by the politicians. One has to rebel against each and everything.

It is a long, long conspiracy, very deep rooted.

Unless one rebels against it all in toto -- you cannot even say that we can choose a few good things and we can drop the others, the bad things... They are all interconnected. If you choose one thing, others will come in the wake of it. One has to drop it totally; there is no question of choosing. They are all interdependent, they exist as one organism.

Rebellion means dropping the whole past and living in the present without any tradition, without any mind, without any knowledge; living like a child, as if you are the first man, you are Adam. That is rebellion.

Adam really rebelled -- even against God he rebelled. He must have been a beautiful man. He was the first man, but still, one thing that he did of tremendous importance was that he rebelled. He rebelled against some unjust order from God; it was unfair. He did not obey. And it is good: if he had obeyed, we would not be here at all. We are here because he disobeyed. We owe that much to Adam -- and more particularly to Eve. That's why I have so much respect for women: it is really my respect for Eve. And I have even more respect

for the serpent. He was the first enlightened person, the serpent that persuaded Eve and triggered a great rebellion.

Each human being has to be an Adam, an Eve, again and again. Drop the past as it it never existed, 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


always start from ABC, fresh, from scratch. And you will have a beautiful life, you will have an adventurous life. You will have an ecstatic quality in your life.

(Ralf's new name meant bliss and wisdom. They are necessarily related, Osho explained.) Bliss and wisdom are two sides of the same coin -- become blissful and you will be wise. But the so-called religions have been teaching you just the opposite; they teach you guilt -- and how can a guilty person be blissful? He is bound to be sad, he is bound to be serious. This is a great calamity that has happened to humanity.

That's why your saints look so sad, with such long faces. They cannot laugh, they cannot rejoice, they cannot dance, they cannot sing. They are incapable of love, because without bliss there is no possibility of love. And whatsoever they think is their knowledge is just borrowed rubbish; they don't know a thing. They are simply like parrots repeating scriptures.

My effort here is to destroy that parrotlike quality in you. Unless one drops all borrowed knowledge one cannot be wise. At the beginning of wisdom is in being blissful. So drop all ideas of guilt -- there is no need to feel guilty. You are perfectly good as you are. This is the way god has made you -- the whole responsibility is his.

Rejoice in the way you are -- what can you do? The moment you understand this, the moment you accept yourself as you are, a tremendous miracle happens: you start growing immediately because guilt disappears and cheerfulness enters your being. And in the climate of cheerfulness growth becomes possible.

Hence I say laughter is one of the most religious qualities. A man incapable of

laughter is irreligious.

Hence I cannot believe the Christians who say that Jesus never laughed. I say categorically they are wrong, they must be wrong, they are bound to be wrong. In fact only a man like Jesus knows how to laugh, how to love. And Jesus goes on saying again and again to his disciples, "Rejoice. I say unto you rejoice, again and again rejoice."

My sannyasins have to be pure laughter and love and bliss. Then wisdom comes on its own. It does not come from the outside, it grows within you. When you are dancing and singing with joy, with deep acceptability of yourself as you are, wisdom starts happening. You have a clarity, an unconfused clarity, you attain insight into things. Then you know on your own what is right and what is wrong, what is essential and what is non-essential. And the moment you know on your own, you cannot do the wrong.

The non-essential starts withering away and the essential becomes more and more settled in you. That's what sannyas is all about, becoming centred in the essence.

(It might be just a spark but we all have the potential to love, Osho told a Japanese woman, an antique dealer.)

Right now if you look inwards there will be only darkness. If you start becoming more and more loving you are in for a great surprise: in moments of deep love if you look in you will find light. When one is really and totally in love, one can go on searching inside and one will not find any darkness anywhere.

Hence when Buddha says "Look within -- there is light," and we try to look, but we don't find light, we start thinking that he must be crazy, because millions of people agree with you that there is no light, only darkness. Only very few people

-- a Jesus, a Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Rinzai -- very few people have disagreed with the majority. Of course they are so few that we can easily ignore them, but the truth is with those few people.

This is my experience too: when you are full of love there is no darkness. If there is darkness that shows only one thing, you have not yet been able to grow your love.

Love more and more, love for love's sake. Love without any demand, just enjoy

loving itself, as an end unto itself, and the time is not very far away when you will see the light. The moment your love has become a fire within you, your whole being becomes a flame. Then wherever you are there is light. Then not only from within but from without also darkness disappears.

The last words of Buddha on earth were "Be a light unto yourself." And Buddhists have been trying to be light unto themselves without love, hence they have failed.

The secret of life, the secret of light, is in love. Love is the key.

(Meditation is spiritual spring-cleaning he told a cook from Japan.) Meditation simply means becoming empty of all the contents of mind: memory, imagination, thoughts, desires, expectations, projections, moods. One has to go on emptying oneself of all the content. The greatest 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


day in life is when you cannot find anything in you to throw out -- all has been thrown out -- when there is only pure emptiness. In that emptiness you find yourself, in that emptiness you find your pure consciousness.

That emptiness is empty only as far as mind is concerned, otherwise it is overflowing, overfull; it is full of being -- empty of mind but full of consciousness. So don't be afraid of the word "empty", it is not negative. It negates only the unnecessary luggage which is of no use and which you are carrying just from old habit, which does not help but only hinders, which is just a weight, a mountainous weight.

Once it is removed you are free from all boundaries, you become as infinite as the sky. That experience is the experience of god or Buddhahood or whatsoever word one likes. Call it dhamma, call it tao, call it truth, call it nirvana -- they all mean the same thing.

(Meditate then decorate your place with bliss and you've made a space that god simply can't resist. Osho was addressing the third member of the Japanese trio.)

People who are living in misery, living a life like a desert, cannot hope that god will become a guest in their being -- it is impossible. We have to create the right situation for truth to happen to us; we have to deserve it, we have to be worthy of it. And bliss makes one worthy, makes one attuned. It creates the right situation.

Bliss is like spring: suddenly all the trees start blooming, life takes on colors, it becomes all-colorful. I have chosen orange for my sannyasins because in India orange is the color of spring, because so many flowers of different shades suddenly blossom. Out of nowhere they appear; when the climate is ready, receptive, they come. Exactly like that god comes, truth comes.

Just create the right climate. Bliss is the name of that climate.

Meditation helps you to remove all the layers of dust that have gathered on the mirror of your consciousness. It removes all the clouds, the sun starts shining forth and there is great clarity, transparency.

You can see through and through without any barrier, without any screen, with no thought interfering; you can just see. In that seeing bliss becomes very clear, so clear that the distance starts disappearing. The very clarity brings it closer and closer to you.

When you are absolutely clear bliss is not outside, it is your innermost core The pilgrim itself is the goal, the seeker is the sought, but because we are confused we go on searching for it somewhere else and of course we cannot find it anywhere else.

God is hiding within you, he is waiting there. We rush everywhere and he goes on giggling within you, laughing at the whole ridiculousness of it. He goes on asking, "Where are you going? What are you doing?"

But you are in such a hurry -- who bothers to listen to the innermost core? You are in such a noise, your head is such a marketplace, that that still, small voice gets lost. But god has infinite patience; he goes on calling you forth again and again. He goes on waiting for you: some day, in some right moment, there will be a clarity and you may be able to hear, you may not be noisy.

All that I can do here is to help you to become less noisy, more silent, less confused, more clear. I don't give you any ideology -- I have none, I don't teach any theology -- I have none.

My whole effort is to help you to get rid of all theology, ideology, philosophy, to get rid of thinking as such, because thinking is just smoke and in that smoke you cannot see. It is like mist surrounding you. You cannot see even your own hands, you cannot even see your own self. What else can you hope to see? It keeps you blind.

Meditation simply helps you to become clear, helps you to open your eyes, helps you to see things as they are -- and immediately the miracle: bliss goes on coming closer and closer and closer, and the moment you are absolutely clear, it is within you.

The day Bodhidharma became enlightened he laughed and for seven days he could not stop laughing.

His friends and colleagues who were also meditating with him started asking him, "Are you mad or something? What has gone wrong?" And he said, "For the first time something has gone right and I am laughing because of how ridiculous it appears! I was searching for something which I already have within me and which has always been within me. And for millions of lives I have searched for it everywhere."

It is within you! 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished


Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Chapter #17



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