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5 May 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Anand means bliss, Eli means light – a blissful light. The light is there, it has not to be enkindled. We bring it with us. We are made of it, it is our innermost core, but we are keeping our back to it. And because we go on keeping our back to the inner light, our life becomes dark, unnecessarily dark. We live in our own shadow then.
Sannyas means a one hundred-and-eighty-degree turn, so that one can face oneself, and the moment one sees oneself, all darkness, all misery, all hell, simply disappears. It is found that it was false. It is found that it was just an illusion. It was our own shadow, and we were creating it by keeping our back to our own light.
Satya means truth, Maria means rebellion. Truth is never a tradition. It is never a convention; it cannot be given by one generation to another generation. It is not conformatory. Truth is rebellion. Truth is rebellion against the social structure, the spiritual slavery, rebelling against all that is imposed on you forcibly, about which you have not taken any deci-sion of your own, to which you have not said your yes – rebelling against all that which has been created around you by the church, by the state, by the structure of the society. It is only through rebellion that one becomes an individual. It is only through rebellion that one attains to soul, that the self is born. And that self has nothing to do with the ego.
The ego is a social phenomenon. It is created by conformity, convention, tradition. The ego is created by obeying all nonsense that goes on accu-mulating down the ages. The more you obey the society, the more your ego will be fulfilled. They will go on buttressing your ego: they will call you moral, spiritual, holy, saintly. They will respect you; if you are ready to bow down, they will respect you. That is a mutual arrangement: the society respects only those people who are ready to bow down to its dictates. It kills a Jesus; it worships the pope. It murders Socrates...
To know the truth one has to learn the way of rebellion, one has to learn the art of rebellion. It is the most valuable thing to learn. It is not blind reaction. It is not destructive. It needs tremendous intelligence to be in rebellion and to be alive, to be in rebellion and not to be in unnecessary conflict.
Say yes to all that is formal. There is no need to fight against it. If the society says “Keep to the left”, then it is perfectly okay: keep to the left. If the society says”Keep to the right”, it is perfectly okay: keep to the right, because it doesn’t matter. It is just a formal law of the society – useful, utilitarian. But if the society says something for which you have to sell your soul, then be absolutely in rebellion. In ninety percent of the cases you can say yes without any compromise. Only in ten percent of cases will you have to stick to yourself. In that very sticking to yourself you become integrated.
Maria is a beautiful name – let it become your life too: let it be a rebellion for truth.
Prem means love, Gabriele means strong man of God or God is my strength. Love creates the space in you where God becomes your strength, because love helps you to disappear, and only in your disappearance, in the cessation of the ego, does God appear. Your absence is his presence, and his presence is strength. It is tremendous power. It is immortality, it is eternity. It is all that one can wish for. It is all that we cannot even dream of. It is utter And the moment you are not and God is, a totally different kind of power starts emanating from you. You are not the doer of it. You are no more the cause of it. You cannot claim it as yours. You are simply a vehicle, a passage, a hollow bam-boo, and the song flows through you: the song is God.
[A sannyasin says: I’ve been here for months, I knew nothing about you... and you’ve changed my life.
Just, thank you.]
There is nothing to know. One has to forget all knowledge and all desire to know. That is truth. Truth is not an object of knowing, but when all desire for knowing disappears, whatsoever remains, that subjectivity is truth. Truth is not a content in consciousness, consciousness itself is the truth. You are the truth. Where else will you find it? It is not something outside. The knower is the known and the observer is the observed: they are the same. The desire to know creates a division; the knower and the known become separate. In that separation is our misery. That separation is our whole problem. That separation has to be completely dropped.
There is no need to know, there is no need to worry about truth. Truth is perfectly okay. Things are perfectly right as they are – relax and enjoy. That is truth!
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