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12 May 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Prem means love, Anne means prayer – love is prayer. Those who pray without love, their prayers are empty, hollow of meaning. Their prayers are without wings. Their prayers will never reach to God. Only when love throbs at the heart inside the prayer is it alive, significant, and has it the energy to reach to God. It reaches instantly, no time gap is needed; in fact it reaches before you have said it.
Prem means love, Franck means free. Love exists only as freedom. The moment freedom is gone, love is gone; then you have only a corpse. The bird on the wing is one thing; the same bird in the cage is no more the same bird. It has lost its sky, and that was its soul. Now it only appears to be alive. It is exactly the same on the surface, but when the outer sky disappears, the inner soul also disappears. They exist together; they are two aspects of the same phenomenon; the outer and the inner are not separate.
So is the case with love. Never encage it. It is comfortable to encage, convenient, secure, hence the mind tends to possess the object of love, but the moment you possess you are also possessed. You cannot be the possessor without being the possessed. People are mutual slaves: both are masters and both are slaves. And whenever there is slavery love simply disappears. It cannot exist in that small space. It needs the whole sky to exist.
True love brings freedom to you and to all those you love. True love leads you slowly slowly towards the ultimate freedom. The name of the ultimate freedom is God.
Prem means love, Divo means a lamp – a lamp of love. Love brings light into the soul; otherwise the inner world remains in darkness and the darkness is dense, very deep, and very ancient. But once love is born in the heart, howsoever dense, howsoever ancient it is, it simply disappears in a single
moment, because darkness has no existence of its own: it is just absence of light. Man’s ignorance is nothing but absence of love.
Bring love into the heart and everything else follows. All the qualities that have been praised down the ages are just byproducts of love. If there is love there is compassion, there is service. If there is love there is non-violence, humanity. If there is love one cannot cheat, one cannot deceive. If there is love one cannot be pseudo.
Love is the only commandment to be followed. All other commandments are byproducts.
[A sannyasin who is leaving says: Something is in my being that my body can’t cope with... in here (touching her belly) that my body can’t cope with.
Osho checks her energy.]
Good, it will go. It is something beautiful – nothing to be worried about. Some dormant energy is arising. Listen to music, dance, and it will go slowly. It is not a problem, it is not a disease. Be happy about it!
[Another sannyasin who is leaving says: Osho, I love you... Teradas means the servant. I’m confused as to whose servant I am.]
Mm mm! Of the whole. Don’t be a miser: be a servant of the whole, of the total, When we ask “whose servant?” we are being miserly. We are trying to be a servant only of the part, excluding the rest. Don’t exclude anything: be a servant to the river, mountains, trees, people. Just be a servant, that is the point, not to whom.
Serve. It is not a question of the object; it is a question of your inner quality. Just remain in that state of service, available.
[Another sannyasin who is leaving says: I’m so confused I don’t know who I am anymore.]
That’s a very good sign (laughter). That’s the beginning of clarity. If you can see your confusion, clarity has already started. This is clarity. The really confused person is one who does not know that he is confused. If you know you are confused you have started coming out of it. This is the beginning, and once you start coming out of it you will be out of it soon; it will all be gone.
Confusion arises because we have been given so many contradictory thoughts from so many sources. The church says one thing; the politics, the state, says another thing; the mother says one thing, the father says another thing; and the friends are saying something else. The psychoanalyst is teaching one thing and the priest is teaching another thing. All these kinds of things are there and they all jumble together in your mind. They are in conflict and you are at a loss: who are you?
My whole effort here is to help you to drop all these thoughts that have been given to you by others. Once you have cleaned your inside completely, once you have emptied yourself totally, in that emptiness clarity Is born. That emptiness is clarity.
Then your eyes are full of wonder and awe and then you can see because there is no prejudice no conclusion. Then you function from the state of innocence.
But this is the beginning – to be aware of confusion. Soon all these conflicting ideas will be gone.
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