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11 May 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Anand means bliss, Alan means harmony. Harmony is bliss; bliss is another name of harmony. Misery is discord. Existence is always in harmony – it is only man who falls apart because of the ego, because of the idea of “I am”. He wants to create a world of his own, separate, private, hence he becomes a small island and loses contact with the total.

Sannyas is a bridge back to the total, a journey backwards to the source. And the only thing that has to be renounced is the ego because that is the only discordant note.

Once ego is gone you immediately start pulsating with the whole, and that pulsation is bliss. That pulsation brings two things into existence: one is the experience of light; the other is the experience of music, because pulsation creates light and sound. Light and sound are two aspects of pulsation, rhythmic pulsation, hence light can be transformed into sound and sound can be transformed into light. They are easily convertible.

Now electronics has made it possible: you can play music and at the same time colors will go on changing. There will be a music of colors too, simultaneously. This has always been experienced it has been a very ancient discovery – of course without any scientific instruments.

It was known in the inner experience that when the ego disappears one pulsates with existence. Feeling no separation, no barrier, suddenly two things happen: one is full of light and full of music. It is music that is very strange because there is no musical instrument and no musician. And it is a light also which is very strange. It is not the light that we have known before, because the lights that we have known before are all temporary: once the fuel is lost, gone, the light disappears. But when you come to the inner light it is eternal. It has no cause; it is simply there; and so is the inner music: it is simply there.

To know inner light and inner melody is to know God. Those are the two real faces of God.

Anand means bliss, Rajendra means king of kings. Bliss makes one king of kings. And bliss is something that is already inside you. You have never been without it. One cannot be without it: one can forget it, one can become oblivious of it, one may not remember it for lives together, but it goes on like an undercurrent; it goes on flowing in you. It is your very life. It is the very nature of our being. So the kingdom is not somewhere outside, the kingdom is within.

Those who seek it outside are doomed to fail. They may attain to great power, they may become an Alexander the Great or a Napoleon or an Adolf Hitler, but they will remain beggars, spiritual beggars. They may have all the possible wealth of the world but they will remain poor, because poverty can be dispelled only when you have come in contact with your inner richness. Begging disappears immediately as you become aware of your blissfulness.

Initiation into sannyas means that now you are deciding to turn in. It is a decisive moment. It is a question of life and death. It is not a casual thing; much depends on it. It can become the beginning of a new life, but all depends on you.

The first step is the most difficult, then everything else is easy because the second step is almost the same as the first, and so is the third. Lao Tzu says that by knowing how to take one single step one can travel ten thousand miles, because it is the same step again and again and again.

Be surrendered. Forget that you exist separately from me. This is sannyas: getting involved, committed – and so totally that the heart goes on saying only yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes has to be your mantra and that will take you to the furthest reality, to the highest peak, to the ultimate crescendo. Go on saying yes. It should become your very climate. That’s what sannyas is all about: making yes your climate.

Anand means bliss, Dwariko means door. Man is a door, a door to the divine. Man in himself is nothing but only a door, an opening into God. Man is just an opening. To remain confined to man is the most stupid thing in the world. Man is not a being but only a bridge, something to be passed over, something to be surpassed. Use it, but you are not it, remember.

This remembrance slowly slowly reveals a new reality within you, which is within you and yet not identified with you, which is transcendental. It is a kind of silent witness that goes on watching everything. It watches what you are doing, it watches what you are thinking, it watches what you are feeling; it simply goes on watching. It is never a doer, never a thinker, never a feeler – it is just pure awareness.

That pure awareness is God. You are a door to it, and sannyas has to become a remembrance.

Anand means bliss, Sangit means music. there is music in every heart which hankers to be expressed, a song which longs to be sung, a dance which is waiting to be danced. Every man is born with a song but very few fortunate ones sing it; it remains a potential, unused, unexpressed. that’s what misery is; not to be fulfilled is misery.

A tree without flowers is in misery. So is a man who has not sung his song, who has not danced his dance, whose music remained in the seed and never became a sprout, whose season never came,

whose spring was only in the hope and never became a reality. That is misery. and just the opposite is bliss.

My work here consists in helping you to find your song. I cannot sing it for you, I cannot teach you the song either because any song taught from the outside will not be yours. Hence the function of a Master is a very delicate function. The Master is not a teacher, cannot be. It is not a question of your having to be taught something. On the contrary something has to be provoked in you, not forced on you; something has to be drawn out from you. And all teachers go on putting, stuffing, things in you: theories, dogmas, doctrines.

The function of a Master is not to indoctrinate; his function is to help you to be free from all burdens, rocks that are hanging around your neck. Once those rocks are removed your spring will start flowing, your song will start welling up. It is there, obstructed. Nobody can predict what it is, it is unpredictable. Only one thing is certain, that there is a song because nobody is born without it. It is the innermost core of your being.

There is creativity in every person that needs to be expressed. what it is cannot be said; one comes to know it only when it becomes manifest. One’s own self is surprised when it becomes manifest. when you sing your song, you will be surprised: you will not be able to recognize it as yours. It will be so beyond you, it will be so transcendental to you, it will look as if it is descending from above.

But if you are ready, if you are willing, I can take you to that source. It is yours. It is already there. It is a gift from God. You just have to be introduced to it; you are not aware of it, not aware of your own treasure.

It is as if one has fallen asleep: one is a king and has fallen asleep and dreams that one is a beggar. You need to be shaken, you need to be awakened. That’s what sannyas is all about: your willingness to be shocked, your readiness to be awakened.



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