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10 May 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Deva means divine, Arie means black – divine blackness. Black is symbolic of death. It is also symbolic of infinity, of the mysterious, of the uncaused.
Light has to be caused. Light needs fuel; once the fuel is finished light is gone. Darkness is eternal. It needs no cause, no fuel: it is simply there. Light comes and goes; darkness remains, abides. Remember these qualities of the dark.
Life is not mathematical. Those who try to find out clear-cut answers in life go on missing the whole point. Life is a beautiful chaos. It is poetry; it is love. And there are great gaps, intervals which cannot be bridged by mind. There are quantum leaps in life. You cannot find a thread, how one thing leads to another. It simply jumps from one point to another for no reason at all.
Unless one is ready to be open to such a mysterious existence one remains non-religious. To be ready to receive the mysterious is what sannyas is all about. And that’s something tremendously great, the readiness to receive the mysterious, because it defies all laws of logic. It certainly tunes in with the heart but not with the head.
Anything to say to me?
Anand means bliss and harp means musical instrument. The full name will mean a musical instrument for bliss. Man is exactly a musical instrument for bliss. Man is exactly a musical instrument with the possibility of great music arising in him. But instead of reaching to that music we turn ourselves into insane noise because we don’t know how to play this musical instrument. Just having the musical instrument does not mean that you will have music. You may create a nuisance to yourself and others too.
It needs great art, learning to play with one’s own life, to play on one’s own life. Meditation is the art to create music from your heart. Meditation is simply the method to transform noise into harmony, the method to shift your consciousness from the head to the heart. The head is noisy, it is all noise – a tale told by an idiot, full of fury and noise, signifying nothing.
The heart is silent, but that silence is not negative. That silence is very resounding, resonating. That resonance of the silence is music. All the mystics have talked about it: that deep down in the innermost core of man is hidden great music. Once we have allowed it, once we have heard it, once we have created it, played upon it, we are no more part of this earth. We remain on the earth but we simply go beyond gravitation. We start growing wings, wings that can take us to the unknown, to the ultimate.
It is on the wings of music that one has to go to God.
Prem means love, Patrick means aristocrat. Love gives a kind of aristocracy. Love is so rare, it makes one an aristocrat, it makes one unique. The aristocracy that one gets through birth is nothing; it is accidental. The real aristocracy has to be earned; it cannot just be by the accident of birth, one has to grow into it. And the way to grow into it is love, because love makes one rich. Love gives you the keys of the kingdom of God.
The crowd knows nothing of love; only very few individuals have tasted the nectar of it. All have the potential but they go on missing. In fact they don’t even want to hear that they have the potential
They become angry: they became angry with Jesus; they are angry with me. They are always angry if you tell them “You are missing something.” They want consolations; they don’t want any revolution. They want to be told “You are perfectly good as you are,” “This is the end,” “This is all that life is about.”
They want to be satisfied, consoled; they don’t want to be unsettled. And to tell them that there is a kingdom of God and to tell them “You are capable of entering into the kingdom.” and to tell them “You have the capacity, the key that can open the doors, is to make them worried. Great anxiety arises in them. They start feeling anguish and they retaliate.
Rather than changing their life and moving towards love they start hating the person who has created the anxiety in them. Everything was going so well, they were so satisfied. They were as satisfied as cows and buffaloes are. Their satisfaction was not human, it was subhuman. To tell them, “You are missing something – you are missing God, love, meditation, ecstasy,” is to make them angry. They get into a rage; they cannot tolerate such a messenger.
Hence love has remained one of the really aristocratic phenomena. It makes you noble. It makes you special, it makes you unique. You are no more part of the crowd; suddenly you are an individual. That individuality is of immense value, because that individuality is the birth of a soul in you. Without it a man is soulless. Without it a man only exists, he does not live.
Deva means divine, Dieter means a king, a ruler – a divine king. Man is not a beggar, although he remains a beggar – that is his own responsibility. He is born to be a king but he never makes any effort, he never tries to be that which he is destined to be. He remains fast asleep, he never wakes up.
In his dreams he begs – and he is a king! If he wakes up he is a king; if he remains asleep he remains a beggar. To be asleep, metaphysically asleep, is to be a beggar; and to be awake, metaphysically awake, to become a Buddha, the awakened one, is to become a king.
Initiation into sannyas means that you are taking a vow to wake up, that enough is enough, that you have slept enough, that now it is time, that the dawn is coming closer, that you should gather your energies and you should make all possible effort to wake up. Yes, it takes all possible effort – your total surrender, your total action – to wake up, because we have been asleep so long that we have completely forgotten that there is something like a state called enlightenment, awakening, samadhi. We have completely forgotten about it.
Once you wake up you will be surprised that this is your nature. You will be puzzled how you had fallen asleep. And once you are awake you will know that you have tasted this thing somewhere, long long ago, maybe many many lives ago, at the very beginning, or maybe in your mother’s womb or maybe in your childhood. You will remember many moments also when this had happened, but you were so asleep that even if once in a while you opened your eyes you thought that too was part of a dream, that that too was part of your sleep.
This has to become a deep longing, such a deep longing that one can risk all for it, only then does one wake up. And that’s what the meaning of sannyas is: the color orange is the color of the morning, of the rising sun, the time to wake up.
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