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Osho Leads Dynamic
3 May 1970 om in
Please sit or stand apart. Keep a little distance from one an other so that those of you who want to lie down may do so comfortably. No one will talk, there will be no chit chatting at all.
You will sit quietly and no one will sit close to another. There is plenty of space here, so don’t be miserly. It would unnecessarily spoil everything if someone falls on you in the midst of meditation. Keep apart. Sit or lie down... Take your position as is convenient for you... Close your eyes... And do as I ask you to do.
Close your eyes and begin breathing deeply. Inhale as much as you can, and exhale as much as you can. Put all your energy into inhaling and exhaling deeply, breathing in and breathing out. Breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply. Become breathing itself. And exert yourself fully. The deeper the breathing in and out, the greater the possibility for the latent energy to awaken. Breathe in a deep breath and breathe out a deep breath. Breathe in and breathe out... Take a deep breath in and take a deep breath out and continue the process for a full ten minutes. You become a breathing machine, and nothing more. You are only breathing in and breathing out for ten minutes. Then I will give you the second sutra, the second stage. It will form the second stage of today’s meditation. So for the first ten minutes work hard with deep breathing...
Take a deep breath in and throw it out deeply... Exert yourselves fully. Just become a breathing machine, a bellows that pulls the air in and throws it out vigorously and continuously... Let every fiber of your body vibrate with breathing. Breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply. Deeply and very
deeply. Be come a breathing instrument. Concentrate all of your attention and all of your energy on breathing and on breathing alone. Take deep breath in and take deep breath out. And watch that now a deep breath is coming in and now a deep breath is going out. Breathe and also observe that you are breathing and breathing deeply. Remain a witness. Keep witnessing that breath is going in and going out. Bring all your attention to deep breathing; bring all your energy to deep breathing. Now I am going to be silent for ten minutes. In the meantime you continue taking deep breaths in and throwing deep breaths out. And watch from in-side that breaths are going in and going out regularly and constantly and vigorously.
Don’t think even a bit about others, just take care of yourselves... And bring your whole energy to breathing. You have nothing to do with others. Draw in a deep breath and expel it vigorously. And at the same time observe from inside the incoming breaths and the outgoing breaths... It will be clearly seen how a breath goes in and goes out. Do it with all your strength so it starts rising from the very depth, the very bottom of what I call the kunda, the pool, the reservoir of energy... Let the whole atmosphere be suffused and charged with breathing, as if the whole environment is breathing in union with you. Inhale a deep breath; exhale a deep breath. Let it be deeper and deeper and still deeper. Let your whole being shake like a cyclone, a storm... Breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply... Deep breath, deeper breath, still deeper breath... Deep, deep, deep... And watch within, observe inside. See that a breath is incoming and another breath goes out. Don’t spare yourselves; bring your entire energy into it.
Deep vibrations of breathing will begin to awaken some energy within you. Breathe in a deep breath and expel it fully... With your vigorous breathing a sleeping light inside you will flare up. So take a deep breath in and take a deep breath out. Become a vehicle of breathing and nothing else... A breath is going in, another is going out... Do it with all your energy; do it with all your strength. Put all your energy into deep, very deep breathing... Before you enter into the second stage do it with all of your might... Breathe in deeply, breathe out deeply... Do it to the maximum... Let your whole body shake... Let all your roots shake... Let your entire being shake... Let a state of storm be created... Let only breathing remain... Do it with full vigor... Before going over to the second stage bring your whole energy to deep breathing... Passage and progress into the second stage will happen only when you have reached the crescendo at this stage...
Make deep efforts... Deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing... Do not withhold yourselves – do not withhold even a bit... The energy that is sleeping within you has to be awakened. So exert yourselves completely, absolutely... Deep breathing, deep breathing... Let go of yourselves... To awaken the latent electricity within you it is essential that you breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply... Let every fiber of your body come alive... Let every fiber of your body shake and tremble... Do it with all your strength... Deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing.
For two more minutes do it with total strength, and then we enter the second stage... Let the entire environment be filled with electrical waves... Inhale deeply and exhale deeply... deep inhalation, deep exhalation... And bring all your strength to deep breathing... Deep breathing, deep breathing, still deeper breathing... Now we will go into the second stage. Breathe in and breathe out deeply for one more minute. Take a deep breath in and take a deep breath out... Let breathing be deeper and still deeper... Deep breathing... deep breathing, deep breathing. Don’t look at others, concentrate on yourselves... Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breathing.
In this stage you have to let go of your body completely. Breathe in and breathe out deeply and leave the body free. Let it cry if it feels like crying. If tears well up let them well up. Let your eyes shed tears... If your hands and feet tremble, let them do so. If the body shakes and moves and whirls, let it do so freely. If it stands up and begins to dance, leave it free to stand up and dance. Take deep breaths and let go of your body. Whatever happens to the body let it hap pen; don’t come in its way... Deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing. For ten minutes continue deep breathing and relax the body. If the body takes certain postures and gestures – asanas and mudras – allow it to take them. If it rolls on the ground, allow it to do so. Leave the body free and just remain a witness, a watcher. Don’t hinder the body in any way... Deep breathing... deep breathing... Let go of the body completely. Whatsoever happens to your body, allow it; don’t come in its way, don’t hinder it. Now for ten minutes continue deep breathing and relax the body and leave it free. Let go of the body. Let what ever happens to it happen. Let it express itself the way it likes. And don’t hesitate at all. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply. Breathe deeply... If tears come, allow them. Let whatever happens...
Let go of the body absolutely. The body will shake by itself; it will whirl by itself. When the energy inside you will rise, the body will shake and move. When the energy within you will rise the body will be stirred and aroused. Leave it free completely... Continue deep breathing and let go of the body. Whatever happens to it allow it to happen. Don’t restrain it at all. Don’t resist it even slightly... Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breathing... breathe deeply... breathe deeply... Remember, the body has not to be restrained in any manner. Let what happens to it happen. Letting it go will help the energy to find its way to reach the top. Let the body relax fully and continue deep breathing. Don’t slow down your breathing. Breathe deeply and let the body relax. Whatsoever happens to It should be allowed to happen... If it sits down, let it do so. If it falls down, let it fall down. If it stands up allow it to do so. Whatsoever happens to it, allow it fully; don’t come in its way at all. And continue deep breathing... Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breathing.
Don’t withhold anything. Stake everything. Stake all your might. I see that you are withholding. You are withholding much. Stake yourselves wholly. Deep breathing, deeper breathing, still deeper breathing... Let go of the body. Let whatever happens to it happen... Leave it free... If it laughs, allow it. If it cries, allow it too. And if it shrieks allow that too. Don’t worry about it in the least. Don’t resist it. Just breathe deeply and let go of the body... Let go... The energy is ascending, so breathe deeply and leave the body uninhibited and free. Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, take a deep breath. When the energy will awaken many things will happen to the body; it will cry, it will shake, it will whirl, it will dance, it will scream and shout; allow it to express itself fully. Let go of the body. And don’t hesitate at all.
Continue deep breathing; bring your full energy to breathing, and leave the body to itself. Whatsoever happens to the body, let it. Don’t hesitate; don’t shirk, and don’t shrink at all. Don’t resist the body in any way. And don’t think of others. And let go of the body. Many things will happen when the energy will awaken and ascend. Tears will well up and fill your eyes, the body will shake, the limbs will move and mudras will be formed. The body may even rise up. Let everything happen. You are alone here; there is nobody but you. Let go. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply. Work hard for one to two minutes, before we enter the third stage. Bring it to its climax before we enter the third stage. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply. And let go of the body. Don’t hinder it in any way.
I see a few friends are withholding themselves. Don’t withhold. Let go. Exert your utmost and let go. If you cry, then cry with all your mind heart; don’t withhold. If you feel like shouting, then shout full throatedly; don’t suppress it. If the body stands up, let it stand; don’t try to manage the body in any way. If it spins let it spin. Let go of the body completely. Then alone the latent energy can create its pathway. Let go and breathe deeply. Deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing, deep breathing.
Gather all your energy into it. Bring all your might to it... breathe deeply, more deeply and still more deeply. Let your entire being be shaken and stirred. Whatever happens to the body, allow it. Let go. Exert yourselves deeply. Involve yourselves very deeply. And breathe more deeply, breathe still more deeply. Your whole body will be electrified... Let go... Now the last minute remains. So bring all your energy to it so we enter the third stage. Deep breathing, deep breathing, deeper and still deeper breathing. Exert yourselves maximally so you get into the third stage... Breathe deeply, more deeply, breathe deeply and still more deeply.
And now add the third sutra, the third stage. THIRD STAGE: ASK: “WHO AM I?”
Deep breathing will continue. Bodily movement will continue, and to them add the third sutra. Ask within yourselves: “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Ask inside you, “Who am I?” Let your every breath be filled with this one question, “Who am I? Who am I?” Let breathing, deep and fast breathing continue, and ask inside you, “Who am I?” Let the body continue to move and sway and ask from within “Who am I?”
Keep asking this question without any interruption, let no gaps occur in between. And pour all your energy into asking: “Who am I?” For ten minutes squeeze all your strength into asking it: “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Madly ask the question, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Ask it with all your being, let the question reverberate through your whole being, “Who am I?” Continue deep breathing, and let go of the body. Whatever happens to it, allow it. And ask, “Who am I? Who am I?” Exert your utmost for ten minutes; and then we will rest. So apply your full strength...”Who am l? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”
Invest all your energy into it. Don’t withhold yourselves at all. And ask vigorously inside you, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”... Raise a storm inside you...”Who am I? Who am I?” Let breathing deepen and so also let ask ing deepen. “Who am I?” And whatsoever happens to the body, allow it. “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Let the whole environment ask, let every grain of sand ask, let the skies and the trees ask, let everything ask, “Who am I? Who am I?” Let the whole environment be filled with the question, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”
Bend all your energy into it, and then we will relax and rest. The more you exert the more rest will be available. The higher the storm you raise, the deeper the meditation will sink in you. The fourth sutra is the stage of meditation. So bring your entire energy to it. You have to reach the climax, the crescendo. Do all that you can so you don’t say later that you withheld something... “Who am I?
Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, and ask inside you, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Ask with full force, and don’t worry if the question is said aloud. But ask inside you, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Apply your whole energy to it, pour your entire power into it. Let whatsoever happens to the body happen. If the body falls down, let it. If it screams, allow it. Exert your utmost. “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”
Put your entire energy into the question, “Who am I? Who am I?” Work very hard and don’t withhold yourselves. Don’t withhold, don’t withhold, don’t withhold...”Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Only five minutes are left, so bring your whole energy to it...”Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Let every fiber of your body ask it. Let every beat of your heart ask it. “Who am I?” Go to the peak; become absolutely mad and ask with maximum power. Bring your maximum energy to it. Then we enter the stage of relaxation and rest – but before we go to rest, please work the hard est. “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Tire yourselves out...”Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Raise a storm of questions. Only two minutes are left, so ask with all your might, “Who am I? Who am I?” Let whatever happens to the body hap pen. Say it with all the power at your command, “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?”
Now only a minute remains with us. So let your whole strength enter the question. And then rest will follow... “Who am I? Who am I?” Let it happen, whatsoever may happen to the body... Breathe deeply, breathe deeply. “Who am I? Who am I?” If the body shakes, if the body dances, allow it without hindrance. Leave it free. “Who am I? Who am I?” To go to the fourth stage of meditation, you have to apply your entire energy, you have to do your maximum. Don’t spare anything, bring your full strength to it. Unless you do so you cannot enter the fourth, the final stage... “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Drown yourselves completely into it. “Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?” Use your total energy, don’t spare yourselves, don’t withhold yourselves in the least. Exert yourselves totally. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply, breathe deeply.
And now drop all efforts and enter the fourth stage, the stage of relaxation and rest. FOURTH STAGE: 10 MINUTES’ TOTAL REST
Now no questions and no deep breathing. Drop everything, abandon every effort. For these ten minutes keep lying as if you are dead, as if you are not. Give up everything. For these ten minutes drop all efforts and lie in waiting for him. Cease to do anything; neither ask “Who am I?” nor breathe deeply. Just keep lying – relaxed, restful. Listen to the roar of the sea. Listen to the wind passing through the pines. If a bird calls, listen to its sound. For ten minutes feel as if you are dead, as if you don’t exist.
And now open your eyes slowly, slowly. If your eyes don’t open, then cover them with your palms. Those who have fallen down and who find it difficult to get up should first take deep but slow breaths
and then rise up. Don’t be in a hurry, don’t rise abruptly. Get up slowly, very slowly. And if someone cannot rise even after breathing, then he should stay lying a little longer and breathe deeply but slowly. Then he should first sit up and then rise very slowly. Open your eyes... One who cannot get up should further breathe deeply but slowly, and then rise very gently.
A few small informations... In the afternoon between three and four we will sit here in silence. I will be sitting here at the same place. You all should arrive here five minutes before three. And I will be here exactly at three. There will be no conversations, no chit chats whatsoever. Not even a word will be uttered. Everybody will sit here in complete silence. I will be sitting here silently for an hour. In the meantime if somebody feels like it he will come and sit silently near me for two minutes and then retire to his place. He will not stay here longer than two minutes so other friends may have their turn. For a whole hour just sit in waiting.
Try to spend these three days constantly in meditation. Even when you go out for a walk by the seashore or anywhere, go alone and sit there in meditation.
Our morning session is over.
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