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9 October 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8010095 ShortTitle: THUNK09 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
(To Thomas's name Osho adds bliss, so his name means the greatest bliss is in seeking and not in finding.)
The finding is secondary, the seeking is primary; hence never thing of the goal but think of the journey 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
-- the whole journey has to be ecstatic. And the goal is not something static at the very end of the journey, it is spread all over the journey. Each step is a goal in a certain sense, because life is eternal so there cannot be a fixed goal to it. Because life is eternal the pilgrimage is eternal. And one has to learn to love each moment, each step, each phase of the journey.
The people who become goal-oriented become oblivious of all the beauty that is on the way. The goal-oriented person is future-oriented and he misses the
present. And the present is the only reality there is. He loses that which is for that which is not.
A sannyasin is not to be goal-oriented, he is not to be ambitious. He has to drop the achieving mind, root and all. Only a non-achieving mind is capable of enjoying each moment to its fullest, Then the very means become the end and there is no division; the journey becomes the goal and there is no division. And when there is no division between the means and the end there is no division within you; you become for the first time united, integrated, one organic whole -- and that has tremendous beauty.
To be one organic whole is to know what truth is. Truth is not somewhere else, it is within you, it is your very nature.
(Her name means innocence -- and that's just what meditation creates in you, Osho tells Dhyan Ines.) Meditation is a state of absolute innocence -- no thought, no desire, no memory, no fantasy, no dreams.
When all this crowd has left you and you are utterly alone, spacious, infinitely spacious, that is the moment when the experience of innocence happens for the first time.
Every child is innocent but he is not aware of it. He is innocent but without any consciousness. The difference between a child and a Christ is only of one thing... Both are innocent, as far as innocence goes they are in exactly the same space -- the difference is of consciousness. The child is unconscious and the Christ is conscious.
If innocence is unconscious it is bound to be lost. You cannot have it for long in the cunning world; you have to be as cunning as possible. Where everything is politics, where everything is conflict, where everything has to be snatched away before somebody else snatches things from you, where the only right procedure to defend yourself is to attack, you cannot remain innocent for long. In the marketplace one has to learn the ways of cunningness and for that our schools, colleges, universities exist. They make you cunning.
Of course they call it by different names, beautiful names. They say that they are making you clever, not cunning, but in fact what they do is to make you cunning. That's what is called cleverness in the world.
They destroy your simplicity, they destroy your innocence. They destroy real roses in you and they go on handing over false, plastic things.
Real education has yet to be born, it has not happened yet. Real education will make you consciously innocent. The child is innocent -- real education will add consciousness. Right now what it does is to destroy innocence. Rather than helping you it harms you; of course it goes on saying it is for your sake. But the tree has to be judged by its fruit. The whole world living in such a cunning mess, in such a chaos, is enough proof, because this is the by-product of all our education, civilisation, culture. This is enough proof; these are the human beings we have created -- and they are all in anxiety, despair, anguish, and they are all bored, tired, exhausted, not feeling any joy, not feeling even any meaning in their lives, almost always on the verse of committing suicide. A little push from any accidental event and they will commit suicide or they will go mad.
This is what we have made of human beings: we have pushed them into such a place from where either they have to go on living a stupid life utterly devoid of meaning, or they have to commit suicide or go mad.
Only three alternatives are left for them and none of them is of any worth.
My work here consists in creating a real education. And to me real education means your innocence has to be protected, respected, honoured, because it is a gift from god. It is immensely precious. In fact there is nothing more precious than it. Out of that innocence you will attain to love, to bliss, to godliness; out of that innocence all great values are going to be born. Hence it should not be destroyed, it should be protected, it should be helped and nourished. And the best way to protect it is to give you some sort of awareness. And that's what meditation is all about: creating awareness in you so your innocence is no more in darkness but in full light.
You can lose your treasures if you are unaware of them, you will be cheated. Somebody is going to deceive you. But when you know your treasures and the immense value of them you will be on guard; then you cannot be cheated. You will risk everything but you will protect your treasures. You will die if it is needed but you will not allow anybody to destroy your innocence because it means all that is significant. It 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
means love, it means bliss, it means a life of celebration.
So learn awareness, become more and more alert about everything that you are doing and about everything that goes on in your mind and moves in your heart. Be aware of all these three layers: the body, the mind, the heart -- actions, thoughts, feelings. Be aware on all those planes and slowly slowly that awareness starts settling and the fourth is born in you. When the fourth is born god has penetrated you. The fourth is your soul, your innermost core. And the revelation of it reveals to you that you are unborn and that you are not going to die, that you are part of eternity.
And the very feel of eternity is ecstatic. Your whole perspective changes. It is the same world but it is no more the same because you are no more the same. Jesus says again and again 'Unless you are like small children you will not enter into my kingdom of god. But that does not mean that children are in the kingdom of god, otherwise they would not lose it. Who can lose the world of god, the kingdom of god for mundane things? They are not in it, they are unaware of it, hence the emphasis: those who are like small children.
Remember the word 'like'; he is not saying those who are small children, he is saying like small children.
One thing is certain, they are not children, they are like small children.
That's the definition of a sage: he attains to a second childhood. And that's what sannyas is -- the birth of a second childhood, this time with awareness. The first time it was without awareness and you lost it but with awareness it can't be lost.
Once you are aware it is yours forever.
(There is a second Thomas at darshan. Osho adds the word 'atit' to his names and then explains why.) Thomas has two meanings. One is, a seeker of truth -- but that meaning won't apply to you (laughter).
The second meaning is doubting Thomas (much laughter). I have been watching you...! But nothing is wrong in doubt. Doubting Thomas became one of the
apostles of Jesus.
In fact in a way it is related to the first morning. A seeker of truth can move in two ways; one is doubt, another is trust.
If one moves through doubt one becomes a philosopher; doubt is the base of all philosophy. If one moves with trust one becomes a saint, a sage. Trust leads towards religion, doubt leads towards philosophy.
In both ways one is seeking truth but a philosophical search can at the most give you a few ideas about truth. And remember the word 'about'. It is never the truth but only about and about; and the word 'about'
means around, around and around. You go in circles, never reaching the centre.
So philosophy makes much fuss, it is very noisy, but nothing comes out of it. You go on digging, you dig the whole mountain and not even a rat comes out of it (laughter). You are as empty as you were before, in fact more empty, because at least before there was some hope. Now even that is gone. Philosophy leads to hopelessness.
Stop your toe -- that is a sign of doubt!
(Osho has glanced at Thomas' feet, and now looks up at him, grinning broadly.) You were just moving your big toe! (Thomas grins; the laughter from the group of sannyasins behind him is so deafening that Osho's next words are quite drowned.)
Just look at my feet. You can go on watching them for the whole day and you will not see any movement. That's what trust is! (much laughter)
Nothing is wrong in doubt. If you want to become a philosopher it is perfectly okay. Because you cannot move your head, you are moving your toe -- it is the other end. But I am watching both ends! (much laughter)
You have to go beyond doubt -- that is the meaning of the name I am giving you: Atit Thomas. Atit means go beyond and Thomas means doubting Thomas: go beyond doubt, because sannyas is not a philosophical adventure, it is a religious phenomenon.
Here you will be able to learn only if you love and trust. It is a love relationship with me. If some doubt exists between me and you that doubt will function as a wall. And I am not at a loss so it is not a problem for me. If one decides to doubt one can go on doubting -- I am not losing anything through it -- but one will be missing the whole point of being here.
Doubt creates a wall, trust creates a bridge. And the same bricks have to be used. Out of the same bricks you can make a wall or a bridge -- then why not make a bridge? when you make a wall you are disconnecting yourself from existence, and of course you will feel suffocated, you will feel imprisoned.
Create bridges. Trust and love create bridges, and the more bridges you create, the more enriched your life becomes, because existence goes on pouring its joys into you more and more.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
Truth can be found but not through doubting, truth can be found only through trust. Then it is not about truth, it is truth itself. It is like a taste. You can talk about light to a blind man -- he will know about light but not light itself. He can know light only if he has eyes.
My function here is not that of a philosopher but that of a physical. I would like to help you to see, to cure your eyes, to help you open your eyes, so that you can see light. It is needless to talk about light, it is a sheer wastage of time. One can make a blind man immensely informed about light, still he will be blind and he will be unaware about the experience that light is and all those colours that light reveals.
Scientists have come to the conclusion that a man lives eighty per cent of his life through his eyes.
That's why we feel so much compassion for a blind man. You don't feel so much compassion for a deaf man; you don't feel so much compassion for any other
kind of retarded person as you feel for a blind man.
One person may be dumb, another may be deaf, someone else may have lost any sense of smell -- you don't feel so much compassion for these people, but the blind person gets greatest sympathy from every nook and corner.
Once a blind man came from Kashmir to see me and I was puzzled about how he had travelled alone because he was blind and Kashmir away. It took him six days to reach me -- travelling by train, changing train after train, because coming from Kashmir one has to change trains many times.
I asked him 'How did you manage it alone? You don't have anybody with you.' He said 'Because I am blind everybody takes compassion on me, so everybody helps me. In fact if I had eyes it would have been far more difficult to reach... because tickets have to be booked four weeks or six weeks ahead and then too, on Indian trains you cannot rely whether you will get a seat or not. But because I am a blind man nobody even asked me whether I have got a ticket or not. Even the ticket collector helps me to find a place without asking for the ticket.' And he told me 'You can see the rickshaw-wallah who is standing outside; he has refused to take money from me, he has taken me from the station and he is waiting there for me so that he can take me back to the hotel, to some hotel where I can stay. And he has refused to take money.'
The reason is that a blind person suffers the most; eighty per cent of his life is closed. He lives only twenty per cent, only one-fifth he lives. And that is about the outer eyes, what to say about the inner eyes?
One hundred per cent is missed.
Unless your inner vision opens up you will be missing the real life because you will be missing god, you will be missing your own soul, and it is only a question of decisiveness, to drop doubting. Just looks back: what has it given you? The problem is that our whole education prepares us to doubt. It goes on indoctrinating everybody in doubt because it is basically a scientific, philosophical approach, and both philosophy and science depend on doubt. It is perfectly valid for scientific research, for philosophical enquiry, but it is absolutely invalid for the inner journey. It is a hindrance, not a help. For the inner journey you need a totally different methodology, and that is trust.
So while you are here learn a little bit of trust and you will be surprised how
much you have been missing. and you will also become aware how much more is possible if your trust goes on growing.
Sannyas simply means approaching life with trust, love, and creating bridges. It is possible. And I can say so more emphatically because I myself have lived through doubt. I began my enquiry through doubt and I went to the very end of doubting -- because I never do anything half-heartedly; when I do something I do it madly. Then I don't listen to anything, I simply go on and on until I come to the very end.
So I went to the very end of doubt and I have seen that the road suddenly ends in nowhere. It leads into an abyss where you can only commit suicide or go insane. So I know the whole journey of doubt and its futility.
When Ramakrishna says this he has no experience of it; he never doubted. When Ramana says it he has no experience of it; he simply followed the path of trust from the very beginning. Hence I can be more in tune with the modern mind than anybody else, because I have lived through doubt and I abandoned it.
Reaching the very end of it and seeing that it is simply nonsense I had to come back. The whole journey had to be gone back over and I had to start again from ABC.
So my sannyasins need not go on the journey of doubt, I have done that journey for them. They can start through trust, through love.
Premesh means god of love -- and in fact there is no other god. Love is god.
Jesus says god is love -- and that was one of the greatest revolutionary statements made by him, particularly in the Jewish context, in the context of the Old Testament... because the Old Testament god is not love at all. That god himself declares in the Old Testament, 'I am a very jealous god. Worship me. And 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
those who are not with me are against me.' This is the way Adolf Hitler speaks, but the Jewish god spoke the same way.
And in the Talmud it says 'God is not nice, god is not your uncle -- beware!' Particularly in the Jewish religion before Jesus time the old god was fear- creating. That's why the word god-fearing exists for the religious person. In almost all the languages of the world there is something like this god-fearing for the religious person. It is ugly, it should be dropped.
Even Christians use this phrase 'god-fearing', not remembering at all that Jesus says god is love. But two thousand years have passed since Jesus declared god is love. Now something even more revolutionary is needed, so I say love is god. From the outside both the statements may look alike they are not alike.
When you say god is love that simply means love is an attribute of god. God may have many more things, god may be many more things. Love is only one aspect of god. When I say love is god I make them synonymous. Then love is not only an aspect, in fact god himself becomes only an aspect of love.
The statement of Jesus makes god the centre and love only an aspect. I declare love is the centre and godliness only the fragrance of love, nothing more. My whole teaching is rooted in love.
A religious person is not a god-fearing person because fear and love cannot exist together; that is psychologically impossible. If you are afraid of somebody you cannot love him, and if you love you cannot be afraid. If you love how can you be afraid. And if you are afraid naturally you will feel offended, insulted, humiliated and deep down you will hate the person, you cannot love him. And that's what happened.
Nietzsche declared that god is dead. This is the outcome of the whole religious tradition of god-fearing people. The complete statement of Nietzsche is worth consideration. He says god is dead and now man is free. That second part is almost never quoted and the second part is very important: god is dead and now man is free. You can see the point, that if god is there you have to be afraid and if there is fear, how can you be free? With fear there is no freedom. So it is better to kill god, to destroy god, so at least man retains, attains, reclaims his freedom. It is out of sheer necessity. Friedrich Nietzsche is simply a by-product of the whole tradition of those people who have created fear in the human mind. They
knew how to dominate the human mind; through fear it can be dominated. It is politics, it is not religion.
And a god declaring 'I am a very jealous god,' is not a god at all. Somebody else is speaking through god. The priest is using the mask of god to dominate people, to enslave people, to oppress, exploit people.
My emphasis is absolutely, categorically on love. A god-loving person is religious. In fact we can drop the word 'god'; it is unnecessary. A loving person is religious. A loving person naturally comes to know god
-- of course, never as a person but only as an experience, a presence. Prem Shunyo means love and absolute nothingness.
Love is the fragrance of the lotus of nothingness. When one becomes almost a nothing, a nobody, no ego, then love arises. Love is already there, we just have to remove the hindrances. And the ego is the greatest hindrance, the greatest rock that destroys it. The seed is under the rock; if we remove the rock; then the seed can sprout and can bring great flowers.
The only problem is the ego. It is the root cause of all other problems. But we are taught in such a way, conditioned in such a way, that we become egos. We are told to be ambitious, we are told to be successful in life, we are told how to be great achievers. There are thousands of books written every year to help the ego.
Dale Carnegies and Napoleon Hills and so many stupid people all around the world go on writing such books -- and they sell! In America Dale Carnegie's books have sold next only to the Bible. And what kind of childish things! -- HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE. The whole project is egoistic.
Napoleon Hill's books are there; one book is entitled THINK AND GROW RICH, and there are positive thinkers who go on telling people that you can achieve everything just by the magic of positive thinking by affirmative thinking. You just have to project that you have become the President of America. Go on projecting it, go on thinking 'I have become the President of America.' And if you absolutely affirm it, it will happen, because this will create a certain magic around you, a certain vibration around you. And there are foolish
people who go on reading these books and go on trying and they never ask 'Is Napoleon Hill rich?
How many friends has Dale Carnegie got? He has not even been able to win me and influence me... But they go on spreading these things and the whole idea is that everybody has to be a great achiever. This creates ego.
My approach is just the opposite: the ego has to be totally dropped. You are not to be achievers.
Whatsoever you need is already given, it is already the case; all that you need is to let it grow. Your potential is there; you have to remove hindrances. You can call my thinking negative thinking, against the 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
positive thinking. The positive thinking says project your idea of who you want to be; I say god has already made you what you are, only negate hindrances.
That has been the most ancient teaching of the great mystics, of all the Buddhas. We call the method neti-neti. Go on saying 'This is not me, this is not me' And go on removing everything till nothing is left to be removed. When absolute nothingness has happened, in that nothingness the lotus opens up. For the first time, when you are not, you are. And to experience this paradox is the greatest experience in life.
Shakespeare says the question is to be or not to be and I say that is not the question at all. Not to be is the way to be, so it is not a question of choosing. If you decide not to be, the outcome is going to be that when you disappear something far more beautiful, far more significant, meaningful, descends in you. When you are an absolute nothingness you create the space in which god can start flowing. It is a deep let-go.
(The name Anand Dhyano, represents the synthesis he is striving for with his sannyasins, Osho tells the next for sannyas.)
It is easy to be blissful without meditation; it is also easy to be meditative without bliss. But then the person becomes lopsided, then he is not whole. Then he has chosen only one pole of his being and the other pole will be missing. And without the polarity life loses all that is great. Everything becomes flat.
Bliss will be there but sooner or later it will become boring tiring, exhausting. Or meditation will be there but sooner or later you will start feeling a kind of deadness, a coldness. You will start shrinking there will be a kind of withdrawal, you will lose interest in life, you will lose interest in people, you will become enclosed. It is not a food state; but this has been done in the past. A few people searched for bliss -- they found it at the cost of meditation. A few people searched for meditation -- they found it at the cost of bliss.
I want to create a synthesis in my sannyasins because my observation is that the whole man has not yet existed on the earth or has existed only very rarely, once in a while -- a Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Jesus. But these are exceptional people, they don't represent humility. They are so exceptional that; whether they existed or not makes not much difference. The vast humanity has remained in a lopsided way.
It is just like walking on one leg or a bird flying with one wing: it can't go very far. You can hop a few feet but you cannot go on a Himalayan journey, you cannot reach Everest. The bird can take a little jump from one tree to the other but he cannot reach the moon or the stars.
One wing is silence, coolness, awareness, and the other wine is blissfulness, dancing, singing, rejoicing.
And you need both wings together. When both are together a beautiful harmony arises in you. When silence and song meet, when awareness and celebration meet, something higher than both is born. It is like cross-breeding: the child is greater than both parents. And my sannyasins have to prove this new arrival, they have to herald the new arrival of the whole man in the world. He is neither Christian nor Hindu, neither worldly nor other-worldly, neither materialist nor spiritualist, but both and more, both plus.
I Am Not As Thunk As You Drink I Am
Chapter #10
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