Talks given from 1/8/78 to 31/8/78 Darshan Diary
1 Sannyas is The Apprenticeship in Bliss2 The Night is over3 Love is The Introduction to The Book of Bliss4 Religion: Allowing God to Find Us5 Prayer is the Highest Form of Play6 Joy is Intunement7 Whenever you are Total you are with Me8 To become a Song is to become a Saint9 Sannyas is Initiation into Light10 Love is a Jumping Board11 When one's whole Being is in Celebration...12 The Taste of God is Love13 Only in Bliss are you Close to Me14 Music is a short-cut to God15 Love's madness takes one beyond all insanity16 Bliss is a Shadow of God17 Sannyas is the Dimension of the Festive18 Love is the Soul of the dance, dance, the Body of Love19 Aloneness is Celebration of Being20 Prayer is a Love Affair with Existence21 Love is Madness with a Method22 Meditation is the Path of Ecstasy23 Bliss is a by-product of losing Yourself24 Love has never failed25 Bliss is Prayer26 Whenever you are Joyous you are in God27 Meditation has to be a Love Affair28 Bliss is being in Orgasm with Existence29 Love is the Seed, God is the Flower30 Learn how to Weep in Blissfulness31 The Boat to the other Shore is Love