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Chapter title: None
1 November 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8011015 ShortTitle: ALLWAY01 Audio:
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been scanned and cleaned up. It is for reference purposes only.]
(Osho is addressing Ma Prem Vanya; first he explains the origin of her name.) Vanya is the Russian form of John. John is Hebrew. Travelling, passing through many other languages, by the time it reached Russia it became Vanya, and really it has become far more beautiful than John.
John was the most beloved disciple of Jesus, hence it has become symbolic of a beloved disciple. Your full name means, love makes one a beloved disciple.
The relationship between the master and the disciple is not an ordinary relationship. It is not mundane, it is not of the marketplace, it is not out of calculation. It is simply falling in love. It is a little bit mad, but if a person is not capable of going a little bit glad he is not alive. Just a little bit of madness adds much spice to life. Not too much is needed, just a little bit, because if you make the whole of the food of spices you will not be able to eat it -- just a little bit, just like salt.
The so-called sane people in the world have not even a little bit of madness in them -- that's why their lives are flat, saltless, tasteless, boring. Particularly your
so-called saints are all boring. There seems to be no joy in their being no explosion of delight, for the simple reason that they live in a very controlled way; they are afraid of that little bit of madness. But that is an essential ingredient to make life significant.
Poets who are really poets have that, painters who are really painters have that. Musicians, sculptors, scientists, people who create something in this world all have that little bit of madness.
To be a disciple means to fall headlong in love. And it is the ultimate form of love because nothing is 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
expected out of it; it is for its own sake. But it transforms your being because when love is for its own sake it can become total. There is no division between the means and the end; it is both the means and the end.
And when it is both then it is possible to be involved in it without holding anything back, going all the way, to the uttermost, to where the road ends, risking all the way, to where nothing is loft to risk -- only then the revolution, the transformation.…
The transformation does not happen to people who live a lukewarm life. It happens only to people who are like the fools of the proverb which says that fools rush in where angels are afraid to tread. Disciplehood is only for those who can risk all and rush in.
But the moment you put yourself totally into it with no desire for any reward, something immense, something beyond the mind, starts happening -- something which can only be described as a miracle. Only the disciple knows what a miracle is, but to know it one has to be available to the master in one's total nakedness, hiding nothing, exposing oneself entirely.
That is going to be the path for my sannyasins: all of my sannyasins have to become beloved disciples.
Less than that won't do. I am not interested in students who have come to learn something. I am only interested in disciples who have come to be transformed, who are ready to die so that they can be reborn.
That's what I mean when I say going all the way. MEDITATION IS GIVING IT ALL YOU'VE GOT
('Totality' is the meaning of Samagro, and is his approach in a nutshell, Osho tells the next sannyasin.) Be total in everything that you are doing. What you are doing is immaterial. Cleaning the floor, cooking the food, taking a shower -- it doesn't matter what you are doing. My emphasis is not on what you have to do, my emphasis is on how you do it. If you do it totally, it becomes meditation. Even if you do meditation half-heartedly it is not meditation.
Chopping wood can be meditation if done totally, carrying water from the well can be meditation if done totally. Otherwise one can go on sitting in a Buddha posture for years -- if it is not total it is useless; one is simply wasting time. Spring will come but the grass will not grow. The grass does not grow because of spring, it grows because of your totality. What can the poor spring do to it?
Sitting silently doing nothing spring comes and the grass grows by itself. Spring simply means totality.
If you are sitting totally, doing nothing, just sitting totally, in that very totality spring has come. And then everything starts growing in you.
Totality is the climate in which one reaches to one's optimum. And at the optimum is the experience of God.
(It's rare, and because it is, religion is on the way out.) People are taught to doubt, not to trust and there is a reason why they are taught to doubt. Science depends on doubt, its whole foundation is doubt and doubt is a valid method for scientific enquiry; trust is an invalid method as far as science is concerned.
That's why in the ancient days when religion prevailed science could not develop. It was impossible for science to have a beginning. It is only now that science has found the right ground, the right climate. But the cost is too much, it
has destroyed trust; and without trust the inner world becomes utterly meaningless, dark, with no joy, with no god there. The shrine becomes empty.
Science can give many things but it cannot give meaning to life. It can give you a better standard of living but it cannot give you a better quality of living. And the real thing is not quantity, the real thing is quality.
I am not against science but it has its limitations. It should not interfere in the world of religion. Religion is a totally different dimension, in fact diametrically opposite to science. Science needs doubt to begin with and religion needs trust to begin with.
Trust is the greatest gift god can give to anybody -- and it is given to all but we never nourish it, we never feed it, it is starving.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
By becoming a sannyasin you are opening a new door to your life -- the door of trust. It is from the same door that god will come back into your world.
So my suggestion to my sannyasins is when you are working scientifically use doubt. It is just as when you are listening to music you can close your eyes, there is no need to open your eyes. In fact it will be better if you close your eyes and just become your ears so your whole consciousness is available to your ears. But when you are watching a sunset then closing your eyes is foolish. Keep your eyes wide open because ears cannot see, just as eyes cannot hear.
Doubt is perfectly right in the objective world and trust is perfectly right in the subjective world. For the outside journey use the vehicle of doubt and for the inner pilgrimage use trust. That's how I would like to bring a synthesis into humanity: one should be capable of both. But if it is impossible to be capable of both then it is better to choose trust. If there is a question of choice then trust has to be chosen. If it is possible to synthesize both that is far better.
Ordinarily we exist as separate entities. That very separation is the cause of our misery. We have to dissolve our egos into the whole. Don't exist like an ice cube. Melt, become one with the river -- that is my message -- melting, merging, becoming one with the whole. And then suddenly all silence is yours, all blissfulness is yours. The moment you dissolve your ego, anxieties, anguishes, all go. The same energy that was invested in tensions, depressions, anxieties, is released. The same energy becomes your dance, your celebration.
William Blake is right when he says energy is delight. When you have too much energy suddenly your whole being is afire with the joy of being.
I have chosen orange for my sannyasins as a symbol for becoming afire. It represents fire in two ways.
First, it has to consume your ego and second, it has to give you the eternity of light, love, laughter.
(That's why most people warm their hands by the hearth rather than lose their hearts.) They talk about it, they read poetry about it, they go and see a film about it, but it is always about it; they keep a certain distance, they don't get involved in it. It seems risky and it is certainly risky because it will destroy your ego, it will consume your ego. It is fire for the ego.
But blessed are those who take the risk and jump into the fire of love, like a moth dancing around a lit candle, dancing madly and then finally jumping into the flame. Yes, to all onlookers the moth dies but those who know, know that the moth is reborn too -- because each death is a rebirth. Nothing ever comes to an end. Life is eternal; it only changes forms. and the best way to die is to die in love. That is the highest way to die because if you die in love you will be born in love. Your new life will begin with love energy.
So it is a fire, it will destroy all that is false in you -- but only the false. The real cannot be destroyed, hence there is no need to be afraid. The goldsmith puts the gold into fire to purify it. That which is not gold burns and that which is gold remains.
And that's the function of a master too: to put you into the fire of love. That which is not true and is false will be burned. Your make-up will be burned but your original face will come out in its true form. And that is the beginning of a divine life.
(Osho talks on the difference between the real and natural beauty.) The unreal beauty is imposed from outside, the real beauty arises from inside. The name of real beauty is grace. When one is silent one starts radiating bliss. Silence, bliss, freedom, truth, awareness -- all these are the dimensions of inner beauty. And when they all explode you are transported into another world, into something which you have never conceived before, into something which you have never dreamt of before.
Because we dream only about that which we know, we cannot dream about the unknown. In fact the 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
unknowable is impossible to imagine and the inner world is absolutely unknown to us. And the innermost core of it is unknowable too.
So start moving inwards. There is no need to go to Kaaba, no need to go to Kailash, no need to visit Jerusalem; the only place worth visiting is your won inner centre because it is there where god abides -- and to know god is to be really beautiful.
(But firstly, it's gratitude for what is right here and now.) The most stupid thing a person can do is to take life for granted. And that's what millions of people are doing, they take it as if it is their right. They don't feel any thankfulness, in fact they go on asking for more.
All their prayers are nothing but demands on god for money, for power, for
prestige, in this world or in the other. They go to the temples, to the churches, only to beg, they never go to give thanks. And unless you thank god for all that has been done for you, for all that has already been given to you. religion remains a formality, it never grows roots in you
The beginning of sannyas is to be grateful to the whole that it has made life possible, that it has chosen you to be and that it has given many many things with life: love, awareness, sensibility, sensitiveness, joy.
There are thousands of gifts. It is almost immeasurable, what has been given to us. If we can feel the immense love of existence towards us that very feeling triggers a new process in our being -- that process is prayer. And to be prayerful is all, it contains the whole of religion. Then nothing else is needed, then all else starts coming on its own.
Jesus says seek ye first the kingdom of god, then all else shall be added unto you. The kingdom of god opens its doors when you are prayerful; that is the way to seek it. And once you have found it then everything else comes of its own accord.
(His name, Anekant, means multi-dimensionality, Osho says to a new sannyasin. It was a favourite word of Mahavira.)
Life should not be lived in a one-dimensional way. If you live in one dimension you will live a poor life.
When so many dimensions are available, when they are your birthright, why choose one of it, and to really become whole you have to live all those aspects. That's why I am not telling my sannyasins to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are bound to become one-dimensional.
A monastery will give you only a one-dimensional life. It is only in the world that multi-dimensionality is possible. You can be a poet and a potter, a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend; you can be thousands of things. And the more you relate in different ways, the richer you are.
I am in favour of richness. There is a certain inner world of aristocracy. The man who can enjoy music and can also enjoy mathematics will have something more
than the mathematician and the musician. His mathematics will have some flavour of music, his music will have some colour of mathematics. In fact all the great discoveries in the world have been made by people who Moved from one branch of science to another, because they brought a different outlook.
For example, Albert Einstein was basically a mathematician; when he moved into physics he brought a revolution to physics because his whole approach was that of a mathematician. Mathematics meeting with physics becomes a cross breeding, a very delicate phenomenon. If Einstein had also been a poet he would have given a totally different physics to the world, and if he had also been a mystic -- which he was a little bit -- then the world would have remembered him as being far more important than Jesus and Buddha too...
because they were in a way one-dimensional people.
My sannyasins have to learn the art of being in tune with many things and then a subtle cross-breeding happens inside you.
Whenever two systems meet, two outlooks meet a new outlook is born. It is a well-known fact that a crossbreeding brings a better generation. For thousands of years it has been known, that's why in all the societies, in almost all the societies, marrying your own daughter or marrying your own sister is prohibited, for the simple reason that you will be so alike that it won't give enough tension and polarity. But they never 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished
went to the whole logical end of it; they still insisted that the Catholic should marry within the Catholics and the Hindus marry within the Hindus and the Protestants marry within the Protestants.
I have heard: a young woman came back home after many years. Her mother said 'I was very much worried about you but you look very rich.' She had come in a brand now car and she had much jewellery on her. The girl said 'I have to tell you the truth, that I have become a prostitute.' The mother fainted. When she came back she said 'What have you done? How could you do it?' The girl said 'I
never thought that you would be so offended, otherwise I would not have told you the truth, that I have become a prostitute.' The mother said 'Prostitute? I thought you said "Protestant"!'
It is far more dangerous for a CathoLic mother when her daughter becomes a Protestant than when she becomes a prostitute. At least she is within the fold, she is still Catholic -- there is hope!
I believe that cross breeding has to be used on a far wide scale. White people should marry coloured people, the Indians should marry the Japanese, the Japanese should marry the Americans, the Americans, the Germans, the Germans, the English. The whole world should be intertwined and we would have a better crop! And all the creeps would disappear (laughter) ... we would have a better humanity.
The old light has failed man. There is no need to cling to it any more. The old light means Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism; and all the scriptures and all the theologies and all the so-called saints. It has failed, it has not worked. Humanity is enough proof that whatsoever we have been doing in the past has not succeeded. Yes, a few people happened -- a Jesus, a Zarathustra, a Lao Tzu, a Buddha -- but they are exceptions and the exception only proves the rule. In fact just the reverse should be the case: we should all be like Buddha and Jesus and Zarathustra; only once in a while somebody may not be able to rise that high.
It seems to be okay, if once in a while somebody fails. But a garden with millions of trees in which only occasionally a tree blooms, is not worth calling a garden.
Something is basically wrong. And what is basically wrong is, in short, that religion has been life-negative. That's how everything went wrong. Religion has to be life-affirmative. That is the new light --
life-affirmation, a tremendous love for life, so much so that 'life' replaces the word 'God'; only then will we be able to bring spring to millions of people.
Everybody is born with the potential to blossom, to bring many many roses, but because the soil is not right, because the gardener is against the roses, the gardener hates the roses, the fertilizers are not given, the water is not supplied...
how can the roses bloom? And that's what our so-called priests have been doing
destroying our very roots.
Be life-affirmative. Rejoice in being alive and help others to rejoice. That's the true work of God.
Going All the Way
Chapter #2
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