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12 October 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Prem means love, and tyagi means renunciation. Tyagi means one who has renounced – love and renunciation. I make a special condition for renunciation – and that is love. A man can renounce out of anger, a man can renounce out of hatred, a man can renounce out of frustration... but then it is meaningless. Unless you renounce out of love, renunciation is of no use. If you renounce, and there is no love in your renunciation, it is a struggle. If there is love, it is a surrender.

The old renunciation used to be out of hatred for the world. The old renunciation was anti- life, negative. I teach a positive renunciation, a life-affirmative renunciation, a life-enhancing renunciation. So your renunciation is going to be a profound yes to life. Certainly when you say yes to life or yes to God, many things start dropping on their own accord. Not that you really renounce them; they simply become irrelevant So never renounce a thing unless it has become irrelevant. What I am saying is, never renounce a thing as an effort, as a struggle; don’t use your will to renounce anything. Just be in a let-go.

The old renunciation was a sort of a price that one had to pay for God. It was a bargain. You had to renounce the world if you wanted to enter the kingdom of God. It was a price to be paid. But to me, God is not for sale, and there is no price to be paid. God is not a commodity. There is no way to achieve God or to purchase God. Neither knowledge nor austerities nor renunciation is going to be of any help. Anything that you can do is not going to help. You have to be just passive and receptive. You have to be feminine, then God penetrates you. It is a gift, a grace.

Remember, God is not for sale, so there is no way to purchase Him. You cannot do anything on your own that will be of any help to attain to God. All that you can do is not to stand in the way, not to resist – that’s all that man can do... to be absolutely relaxed, deeply non-resistant

And this is what, to me, is prayer – a state of let-go.


Prem means love and sagara means ocean – ocean of love. And this is also going to be your continuous work – to become more and more loving. Go on sending love messages all around: to people, to animals, to trees, to rocks. Even if you are sitting in an empty room – to things, to furniture, to the door, the wall. To the very emptiness, just go on sending vibrations of love... as if one is in love with existence itself, as if the existence is your beloved – and much will happen out of it.

In the beginning it will be a little difficult because ordinarily we think of love only in terms of a relationship. I am talking about a totally different kind of love which has nothing to do with relationships. It is a state of energy, a loving state of energy.

If a few people are sitting silently, you can watch. Somebody is in anger; his energy has the quality of anger. Somebody is simply compassionate; his energy has the quality of compassion. If you watch people you will be able to see what kind of quality their energy has. You come across somebody and suddenly you feel a tremendous attraction. That man has a loving energy around him, so whomsoever comes into his sphere of vibration will feel attracted. Somebody else – and you suddenly feel repelled; you simply don’t want to see him. You simply don’t want to come too close to him. There is a certain repulsion; his energy is repelling. It does not want to communicate, it doesn’t want to share. The person is insensitive, dull, unrelating, almost dead. So watch people and you will see that it is not a question of relationship – that when you insult somebody, he becomes angry. There are people who are simply angry. There are people who are simply loving. There are people who are simply indifferent.

I am talking about that kind of quality. So simply from this moment, start feeling loving for no reason at all but because the very feeling is such a beatitude. It is its own value, its own result. The result is intrinsic to it. The more loving you feel, the more happy you will feel. One day suddenly you will see that people are unhappy because they have no loving state of energy, that’s all. A happy person is one who has a loving energy. An unhappy person is one who has a non-loving energy. It has nothing to do with circumstances; it has nothing to do with what people do to you. It has nothing to do with that. In fact you invite people to do whatsoever they do to you. That depends on your energy and its quality.

An indifferent person forces people to be indifferent towards him. An angry person forces other people to be angry towards him. A loving person simply persuades others to be loving towards him. Your energy is your life. So if you feel miserable, that means that you have created a wrong type of energy in you. If you feel happy, energy is flowing, streaming. So just start being in tremendous love, as if you have fallen in love, with existence for the first time. Touch the trees, hug the trees Even open the door with loving care. Love your own body. Love everything! And by and by it becomes ingrained so that even if you touch the chair, you touch with love. It is not something that you do. It simply becomes your way of life.

[A sannyasin describes an experience: I seemed to start getting a migraine just before the lecture... After the lecture finished I found I couldn’t hear anything – I couldn’t hear myself talking – and I felt I was going off into some kind of space. I couldn’t remember anything... couldn’t even remember your name!]

(chuckling) Very good – I have no name! You came to know me for the first time. It was something beautiful, but when for the first time it happens, one is really in shock and one cannot figure out what

it is. You have a tendency towards migraine but people who have no tendency towards migraine, even they have migraine when it happens; even they have a great headache.

Krishnamurti has suffered for forty years with this migraine. It started with his first satori and has not left. But whenever he has it, immediately after it he enters into a different world. So it was really beautiful. A mini-satori you had! I call it mini so you don’t get too high about it! It was good.

So just take it very positively, because this is the possibility – that sometimes when things like this happen you can become so afraid that you take the negative part as very important... that the body became numb and there was headache; then the eyes could not see, then you could not remember. Everything went topsy-turvy – you cracked up. But if you look into this too much you will forget exactly what was happening. It was an impact of great energy on you.

And I was aware that something was going to happen from the very beginning; you were in a certain space. It is almost an LSD trip without any acid.

And it is very shocking. When you take LSD you know what you have done; you wait for it. This comes so unexpectedly... it comes without any warning. You were not expecting it and then suddenly it is there. It disturbs the whole body, because a distance arises between you and your body so that the old contact is lost. That’s why you could not get up; you could not talk – or even if you were talking, you could not hear yourself talk. Your memory was not functioning. Everything went abnormal because something new penetrated, and the impact was so much that the body could not tolerate it and the mind could not bear it But this is how it happens for the first time.

By and by, when it comes next time, you will be able to cope with it more easily and you will be able to look at the positive aspect of it. It is as if I throw a knife at you, and the knife hits you hard and you feel pain. You miss the knife completely. You feel the pain and you don’t see the knife because the pain comes to you first. It is like a knife – and you have missed that completely. You simply felt the pain of it, the impact of it, and it was so destructive. It has to be destructive. All creation is preceded by destruction.

So it was very very good. You entered a new space. It will be coming. There is no need to expect it, there is no need to long for it, and when it comes there is no need to feel afraid about it. Good, Maneesha... everything is good! You can go and rest now.



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