Glimpses of a Golden Childhood
Talks given from 1984 Miscellaneous
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Talks given from 1984 Miscellaneous
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< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 19 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA Okay. I said “okay” a little early, just because I was becoming concerned about your worry. At least in the beginning don’t be worried; in the beginning let me have my say. If you are worried, obviously I will say “okay” but that will not be okay at all. After my grandfather died I was again away from my Nani, but I soon returned to my father’s village....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 2 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA I just had a golden experience, the feeling of a disciple so lovingly working on his Master’s body. I’m still out of breath because of it. And it also reminds me of my golden childhood. Everybody talks of his golden childhood, but rarely, very rarely, is it true. Mostly it is a lie. But so many people are telling the same lie that nobody detects it....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 20 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA Wait for my “Okay” I am standing before the “Elephant Gate” of my primary school.and that gate started many things in my life. I was not standing alone of course; my father was standing with me. He had come to enroll me at the school. I looked at the tall gates and said to him, “No....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 21 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA Okay.… The man I was talking about, his full name was Pandit Shambhuratan Dube. We all used to call him Shambhu Babu. He was a poet, and rare in that he was not eager to be published. That is very rare in a poet. I have come across hundreds of the tribe, and they are all so eager to be published that poetry becomes secondary....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 22 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA I was just going to say “okay,” but no. One day I said it lightly, just to be polite, and suffered much. Then everything went wrong. So now I’m going to say okay only when it is really okay, otherwise silence is better.… Okay. I am reminded again of poor Sigmund Freud. He was waiting in his office for a rich, and of course Jewish, patient....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 23 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA Now, my work upon you.… I was telling you about a certain relationship that happened between a child of about nine years of age and an old man of perhaps fifty. The difference in age was great, but love can transcend all barriers. If it can happen even between a man and a woman, then what other barrier could be bigger?...
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 24 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA I was saying to you that friendship is a higher value than love. Nobody has said it before. And I also say that friendliness is even higher than friendship. Nobody has even mentioned that. I will certainly have to explain. Love, howsoever beautiful, remains earthbound. It is something like the roots of a tree. Love tries to rise above the earth and all that it implies – the body – but it falls again and again....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 25 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA Okay. I was quoting Bertrand Russell – this quotation will help like a nail. He said, “Sooner or later everybody will need psychoanalysis because it is so difficult to find anyone to listen to you, to be attentive to you.” Attention is such a need that if the worst came to the worst one would even pay for it....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 26 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA I will have to go in circles, circles within circles within circles, for that’s how life is. And more so in my case. In nearly fifty years, I must have lived at least fifty lives. In fact, I have not done anything else other than living. Other people have many occupations, but from my very childhood I have remained a vagabond, not doing anything, just living....
< Previous | Contents | Next > CHAPTER 27 1984 in Lao Tzu House, Rajneeshpuram, USA Okay. Do you see the synchronicity? Simultaneously, I and Devageet said, “Okay.” Of course he said it for one thing, I for something else; but the lines cross. The moment before I came in I was listening to one of the greatest flutists, Hari Prasad. It stirred many memories in me. There are many types of flute in the world....