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8 April 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[A sannyasin studying acupuncture, said that he was a little dubious about the value of what he was doing... ]
Just these weeks you spend here will create much. It will give you more confidence and centring.
And everybody hesitates in the beginning. It is good... only fools don’t hesitate. You are moving in a very delicate world. When you touch anybody’s body or you work with needles, you are working on God. One has to be very respectful, very hesitant. One has to work not out of knowledge but out of love. Knowledge is never adequate, is not enough, mm?
So feel for the person. And always feel inadequate, because knowledge is limited, and the other person is an entire world, almost infinite. Man is never going to know man totally – that’s impossible. Once you have known something totally, it is exhausted, already dead – has become an object. And man is not an object.
People can see you but they never see you. Just a part, the visual part – a very small part, almost negligible – they see. They touch you but they never touch you. They touch only the periphery, and you are there somewhere deep in the centre where nobody enters except love.
Man is a mystery... and is going to remain a mystery forever. It is not something accidental that man is a mystery. Mystery is his very being. If it were accidental then some day the mystery would dissolve; we would come to know. But the very thinking that one day man will be known is sacrilegious. That means man disappears; he has become an object like a table or a chair or a house. You have known him. In knowing him, he disappears; then he is no more. He is reduced to an object. Impossible! It is not going to happen – ever.
Whatsoever science goes on doing, it is bound to be a failure. And now even scientists are feeling the inadequacy of knowledge. Leaving man aside, even matter has defeated them. Now they are not as certain as they used to be hundreds of years ago, or even thirty years ago.
Now matter is a mystery again. We are back into the poet’s world, and physicists talk as if they are poets or mystics.
Eddington has said that when he started working as a scientist, he used to think that someday or other, matter will be known absolutely. In those days, science used to divide the whole world into two compartments: the known and the unknown. The known – that which we have known; and the unknown – that which we are going to know ... but nothing unknowable.
But in the end, when he was dying, Eddington said, ‘Now I feel totally differently. After a whole life’s effort of coming closer and closer to knowing, I have come closer and closer to more and more ignorance. Now matter looks more like thought than like a thing.’
With Eddington’s assertion, physics died. Since then, physicists have never been certain again. Then Einstein came, and things started disappearing more and more.
[The sannyasin says: Some western scientists have tried to do the same thing with acupuncture as with everything else.]
They will do it with everything. They will do it with everything because they have a certain attitude about life and they want to look at life through that attitude. They have done that to acupuncture... they are doing that even to meditation. They are trying to make it an object, trying to observe it from the outside... not tasting it from the inside.
That is the whole scientific dilemma – that science tries to see from the outside, and believes only whatsoever can be known from the outside. She is still afraid of the inside statement; not yet trusting the inside statement. But scientists will have to come to realise that. More and more limitations of their methodology will be revealed. More and more they will come against walls which they cannot penetrate.
Science is doomed to be a failure. When I say that, I don’t mean that science is not going to be useful. It has been useful, it will be useful, but it cannot be ultimate. That dream is shattered. Religion is, and is going to remain, the ultimate, because it accepts a different category – of the unknowable.
Man is not the unknown. He’s all three: known, unknown, and unknowable. And the real essence remains the third – the unknowable.
Whatsoever you do, it will elude your grasp... you will not be able to grab it. And the more you try, the more you will find that it has slipped out of the hands. That’s the mystery ... and that’s the beauty. That’s the grandeur, the splendour.
So be hesitant; don’t be worried about that. That’s good. It shows that you respect the fact that you are moving on sacred ground. When you touch another’s body you are almost entering the temple of God. The body is the temple of God. So first pray and then move, mm?
[A sannyasin who is leaving says: When my heart hopes, I will come back.]
Very good! Your heart I am keeping here! (laughter) Only you are going. So whenever you need your heart, come back. I can always lend it to you, but I can never give it back to you. You can borrow it for a few days, that’s all!
And start a small centre for me, mm? so just a few friends can meet and talk and listen to the tapes and read, meditate. Then things go on.I will give you a name for the centre.
This will be the name: Deepam. It means the light, the lamp. In India we have a special lamp which is called deepam. It is made of mud. The very poor people in the villages use it – just a small cup of mud filled with oil. So deepam means an earthen lamp, but you can tell people it means light or lamp, mm? And I am coming, don’t be worried!
[A sannyasin, also studying acupuncture with the sannyasin Osho just spoke to, said that they hoped to work together sometime.]
That will be very good... It can be very helpful. If you finish the course first, next time when you come I will tell you how to work together.
If a couple can work together in deep love, acupuncture will be more successful than a single man working alone, because it is a question of yin and yang.
Every patient has a man and a woman inside. If only a man is working, it will be easier for him to find the female points in the body, very easy. But it will be very difficult for him to find the male points, unless he is a homosexual. And if a woman is working on the body, she will be more perceptive about the male points than the female points. So if a couple can work in deep togetherness much can happen.
It has not been tried. Even in China it has not been tried; it has just remained a possibility. But if you are both working together, learn together, be together, and whenever you treat a person, treat him together. Move In deep harmony, as if you are one. That is possible. Once you finish your acupuncture, then both come and I will teach you how to be together so that your energy functions as one unityand tremendous are the possibilities.
Man alone cannot be a good healer, and woman alone cannot be a good healer, because alone they are half; alone they are not whole. They themselves are not healthy, so how can they help health to happen to somebody else? Health is nothing but wholeness. The very word health comes from the same root as the word whole or holy; they belong to the same root.
So if you can function as a whole, together, meeting and merging, surrounding the patient from all sides; if you can pray and move together, you can bring something great to the very science of acupuncture. I am talking about something absolutely new. The concept exists but it has never been actualised, mm? Very good.
[The Aum marathon group are present. The group works on negativity. Recently Osho suggested it was followed by a positivity group. The groupleader, Veeresh, said that people were not totally responsive, and that he himself was becoming insensitive.]
A few thingsFirstly, whenever you are working on people’s negativity, with their negative emotions,
their negative, darker side, moving through a deep negative catharsis, they will swing towards the positive automatically. So when a person becomes really angry, where can he go? A moment comes, a climax comes when he has to come back from anger. And then compassion ariseshe
relaxes. Tension brings relaxation. It is always the opposite that comes up, always. That’s why all the groups in the West insist on being negative. Because through the negative, the positive comes up.
If you really go deep in your sadness you will start feeling happy, because how far can you go? There is a limit. Sooner or later you touch the bottom. Then you start moving to the opposite because now there is no further movement, no further space, so you turn back. You come to a dead end and then you turn back, because the energy needs movement. You become sad, you become angry, or whatsoever, and you go into it. Then a moment comes when you are against a wall and there is no door. So you move back, you move to the opposite.
So if you go deep in hate, you will come up with love. If you go deep in sadness, you will come up with happiness. If you go deep in anger, you will come up with compassion. If you go deep in no, you will come up with yes. That’s why the whole western encounter movement is basically centred around the no, because it brings the yes.
When you start working with the positive you will have this problem. Suddenly you will see that just by the side of sadness, happiness is existing. And if you make a man really happy he is bound to become sad, because a dead end will come. If you laugh too much you are bound to crytears will
come. If they are not coming, that simply shows that you are not laughing totally yet, that you have not travelled totally in the direction of laughter. You have not come to the dead-end.it is not yet
the climax. Once the climax comes, the wheel moves, has to move, and the spoke that was on top starts moving towards the bottom.
This is the whole wheel of lifethe wheel of day and night. When the day ends, night comes. When
the night ends, day comes. This is the very wheel of life and death.
So I wanted to start this positive group. It will make the wheel turn completely. I was not hoping that by doing the positive group you would come to some very positive understanding. No – rather you come more to the negative! But I didn’t say anything to you because I wanted you to move into the unknown and see what happened. This has happened. That’s why you are a little uncertain about what has happened. It is exactly what I was hoping was going to happen.
Now if you feel it correctly, it will be good to do the positive first and then the negative. Do the positive – that will bring the negativity. In fact it will be negative! And when you do the negative, it will be positive. Do you follow me? Because by your doing you bring the other. It is not always that which you do that happens. No. If you want to relax, tense yourself as much as you can and relaxation will come. We always do it wrongly. If you are feeling tense you want to relax, and you by relaxation. It is going to fail. If you are feeling tense and you want relaxation, you will become more tense.
If a man is unable to go to sleep, don’t tell him to lie down on the bed and to tell the body to relax – all nonsense! Tell him to tense the body, jump and jog and to go around the block four or five times; to breathe deeply and to make his body as tense and trembling as possible. For ten minutes let the
whole body perspire and then lie down on the bed. Forget about relaxation – it is bound to come; you need not bother about it. This is one of the greatest understandings in the very core of life.
So first do the negative – that will be positive. Force people to be happy and high (laughter). The leader has almost to be a buffoon, and a positive group means a circus. Bring them to such happiness that tears start flowing.
And now if you are capable and Sudha (the assistant) is courageous enough, don’t make the gap. There is no need. Those three days (between the marathon and the workshop) will be a disturbance. So bring up the negative and then move to the negative group immediately. Otherwise that gap will relax people and you will be missing much unnecessarily. When the climax is coming, when you are making them happy and laughing and enjoying and they are almost on the verge of exploding into crying and being sad and miserable and going to hell, immediately bring hell. So next time try with no gap.
It is going to give you tremendous results, and the wheel will move completely. Anybody doing the Aum marathon will feel a completion which is not felt in the other groups. Something remains hanging as if something has remained incomplete. No group is complete unless the positive and negative exist together and are joined together. No man is complete unless he has been to hell and heaven both.
Nietzsche used to say, ‘If you want to go to heaven, you have to go to hell. And if a tree wants to touch the sky, it has to send its roots to the very hell. The higher the tree rises, the lower the roots have to descend.’ That means the higher the tree wants to go, the lower it has to go. The higher and lower are not two separate things, but two polarities of one phenomenon. The positive and negative are not two separate things, but two polarities of one energy. They are just like negative energy and positive energy, minus and plus electricity.
And the second question that you raised about yourself is very meaningful. It has to come to anybody who is working with people and working with human consciousness. By and by you don’t love a person, you simply love. Maybe that love is focused on a person, but by and by it becomes more like a quality than like a relationship. That’s how it should be. When you love a person, that is only a learning ground, a schooling, a discipline. You love a person to learn how to love. By and by love spreads far and wide. That person remains significant because that person became the door, and from that door you start moving this way and that. This is going to happen – there is nothing to worry about.
Love becomes more important than the lover, than the loved. By and by it becomes like your quality. It surrounds you every moment of your life. If you play with a dog, you are in love with the dog in that moment. If you hug a tree you are in love. It is not a question of a tree or a dog or a man or Asha (Veeresh’s partner). It is a question of your quality.
If you are loving, what can you do? If you hug the tree, you love the tree. So first a person loves another person, then by and by it starts spreading. First you love one person, then you love other persons. First you love another human being, then by and by you start loving other beings – a dog, a tree, a rock. And then a moment comes which is the final moment of love, when you simply love. Even if you are sitting in an empty space, you hug the empty space – not even a tree is there to hug.
You are simply hugging – there is nobody. Do you understand me? Simply hugging... because now hugging is not an act. It is a climate that surrounds you. You hug emptiness... you love and kiss emptiness.
And this is where love becomes prayer. Then a new name is needed because the old name will create trouble. It becomes prayer.
It is just like when a flower opens and the fragrance spreads. The flower remains attached to the tree, but not the fragrance. The fragrance is like a cloud moving with the wind in all the directions. The flower may die, but the fragrance will go on and on spreading to the very end of existence.
A person who has attained to love may die – his love continues. Buddha is dead, his love continues. I will be dead, my love will continue. And those who will be sympathetic, those who will be receptive, will be able to receive it any moment, anywhere.
So you should be happy that you have become capable of hugging trees and dogs. One should be capable. It is not a question of your activity – just the way you are. You touch the chair, you touch it lovingly. Wherever you touch, your touch makes it an object of love ... your touch transforms it. It becomes almost a person.
Just see the opposite. When you look at a person with hatred you have reduced him to a thing. That’s why hatred wants to kill, because the hatred cannot accept that the other person is a person. He should be reduced to a thing; should be killed. Then the other is just like earth or stones – dead. Hate reduces the other to a thing. Love reduces nobody to a thing. On the contrary it raises, uplifts, even things into persons.
So whatsoever a person who loves has touched, becomes a person. You can talk to the trees if you have love. You can talk to the rocks if you have love, because then the rock is no more a rock. It has a personality of its own, unique. No other rock is like that This rock is not a carbon-copy of another rock. It has an individuality of its own. Touch it... feel it. You will never feel another rock giving you the same sensations, ever. This is what personality means, individuality – that everything in this existence is unique, incomparably unique, unbelievably unique.
[A sannyasin says: I feel the groups are just opening me up, splitting me up... but not clearing me up... I won’t let a woman get near me, and that I’m afraid of being possessed.]
This is just the beginning. One has first to understand many things. The very understanding helps. So don’t think that this insight is nothing – it is valuable, immensely valuable.
If you understand that you don’t allow a woman to come close to you, next time a woman approaches you, you will allow her a little more. This understanding will help a little more. You will feel that there is nothing wrong; she has come so close and yet everything is going so beautifully, why not a little more? This insight will help you to move... and one moves cautiously in the beginning. It is natural.
There is no need to be worried that the insight has not yet become a realised truth. No insight can immediately become a realised truth. An insight is just a glimpse. A window opens – now you have to travel. An insight gives you a vision of the far away. You can close the window and can
forget about it. You will remain in the same room. But you can jump out of the window... nobody is hindering the path.
You can run towards that far-away peak. It will take a little time. It will be hard, arduous, but it pays; it pays tremendously. The closer you come to the peaks, the more you are transformed. So whatsoever you have learned... you may have seen only a few glimpses which show something about how you are – but they are valuable. Once you see that this is how you are, what you are, already a possibility of change has opened. Now it is up to you to use it.
A group cannot give you life – it can only give you insights. Then you have to implement these insights. You have to go into life and see how you can work with these insights now. Old habits will come in the way. They will try to create confusion, but don’t listen to them. Put them aside. Tell them, ‘I have been working with you long enough. Enough is enough! No more of that nonsense. Let me try the new insight.’ Whenever there is a fight between the old and the new, always choose the new – because the old you have tried and it has not done anything.
The old has much appeal because it is the familiar one, the easier one. You have been on it for so long that you can move in it like a robot and there is no problem in it. The territory is known and you have the map. You can move with blindfolded eyes. You know where to turn right and where to turn left, so things are easier. With the new, things are harder, but with the new there is the possibility of your becoming new.
So never listen to the old. Always choose, vote for the new... go with the new – even if you go astray sometimes. Sometimes you may go astray, but there is nothing wrong in it. Even that is better than going with the old. Just being repetitive is the worst thing in the world. If your virtue has become repetitive, I will say choose a new sin. But at least let it be new, because that will renovate you, renew you, release new life in you. So choose the new, move with the new. Implement it... allow women to come dose!
And whatsoever insight you have gained, before it disappears give it roots in your being.
[An assistant says: In the group I really feel a lot of love for people but then somehow when I come out, I’m very negative with my partner].
There is going to be a difference in the group and outside it, but there is no need to be disturbed by it. The difference is natural. The group is a special situation... the world is not like that. If the world was like that, there would be no need for the group! The group is needed to give you a glimpse of the world as it should be, but it is not.
So don’t expect when you move out that the world is a group – then you will be in trouble. Learn whatsoever happens in the group, absorb it, but when you come out of it don’t expect that the world is going to be the same. You have to move cautiously in the world so that whatsoever you have learned can become part of you. It is not going to become part of the world. The world is not going to be changed by [your being in the group. The world is big and vast. Only you are going to be changed.
So whatsoever you have learned, there are two parts in it. One is something that you can carry out in the world, that belongs to you; and something that cannot be carried out into the world, that
belongs to the group. In a group there are two persons – you and the group. So whatsoever you can carry out – your awareness, understanding – carry it out. That will change much. If you are changed you will have a different world around you. The world is not going to be changed. Don’t expect that the world is the group. That part has to be left. This discrimination has to be continuously made, and one has to be alert about it.
And of course, in a group, love is not a commitment ... it is a game, so it looks beautiful. But when you come out and you are with [your partner], it is not a game – it is a commitment.
Many people find it very easy to love strangers, because there is no commitment. I know one woman who will make love only to strangers in trains, in hotels. She will not even ask the name of the man. What is the use of asking the name? – just a casual meeting and then finished. That simply shows that she is very immature; she is not ready to commit herself. And unless you are ready to commit, you never grow.
A group is a game... three, four days meeting strange people, every type of person, and everybody open and things opening and the whole milieu is such that one moves with the stream. It is very good; there is no problem in it. Everything can be sweet and everybody can be sweet. But when you live with a person, there are problems. Problems of actual life – struggle, conflict, jealousy, possessiveness, everything.
So take your understanding from the group and use it with yogi. That is the real group... that is going to be a permanent group. It is a marathon. Marriage is a marathon – just two persons doing the whole marathon! (laughter) Everybody trying to be the leader and the other being made to be the led.
I have been watching that in the West it happens very often that people who go to the groups almost always bring more trouble when they come out. Many couples break, separate, after the group, and they think this is being very sincere and authentic. They think that they were not sincere, and that’s why they were together. Now they are being authentic, so how can they be together? They become very realistic out of the group and they start saying things – nasty things. And they think this is being authentic, true! This may simply be being violent. A group has to give you insight, compassion.
I am not saying that every couple has to remain together – no need. But I am not saying the opposite either – that every couple has to separate. One has to be understanding. If some relationship is such that it is simply destructive and it is not helping either you or your partner, and you have tried all the ways and it doesn’t work, doesn’t click, then better to separate. But if you feel that you love and you feel that there are beautiful moments also, that there are moments when you flow into each other and everything looks just heavenly, then think again. Separation is very easy – to be together is very difficult. And sometimes separating from one and another and another, you may get into the habit of separation.
There are people who are divorce-addicted, so even before the marriage they are thinking about how to divorce. The moment they think of marriage, they also think of divorce – as if their meeting is only for separation; separation is the goal. Don’t become that way, mm? Because in three weeks you wrote me one letter saying that things are not going well with [your partner] and everything is disturbed. Then you wrote to me just after one week that things are going tremendously beautifully
and you have decided you will never separate from him. And now just one week has passed and again you are there. So just watch what you are doing.
If you go on this way nothing will settle. This is taking the plant up again and again and looking at the roots to see whether they are growing or not. The plant will die! And nobody else will be responsible.
So when you are with a person, try to be a little more alert. He has difficulties, you have difficulties – everybody has difficulties. So don’t be cruel and don’t be violent and aggressive. Try to understand – as you have difficulties, he also has difficulties. Sort them out together; figure out where the problem is It is easier to sort them out together rather than separately. And don’t hide problems... everything should be opened. There should be no secret.
In the group Learn things, but don’t expect things from people that you have seen in the groups. You will never find that anywhere – and then you will have to go again and again into groups. There are many people who live from one group to another. Their whole Life consists of marathons, encounters, tathata. That’s not life! These are holidays from life... Sundays. Don’t make the week a week of sundays, or else it will be difficult to live. One day it is good to go to the beach and rest in the sun, but for six days even God has to work!
[A sannyasin says: At the moment I feel like I’m drifting.] So drift!
You must be resisting – that’s bad. Drifting is not bad. But don’t resist... at least enjoy that. Always do whatsoever you want to do, but do it totally.
I never say what to do – that is not my way. I say whatsoever you do, do it, but do it totally. If it is good it will become part of you. If it is not good you will come out of it. That is the beauty of being total... that is the secret of being total. You cannot be totally with the devil. You can only be totally with God. So totality is the criterion.
I don’t say don’t commit a sin. I have no commandments. I don’t say, ‘Do this. This is moral and virtuous’ – nothing I say whatsoever you want to do, do. If you want to be a thief, be a total thief. If it is virtue it will become part of you. If it is not virtue you will come out of it. If you want to be angry, be totally angry. If It is worthwhile you will enjoy it. If you feel it is simply nonsense, it will simply drop of its own accord.
Totality is the criterion. So drift – but don’t resist. If you want to resist, then resist it totally and don’t drift! rm not saying drift. Remember always that I never give you direction. Who am I to give you direction? And people who direct you are manipulators. I simply give you an understanding.
So choose. With one foot on one boat and another foot on another boat you will be in trouble. And the boats are moving in diametrically opposite directions; you will be tom apart That’s what is happening to millions of people – torn into pieces, everything falling apart. Then life becomes a misery, has to become.
Life is happy when you are together. Happiness is a function of togetherness. Misery is a function of dividedness, fragmentariness. So just decide.
Good... the group has given you a good vision.
[A group member says: During the last night of the group I was vomiting and I had diarrhoea, and very much pain... ]
That can happen, mm? When something is released in the mind, the body also releases. There is always a parallel holding in the body. In people who repress, the intestine always holds something which should not be there – much toxins, poisons. It has to be that way because when the mind is holding some poison – anger, sadness, hatred – a parallel poison has to exist in the body to support it, otherwise the mind cannot hold it. The mind and body are not two; each corresponds with the other.
So it happens almost always that when the mind releases something, suddenly the body releases – diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting. They are very good indications.
In India, Yoga has been working for centuries. They start from the opposite end. First they cleanse your intestine. In Yoga there is a method where the yogi has to vomit every day in the morning.
[Osho went on to describe this method, as he had done in a former darshan when he suggested that a sannyasin do it in order to remove some blocked energy. (See ‘Above All, Don’t Wobble’, darshan Wednesday, January 21st.)
The next thing is to cleanse the intestine, and there are many yoga postures which give a deep massage to the intestine and help it to release whatsoever toxins it holds. And it can hold toxins. Sometimes in post-mortem examinations the entire intestine has been found to hold forty, fifty year- old matter; it clings to the sides of the walls. That creates tremendous poison. But that is part of the mind. Yoga starts with the body; it is body-oriented. First it cleanses the body and the stomach, and then the mind becomes very easily able to release, to cathart.
Now the western methods start with the mind – catharsis – and then the body releases. But both are absolutely right. You can start either from this way or from that, because both belong to the same family.
[A group member said she was very slow and therefore might be missing something.]
There is nothing to be worried about. There are people who are fast runners and people who are slow walkers. Because you compare, the problem arises. When you see somebody running fast and you are walking slow, you compare.
You say, ‘He is running so fast that he must be getting many things, and I am missing.’ But you don’t know the runner. He looks at you and thinks, ‘Maybe she is enjoying the scenery more because she is moving so slowly. She must have got something, that is why she is moving so slowly and so happily.’
Don’t compare. You have to keep your pace. You are nobody else – you are you. So whatsoever is natural to you, that’s the way you have to grow. Never compare, and never hanker for one hundred percent. In life, only death happens one hundred percent. That too, the physicians say is difficult to
determine – whether the person is one hundred percent dead or not. They have not yet been able to demark the line where one can say a person is really dead. Exactly when? When the heart stops, then? When the mind stops, then? When the breathing stops? When? Nobody knows exactly where the line is. But at least death seems to be one hundred percent. Everything else is always approximate.
So don’t ask too much; that creates frustration. Whatsoever you receive, enjoy it and feel grateful for it. Thank God that you are a slow walker. Perfectly good! You can enjoy the scenery more... the smell of the earth... the flowers. A runner never enjoys it. He is simply running – mad! But don’t say anything to the runner, mm? because I have to console him also! (much laughter)
[A trainee therapist says: I tend to come on more as a therapist than just as a loving type of person.]
When one first goes on the therapist trip it is a little difficult... it happens to everybody. The therapist takes so much possession of you that you look at everything from that angle – even one’s own love-affair.
I have heard about one psychoanalyst who married a very ugly woman... very very ugly. And everybody was simply surprised; they could not believe it. He was a young handsome man – flourishing, successful, with a good practice, a name, academic recognition, everything. What had happened to this man?... a very ugly woman. It was almost Impossible to look at her directly – with one false eye, all teeth false.
So friends asked him, What have you done?’ He said, ‘I know she is ugly. One eye is false... all her teeth are false. She stinks (laughter) and she has very bad breath. You cannot sit close to her. But boy! what nightmares she has, what nightmares!’ A psychoanalyst – more interested in nightmares!
So this is a honeymoon with therapy, mm? Don’t be worried... it goes. Every honeymoon ends – even with therapy!
[A group member says: I found the first part of the group horrible... I split up with the person I was with before the group... I cannot let myself be close to anyone.]
That has to be so – it was the negative group. It has to be horrible...
You have to be close to yourself, that’s all. Then the other thing always happens on its own accord. The group may have been horrible but I can see that it has given a grace to your face. It may have been horrible but it has made you more centred, more collected.
Sometimes a bitter medicine also helps. You did well in swallowing it – and this Veeresh-medicine is a little bitter! But once you become accustomed to it, it is good.
The whole thing is that you have to be closer to your own feelings, then you will be closer to anybody that you love. If you are not dose to yourself, you can never be close to anybody else. If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love anybody else. So be selfish. That’s my whole teaching: be selfish.
The first thing is to love yourself. Once you love yourself, you can love... you become capable of love. Then it is for you to decide whom you will love or not love, mm? But it has been good...
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