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7 April 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
[To a sannyasin, a film-producer who is returning to the States, Osho said that meditation could be introduced to many people through the medium of film and television.]
Books are very old media. The days for books are gone. People don’t have that much time to read, because reading is active; you have to do something. Television is perfectly okay. You have nothing to do; you simply sit and see.
So something that is active is not going to spread very fast – rather, something that people can simply sit and see. And eyes are more powerful than ears. When you listen to something you tend to forget it, but when you see something, you remember. Seeing is the most primitive language, so through TV the most primitive has become the most modern.
Children see... their language is pictorial. If you talk about mangoes, you have to show them the picture; the picture comes first. Through the picture they learn the word cat. By and by the picture is forgotten; superimposed by the word. Then we talk about a cat, never realising that there is no corresponding picture inside.
Mind has become more verbal on the superficial level, but deep down it remains pictorial. If you think of love, you start visualising... imagination starts working. Hence the appeal of pornography – because you can see something. And it has been realised for centuries that the eyes are very potential. That’s why we say, ‘Never believe a word that you have heard. But if you have seen it, then it is true.’ But why? Why so much preference for the eyes and not for the ears?
Whatsoever is seen, people think is true, so TV is used by all sorts of people; because when people see, they believe. Seeing is believing. The moment you see, you cannot doubt – hence all the
advertising that goes on. In fact TV shows are not meant for shows; they are just in between two advertisements. The real thing is the advertisement.
When you are relaxed and in a passive mood, anything that is said to you or you see, impresses deeply. You are vulnerable, almost in a hypno-sleep. And when you are watching for hours together, the eyes become focused, hypnotised. TV is the latest hypnosis. People become almost glued to their chairs; they cannot move – and then the advertisement.
In the past also, we have always talked about seers. Those who have realised the truth, we call seers. In India, philosophy is called vision – darshan. The truth has been seen. But why seen? Why not heard? Why not touched? Why not smelled? Why not tasted? Because eyes are just a member of this whole operation of senses, but they are very dominating.
Almost eighty percent of your personality is dominated by the eyes, so the book is almost out of date. Now people would like to see, and soon people will be seeing books also; they will not be reading. Sooner or later books are going to disappear. There will be microfilms of books so you can just put them on the projector and see the books moving on the screen; you can simply sit.
Film is one of the most potential things that man has yet invented. It has given people their childhood again... again they can think in pictorial language.
So go back home and think about it, mm? And continue meditating.…
[A sannyasin said that he felt he was destroying his body through smoking cigarettes and taking hash... He enjoys the dreams it creates.]
That is just dreaming. What is the point?
Stop it, mm? It is destroying not your body but your brain, because all chemicals which affect your consciousness in some way are destructive to the brain. The body may not be destroyed – you have a perfectly good body – that is not the point. But if you take hash too long, it is going to affect your mind, your consciousness. It will make you more dreamy, sleepy. You may have very beautiful dreams but what is the use of beautiful dreams? One has to stop all dreaming.
And all that drugs can do, at the most, is to give you beautiful dreams. That is true too only if everything goes right; otherwise they can give you nightmares. But it is useless wasting your energy and time and opportunity. Dreams are not the goal. They have to be dropped. One has to come to a point where one attains to a non-dreaming consciousness. That will not be possible through hash. And it will become more and more impossible even with meditation if you are on hash too much.
All religions have been against drugs for a certain reason. The antagonism is not because drugs as such are dangerous. No. The antagonism is because drugs are substitute meditations. They give you a false idea of meditativeness, of visionary experiences – but those are just dreams. The real thing you can find through meditation, so why be bothered by drugs?
I am here to give you the ultimate in drugs, so why be bothered about hash? Drop it!
It will take a little time, and it may be a little difficult – because habits struggle hard. But to fight with habits is beautiful in itself. The more you fight with dead habits, the more alive you will become. And the more you win over your habits, the more you will see that you are becoming truer and truer.
So hash has to be dropped first. Then we will think about cigarettes and smoking; that too is useless, mm? Just try.…
[A sannyasin said her relationship was going much better since she and her man had decided to have no secrets between them.]
It’s very good never to keep any secrets. If you love a person, open your heart completely, because even if you keep a small secret, that remains like a barrier. It may not be visible, but underneath it separates you.
All secrets are like walls. If you drop all secrets, suddenly you are unburdened and the other comes closer and closer. Love should not have any secrets. The intimacy is so much that the secret cannot be allowed to stand between two persons. So that’s very good.… Just open. What is the fear? If you love the person, what is the fear?
Because we don’t love, we go on keeping our secrets. We are afraid that if we tell everything, the other may not like us, may not love us; may go far away. But if it is going to happen, it is going to happen. By keeping your secret you are not going to change it. In fact he may go sooner because you will remain closed. If you have a secret you cannot allow the other person to the innermost core of your being.
So just drop all secrets. That’s the beauty of lovethat all secrets can be dropped, all privacy can
be dropped. Nothing exists between two persons, nothing. Then they can flow into each other and an understanding arises. One feels unburdened and clean.…
[The ashram’s music group played at darshan tonight.]
Very good! You want to do one more?... Bring a greater climax, mm? The whole point is to lose oneself. The climax will come only when you are not individualsjust the group soul has evolved
and things are controlled not by individuals, but by the group soul.
So just lose yourselves – then the climax will come. You cannot bring it, you can only allow it. So allow it this time.
[One of the singers, said that a lot of the heaviness she felt she had been carrying around all her life was disappearing and that she was feeling many physical changes in her body]
There is nothing to be worried about, mm?
Music helps to bring you in tune with yourself. If you are really involved in the outer music, it brings you in contact with the inner music. So just remember one thing – forget yourself while singing, and just be totally possessed.as if you are not there, but just a vehicle for something unknown,
something from the beyond. Lose control.
It will help... you will become completely fearless. Fear arises because we are not in tune with ourselves. In a harmonious moment there is no fear. Fear is a discord, a disharmony in the being. Fear simply shows that we are not happy. In deep happiness there is no fear. It simply disappears, as darkness disappears when there is sunrise.
So get more and more in tune with music, singing, dancing, and you will be unburdened.
This feeling that some changes are happening in the body may be true, not just imagination, because when you change inside, your body also changes. The body has to readjust again with your new being. So allow it, whatsoever it is. Sometimes you may even feel painful, awkward, strange, difficult to accept, but still accept it – whatsoever it is. Always trust the body... the body never lies. It is the only truthful thing left to man now. So just listen to it and follow it. Lose yourself more in it.
[A musician says he has been composing songs with one of the singers and that it seemed different from the group’s approach.]
You can do it, mm? Individually, or whenever you feel with somebody that you have a certain at- one-ment, you can make dyads, couples or three or four persons, and you can evolve. But in this group, you have to work totally differently. No individuality should be brought in... as if the whole group is one individual. Because if you all start being individuals, then there will be no group soul possible, and the beauty is in the group soul. I would like your group to increase by and by and become bigger. So the initial group should be so much in tune that when a new individual joins, he simply falls in line.
You are going to be the very base of a bigger group which will be coming soon – so-get ready! If you are not in tune, when new persons come they will not be able to get in tune. They will get into your disharmony, and they will go on their own way. Then everybody is moving away from each other and the group disperses. You are all playing and singing solo, so it is not an orchestra.
I know it is difficult to be in an orchestra and spontaneous, but that difficulty has to be faced. And once you know the knack of it – how to be spontaneous and yet not out of tune, how to be spontaneous and yet flowing with everybody else, flowing in your own way and yet with everybody elseIt is a little complex and subtle – but that’s the beauty of it. By and by your group will become
bigger and bigger. When a hundred persons will be singing and playing together, you will create a pinnacle of energy, a tower.
And that has to be so... Like a pyramid, mm? On the base you are a hundred. When you join together, the pyramid becomes smaller and smaller and smaller. Then comes the peak where every individual is lost; just the point is left. There will be a pyramid of music, singing, ecstasy.
So do whatsoever you feeL like doing separate4. You can form your own small music friendships, but that is separate. When you join this group you have to follow a certain discipline, and yet you have to be spontaneous. It looks paradoxical, but soon you will have the knack of it. Once you know how to dissolve yourself, once you are not there, you will simply be surprised, amazed, mystified, that somehow the whole group is moving in one way, and spontaneously.
Then you will feel an expansion of consciousness, because you are not there as an individual; you have joined together with a collectivity. No more islands... everybody has melted. And then the
whole thing becomes intuitive. When you are separate, you are in directions. When you are not separate, you become intuitive. You are joined by a telepathic cord which surrounds you like a climate . . .touches you all... plays on your hearts, together. That climate takes over, and you are possessed. You have to learn it once and then you will know that everybody is moving together and yet nobody is forcing.
Have you ever been in a crowd which is going to kill somebody, or going to bum a temple or a church or a mosque? or in a crowd which is protesting, shouting, screaming? Suddenly you will find that you have started shouting and screaming; that you are getting hot. What has happened? Just a moment before, you were cool and calm, and you were going to your job or somewhere else. You meet this crowd and people are shouting, and suddenly you feel you have fallen in tune.
Have you seen soldiers walking in a rhythm? The military scientists say that whenever an army is passing a bridge their rhythm should be broken, otherwise the bridge can fall. Sometimes it has fallen, because the rhythm is such a thing that the whole bridge starts shaking – so soldiers are not to move on the bridge in step.
Nietzsche writes somewhere, ‘I have never seen a greater music – greater than when I see an army marching together.’ He was a military-minded man. But he is indicating a certain truth. The truth is that whenever so many people are together, individuals disappear, egos disappear. An egoless consciousness arises which is bigger than all; bigger than the totality of all. It can be destructive... it can be creative.
Hitler used it in a destructive way. He created a mass-mind. That mass-mind was complete4 mad. It almost brought the world to destruction, to total destruction – almost to the very brink. But the same thing can be creative. That’s what I want you to be.
If a collective soul can be destructive, why not creative? If people can move with such totality, such involvement and commitment that they are not there and something bigger controls them, then why cannot the same be used for creativity?
And this is my understanding: if it is not done for creativity, again and again it will be used for destructiveness. If you cannot create groups which can enjoy being together in music, in poetry, in singing and dancing, people are going to shout in the streets, scream, go berserk, destroy... unless we can create just a parallel world of people who are creative in their togetherness. Individuals have been creative, but the problem is this – that groups have been destructive and individuals have been creative. The individuals are bound to fail.
When a Hitler comes, he creates a group. When a Mozart comes, he plays individually. When a Mussolini comes, he creates a destructive harmony. The same is to be done by a Buddha also... exactly parallel. And if you can give people a creative togetherness, who is going to be destructive? Nobody. In fact the whole charm of the destruction is not in destruction – it is in being together.
Let this be nailed into your heart – that the whole charm is of being together. People are fed up with themselves. They want to lose themselves somewhere, in an orgy – that is the attraction. But if you can give them a creative togetherness, they will not go in a destructive direction. There is no need – they will be so fulfilled.
So this is just a beginning, remember. Everything that I am doing is a beginning. You may not be aware of what is going to happen.
More and more people will join, so let the base be perfectly solid. When new people come, you Will be twenty. When one new person comes he is bound to flow with the twenty – if the twenty are in harmony. If these twenty are not in harmony, he will go on his own way. Then it becomes a crowd. It will be destructive... it will create chaos. Even music can be destructive.
Have you come across the latest research about music? Indian music and western classical music is creative. The modern western music is destructive. If western classical music and indian music is played around plants, they grow fast. If modern pop music is played, the plant doesn’t grow at all; it stops. It doesn’t come to bloom... it becomes crippled and something in it dies.
The modern music creates anxiety, anguish. So music can be destructive, can be creative. Everything can be either this or that. Togetherness can be creative or destructive.
This group has to be very disciplined and yet spontaneous. It will take a little time for you to feel, but once you feel, once the vision has come to you and you have a glimpse, then you will be simply amazed how many treasures were already there and you never looked.
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