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Man’s monkey mind
23 August 1985 am in Rajneeshmandir
Question 1 BELOVED OSHO,
There is a certain basic foundation for it: there is no audience to be addressed. As far as I am concerned, we are not separate. To you, I am separate from you; hence the question. But to me, you are just part of a vast continent of consciousness – in the same way that I am part of it. Who is going to address whom?
There is a famous story of a Zen master. Every day, waking up in the morning, he would shout his own name. His disciples were very much puzzled. Finally they gathered courage and asked him.
The master said, “Because only I am, there is nobody else to be called for. So I declare as I wake up, ‘Aha! So I am here again!’”
I cannot address you because I am part and parcel of you – and not a mechanical part. The commune is an organic unity.
The right hand never calls for help from the left hand; it comes of its own accord. The body is an organic whole. There is no need for any part of the body to address any other part of the body. The body functions in a tremendous unity. A commune is an organic body; hence, forgive me, I cannot address you.
And what is there to use as an address? People address the audience as “Ladies and Gentlemen.” Both words are bogus. The gentleman has not yet arrived. Civilization is still a dream. If you scratch the so-called gentleman a little bit, you will find the animal there – not even a human being.
And gentle, certainly man is not; otherwise, who has been fighting all these wars? Who has been killing millions of people? Who has been torturing the whole humanity and pushing it towards the ultimate global suicide? You call these people gentlemen? Then what will be the definition of a barbarous man?
And have you ever met a lady? – full of jealousies, full of ego. What is there? Just look inside a man or a woman and you will find only two biological animals. Do you want me to address you, “Dear Biological Animals”? – because that will be the truth.
I am reminded that the first Hindu sannyasin to come to America was Swami Vivekananda. He was the disciple of Paramahansa Ramakrishna. He had come here to participate in a world religious conference. Christian priests spoke, Jewish rabbis spoke, Mohammedan imams spoke – and they all addressed the people, “Ladies and Gentlemen.”
Vivekananda was very young, so his turn came last. And do you know what happened? He addressed them as, “My brothers and sisters of America.”
The whole audience stood up. For two minutes there was tremendous clapping. He had not even started saying anything; he had only addressed them. It was miraculous. People immediately felt that “Ladies and Gentlemen” is not the truth. And there comes a man who calls you, “My brothers, my sisters of America.” Immediately there is a tremendous connection with the man. Something transpires immediately, and thousands of people are aflame. It was difficult for the chairman to persuade people to stop clapping and sit down and listen to the man; this was only the beginning.
But I cannot even call you my brothers and my sisters. To call any woman sister is humiliating her. She could be my beloved; the moment I call her sister, I have created a wall between her and me. Just think, visualize a woman who is addressed by everybody as sister. She will commit suicide.
This commune is not for brothers and sisters. It is not a family, it is a freedom. Here, people are lovers. And who knows? – the woman you are addressing as sister today, tomorrow will be making love to you. Then there will be great guilt inside.
And why should you be addressed as brothers? It has deep implications you may not be aware of. Men are called brothers because god is the father – naturally all men are brothers. I don’t have any god to offer to you; the father is a fiction. And when the father disappears you cannot be brothers, you can only be lovers. You can be friends but not brothers.
And to me, friendship, friendliness, is the highest fragrance of love. That’s why I don’t address you.
Moreover I am not a messiah, not a prophet. You are not to think of yourselves as my followers – because I am nobody’s leader. We are all fellow travelers, seeking, searching, enquiring. Nobody is higher and nobody is lower.
I start my talks without addressing you because these are not gospels, or sermons, or lectures. I simply love to gossip, and in gossips you don’t address anyone. I enjoy talking to you, you enjoy listening to me. There is a synchronicity.
Without you, who am I? Without me, who are you?
There is no separation. We cannot exist separately, we are an organic whole.
And my talks are just friendly talks, the way you talk with your friends. Do you address them first, “Ladies and Gentlemen”? There is no need. That creates a distance, a formality. You simply talk. You open your heart. And remember, the talker is not higher than the listener. They are two polarities of one phenomenon. They are absolutely equal, because neither of them can exist separate from the other. So if I address anyone, I will be addressing myself. That looks a little silly.
And one point more: I don’t like the word ‘gentleman’ and the word ‘lady.’ These are plastic. There are men and there are women – and I want my people to be just that, your natural selves.
The raw woman has a beauty. The raw man has a strength. The moment you make him a gentleman, you have taken all his strength, all his power, all his potential for growth. You have encased him in a certain word. You have made him dependent on you because now he will hanker for respectability, and he will try in every way to fulfill your expectations of his being a gentleman.
I don’t have any expectations of you. I want you just to be yourself.
The word ‘lady’ is even more ugly. It is an invention of man. And he has certain qualities in mind which the lady has to pretend to have.
For example, while he is making love, the lady has to lie down almost like a corpse. She is not supposed to be active; only prostitutes are active – ladies simply lie down silently.
Why did man create ladies? There is a biological reason. A woman has the capacity for multiple orgasms. Man is very poor; he can have – God willing – only one orgasm. No man can satisfy a woman. In fact, the woman has a chain of orgasms. So it was a very cunning strategy that the woman should not be active; she should behave corpse-like, so that her orgasm is not triggered.
Millions of women have died without knowing a single orgasm. Even today, in a country like India, I have not found a single woman who knows what orgasm is. In Indian languages there is no word for orgasm. In the West, only within these fifty years have women started liberating themselves, asking for their birthright. And if a woman has many orgasms, then the man will feel very impotent after only one orgasm.
In a more scientific society, a woman will need at least four, five men. A husband has to invite all his friends, so when he is finished the second begins; when the second is finished, the third
begins – until the woman starts screaming with joy, shouting meaningless words, and is aglow from head to toe. But man’s jealousy has prevented it. And my suggesting anything like this makes me condemned as an immoral person.
In fact, all the religions have been immoral. And all those people who have created monogamy, marriage, fidelity, are criminals. It is time that they should be exposed.
It is not my fault that the woman has the capacity for multiple orgasms. It is a gift of nature. But she can have an orgasmic experience only if she is active, if her energy is also moving. If your wife suddenly jumps on top of you, you will think, “My God! Is she my wife or a prostitute?” She is not behaving like a lady. If she starts biting your earlobes, starts scratching with her nails, you will forget all about orgasm and will immediately phone to the hospital to send the ambulance. “My wife has gone mad!”
Vatsyayana, the first sexologist of the world, wrote five thousand years ago everything that I am saying: that a woman is dangerous when she comes to the peak.
To avoid this danger, the male chauvinists all over the world – to pretend they are the real powerful people, not women – say the woman is “the fair sex.” My foot! In sex, man is “the fair sex.” The woman is tremendously powerful.
And out of fear, for centuries the man has made love to a woman as quickly as possible. The reason is that if he delays, if he makes love a little longer, perhaps he may trigger the woman. And then he will prove simply impotent. Because of this fact, for thousands of years women have been denied their birthright, the most precious experience.
Hence, I hate the word ‘lady’! It means “a good lay.” But that is not the raw, natural, authentic woman.
The world has to drop all these hypocrisies. Man has to accept the truth that he can have only one orgasm. And in fact, by denying women their multiple orgasms, he has also sacrificed his own orgasm. Ejaculation is not orgasm. Ejaculation is good as a sleeping pill. Ejaculation is good – you will not die of a heart attack. But ejaculation is not the real thing. You have simply thrown your energy without gaining any experience out of it. It is sheer wastage.
Even if you don’t die of a heart attack, you are not going to live eternally; some other attack will kill you. Perhaps you may live two, three years more than others, but what is the point of living?
Orgasm is one of the most significant facts, not only sexually, but spiritually too, because a man or a woman who knows the orgasmic experience has taken the first step towards spiritual revolution.
If bodies can give so much, what about the meeting of beings?
But the past and its religions have all been against sex. Their theologies are different, their philosophies are different, but on one point they all agree: they have been against sex. Why? It is simple logic: If sex does not satisfy you – and it cannot satisfy you unless it becomes orgasmic – then in frustration, misery, suffering, dragging your life somehow towards the grave, you will need the priest, you will need God, you will need the church, the synagogue, the temple.
You are in such a misery, you need consolation. But consolation is not the goal of existence. Existence wants you to know the ultimate blissfulness. And the first step is becoming orgasmic.
You will be surprised to know that in India the sexual posture of the woman underneath a heavy and barbarous animal is known as the “missionary posture,” because India became aware of this when Christian missionaries entered India. Otherwise, the woman is fragile: it is simple courtesy that she should be on top of you. It needs no argumentation.
You are muscular, taller, stronger – at least in your bones. Let the woman be on top of you. Please, try being a lady! Allow the woman freedom to act, and you lie down like a corpse. Then you will know what you have done for centuries, for millennia.
The woman is erotic all over her body. Man’s eros is local, just confined to his genitals. Man is very poor. If you really want to have an orgasmic experience, you have to play with the woman’s body – foreplay – so that you can make her body throb with joy, with excitement, with the expectation of what is going to come now.
Until you have made your woman’s whole body thrilled, don’t start making love. Because your – I mean men’s – eros is confined to the genitals, he is finished within seconds. Foreplay is a necessity so that you can both come at the same moment to an orgasmic unity.
And after the orgasm, I cannot believe that the husband will turn his back and go to sleep and start snoring. With such a beautiful experience – something otherworldly – he will feel grateful. It is ugly not to have afterplay. The woman has given you so much that she deserves afterplay.
But I know husbands make love and that is nothing but a sexual sneeze. Yes, a kind of relief – when you sneeze it feels good. The tension that was making you uncomfortable in the nose is gone.
The same is the case with your lovemaking. Some tension in your genitalia was hankering to sneeze. Once the sneeze is finished, you go to sleep and start snoring. And nobody looks at the woman, who is crying by your side because she has not attained anything. She has not gained anything. She has been used!
And to use any human being is the worst crime one can commit; to use a human being as a means.… Then why bother about a real woman? – just a plastic woman will do. It will give you a good sneeze – and no trouble: no nagging, no fighting, no pillow throwing, no problem.
But if you want a real woman, allow her to slip out of the hypocrisy of being a lady. She is a woman, alive. You both have to be active together. Then only can you come to a point where suddenly time stops, thoughts stop. A moment of such luminosity – that is the beginning of spirituality.
My own understanding is that man started being spiritual only because of sexual orgasm – that is the original source. Once he has known such a beautiful experience, he wants more, he wants to go higher. But the poor people of the earth who don’t know what orgasm is, are praying in the churches, in the mosques, in the synagogues, asking God that what they are missing here be given to them in paradise.
There is no paradise anywhere else.
You have to be natural. And if it is natural for a woman to have multiple orgasms, then what is wrong in sharing your woman with your friends? And they will be sharing their women with you. It should be simply understood as a human, compassionate action. It is not immorality. What is happening is immoral: depriving millions of women of their natural right. But remember, when you deprive somebody you are also depriving yourself.
Men and women will never to go the churches. Sunday morning will be the orgasmic morning. Who bothers to go to the church to listen to a stupid priest who knows nothing? In my vision, churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, gurudwaras, should become places of love where people can go and have orgasmic experiences. That is the first step, and it is sacred.
Sermons are not needed. Orgasms are needed.
And a man or a woman who has a simple, natural feel of orgasmic experience will be a totally new man, a new woman. All boredom will disappear. The world will be full of rejoicings, laughter, dances, songs, music. And the experience of orgasm makes everybody creative, because you have experienced so much that you would like to sing a song, compose poetry, play on your guitar, or just dance – existence has been such a benediction.
And sexual orgasm is the lowest experience – but you are denied even that. The first rung of the ladder is denied to you; how can you reach to the top – what we call meditation, samadhi, ecstasy?
So there are reasons why I don’t address you as ladies and gentlemen. Those are dirty words. I cannot call you brothers and sisters, because that will create guilt in you. In fact, you call a woman ‘sister’ only when she is so homely that you want to get rid of her.
When I was a lecturer in the university.… For some unknown reason, people have always been asking my advice. I have never been a friend to anybody – they won’t allow! – I have always been some wise guy. They would come to me only when they had a problem, and they trusted that I would keep their problem secret.
A professor approached me one day, and he said, “I cannot say it to anyone, but any woman I meet starts calling me ‘brother’.”
I said, “You are simply stupid. There is no reason to come to me. Just stand before a mirror and you will know why they are calling you brother. Your face is so ugly, that making love to you will be a tremendous exercise in torturing oneself. You simply forget it!”
And you must be approaching the most beautiful women in the university. You find a woman who is addressed by everybody as sister; perhaps she will not call you brother. That is the only possibility. More than that, I cannot help you. But if I come across a woman – which is very possible – who is being called sister by everybody, I will inform you.”
I cannot address you as brothers and sisters. This is not a family. The very words ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ have become so much associated with anti-sexuality that I would not like to use them. Thousands of years of conditioning.…
Why, in the hospitals, are nurses called sisters? It is a simple technique to prevent the patient... because nurses are beautiful people, and this creates a psychological barrier in the patient’s mind that she is a sister. He will not dare to approach her. He will keep himself – reluctantly – away from her. The word ‘sister’ is an iron wall.
Why is Teresa the Terrible called ‘mother’? She has not given birth to a single child, how has she become mother? The same strategy.
Why are your priests called ‘father’? The same strategy. It works both ways. You call the priest father, and the taboo arises immediately between you and him. And the moment you have called him father, now you have prevented him alsoOtherwise all those fathers are celibates, they would
like some contact.
Of course they cannot have contact with women, they are not allowed. Buddhist monks are not allowed even to see a woman. They have to keep their eyes four feet ahead so that even if a woman passes by, they can only see her feet. But these fathers, these monks, are full of sexual energy.
Homosexuality is a religious phenomenon. It was born in monasteries where women were prevented from entering, only men... and man is not that stupid, he will find some other way, perverted, unnatural. And when one looks around the world.…
Just the other day one beautiful journalist was asking me, “Some Christian religious leader has stated that AIDS is the punishment from God for homosexuality.” Great! Most of the homosexuals are in the monasteries.
And the Christian God himself is gay. In the Christian trinity there is not any space for a woman, so God is hanging out with two gay fellows. And in such an eternity, do you think he will not like once in a while to sneeze?
This homosexual God is punishing homosexuals on the earth for their homosexuality. In fact, he should be punished. The pope should be punished, the Catholic priests should be punished. The monks of all the religions should be punished: they have created homosexuality.
In the wild, animals never become homosexual. But in a zoo they have to. If the female is not available, then those poor animals – what can they do? You may be surprised that in the wild, no animal masturbates, but in a zoo they start masturbating. They become homosexuals.
I am sometimes surprised – have we turned this whole earth into a zoo? Come back to nature.
Your religions have corrupted you, your so-called cultures have destroyed your natural potential. Your civilizations have given you masks to wear and you have forgotten your real, original face.
So I am not going to address you as brothers and sisters, no. And there is no need to address. The people who are lecturing have a need, because that gives a good start. The greatest problem for speakers is from where to start and where to end. I am not a speaker, I am not an orator – I just
love talking. So in the middle I start, in the middle I end. In fact, that’s how it should be, because in life everything is in the middle.
You don’t know the beginning, although idiotic theologians have been trying to figure out when the world began. Something is itching in them. They cannot conceive a world without a beginning. It is as if you are reading a novel and the beginning pages are missing. You will find the itching...”How did the story begin?”
Christians say God created the world four thousand and four years before Jesus Christ was born. Certainly it must have been the first of January, Monday – I just presume. Most probably it was the first of April, because such a foolish world...! And what was the need to create it? For eternity he had not been creating, so why suddenly six thousand years ago did this great urge arise in him?
God has nothing to do with it – there is no God. This is the theologians’ problem: the story must have a beginning! And then it must have an end: the last judgment day – that is the end. When I think about our projections, our psychological needs, I can understand that you feel satisfied with a beginning, you feel satisfied with an end – but both are fictitious.
Just think of the last judgment day. A day consists – if we include the night also in it – of twenty-four hours. In twenty-four hours millions and millions of people who have lived will be standing before God, and half of them will be women. There will be so much yakketty-yak, yakketty-yak! – I don’t think that any judgment is going to happen.
And there will be so much trouble, because you find a woman who has been your wife in one life, and now she is somebody else’s wife. And she will be puzzled, because in thousands of lives she had thousands of husbands. With whom is she going to stand, with the first or with the last? Or she is going to follow the middle course?
But theologians are exactly Don Quixote-type people. There is no beginning – existence has always been here. And there will be no end – existence will always be here. And we are always in the middle.
I follow the existential path.
I don’t start my speech by addressing you. That’s why the question has arisen. I suddenly start, I suddenly end. But that’s how life is; to be true and authentic to life, I have to be the same way.
So my talks with you start in the middle and end in the middle. They are closer to existence. They are real, they are not fictions. I am saying to you only that which is my own experience.
Question 2 BELOVED OSHO,
Existence knows no questions. All questions are man-made. And not only questions, but all answers also are man-made.
It is a very stupid game. First you create the question, then you have to create the answer; otherwise the question tortures you. It goes on knocking in your head, “Find the answer!” So you look in the holy scriptures, in the philosophical treatises. You go to your so-called wise people – whom I call ‘other wise.’ And they supply you with answers – with a condition: you have to believe them.
All the religions are called faiths. Why? Science is not called a faith. But why are religions called faiths? – because the answers are man-made. And if you are not repressed in the very beginning, there is no end to the questions.
You bring one question, you ask, “Who created the world?” The priest says, “God the father who lives in heaven, he created the world. Believe it. Doubt is a sin!” Why is he insisting on belief? – because he knows soon you will come and ask, “Who created God?”... the same question.
And the priest does not have the guts to say that God needs no creator. If he says that, then what is the need of God? Existence can exist without any creator. If God can exist without being created, then where is the problem? Why bring God in? Their answers are all invented. And to prevent you asking more and more, their insistence is that doubt is sin, and belief is virtue.
Just the opposite is the reality: belief is the sin, and doubt is the virtue.
In three hundred years, science has progressed so much because it accepted doubt as its method. In thousands of years, religions have not contributed anything to the world, because their very foundation is fictitious. From belief you can never reach to the truth. In fact the moment you believe in something, your inquiry dies; now there is no need, you already know the answer. This is killing man’s enquiry, the adventure of becoming acquainted with life’s mysteries.
All the religions have been doing one thing: they are de-mystifying existence by forcing belief on you, playing on your greed and fear that if you don’t believe you will fall into eternal hell. If you believe, you will have an eternal life of rejoicings. In paradise there is no work except playing on your harp, “Alleluia, alleluia.” That’s the only work, all seven days are holidays.
I am sometimes surprised that all your saints, mahatmas, the great souls, have been doing this stupid thing continuously for eternity now: playing on the harp, “Alleluia, alleluia.” They must be bored to death! In fact, hell seems to be more exciting. At least there is much to be done. And you will find all the colorful people in hell.
In heaven, you will find only long faces, carrying their crosses on their shoulders. You will not find a Picasso, a Van Gogh, a Byron, a Mozart. All the beautiful people you will find in hell, because they never believed. They lived their life spontaneously, without ordering it according to a certain religion or dogma.
If there is a heaven and hell – just for argument’s sake I am saying that; there is no heaven, no hell. But if there is heaven and hell, please choose hell! All the great painters, all the great poets, all the great artists, all the great sculptors you will find there.
Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Kalidas, Rabindranath, Albert Einstein.What a great joy to say,
“Hi, Socrates! Here comes Plato!” They are bound to be there, because both were homosexual.
In heaven you cannot even say “Hi” to Saint Francis. That will look profane. You cannot say, “Hello, Mahatma Gandhi!” That is not acceptable. You have to fall at their feet and kiss their feet.
So if by chance I am wrong and heaven is there, before going there please catch the disease, AIDS. Touch the feet, kiss the feet of all the sages. Don’t leave anybody out, because through kissing AIDS is transferred. There is no need to have any sexual intercourse with those saints.
Existence has no question.
It is man’s monkey mind. Monkeys cannot sit silently. They go on jumping from one tree to another for no reason. Man’s mind has come from the monkeys. Now it cannot jump from one tree to another tree, but it can jump from one thought to another thought, from one question to another question.
D.H. Lawrence, one of the most beautiful men of this century, was having a morning walk with a neighbor’s little boy. They had become very friendly. The boy asked Lawrence, “Why are the trees green?” Now this is how the monkey-mind starts. Now what business is it of yours why the trees are green? Let them be, it is none of your concern. But the little boy asked why the trees are green.
Fortunately, there was no pope the polack; otherwise he would have said, “Because God made them green – and believe in it. You cannot question God, why he made them green; that will be sacrilegious.”
But Lawrence was a beautiful man, very authentic. He looked at the trees and he said to the boy, “The trees are green because they are green.”
The boy said, “Aha! Trying to cheat me? Is this an answer: The trees are green because they are green? I also know that – I am asking WHY!”
Lawrence said, “I don’t know. I have always seen they are green. You can ask the trees.”
Now Lawrence is ready to accept his ignorance; and that is one of the most significant things about a wise man. He said, “I don’t know. All that I know is that they are green.”
But philosophers, religious preachers, thinkers-they cannot accept Lawrence’s statement. They have to find why they are green. No tree is bothering. No tree is asking the question, “Why am I green?”
In existence there is no question. It is whatever it is. The question comes from the monkey-mind. Monkeys are very curious and very imitative. These two things you should remember, because these two things are deep-rooted in your mind too.
Monkeys are very curious – always looking all around. Never for a moment sitting in silence, doing nothing and letting the grass grow by itself, no. And they are very imitative. If you laugh at them, they will laugh at you. If you show an angry face to them, they will show an angry face to you.
I have heard.An old man used to sell Gandhi caps in India; and particularly at election time, there
is great demand for Gandhi caps, because unless you are a follower of Gandhi, nobody is going to give you their vote.
The elections were coming near, but the old man was sick and he told his son, “I will not be able to go and sell the caps. You will have to go this time.”
The boy said, “I will go. Any instructions to be followed?”
The old man said, “There is nothing. The price is written on the caps. If you can sell them at a higher price, good, but don’t sell them at a lower price. The price is written in a code language so nobody will understand except you.”
The boy went. It was a hot day, he was feeling tired. He found a big bo tree with great shadow, coolness, underneath it. He thought, it will be good to have a little afternoon nap. He put his bag of caps by the side and lay down on the roots of the bo tree, using them as the pillow. He was not aware that the bo tree had hundreds of monkeys in it, and he was so tired that he fell asleep immediately.
Now, the monkeys saw the man wearing a white Gandhi cap. They also saw that in the bag there were hundreds of caps exactly like that. Slowly slowly, the monkeys came down, took a cap, one by one, put it on his head and went back up. By the time the young man woke up the bag was empty. He could not believe – where had all the caps gone? At that moment he heard great laughter. He looked up: hundreds of monkeys were wearing his caps!
He said, “My God! Now what am I going to do? How am I going to explain this to my father? And it is impossible to get the caps from these monkeys. They don’t understand my language, I don’t understand their language. They don’t have any money to pay.” He was in a real fix.
He ran back to his home and asked his father, “What has to be done, because I had never expected such an experience?”
The father said, “Don’t be worried, I have also experienced it. But it is very simple. You just go back, sit under the tree and throw your cap!”
The boy said, “What is that going to do? Only one cap is left and you are saying throw it?”
His father said, “You simply go and do what I am saying.” The boy threw his cap, and all the monkeys threw their caps. They are imitative.
All these religions are teaching you to imitate. Imitate Jesus Christ, imitate Gautam Buddha, imitate this, imitate that. By imitation you will become a saint, a holy man.
I would like to say to you, “You will only become a monkey again.” All your saints and all your holy men have fallen backwards in the Darwinian evolution. Darwin says monkeys became man, but he was not aware that all the religions are trying to make monkeys out of man. They have succeeded! “Just imitate. Believe without doubt and follow.”
My work is just the opposite. Doubt is the most precious thing you have got. Don’t lose it. No belief is worth anything.
Doubt everything with your totality, and doubt will take you to the point where you discover the indubitable, that which even if you want to doubt, you cannot doubt: it is there!
And then of course the question of belief does not arise – neither before nor afterwards. Before, it was dangerous; it will kill your doubting capacity. Afterwards, it is futile; you know, there is no need to believe.
Do you believe in the sun? Do you believe in the moon? Do you believe that I am here? You know it – there is no question of belief. You believe only in fictions. So whenever somebody says, “Believe it,” he is keeping you retarded, he is destroying your intelligence.
Doubt, and doubt with intensity and totality. It is everybody’s right to discover the truth.
Existence has the answer. It has no questions. The mind has only questions. It has no answer.
To summarize: put the mind aside so all questions are put aside, and encounter the reality – and you will know the answer. Not that somebody will give you a statement about the answer. It will be not explained to you, it will not come as a linguistic statement. It will come as love comes to you. You will feel it, your heart will start dancing with it. You will be able to see the luminosity of it. And all monkey questions, the monkey-mind, you will have transcended.
Darwin says a few monkeys became man. Certainly there are still millions of monkeys, only a few monkeys became man. They dared, they tried to walk on two feet. All the monkeys must have laughed, must have thought these monkeys have gone mad. And those monkeys gave birth to the whole of humanity.
But the mind of the monkey is still there. If you can drop that too, then you reach to the ultimate flowering of your being.
I call it enlightenment. It is simple – just a little courage.…
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