From Darkness to Light
Answers to the Seekers on the Path
Talks given from 28/02/85 pm to 31/03/85 pm English Discourse series
1 Who says humanity needs saving?2 Innocence: the price you pay for the failure of success3 Help your child -- protect him from yourself!4 The death penalty: not punishment but revenge5 Successful criminals and cowardly politicians6 Every child's original face is the face of god7 Time is very short but my methods are very quick8 Agony is missing yourself, ecstasy is finding yourself9 Your suffering makes you special10 Not spiritual guidance but spiritual presence11 Science and religion -- two petals of the same rose12 A single humanity rejoicing13 Truth is found in your own boutique14 The best government is no government15 The sweet taste of corruption16 Till you live life totally17 Love is a very unscientific idea18 Meditation: the door from slavery to freedom19 Where nothing is right and nothing is wrong20 Don't drop -- transform!21 I am a man who hopes against hope22 Truth is here but you are not23 Our way is of humour our way is of bliss24 The third alternative: the whole man25 The bell always tolls for somebody else26 The enlightened and the endarkened27 This time it can be one earth28 Either politicians remain or humanity remains29 History repeats itself, unfortunately30 Does a flower need religion?