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Love is not surrender
21 September 1985 am in Rajneeshmandir
The existence consists not of contradictions, but of complementaries. Light and darkness are neither separable nor inseparable; they are one.
Darkness simply means less light. Light means less darkness.
The difference is only of degrees.
There are animals, birds, who see only in darkness. Your day is their night. Their night is your day. And what you see is a very small fraction of the immense phenomenon of lightdarkness. I am using it as a single word, not even with a hyphen between the two.
You don’t see X-rays. Your vision has a limited capacity. Below it there is infinity, above it there is infinity. So you have to drop the Aristotelian logic from your mind.
Aristotle has dominated the human mind, particularly the Western mind, for almost two thousand years. But now it is possible to get rid of the old man.
Aristotle’s basic strategy was to divide things into contradictions: right and wrong, good and bad, life and death, man and woman. Within these past fifty years, all have proved to be only complementaries, not contradictions at all. Nobody has proved so wrong as Aristotle. I myself call him not Aristotle, but Aristotle-itis, a very dangerous disease, undetected for two thousand years. It has crippled your thinking, your comprehension of the wholeness of life.
And he himself did not have a scientific mind in any sense. He says in his books that women have less teeth than men. Obviously man is superior, and the woman is inferior in every way; how can she have the same number of teeth?
But very strangeAristotle had two wives; he could have counted their teeth before he wrote his
book – this is simple, very simple scientific methodology – and he would have found the truth, that man or woman, it does not matter, they all have the same number of teeth.
And you will be surprised: before Aristotle it was believed; Aristotle believed in it, and after Aristotle for almost fifteen hundred years it was believed. Doctors believed it. No dentist had the courage to say, “This is all rubbish,” because to speak against Aristotle was not possible. He was the father of Western logic. You’ve got a very funny father for Western logic!
Your mind is still dominated by Aristotle. For you, it seems, Albert Einstein has not happened yet. The greatest contribution of Albert Einstein is that in existence everything is relative, and the differences are only of degrees. There are no absolute contradictions.
You are, perhaps, not even aware of Carl Gustav Jung’s contribution, because he discovered – it will be better to say REdiscovered, because in the East it has been known for five thousand years – that man is half man and half woman, and that woman is half woman and half man.
It seems to be very simple. Because a child is born by the meeting of man and woman, both contribute to the child’s life. Naturally, the child will have something of man and something of woman. It is only two sides of one coin. On one side is the figure of a woman, on the other side the figure of a man. If somebody is man, that means his side which has the figure of man is in his conscious, and his woman is in his unconscious.
You get surprised when you hear that some man wants to become a woman. Now, through plastic surgery, it is possible.
We have here one of the best plastic surgeons who changes sexes, Leeladhar. He hates the work, but I told him, “It is immensely beneficial. You should not hate it. If a man can have both the experiences in life – for thirty years he remains a man, and then becomes a woman – he will be more enriched in his experience.”
At least he will not say, like the poets have been saying for centuries, that the woman is a mystery. He will know nothing is a mystery, it is only a question of hormones, and a very simple difference.
The woman’s genitalia are like your pockets. If you have to search for something, you have to put your hand inside. And the function of the surgeon is to pull the pocket out so the pocket hangs out. That is man’s genitalia. You don’t have to search anything, it is already hanging out like Jesus Christ on the cross.
That’s why even an old woman can keep her charm, beauty, attraction. In fact, after her menopause she becomes more interested in sex than she has ever been. That is nearabout the age forty-eight, and that is the time when man becomes tired, finished, spent. That is a good time for a sex change.
And Leeladhar is doing a great service to humanity. In the future, I don’t think there will be anybody who has not experienced both the sides. And then you will not say that men and women are opposites. They are not; they are one – just complementaries.
The same is true about darkness and light, and about every contradiction that you can conceive of. There are no contradictions anywhere in the world.
Just the other night one very intelligent journalist from Germany was asking me, “Can you tell me which of these two statements is from Sheela?”
One statement was: “I love Bhagwan totally.”
The second statement was: “Bhagwan is the most corrupted man.”
The journalist was thinking that these are contradictory, so I will have to choose one. I could see his face and his eyes in a shock and daze when I said both the statements are from Sheela. I don’t know where she made those statements, but one thing is certain: I can be absolutely certain both came from Sheela – because your love is always carrying behind it, hate. Your hate is always carrying behind it, love.
Unless you become enlightened and you know the oneness of love and hate, you transcend to a new vision of existence where things are one, your ordinary love disappears, your ordinary hate disappearsGautam Buddha has called that state compassion.
And his second question was for me: “I ask you, do you still love Sheela?”
I said, “There is no problem. My love is not of the category of love and hate, my love is of the category of compassion.”
Compassion does not depend on the person, the object. Compassion is unconditional. Love is not. Love is so conditional that it is bound to turn into hate sooner or later, because nobody can fulfill anybody else’s conditions. That is an impossibility.
Each individual is so uniqueHow can you fulfill all the conditions that your husband is imposing
on you, or your wife is imposing on you? Soon the honeymoon is over, and you are standing like
enemies – of course, intimate enemies living together in a kind of coexistence; once in a while making love, once in a while throwing pillows and things at each otherAnd this game of love and
hate goes on all around the earth, twenty-four hours. Millions of couples go on doing it.
Have you observed it? Whenever you fight with your wife and she screams and throws pillows, and you scream and the whole drama.strangely enough, it ends in making love. There must be a deep
relationship between both. They are not separate things.
My compassion does not depend on you. That’s why I don’t impose anything on you.
I don’t convert anybody. The word “missionary” to me is a four-letter word. It is something disgusting. It is interfering into the other person’s being.
The sannyasins who have come to me, have come out of their own freedom, and their freedom has not been tampered with in any way by me. And they are free at any moment to love. They are free to fall in love; they are free to fall in hate. My compassion remains in its place. Whether you love me or you hate me does not make any difference.
He asked me, “If Sheela and her gang come back would you accept them?” I said, “Certainly, I will welcome them.”
He was puzzled. A German mind is easily puzzled. A German mind is not flexible, it is made more of steel than of human fibers.
He said, “You will welcome her?” I said, “Certainly.”
He said, “But she has committed crimes! What are you going to do with her crimes?”
I said, “I will send her to my therapists. And we have all kinds of therapies possible. So she will have to move through all those therapies, which will cleanse her mind, make it clearer, more perceptive, so that she recognizes that what she did was something in the unconscious of her own mind. And once you recognize something as your own unconscious – this is a law of nature – it loses control over you.”
Not only to Sheela, this is my approach to all crime. For five thousand years we have been punishing criminals, and the whole story is simply hilarious.
A man tries to commit suicide but is caught red-handed, so he could not commit it. Now, the court in many countries gives him death as punishment.
Strange world. Strange laws made by great men.
You support the man. He was committing suicide – that was a crime. You caught him, and now you kill him and that is punishment. In fact, you are fulfilling his desire which he has not been able to fulfill.
Somebody commits a murder – certainly the greatest crime. But the question is: the murder is committed in the past, the man has a long future ahead; who gives you the authority to hang this man and destroy his future? For one thing, killing him will not bring life to the man who is murdered.
Killing him is not justice but only revenge. You are doing the same that the man had done. But he is a criminal because he is powerless, alone, and you have the power of the government, the power of the law, the power of the army, so naturally you can justify your crime as law. But murder in any way is unlawful.
Can any court give life to any man? If the courts cannot give life to any man, then no court has the authority to destroy any man’s life. And, in fact, it is not needed at all. That the man committed murder simply means something is wrong with his psychology. It is not a crime; it is a disease. It has to be treated, not punished.
And for a single act you condemn the whole man. That too, is not justified. You can condemn the act, but you cannot condemn the individual. The individual has to be respected, just as he was respected before. All that can be done is, he should be sent respectfully into a psychiatric nursing home, treated, helped, so the wound in his psychology which created the crime disappears.
Your jails are nothing but universities for criminology. A man goes into your jail for two years’ confinement. He was just an amateur, obviously; otherwise it would not have been so easy to catch hold of him. But in the jail he finds great thieves, master thieves, experts of crime who have come many times to the jail and treat the jail as their home. They are called jailbirds.
Outside, they don’t like it very much. You leave them and soon they will commit a crime and will be back again. And all the criminals in the jail know one thing: that they have been punished not because they committed the crime; they have been punished because they were CAUGHT... because they know people who have committed the same crime on a far greater scale and are respectable citizens, are receiving Nobel Prizes. They have not been caught.
So the real crime is to be caught. Crime itself is not crime. And once this enters into the mind of a person, you have spoiled his psychology forever.
This is the history of five thousand years. Courts go on growing, criminals go on growing on a greater scale, bigger scale. Your courts, your laws, your jails have not prevented the criminals. After five thousand years it is time to have a look: What is the achievement?
So not only with SheelaShe has committed crimes of all sorts.
Just the other day we received information from California, from one of the sannyasins who used to be Sheela’s secretary in India. She informs us that Sheela had a bank account in Switzerland. The bank account is in the name of Sheela and Savita – and the account is not small, it is forty- three million dollars. They have been siphoning money from the European communes into this bank account.
The information came once before also, when I was silent. Sheela simply mentioned that some woman had informed the government that “Savita and I have a bank balance, but we are having that
bank balance for you. In case you have to leave America we will need it to create a commune in Switzerland.”
I said, “The bank account is for me and I am not aware of it? You never told me. At least let me know how much money is in the account.”
They never told me. She said, “I will find out.”
I asked Savita just two days before she left. She said, “I will find out.” You don’t forget forty-three million dollars!
And now the account will be used by all this criminal gang. The money belongs to European communes; it was meant to come here for the construction of the commune.
I said in the press conference that we are left by Sheela and her gang with a fifty-five million dollar debt. About forty-three million of the mystery is solved. Now it is only a question of a twelve million dollar debt, and that too will be solved! It will just take time to figure out their books – here, and all over the world.
Perhaps this forty-three million was from the time this sannyasin was Sheela’s secretary. But that was four years ago. In these four years she may have accumulated more money. And the excuse she must have been giving to people is that it is needed for the master.
I was not even aware that I am so rich.
I am the poorest man on the earth – nothing belongs to me. From my shoes up to my hat, everything belongs to the commune. If I have to leave the commune, I have to leave naked! There is no other way. And I wonder how I am going to get a ticket back to India. I don’t have a single dollar. For twenty years I have not seen money. My people have loved me so much, they have taken care of me. There was no need for meI have not yet seen, in four years, what the dollar bill looks like.
And anyway I will not touch it; it may be carrying AIDS!
Now, if the government is sensitive and has any feeling for people’s lives, all dollars which move from hand to hand should be stopped. People should be given credit cards. And this is now possible with computers. In the commune it is possible. We don’t have any currency, we don’t use any dollars; we use only a credit card which remains your personal possession, it does not move in other people’s hands.
Sheela has committed every kind of crime conceivable. Every day information is coming from different sources, from the sannyasins who have been afraid to tell it while she was here.
One sannyasin has informed us that they were looking at the possibility of putting poison on postal stamps, because people have the habit when they put the postal stamps on the envelope, to use their tongue and their saliva. And if the postal stamp is already poisoned, it can kill them and nobody can be caught.
They were inquiring about these things from people – “Is this possible? Is that possible?” They had all kinds of literature on poison – how to poison; how big a dose is needed if you want to kill the person immediately, or if you want to kill the person slowly within six months, eight months, so you are not caught.
The two persons they had forced to live in Desiderata, telling them that they have been found with AIDS, have been checked again. Neither of them has AIDS. The two persons are back in the commune.
Sheela’s accomplice in all the medical crimes was Puja, who was culturing all kinds of viruses. They had made a clandestine lab in their house, where they had all kinds of poisons, viruses. Perhaps they mixed AIDS virus in the samples of the blood of these two persons, so the results came positive.
Now, this is so ugly, inconceivable. But there must be some reason why these two persons were forced to live there. Perhaps they had refused to do some crime. Perhaps Sheela and Puja wanted them to kill somebody, or destroy a Wasco County building, and they refused and this was the punishment.
And if they had not gone, they may have injected them with the virus, just as they polluted their blood samples which went out for examination, for testing. They may have injected those people under any excuse and killed them.
Still I say I will accept them, because everybody in his deep unconscious carries the criminal. The difference is only that they got the opportunity for their criminal to surface. And they have given you a good insight – that when power is in your hands, be very mindful that your unconscious will try to exploit and take advantage of the situation. Beware of yourself, because you are so unconscious and so asleep.
Your question is that you have been thinking up to now that in the commune there is all light, and outside the commune there is all darkness. This is not something new. This is as ancient as humanity.
In Adolf Hitler’s time, Germans thought only Germany has the light and the whole world is full of darkness.
In England, mothers used to create fear in their children, “Don’t go out! Adolf Hitler is coming!” And that was enough, not only to frighten the children, it was enough to frighten anybody. He was the devil. England, America, and their allies, were divine powers.
But you don’t see the situation. America was a divine power because it was fighting against the darkness and the devil. And the same America destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima without any reason or excuse.
The war was going to end anyway. Germany had already accepted defeat. Japan could not go on fighting on its own strength. The forces against Japan were moving deeper into Japan and destroying their whole strength. In at the most one or two weeks Japan would have been on its knees just with ordinary weapons. The atom bombs were not needed at all.
But the president of America, whose name you have to changeHis name was Harry Truman, and
he is nothing but Harry unTruman. I will use the new name, not the old. Harry unTruman, president of America, killed innocent civilians in two cities in Japan, who had done nothing wrong against anybody – for the simple reason that they wanted to experiment whether the atom bomb is really reliable or not.
In Hiroshima, one hundred and twenty thousand people died – just for an experiment, just to be convinced that their scientists have succeeded.
But history will never call Harry unTruman a criminal. He has become a hero. Your whole history is full of criminals whom you have been told and taught are heroes.
In India, the ancient story of the Hindu religion is that Rama, their incarnation of God, was fighting against Ravana, who ruled over Sri Lanka, Ceylon, and was nothing but the devil incarnate. And this is absolutely false. He was one of the most learned men the world has known. And if he was against Rama, he had valid reasons for it.
In India, it was a custom, when a princess was going to be married, then all the kings who wanted to marry her would be invited, and they would be given some task to do. The princess would accept the one who could do the task and garland him as her husband.
One beautiful princess, Sita, was going to be married. All the kings were invited; Rama was invited, Ravana was invited, and it was absolutely certain that the task was such that perhaps only Ravana would be able to fulfill it.
There was a very big bow of Shiva, so heavy that you could not move it even, and the task was to take it up and break it into two pieces just with your bare hands. It was as solid as steel.
Many kings tried; they could not even lift it up. The question of breaking it would not arise. There were a few who could not even move it on the ground.
Ravana was a very mighty king – physically a King Kong – so there was every fearand Rama was
just a boy. So the only way was somehow to take Ravana out of the competition.
So a conspiracy was done by Rama. A messenger, a false messenger, was sent who informed Ravana, just as he was standing up, “Lord, your capital in Sri Lanka is on fire.” And he had made his capital perhaps the most beautiful capital of those days. It it said his capital was made completely out of gold.
Naturally, he rushed. And you will be surprised, because from Ayodhya, India, Ceylon is thousands of miles away. But Indian scriptures have every description, detailed descriptions of airplanes – he went in his airplane immediately, but found that it was a false report. And in the meantime, Rama broke the bow, married Sita, and this was the reason why finally Ravana stole Sita from Rama’s hands. So Hindus think that Ravana was a devil, and the kingdom of Ceylon was the kingdom of devils.
It is always easy to keep yourself divine, full of light, and to describe anybody who is hostile to you as devils, as darkness. But even the idea, to describe others as devils, darkness, and think of yourself as light, is ugly.
And you are asking me, “What is the case with you?”
I am neither light nor darkness. I have transcended the duality in all the dimensions. I look at life as an organic whole. So either you can say I am both light and darkness, or you can say I am neither.
But you have to understand the fact that both are possible as plausible descriptions of me, because I am only a witness.
Light comes: I see. Darkness comes: I see. A saint comes: I see. A sinner comes: I see.
I am just a mirror, so whatever is in front of me is reflected. But the mirror is not a film plate; the moment you have moved, the mirror is empty again.
In my room I am sitting empty. Most of my day is just a mirror, mirroring nothing. Only when I come to you, or to some interview, to the press, the media, then my mirror reflects. Whatever I say is not prepared. I don’t know myself what my mirror is going to reflect, because it depends on you, your question.
I am transcendental, and that’s what I want you to be. Meditation takes you beyond the opposites, the contradictions, and makes you a pure witness. And to be a pure witness is the ultimate goal of consciousness. There is nothing beyond it, because whatever will be happening, you will remain the witness. Even if God comes in front of you, you will be only a witness.
Witnessing is the highest point of the evolution of consciousness. That’s why I have dropped God, paradise, hell, heaven. What is the point of all this paraphernalia?
Stick to the basic essential, and that is: be a witness. Right now, you are!
Are you not witnessing this silence?
Try to keep this flavor as long as you can. Slowly slowly it becomes your very existence. It is – you just have to discover it.
You are also a parrot. You have not understood the story that I have told. You have not even heard it. In your sleep you have managed to convince yourself that you have heard the story, that you have understood the story.
First, let me repeat the story.
It was not a question of surrender.
Bodhidharma is one of the greatest enlightened men who has ever existed, and one of the most unique amongst all the enlightened men. In many ways he surpasses his own master, Gautam Buddha.
Gautam Buddha was a man of manners, son of a king, well educated in etiquette, in language, literature, music, archery – in whatsoever was available there in those days, he was educated.
Bodhidharma was an uneducated person. So there are bound to be differences. But he was a very straightforward man, no sophistication, no way of being nice. He was just a sword, really sharp to cut off any head.
He went to China. His fame had reached before him. The emperor of China, Wu, who ruled over all China – which is one-fourth of the world – was one of the greatest emperors. He came to receive Bodhidharma, because he had heard so many strange stories about him. And he had already become converted to Buddhism by other Buddhist monks who had reached before Bodhidharma.
Emperor Wu asked Bodhidharma, “I have made thousands of statues of Buddha, thousands of temples in China. I am financially supporting hundreds of monasteries where thousands of Buddhist monks are living. What is going to be my reward? I am doing everything which is virtuous.”
That’s what the other monks were telling him. That’s what the other priests of other religions have been telling rich people: donate to the church, donate to the religion, and you will be rewarded immensely in paradise.
I also say to you, Donate if you want to go to hell with me, because I don’t like heaven at all. All those idiotic saints who do not even drink tea, who have never sung a song, who have never danced, who have never loved a woman – just dry bones. Heaven must be a graveyard, a long graveyard filled with skeletons moving all around, carrying their harps and playing on the harp, “Alleluia.” I cannot tolerate that kind of nonsense. Once in a while it is okay, but for eternity?
And you are not going to meet any beautiful people in heaven, people with juice, people with color – poets, painters, dancers, film actors and actresses, philosophers, atheists, scientists – all the people who had genius of some kind, talented people.
You will not find Michelangelo there, or Leonardo da Vinci, or Kant, or Socrates. No, that is impossible. All these people are in hell, and I would love to take you all to hell, because hell must be a tremendously beautiful place where all these geniuses have gathered. And once we reach there, we are going to make it a really great oasis. It is not Oregon. You will not have to face idiotic hostility. You will be received with great joy.
But all other religions have been telling you, “Donate; that is the greatest virtue.” The money goes to the priest. The money goes to the bishop, to the cardinal, and finally it reaches to the Vatican.
Now, my suggestion is that the Vatican should be turned into an AIDS home, because they are responsible for homosexuality. They should be forced to accept their criminal act. To teach people celibacy, to teach that monks cannot have any love relationship with a woman, and nuns cannot have any contact with men, you are preparing the ground for homosexuality. And AIDS is the ultimate outcome of this homosexuality. That’s why I call AIDS a very virtuous disease, immensely religious.
There used to be a saying that “All roads lead to Rome.” I would like to say to you: all roads still lead to Rome, but not for everybody – only for people who are suffering from AIDS. People suffering from AIDS from all over the world should start moving towards the Vatican.
The pope is the richest man in the world. He controls more riches than any Rockefeller, he has more power than any king or queen. In fact, there is only one queen in the whole world, and that is in England. Four other queens are in playing cards, but all five have the same power.
The pope has the grip over six hundred million Catholics, and money goes on pouring into the Vatican.
So the Emperor Wu asks the first question to Bodhidharma, “I have donated so much. What is going to be my reward?”
He was not aware that Bodhidharma was a very straightforward man. He said, “Nothing. Instead, you should be punished.”
The emperor could not believe it. He said, “But all the monks have been telling me, ‘Donate. Make temples. Make caravanserais. Make hospitals, schools. Give in charity to the monasteries.’ And you are making just the opposite statement.”
Bodhidharma said, “In the first place, from where did you get all this money? For that you will be punished. Secondly, these people have been exploiting you, and you are a just an idiot. No virtue in it, only stupidity.”
To talk to the emperor of such a big empire in this way you need real guts. And Bodhidharma is the strongest man in the whole of history. The emperor wanted to change the subject. Bodhidharma said, “Nothing doing. I am not entering your capital. I am not interested in being your guest. I am going to the hills in the Himalayas. I have found a cave while I was coming here. It is really beautiful.” There the story happened that you are mentioning.
Bodhidharma sat in that cave facing the wall. That too, only Bodhidharma can do. A few people came – impressed because he has put the emperor into his right place. That man was exploiting the whole country. The whole country was suffering in poverty because of him, and nobody had the courage to say it. And this man did it in a single sentence, and refused to be a guest of a criminal.
So a few people came there, but he would not turn towards them. He said, “I will turn only when I see that somebody who has guts has come; otherwise, whether to face towards the wall or towards your faces makes no difference.”
Finally this young man came, who said to Bodhidharma, “You have to turn now! I, for whom you have been waiting, have come. Do you want some proof?”
And before Bodhidharma could say anything, with his sword the man cut off his hand and placed it at Bodhidharma’s feet. And he said, “If you want me to cut off my head, I can do that too; otherwise, turn towards me!”
It was not a question of surrender. How have you managed to hear surrender? This man has not cut off the hand to show his surrender. He has really shown his unique individuality, not surrender. Just the opposite!
He is not surrendering to Bodhidharma; he is forcing Bodhidharma, “Now you cannot go against your promise; otherwise, I am going to cut off my head too.”
And Bodhidharma turned immediately. He had to. He said, “This is too much. There was no need to cut off the hand.”
The man said, “The hand does not matter, neither does the head. I have lived with this hand and with this head for fifty years, and there is no ecstasy, no blissfulness. The whole life has been just a long story of misery, suffering, pain. It has been just a tragedy. Seeing you, a man of steel, I thought perhaps here is the man who knows the secret.
“So if I have to live, I have to live with you. And you have to teach me; otherwise, there is no point in living.”
It was not a question of surrender. In fact, he forced Bodhidharma to accept him as his disciple, and he proved worthy.
Such people have disappeared from the world.
And you think you surrendered to Sheela? Don’t hide your cowardliness – because I have not been teaching you to surrender. I have been teaching you to be individual, and to take responsibility, to do everything that you can do for yourself and the commune. But do it out of love, not out of fear. Surrender is fear.
Love is not surrender. Love does not ask you to surrender. Love does not ask for anything. Love simply gives. And the miracle is, that when you give out of love the whole existence returns it a thousandfold, as if, from all over around you, roses start showering on you. You cannot imagine, cannot conceive of it, unless you experience it. But give it a try. You will not be losing anything.
Love is not something like a commodity, that if you give it you will have less of it. It is not money, that you had ten dollars and five you have given; now you have only five dollars left.
Love is not a commodity. It is not a quantity; it is a quality.
Give it, and you will be surprised that from unknown sources, from everywhere, love is flowing towards you.
Give it unconditionally, and once you have known the taste and the joy of giving unconditionally, you will also know that the existence is very generous.
But it gives only to the givers, and you are always begging. That’s why I am against prayer, because all prayer is begging. “Give me this. Lord, give me today’s bread.” What nonsense! You cannot even create today’s bread?
And Jesus is thought to do miracles – turning stones into bread, walking on water, making dead people alive. And he also goes on asking, “Lord, give us our bread for today.”
What about small, simple human beings, who cannot walk on water, and cannot make bread out of stones, and cannot revive dead people? Naturally, they will be simply beggars.
All the religions of the world have turned humanity into beggars, and they have all praised poverty to make you really beggars.
I am against poverty, and I am against begging. You have intelligence, you have physical strength; you can create. And if you cannot even create enough bread for yourself, then what is the point of going on living, dragging?
I believe in creativity, and I want every human being to be a creator. And we can create as much wealth as is needed. There is no need to be like the Soviet Union – to distribute poverty. We can create so much wealth that nobody needs to hoard it. There is no need, because it is available, and you are capable of creating it.
Love will give you the secret key, the golden key, the master key.
Love unconditionally, and flowers will be showering on you from all the directions. And once you have known the generosity of existence you will never feel miserable.
You are part of such an opulent, luxurious abundance. Can’t you see existence is luxurious?
To create one child, the male releases millions of sperms. This I call luxury! Existence is not miserly. Only one out of millions will become a child, and that too, once in a while.
And that too, only if you are still listening to the idiots – Ayatollah Khomeiniac, Pope the Polack, Shankaracharya the Idiot – if you are listening to these people, only then. Otherwise, the Pill will prevent even that invading army, one million people – just a small pill.
This is a real miracle, not making one dead man alive. This is a miracle: a small pill preventing millions of people.
But as far as existence is concerned, it is really opulent in every way. It goes on flowering. How many flowers? And how many species of flowers? How many animals? And how many species of animals? How many birds? And how many species of birds?
In everything, existence creates luxuriously. It is not miserly.
Giving love unconditionally you will understand, and that understanding will be a transformation of you. It will make you a new man.
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