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8 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004085 ShortTitle: 84POEM06 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Man can function in two ways.

Either he can function as a thinking machine Just like a computer...

That's what our schools, colleges and universities Are preparing people for: To function as skilful, efficient computers.

But then they destroy your soul.

You become commodities in the marketplace. Your life becomes a drag.

You can't experience beauty You can't experience ecstasy You can't experience love.

No computer will ever be able to feel love 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Or to experience beauty or attain to ecstasy.

The computer can do everything That Albert Einstein can do

But the computer cannot become enlightened. It cannot do that which only a Buddha can do. Humanity is dying, and dying so slowly

That we are not even becoming aware of it. The death is happening

Through a very slow poisoning.

Man is transformed more and more into a biocomputer. Sannyas is a rebellion

Against this whole nonsense.

My effort here is to bring to your notice That the heart is your real centre.

Don't neglect it, don't be indifferent to it. Use the mind but don't be used by the mind. Use the mind as a beautiful machine:

As a car, as a computer, as a friend

As an air conditioner... but not more than that! Remain rooted in the heart

Function from the heart. Let feelings be decisive.

Howsoever illogical they appear, let them be decisive And your life will have a dance of its own

A beauty of its own, a bliss of its own A benediction of its own.

Ordinarily people only think, they don't feel. Even when they say that they are feeling They are only thinking that they are feeling.

The mind has possessed everybody so totally that It has not left any space For the heart to function.

The mind is a dictator:

It has pushed the heart completely Out of existence.

And the heart is your real treasure.

God cannot be thought, god can only be felt. Love cannot be thought, love can only be felt. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- All that is significant

All that makes life meaningful Can only be felt.

And we have stopped the heart from functioning. That is our misery, the root cause of our misery. My sannyasins have to change

This whole structure, the whole gestalt: Think less, feel more.

Slowly slowly let the heart be the master

And the mind, the servant -- that's its right place. It is good as a servant but very bad as a master.

The heart is always true. The heart is never untrue And the head is never true.

The head lives in lies, it lives on lies. It exists in all kinds of falsehoods.

The heart is authentic, it is sincere. It is simple, it is not cunning.

It is tremendously intelligent but not cunning.

It simply reflects that which is. That's its beauty and its truth.

God is never known through the head. Anything that has any value

Is never known through the head. Love, beauty, god

They are all known through the heart. The heart is the gateless gate to reality. Move from the head to the heart.

We are all hung up in the head.

That is our only problem, the only one problem And there is only one solution: Get down from the head into the heart

And all problems disappear. They are created by the head.

And suddenly everything is so clear And so transparent that one is surprised

How one was continuously inventing problems. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Mysteries remain but problems disappear.

Mysteries abound but problems evaporate. And mysteries are beautiful.

They are not to be solved They have to be lived.

Love is the only nourishment for the soul. Without love the soul remains weak.

Just as without food the body will be weak Love is food for the soul.

The ore you love, the stronger becomes your spirit.

And the beauty of the strength that love brings Is that it is non-egoistic.

One can be strong, but if one becomes egoistic Then the whole point is missed. Egoistic strength is self-destructive

Because ego is your enemy.

Making it stronger is cutting your own throat. It is digging a ditch

Into which you are going to fall.

But when your spirit becomes stronger Through love a miracle happens:

Ego cannot function with love.

The first requirement of love is egolessness So the ego is cut from the very root.

And when the spirit is strong without ego

And overflowing with love, you have arrived home. God is no more a far-away phenomenon

He is as close as your own breathing. That's why Jesus says god is love.

Loneliness is a negative state It is the negative aspect:

You are missing the other You are feeling empty

You are hankering for the other You are longing for the other.

You are nothing but a longing and a waiting Hence loneliness is misery.

But aloneness is joy, it is the positive aspect. You are not missing anybody,

You are feeling your own presence.

You are so full of your own presence that 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- There is no question of missing anybody at all.

Very few people know what aloneness is. Millions know what loneliness is.

That is very ordinary

As common as the common cold. Everybody suffers from loneliness.

But only a Jesus or a Buddha or a Lao Tzu reach to the highest peak of aloneness.

The same difference exists between Solitariness and solitude.

Solitariness is ugly, solitude is beautiful. Solitariness is dark and dismal

Solitude is full of light and joy and bliss.

Unless one is absolutely present, alert and aware One will not know what aloneness or solitude are.

The only way to know them is meditation. Meditation is the method to transform Your loneliness into aloneness.

And that is the greatest miracle That can happen to anybody: Darkness becomes luminous Emptiness becomes fulfilment.

To be in total rest is to be in prayer. Prayer has not to be done.

It is not an activity, it is absolute rest.

One can be in prayer but one cannot do prayer. Learn to relax.

The more relaxed you are, the closer you are To your innermost core

Because all activity is on the circumference. The centre of the cyclone.

And it is at the centre That one realises oneself

And one also discovers god.

Every human being brings a truth into the world. Every human being is a messenger of god,

Not only Jesus Christ or Buddha or Zarathustra. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- They know they are.

Others don't know that they are. But the moment you are born

You bring a truth in your being. And unless that truth is expressed You will not feel contented.

Unless you deliver the message to the world You will feel a deep is comfort because

You are not fulfilling your duty towards god. You have to sing the song of your heart.

You have to dance your dance. You have to be utterly individual,

Not an imitation, not a carbon copy.

You have to bring out your original face. The moment you are able to reveal Your original face to the world

Your life is fulfilled. Tremendous joy arises out of it. The moon

Is one of the most significant metaphors. It represents cool energy.

The sun is very hot, feverishly hot; it can burn. The moon is very soothing.

The sun is passion, mad passion. The moon is compassion.

The moon represents Buddha energy The energy of an enlightened one.

One has to move from the sun to the moon. We are all born with sun energy

Because we are born out of passion.

We have to transform passion into compassion. We have to bring this heated, feverish state

Of our being to a calm and quiet and cool space. That's the whole endeavour of sannyas.

Sannyas is a process of surrendering the will Because the will

Is nothing but an expression of the ego. And unless you surrender your will You can't allow god's will


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- To function through you.

When you surrender your will When you drop it totally Then god's will

Can start functioning through you. You become a vehicle.

That's what Jesus means when he says 'Thy kingdom come, thy will be done':

Not mine but thine, not I but thou. That's the difference between

An ordinary person and a religious person:

The ordinary person is full of I and I and I. And the religious person

Is full of thou, thou, thou.

Only a little difference on the surface but deep down There is the biggest difference

As big as one can imagine.

Remember it: the will has to be dropped. It is difficult because we have been trained To cling to our will, to enforce it

To strengthen it.

And there are stupid people around the world

Who go on teaching how to increase your will-power. There are thousands of books in existence

Which sell in millions, teaching people

How will-power can be increased

And how you can succeed in everything Through the will-power.

It is will-power that brings man

To utter frustration, to utter failure.

Man has to be absolutely empty of his own power. That power trip has to be dropped.

When you are empty

And you can say 'Thy will be done' You have entered into a new path A new style of life.

That's what sannyas is all about. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- A song of joy

Is exactly the definition of sannyas, Nothing more, nothing less.

It is precisely the definition: a song of joy. Sannyas is not renunciation

It is not against life, it is all for life.

I don't divide the ordinary life From the spiritual life.

They are one, they are inseparably one.

To separate them is to create a split humanity A schizophrenic humanity. Life is a unity, an organic unity, indivisible.

Nothing is higher and nothing is lower. There is no hierarchy.

Everything exists simultaneously On the same plane.

So nothing has to be renounced Nothing has to be rejected.

Of course everything has to be transformed And transformed through love

Transformed through bliss, transformed through joy. If you can bring dance to your life

You are a sannyasin.

There is no need to think of god There is no need to go to the churches And the temples.

If you can bring dance to your life

If each moment of your life can become a melody If it can become a rhythmic


Then god is bound to come to you. Everything is a gift.

We have not earned it, we don't even deserve it. Seeing a beautiful sunset

Have you ever pondered over the matter:

Do you deserve it?

Listening to a distant call of the cuckoo Have you ever thought: do you deserve it? Or the wind passing through the pine trees 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Or the river dancing towards the ocean

And the sky full of stars... What have we done

To have this beautiful universe?

We have not paid for it, we are not worthy of it. It is out of this experience-

That we don't deserve it Yet it has been given to us-

That religious consciousness arises Gratitude arises.

One starts feeling tremendously grateful To the unknown hands, the invisible hands that have created this beautiful,

This tremendously, unbelievably Beautiful existence.

In that gratitude one is religious, Not by being a Christian or a Hindu Or a Mohammedan

But just by being grateful. Learn the art of being grateful.

And there are so many situations Millions of them.

Every moment you come across something or other Which can make you feel immensely grateful.

But we have forgotten the language of gratefulness. Our minds go on complaining and complaining Asking for more.

The religious person has no complaint But only gratitude.

He does not ask for more.

He simply bows down to the unknown energy That has given so much already...

And we had not asked for it.

It has been given out of god's abundance.

His overflowing delight is the cause of creation.

It is out of his blissfulness, his playfulness That existence has arisen. Remember:

If you can start feeling more and more grateful You will be transformed by that gratefulness.

That is the secret formula of inner change Of a radical change.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- One needs to be industrious

One needs to accept challenges which provoke one For the upward journey. It is hard, it is dangerous

But it brings out the best in you. It creates integrity

Ultimately it creates a soul in you.

Georges Gurdjieff used to say

That everybody is not born with a soul. He is right. Everybody is born only with The possibility of a soul;

Very few actually attain it.

To actualize your being means tremendous effort.

One has to put one's total energies to the task Only then... One has to risk all, only then...

But then life blooms, flowers.

It becomes a joy, a fulfilment, a contentment A blessing.

Osho asks Gogo, a young German: What is the meaning of your name? Are you a go-go boy?



Osho: No, it is beautiful -- it sounds good!

In fact this is the best German name I have come across! It has some poetry in it, some music in it, some laughter in it otherwise German names are so serious: Wolfgang... And in every name there is something concerned with war, battle... It is good -- be a go-go boy!...

Now you have to make it a point To be constantly blissful.

That is the meaning of anand.

Life should be a dance, a song, a celebration. And come back -- this is your home!

Man is homeless in this world unless he finds god. Man is homeless unless he becomes enlightened Because only in ultimate awakening

Is there shelter.

Otherwise we go on passing From one caravanserai to another From one life to another.

It is a long, long weary pilgrimage Utterly futile, meaningless; 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- We almost go on in circles

Reaching nowhere, finding nothing; Always hoping, dreaming

But ultimately

There is only frustration in the hands. The home certainly exists

But only very few people have found it up to now. And the few who have found

Have found it in the most unexpected place: They have found it within themselves.

That's why we remain homeless. Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #7



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