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6 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004065 ShortTitle: 84POEM04 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Man has to be a lamp unto himself. Drop the whole idea

That you can get guidance from scriptures That knowledge is possible by borrowing. That is one of the greatest hindrances

In the spiritual search.

Nothing is needed from the outside God has provided you with everything That you will need on the journey.

The light is there

And only your own inner light can help you

To distinguish the right From the wrong

Can help you not to go astray

Can help you to always be moving towards god. Those who depend on others

Are simply wasting their opportunity. My effort here is not to guide you Not to give you directions

Not to give you certain character styles Structures, patterns

But only to help you to be yourself.

I am not here to distract you from your being. That is what is being done all over the world By all the so-called organised religions.

The past of humanity has been very uncreative 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- For the simple reason that religions

Were teaching renunciation, not creativity. Religions were teaching that the world

Is illusory. If the world is illusory What is the point of creating anything? The religions were teaching people

To become drop-outs

They were teaching people to become escapists. And their impact has been great

They have poisoned the whole humanity. Otherwise every child is born

With a tremendous capacity to be creative. But we destroy him, we cripple him

We paralyse him.

My approach is just the opposite.

I would like you to be more and more creative Because only by being creative

Can you participate with god. Whenever you are creative

You are part of god, the creator.

There is no other way to participate with him. So what you create is immaterial,

That is up to you, but create something.

Anyone creative -- a potter -- is far closer to god.

Than a professor, than a priest. A shoemaker is far closer to god

Than a politician, than a prime minister Or a president.

If god is a creator, then of course

All his blessings are for those who are creators. Every sannyasin who belongs to me

Has to prove his mettle by creating something, Whatsoever it is. Find out what you would love to create.

There is no need to become world-famous There is no need to become a Nobel laureate There is no need that everybody should know And appreciate your creativity;

That is not the point. If you are enjoying it

If you are delighted in doing it that's enough. That means god is happy with you.

If you are delighted that means god is delighted. It is his delight that reaches to you.


Has been very much misunderstood down the ages 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- So much so that it has taken on

A totally wrong meaning.

Now prayer means saying something to god. Even a man like Martin buber thinks

Prayer as a dialogue with god. What to say about ordinary people?

Martin Buber is a rare, intelligent human being One of the greatest philosophers of this age.

But even he goes on carrying the same old Rotten meaning of having a dialogue with god -- As if something has to be said to god.

There is nothing to say.

Prayer is not saying something to god It is listening to god.

When you are all ears, just ears -- Open, available, ready to listen

Ready to be guided, surrendered, in a let-go -- That is prayer.

If this meaning is understood

Then prayer and meditation

Are no more different at all, then they are

Two different names for the same phenomenon. Both mean silence.

Both mean a receptivity, an availability to god. What can you say?

And whatsoever you do say will be stupid. All prayers are stupid!

Man is stupid, so whatsoever he can bring forth From his mind is going to be stupid.

It will be part of his ignorance

Of his unawareness, of his unconsciousness. It will be nothing but his desires, demands Complaints.

One has to be silent Before existence.

That is prayer. Sitting silently by a river Or sitting silently by a rosebush

Or sitting silently under the moon

Or sitting silently with a friend holding hands That is prayer... because god is everywhere.

Wherever you are silent you are in prayer.

Basically prayer is gratitude -- gratitude For all that god has done for you already. It is gratefulness, it is a deep feeling

Of thankfulness. Reduced to the minimum It is a non-verbal thank-you.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You need not say it, you have only to feel it.

The prayerful person is constantly feeling That everything is a gift of god.

Life is a gift, love is a gift Consciousness is a gift.

You are here

And becoming a sannyasin is gift!

When each moment of your life becomes permeated By an unspoken thank you, that is prayer.

Then it goes on resounding in you;

Even while you are asleep it goes on and on Deep inside you like an undercurrent.

You are not saying it

It is not addressed to anybody in particular Because god has no address

At least no postal address!

It is unaddressed, unspoken , but it is there Throbbing in every beat of your heart.

That is prayer.

Feel it, be it, and you will come to know The greatest experience of your life

The greatest ecstasy.

By worship I don't mean any ritual. Ritual is not worship.

Love is worship and love is never a ritual. Rituals are repetitive, formal.

Love is informal, non-repetitive, spontaneous. Be in love with existence -- that is worship.

And love in as many ways as possible Don't hold back.

That's my whole teaching. Jump into life totally, wholly.

When you are wholly in life, totally in life You become religious, you become holy.

That is the only way to be holy. Your so-called saints are not holy They are simply dead.

Dance is the most symbolic act.

Nothing represents god better than dance. God is a dancer.

And why do I say 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That nothing represents him better?

Because dance is the only activity known to us In which the actor and the action are one.

If you paint

The painter becomes different from the painting. If you sculpt

You become separate from your creation. Dance is the only activity

Which is inseparable from the dancer;

You cannot take the dance away from the dancer. Existence is the dance of god;

They are together.

Hence he has to be found in this dance:

The wind passing through the pine trees The sound of running water

The song of the birds in the morning The freedom of the clouds

The beauty of the flowers.

God has to be found now and here In this very dance.

This whole existence is his temple. There is no need to make any churches

Any temples, any mosques. The are all false And they go on distracting people

from the true religion. True religion

Is a devotion towards life and existence. Remember it: in every leaf of grass is god. It is his gesture.

In thousand of moods and in thousands of gestures He is dancing all over. He is dancing within you and without you.

Hence I teach my sannyasins to dance

And to dance with such abundance That you are lost in it.

That will give you the first taste

Of what it is to have a meeting with god To have a date with god.

My sannyas is not to be serious It is not to be sad.

My sannyas has to be a song, a celebration A rejoicing in life.

I don't teach renunciation because to me

God is life, and if you cannot find him in life You will not find him anywhere else.

God is not to be found in the monasteries Or in Himalayan caves;

He is to be found in life In all kinds of situations 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Which one has to encounter in life.

God has to be found in all

The bitter experiences and the sweet experiences That life makes available to you;

In the days, in the nights

In the summers, in the winters In the thorns, in the flowers.

God has to be found here in the thick of life. A sannyasin is one who goes

With a singing heart into the darkest night. And if you can go with a singing heart

In the darkest night

Even the darkness becomes luminous. Light is pure energy

Life has nothing but light in it.

The whole existence consists of light. Matter is an illusion

It only appears because we cannot see clearly Because we cannot penetrate deeply --

That's why it appears, otherwise it disappears.

There is only light, an immense ocean of light And we are waves in that immense ocean.

To know it is not only to be transformed To know it is to be reborn.

The old dies totally

And something absolutely new arrives

Which is not connected with the other at all -- It is disconnected, discontinuous.

It is the death of the old

And the resurrection of the new.

And once you feel yourself as just light

You will start feeling others also as pure light. Then life is a dance of light, an eternal dance. And to know this is to know what delight is.

Delight is the experience

That life is made of the stuff called light. Then there is only celebration.

When there is no darkness

There is no death, no hell, no misery. There is eternal celebration, halleluja! We have been here forever

And we are going to be here forever. Every person is born with a divine voice Although we never hear it.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is a still small voice.

It is the voice of god.

But our heads are so full of other voices -- Voice of America...

And there are a thousand and one voices. We can't hear the still small voice.

And in our heads all the stations are on Simultaneously;

It is so noisy inside that even if god shouts You won't hear.

And he never shouts, he whispers. Love always whispers

Because to shout is a little violent. Love knows to wait, hence god waits. Love knows to hope, hence god hopes. If not today, then tomorrow...

Some dau you are going to hear. Sannyas is nothing but an effort

To make your noisy mind a little quieter

So that you can hear your own voice.

Once you have heard it your life is transfomed. Then you don't need any Bible, any Gita, any Koran. You have your own Bible, your own Gita

Your own Koran.

There is no need to depend on others.

There is no need to depend on borrowed knowledge. So become more and more silent;

Less and less noisy so that you can hear The whisper of god within you.

That's the beginning of a new life Of a life that is eternal.

It is tenderness that makes you vulnerable

That makes you open, that makes you sensitive To the mysterious that surrounds us.

People who are not tender

Who are hard like rock, go on missing life. Life passes by: it cannot penetrate them They are impenetrable.

One should be like a rose flower, very tender: The one comes to know The mysterious and the miraculous.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Life is full of surprises

But only for those who have a tender heart. But we all have been brought up in such a way

That we become hard, because we have been told That life is a struggle, it is a conflict

It is a constant struggle for survival So one has to be hard.

If you are not hard you will not be able to compete.

And that is true: You will not be able to compete But competition leads nowhere. It is a sheer wastage.

One should live a non-competitive life Then only does one know what god is. Jesus says:

Those who are the last in this world Will be the first in my kingdom of god.

Now he is teaching non-competitiveness: Those who are the last in this world

Will be the first in my kingdom of god.

But remember

Don't be the last in order to be the first Otherwise you miss the whole point.

Enjoy being the last.

And to be the first in the kingdom of god Is a consequence, it is not a goal.

Life is such a joy for those who are tender Soft, loving, compassionate, sensitive.

That life itself is proof

In thousands of ways it proves that god is. But to the hard, to the rocklike person, There is no proof for god.

God cannot be proved for him Because he has no sensitivity to feel. He has lost all feeling

He lives only in the thinking.

He has lost his heart, he is just a head. And the head is just rubbish!

Be a heart.

Even if you have to lose the head lose the head -- It is worth it.

It is beautiful to be headless But it is ugly to be heartless.

My sannyasins have to be heartful and headless. That is the very definition of my sannyas.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- There is a peace

That is not imposed form the outside. One can pretend to be peaceful -- That is hypocrisy, that is ugly.

Real peace arises from within, it arises

Out of understanding, awareness, meditation. It is not something imposed

It is not like a mask that you wear.

It radiates from the very centre of your being. One cannot cultivate it.

A cultivated peace is false, is not even skin-deep. Scratch a little and immediately the ugly

The animal-like, the angry person is there. All peace is gone.

But a really peaceful person is peaceful all over From the circumference to the centre.

You can go digging

You will find more and more peace. The more you dig into him

The more you will find fresh layers of peace. When you reach the very centre of his being You will find ultimate peace.

That is another name for god. Bliss is possible

Only to those few people who are courages; In cannot happen to the cowards.

Courage is the price we have to pay for it. A coward is bound to remain in misery Because a coward cannot drop his clinging To old patterns; it feels safer to be

With the old, known, familiar.

Even though they are creating misery It feels more safe, comfortable, cosy Than moving into the unknown

Into the unpredictable.

Hence cowards go on crawling within their limits Within their small holes. Bliss is possible

Only when you go beyond your known limits. When you go beyond the boundaries

When you start adventuring into the unknown. That needs tremendous courage

Hence I say courage

Is the most fundamental religious quality. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Jesus is courageous, that is the meaning

Of carrying his cross on his own shoulders. That means one is ready to die any moment For one's convictions, for one's commitments For one's promises.

One is even ready to sacrifice one's life Joyously, with no complaint, with no grudge. Just the other day in Rome, the pope Enacted the carrying of the cross to the hill. It is a drama.

Thousands of pilgrims were following him With torches and flags and crosses of their own. And he carried a beautifully carved cross

On his shoulders.

And it was thought that something Tremendously beautiful was happening. It is simply ugly.

It is befooling yourself and others. Carrying one's own cross is not a drama It is a risk.

You cannot enact it, you have to live it. And the drama was not even completed -- At least they should have crucified him!

What is the point

Of carrying the cross to the hill and coming back All happy that it was a good picnic!

Bliss is not a human achievement, It is a gift from god.

It comes from the beyond. We cannot manufacture it

It is beyond our capacities to create it.

But we can be available to it We can be ready for it

We can be a host for it.

Amd that's what meditation is all about:

Being a host for god

Waiting with great longing but with no anxiety With great expectancy but no expectation.

The difference is subtle but of tremendous import. If one can wait in hope, in trust

And one can surrender and say yes to god One day it happens.

It happens suddenly, it never happens gradually. It is not that it comes slowly slowly, in parts.

It suddenly explodes.

It suddenly takes possession of you 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- From all directions

You are engulfed, encompassed by it The experience of bliss

Is an encompassing experience. One is drowned in it!

The ego disappears totally

And when you come back you are no more the same, The old person is nowhere to be found

Not even a trace is found.

In fact it never existed in the first place.

It was just a dream... and you are awakened. Hence, never make bliss a goal.

People start making bliss a goal. That is the first step in missing it. You are moving in a wrong direction.

Bliss is not a goal; nobody has ever achieved it. It has come to many, but it has always come:

It comes of its own accord.

That does not mean that we have nothing to do -- We do have something to do.

We have to prepare the ground, we have to be Utterly empty so that it can penetrate us.

We have to open all the doors and all the windows We have to drop all fear of the unknown

Of the mysterious, of the miraculous.

And we have to be ready to be surprised. That means we have to drop all knowledge And we have to start functioning from a state Of not-knowing.

We have to be innocent.

In a single word 'innocence' Is the essence of religion.

And then it comes, surely it comes Absolutely it comes, inevitably it comes And possesses you so totally

That it does not leave

A single nook or corner within you Where misery or darkness can hide. Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #5



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