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30 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004305 ShortTitle: 84POEM28 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Meditation is the real beginning of life. The first birth is not the beginning of life, The first birth is only

The beginning of an opportunity to live.

The first birth only makes you potentially alive Not actually alive. That potentiality

Has to be transformed into actuality Then only do you become really alive. And meditation is the art

Of transforming the potential into the actual, Of transforming the seed into the flower.

It is through meditation

That one attains the second birth. With the first birth the body is born With the second, the soul.

And only when we come to know that we are a soul Is our life fulfilled, Otherwise it is a sheer wastage.

The seed remained a seed, it never sprouted It never became a tree, it never flowered.

Nobody rested under its shade No birds ever came to visit it No winds danced around it.

There was no dialogue with

The clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars.

The seed cannot communicate with existence. It is closed, encapsulated within itself.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Meditation opens you up.

Meditation is nothing but

Opening multi-dimensionally to all that is

To the beauty of existence To the music of the winds To the freedom of the clouds

To all the mysteries that surround you To all that is without and within.

When you become open and available to all this For the first time you realise that

Life is not what you used to think it was. It is immensely valuable

Each moment of it is sacred

And each moment there is the possibility

Of meeting the divine, of meeting the ultimate. All that is needed is an opening on our side.

The divine is always available But we are not available.

God is always knocking on our door But we are deaf.

He is standing in front of us, but we are blind. And when you become aware

That existence is divine, it is not just matter, You also become aware that it is immortal

It is deathless, it is eternal.

Then all fear disappears.

Life for the first time becomes A dance and a celebration.

And when life is a celebration I call it religious.

My sannyasins have to become Songs and dances and celebrations. A man without meditation

Is a failure, an utter failure. Even though he may be

The riches man in the world, he is a failure. He may be Alexander the Great

He may have conquered the whole world -- 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- He is still a failure.

Nothing succeeds except meditation. Everything fails, sooner or later.

And the sooner it fails, the better, because Then you have time to do something.

You have time to find ways to be victorious. The unfortunate ones are those

Who realise their failure

When life has slipped out of their hands. Alexander himself realised it

But at the last moment.

He died a very disappointed, disillusioned man. But there was no way out.

Now nothing could be done. He had been to India

He had met many mystics here

And he had been impressed by one mystic very much. His biographers remember that mystic.

They call him 'Dandamis' --

It does not seem to be exactly the name, It must be some mispronunciation

Of an Indian name.

But they say Alexander was Tremendously influenced by Dandamis. Dandamis was a naked fakir

And Alexander was so impressed

That he wanted Dandamis to go with him. He offered him all luxury, all comfort.

He would be a royal guest.

But Dandamis laughed and he said, 'You cannot persuade me

Because I have found the treasure

Which nobody can offer to me any more. Nothing better can be offered to me.

What you are talking about are toys. I am finished with all that

And it is better that you also finish Otherwise you will repent later on.' Alexander was angry -- he said,

'I am inviting you and if you don't come with me I can force you to come.' Dandamis said, 'Nobody can force me.

You can kill me but you cannot force me And remember, while killing me 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You will think you are killing me,

But you will be deceived. You can kill the body --

I am not my body.

Take out your sword and cut off my head:

When my head falls on the ground You will see it falling

And I will also see it falling on the ground. You will be a witness to it

I will also be a witness to it. It is not me!'

When he was dying

Then he remembered this man. But it was too late.

He had never realised that he was not his body. The body was dying and he had always lived With the idea that he was the body.

Now death was too much for him. And he had seen this man laughing

Inviting death, asking him to take out his sword And kill him. He said to his people who were around him,

'I am remembering that man --

He certainly realised something Which I have missed.

I am a failure and he was victorious.'

It is through meditation that one realises that, 'I am not the body, not the mind either

But just a witness.'

And that witness knows no failure, no frustration. That witness is god himself.

Seek it and remember Jesus:

Seek, and ye shall find

Knock, and the doors shall be opened unto you. Consciousness has no boundaries,

It is not bounded by the body or the mind. It is unbounded

It is as vast as the whole universe.

But because we have become identified with the body We are suffering. The root cause of our suffering is that

Such a vast entity is being forced Into such a small space.

We are imprisoned. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- We have to become free of this prison.

And it is only a question

Of changing our attitude -- nothing else. You will remain in the body

The body will remain there, Just your identifying changes:

You are no more identified with the body. You start using the body as a vehicle, Just as you use a car.

You don't become your car.

Just think of the misery of the man Who becomes his car.

He will immediately say that he has gone mad. Something goes wrong in the engine

And he starts crying and weeping And he goes to the doctor saying, 'Do something.

Something seems to be wrong with me,' Because he cannot distinguish

Between his car and himself. That's exactly the case:

The body is only a vehicle.

Use it but don't become identified with it. And so is the case with the mind.

The mind is only a computer: use it But don't become identified with it. Remain a witness.

And the more you are a witness The more you are free

The more you are unbounded

The more you start becoming oceanic. Then even the sky is not your limit.

To feel that unlimitedness is to feel god. That's the ultimate goal of meditation.

The secret of immortality is not such a secret That it cannot be discovered. In fact it is an open secret:

Just a little bit of digging inside yourself And you can discover it.

Just a few layers of garbage have to be removed; We call that garbage the mind. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Thoughts and desires and memories

Are crowding inside

And because of the crowd We cannot see our own truth.

Once we are able to create a little gap A little space

The truth is discovered.

The truth is that we are immortal The truth is that we were never born And we will never die

That birth and death are episodes In our eternal life.

Thousands of times we have taken birth

And thousands of times we have left the body. It is because of this mind

We go on coming back again and again. It is because of the mind that

The wheel of birth and death goes on moving. If we drop out of the mind the wheel stops.

And that's the whole art of meditation How to drop out of this mind and

How to enter the space called no-mind. Mind is arbitrary. accidental

No-mind is your real nature, your very being. To discover it is to discover the Buddha within. And once you have tasted

Something of your innermost core You have tasted the sweetest

The-most delicious experience of life. There is nothing higher than that Nothing more precious than that,

[Her name, Christa, is a beautiful one, Bhagwan tells a German woman taking sannyas. But it has lost its real meaning and had something imposed on it which is incorrect: the dictionaries say it means a follower of Christ. That's not its true meaning.]

A Christa means Christ himself, not a follower. It is not a question of following

It is a question of becoming

It is a question of being a Christ.

Friedrich Nietzsche used to say again and again That the first and the last Christian

Died on the cross two thousand years ago,

The first and the last -- and he was right Because only Christ was a true Christian. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Others have been only followers

And followers are imitators Followers are carbon copies.

Never be carbon copy; be your original face. And that's the way of being a Christ or a Buddha. These words don't belong to any individual.

Christ has nothing to do with Jesus Buddha has nothing to do with Gautam. Gautam is one of the Buddhas

And Jesus is one of the Christs. One can call Jesus a Buddha

And one can call Gautam the Christ -- There is no difference, no problem.

Anybody who has realised himself is a Christ. Christ simply means the crowned one

One who has been crowned by god himself

One who has come home, one who has been Received back into the Garden of Eden.

Adam was expelled. When he returns

Finds out his mistake, his error

Remembers the joys and the beauties of paradise And comes back, he is received, welcomed.

That welcome makes him a Christ. Everybody is an Adam and everybody Has the potential to become a Christ.

Adam means Christ gone astray Christ means Adam has come back home.

Become a Christ -- never be a follower. That's the only way to love

People like Christ and Buddha. Followers don't love

They are not courageous enough to be lovers. They are cowards, they are hoping to be saved. They want to throw the responsibility

On somebody else.

They worship in order not to change themselves.

It is Christ's duty to save them. Their duty is to go astray

And Christ's duty is to save them. What kind of logic is this?

Why should Christ save you?

You should save yourself. Learn from Christ 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Learn the art of saving yourself

Learn the fact that one man has saved himself Hence you can also save yourself.

This is the way of the lover Not the way of the follower.

[His name has two meanings, Bhagwan tells Oscar, an Italian.

The Teutonic meaning is divine spirit, the Celtic, a leaping, bounding warrior. Just a little change

And both names will fit together. Leaping, bounding warrior

Has to be changed a little bit:

Leaping, bounding sannyasin! And then there is no problem -- Then it fits with divine spirit.

A warrior does not fit with divine spirit, A warrior is basically an evil spirit.

The soldier and the sannyasin are two poles. The soldier is the ugliest possibility

And the sannyasin, the most beautiful. The soldier means destruction

And the sannyasin means creativity.

The soldier is violence, the sannyasin is love. The soldier cannot be divine

Only a sannyasin can be divine. So we will have to change

The meaning of the word a little bit. It can be done because no language Has any absoluteness about it.

All languages are arbitrary So one can play around!

It is just our agreement

As to what a word should mean.

For me, Oscar will means divine spirit, A leaping, bounding sannyasin.

Try your best!

[During the course of his talking to Oscar Bhagwan has registered that Oscar is minus one or two teeth.]

[A chuckle overrides his words as he adds]

And don't lose more teeth -- leap and bound, but carefully! 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Love is the only thing that is really precious.

All else is mundane.

Love is sacred because it is through love That one attains to prayer.

It is through love that one creates the bridge Between oneself and god. It is through love that we become aware that

Life is tremendously significant, meaningful. Without love life is empty, meaningless

In fact, absurd.

Without love there is no reason to live -- Why? For what?

One of the greatest existential philosophers, Marcel, used to say that

The most important problem in life is suicide. Why not commit suicide?

He used to think that that was

The most important thing to be decided. Existentialists think that it is just

Because of our cowardliness that we go on living And they are right About ninety-nine point nine per cent of people.

It is simply because of cowardliness That people go on dragging.

They have no meaning in their life But they are also afraid of death.

Who knows? -- it may be even worse. At least life seems to be familiar.

And we are not alone:

So many fools are all around. The ship of life is full of fools.

And there is so much hustle and bustle And so much occupation that one Tends to forget all real problems of life.

Small problems are so many

Daily, routine problems are so many -- How to manage bread and butter

And how to manage the ordinary life --

And life's ordinary challenges are so many that There is no time left to think about whether

Life has any meaning or not. That's why poor people

Have no problem as far as meaning is concerned. It is only the rich people

Who start thinking about 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- What the meaning of life is.

It is the rich countries

For whom the problem becomes really big. The richer a country becomes

The more and more people start thinking 'What is the meaning of it all?'

Hence I say that

Existentialists are right.

About ninety-nine point nine per cent of people. But they are not really right,

Because that point one per cent Has the master key.

Buddhas are not many, Christs are not many Krishnas are not many

But their life has tremendous significance Meaning, overflowing joy

Their each breath is a song

Their each moment is full of splendour Their whole life is nothing but a dance.

Their life (words missing) cannot be contained In any song, in any music; Everything falls short.

Their grace is so infinite Their bliss is so vast.

And this is possible for everybody, We just have to work for it.

I perfectly agree with Marcel:

Suicide is one of the greatest problems

But only one; the second problem Which is even bigger than suicide Is sannyas.

And one has to choose between the two: Either suicide or sannyas.

Suicide is simply stupid.

Sannyas is the art of transforming your life From meaninglessness into meaning.

It gives dance to your feet It changes your life

Into eighty-four thousand songs.

Immeasurable joy, unaccountable bliss is yours. Just a little work is needed upon on self.

It is worth it -- that work has to be done.

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