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28 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium
Archive code: 8004285 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- ShortTitle: 84POEM26
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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]
Bliss is the only proof that god is.
A miserable person can believe in god But his belief remains only a belief, Underneath it there is always doubt.
It is impossible for the miserable To believe in god.
If god is, then how can there be misery? That's the dilemma.
God seems to be just an abstract idea And misery seems so real.
One can force the belief upon oneself. And miserable people want something
As a support, as a consolation, as a refuge Hence they start believing in god
3ut basically they cannot trust that god is. They don't have any proof.
The proof comes only when you are blissful. The moment bliss explodes in your being You know god is.
And there is no need to believe:
One simply knows god is, it is an intuitive feel Your whole being is overwhelmed with the proof, Now it is your experience.
Even if the whole world says there is no god
It is not going to make any difference to you; You know it. They can deny
They can go on finding all kinds of arguments But how can they prove that god is not
When you have tasted something of bliss?
Just as misery disproves god, bliss proves god And because millions of people live in misery
Millions of people only think they are religious. They are not, they cannot be.
Only very rarely will you come across A person who knows that god is.
So my effort here
Is not to prove, not to argue for god 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Not to convince you that god exists
But to help you to be blissful. God can be put aside
The whole problem is irrelevant.
Once you start moving in the direction of bliss - Which is your potential...
You are miserable because
You are doing something wrong with your energies You are miserable because you have not been able To create a harmony of your energies
There is a discord, a deep discord in your being Hence the misery. Misery simply means you are fragmentary
And all the fragments
Are in constant conflict, in constant friction You are falling apart. Your whole life is nothing but an effort
To go on keeping yourself together.
The same energies can become a great harmony. It is only a question of learning the art.
If you don't know how to play On some musical instrument You will create only noise
You will disturb people, that's all You can drive people mad!
And the same instrument and the same hands And the same person
Can create such celestial music
But he has to learn the art of playing Just by being alive
One does not know how to live Just by being born
You don't know the art of life. Meditation is the art of life
It is the fundamental art.
One who misses meditation misses all.
Then he can have everything of the world But he will never have any experience
Of peace, of bliss, of benediction.
And god will remain just an abstract idea. Once you have started playing rightly
With your energies, creating an accord, a harmony A cosmos out of this chaos that you are
Suddenly, thousands of proofs 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- That god is become available to you,
Not only that god is, but that only god is. Everything becomes divine
Everything becomes godly.
Let bliss be the goal -- forget all about god.
Once bliss is achieved god is experienced As a consequence, a natural consequence.
Jesus says, 'Blessed are the meek For theirs is the kingdom of god.'
Because he said that millions of people since Have tried to be meek, to be humble
But their effort has been wrong From the very beginning.
First, they tried to be meek so that they Could enter into the kingdom of god.
Meekness cannot be made a means. They misunderstood Jesus.
He was not saying, 'Be meek so that You can enter into the kingdom of god.' He was saying, 'Blessed are the meek For theirs is the kingdom of god.'
The kingdom of god is not the end And being meek is not the means. Being meek is an end unto itself; The kingdom of god is its fragrance.
When the flower opens up there is fragrance But because people are always listening
Through a layer of sleep, they always go on Misunderstanding the Buddhas, the awakened ones. Many times it happens here:
I say that if you meditate with a goal in mind Your meditation, from the very beginning
Has gone wrong.
If you are trying to attain peace Through meditation
You will not even attain meditation itself. Meditation has to be done
For the sheer joy of doing it And then peace follows.
I am not saying that peace does not come,
It comes, but it is not a question of your longing. If you are longing for it
You are not in meditation, you are in a desire. Now the desire is for peace.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- So people say to me,
'Okay, then we will not desire peace But are you sure: if we do meditation
Without desiring peace, will we attain to it?' They are still persisting in their stupidity They are again bringing the same thing in From the backdoor.
A person who wants
To enter into the kingdom of god
Is not a meek person, he is not humble. Jesus says, 'Blessed are those
Who are the last in this world, because
They will be the first in my kingdom of god.' But if somebody wants
To be first in the kingdom of god
He has missed the point. He can stand last He can be the very last in the world
Just waiting for his chance in the other world And then he will show all these fools
Who are standing in the queue ahead of him, 'Now see what happened -- you were presidents And prime ministers and this and that
And I was just a humble person, the very last. Now this is my reward!
I am the first and where are you? Now all the Nobel Prize winners
Go and stand at the back of the queue.' But this is the same game
Played on a different plane.
The message is tremendously significant But it is bound to be misunderstood.
It is bound to be misunderstood because people Are not listening to it through meditation
They are listening to it through mind. Let your meekness
Come out of meditation, out of silence -- Let it come of its own accord
Then it has a beauty of its own.
It is the most beautiful experience
Just to be nobody, just to be utterly nobody. When one is utterly nobody
When one has effaced oneself, One is just a pure emptiness.
Of course, god enters into that emptiness. 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- He is simply waiting for that moment
When you are is empty of yourself
So that he can enter you
So that he can abide in you. Become a lover,
Not of somebody in particular Just become a lover in general. Let love become your quality
Not just a relationship with somebody Because whenever love becomes relationship
It includes one but excludes the whole universe. It is a very dangerous bargain:
Choosing one and excluding the whole universe. And the whole universe belongs to you
You belong to it. The whole universe Goes on showering its love to you
And it is very ungrateful not to respond. So love the sun, the moon, the stars
The trees, the rivers, the mountains
The people, the animals -- simply be a lover And let the whole be your beloved.
That's exactly what makes a person religious. When your love spreads all over space
When it knows no boundary
When nothing confines it, when it is unlimited When it is not focussed on any object
But is just a state of being.
Then love is prayer, then love is meditation And then love liberates.
The ordinary love binds, it creates a bondage. Of course, the chains are golden
But chains are chains, and golden chains Are far more dangerous than ordinary chains Because you become attached to them.
You think they are very precious
You think they are ornaments, not chains. The ordinary love is a relationship
The real love is a state of being. That's exactly the meaning of a lover
A love not addressed to anybody in particular But addressed to the whole.
So whatsoever you touch You touch with deep love.
And whatsoever you see, you see with deep love.
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Wherever you are, you go on radiating love.
Then there is no need to go To any church, to any temple
Because the whole existence becomes your temple. And then there is no need to bother about
The Bible and the Koran and the Vedas; The whole existence becomes your Bible. Then you can read god's messages
In the flowers, in the song of birds.
Everywhere you will come across immense mysteries. Love opens doors upon doors, it goes on opening.
There is no end to mysteries.
For a real lover it is an unending journey Tremendously ecstatic.
Each moment is full of bliss and benediction. Prem Niraj
Love has many qualities which are also the qualities of a cloud. Hence the cloud can be used as a metaphor. The most fundamental quality of love is that it gives freedom; it is freedom. If it is not freedom then it is not love; it is something else
-- beware of it! Something else is masquerading as love. It may even be hatred pretending to be love. It may be jealousy, possessiveness, domination, ego -- it may be any thing, but not love. The criterion to be used is freedom; if it gives you freedom, then only is it love.
Love makes you free. The more you love, the more you are free. Ultimately you have the freedom of a cloud. The cloud is totally free, it has no fixed form, it is constantly changing, it is unpredictable.
One moment it looks like an elephant, another moment it looks like a tiger; one never knows. One moment it is moving towards the east, another moment it is moving towards the west. It is absolutely free, it is not rooted somewhere. It has no roots in the earth, hence it has no clinging, it is not attached; it is not obsessed with anything.
Love is also just like that: without any roots without any clinging; floating like a cloud in absolute freedom.
The cloud is full of rain: it wants to share, it wants to rain. And that's what love is too: it is full of joy, peace, and it wants to shower it. It is full of juice and it wants to rain. And to whomsoever is ready to receive love is over-willing to give. It does not feel that the person who receives has any obligation towards it. No, not at all. On the contrary, love feels obliged. that the other helped it to be unburdened. The cloud feels obliged to the earth because the earth helped it to be unburdened. Love is always feeling obliged to everybody. And love never bothers much about whether the other is worthy of receiving it or not. These are miserly things, miserly attitudes. Love is never a miser.
The cloud never bothers about whether the earth is worthy. It rains on the mountains, it rains on the rocks; it rains everywhere and anywhere. It gives without any conditions attached, without any strings attached.
And that's how love is: it simply gives, it enjoys giving. Whosoever is willing to receive, receives it.
He need not be worthy, he need not be in any special category, he need not fulfill any qualifications.
If all these things are required then what you are giving is not love. It must be something else, and you have not yet known what love is. Once you know what
love is you are ready to give; because you know the more you give, the more you have it. The more you go on showering on others, the more it goes on springing up in your being. Once this secret is known...
This is very strange economics. Ordinary economics is totally different: if you give something, you lose it. If you want to have it, avoid giving it. Collect it, be miserly. Just the opposite is the case with love: if you want to have it, don't be miserly; otherwise it will go dead, it will become stale; it will 1/08/07
Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994
Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-
stink, it will die. Go on giving, and fresh sources will become available Fresh streams will flow into your being. The whole existence starts pouring into you when your giving is unconditional, total.
Eighty Four Thousand Poems
Chapter #27
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