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Chapter title: None

26 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004265 ShortTitle: 84POEM24 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

God is immediately available

If we are ready to disappear as an ego. The ego prevents him penetrating us The ego keeps him away from us.

Except for the ego

There is no distance between you and god. The ego is the only barrier, the only wall. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is of our creation

And we can dismantle it any moment. We have put it together, brick by brick

And brick by brick we have to dismantle it. We have to be very conscious

Not to feed the ego any more Not to strengthen it any more Because it is our weakness.

The stronger the ego is, the weaker we are Because god is less and less available to us.

And he is really our strength, our nourishment Our very being. We are rooted in him, but because of the ego

We are not totally rooted in him -- Only very partially;

Maybe one root here and one root there But ninety-nine per cent of the roots Have come out of the soil.

That is the misery of man:

Man has become an uprooted tree. The whole effort of religions is

To help you to get rooted again in god. God is our soil, is our strength

Is our life, is our very being. But nothing can be done directly Unless you remove the ego.

So there is no need to worry about god No need even to think about god

No need to believe in god. Do only one thing:

Don't believe in the ego

And start dismantling it from this very moment. As you start dismantling it

Small windows will start opening

And you will be able to see the sky beyond. Soon you will be surprised by

How much you were missing How much light was available Just knocking on the wall, How much life was available. It was just yours.

It was waiting for you

But you were hiding behind a wall Of your own creation.

Dropping the ego

Is the only method to be really alive. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Sannyas means precisely that.

God is known

Only when you are in deep peace In profound peace.

Peace attained becomes his temple

And he immediately enters into the temple. We need not invite him,

In fact how can we invite him? We don't know his address

We don't know his name.

In fact he has no name, no address, no form. But we can do one thing

We can make our being a beautiful temple. That is within our capacity.

We can make it spacious.

We can empty ourselves totally of our ego

Our lust, our greed, our anger.

We can empty ourselves of all that continuously Goes on accumulating inside us. It is all junk!

Once we are utterly empty

In that purity of emptiness, the temple is ready. And immediately, instantly,

Not even a single moment is lost, God enters into the temple.

Whenever the temple is ready God immediately appears. Suddenly you are full of something unknown

Something mysterious, something blissful Something liberating, something transforming Something eternal.

That experience is multi-dimensional Hence it is indescribable.

It is so vast, no word can adequately express it But it can be experienced. My effort here is not to teach you

Certain principles, morality, ideals, But to teach you only one thing: How to prepare the right ground

In which god appears of his own accord.

I don't give you any philosophy

But only a simple technique to cleanse yourself To purify yourself. Once you are pure everything else follows.

All the morality

That you have always tried and failed Starts blooming on its own.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- All those beautiful qualities that you

Have always hankered for and found impossible Simply become spontaneous.

And when those qualities are spontaneous They have a beauty of their own.

They are not cultivated and artificial They are not planted from the outside.

They are welling up from your own inner being. They are like beautiful flowers growing in you. Man can become a tremendous flowering.

And it is always spring We just have to be in tune

We just have to be attuned with the spring And immediately miracles become possible. And remember

You are entitled to all these miracles Everyone is entitled to all these miracles! Very few people are capable of seeing.

The ordinary eyes are not real eyes Because the ordinary eyes can only see The superficial, the mundane, the ordinary. We need a different kind of vision.

We need different eyes which can see deeper Which can see not only the superficial

But the essential

Which are capable of seeing the invisible The mysterious, the miraculous.

Meditation is the art

Of creating those new eyes, those inner eyes. We cannot open those inner eyes right now Because the inner world is so full of

Thoughts, desires, memories, imagination, dreams That there is no space. Our inner eyes are too burdened with dust.

All that dust has to be removed. That's what meditation is all about:

Removing the dust of thoughts From the inner consciousness, Cleansing the inner consciousness As one cleanses a mirror.

Just a moment before

When the layer of dust was there The mirror was not a mirror Because it was not mirroring 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It was not reflecting anything.

It was non-existential.

Remove the dust, clean the mirror and suddenly It starts reflecting that which is. The process is exactly the same.

We have to remove thoughts

We have to remove the whole mind The process of all that mind implies: The past, the future, the worries

The projections, the ideologies The hopes, the desires.

They are all different kinds of thoughts Different kinds of dust

Only colours differ, otherwise they are the same. Once your mirror is clean you become a seer And to be a seer

Is the greatest experience in life Because then you see

That only god exists And nothing else

And that realisation is liberation. There is no greater bliss than that That is the ultimate ecstasy.

And unless it is achieved one has to wander In search, one has to remain thirsty

And the thirst goes on becoming more and more And the desert seems to be unending

And there seems to be no oasis at all. Once you have known that ecstasy You have come back home.

Then there is rest and relaxation.

Then each moment is pure celebration. Everyone is unique; uniqueness is universal. You are nat unique compared to somebody else You are as unique as the other is.

When I use the word 'unique'

I don't use it in a comparative sense I am simply stating a facts

No comparison i8 involved. Everyone is so unique, so individual That no two persons are ever alike. Not only right now

Is there nobody who is like you,

There has never been and there will never be. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is impossible for the simple reason that

God is not an assembly line; god is a creator And the creator never repeats.

If you go into the garden you will not find

Two leaves similar or two flowers similar. They may appear similar

If you don't look at them minutely But if you go into details

Each leaf has its own individuality Its own authentic signature.

Respect yourself

Because even god respects you.

God has tremendous respect for each individual But the priests have taught you just the opposite.

They have taught you to be condemnors: Condemn yourself, you are sinners.

Whatsoever you do is wrong. And whatsoever you are is wrong.

Nothing is wrong with you except that You have believed in all kinds of fools. Except that you have not listened

To your own heart

And you have listened to all kinds of people Who know nothing.

Drop all that borrowed knowledge

Forget all about these stupid stories Of original sin

And forget all about your being a sinner. Nobody is a sinner

Everybody is part of god, an intrinsic part. Everybody is divine.

Yes, a few divine people are fast asleep -- That is their choice.

And a few people are awake -- that is their choice. Nothing is wrong even in being asleep

You just have to suffer a few nightmares. But there is nothing much to worry about Because those nightmares are just imaginary. Sooner or later you will wake up.

And if you are enjoying it, enjoy!

It is nobody else's business to interfere. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- So I don't interfere in your sleep.

I go on doing my thing and

I allow you to sleep.

I cannot stop myself doing my thing s

I go on speaking and you go on sleeping! I hope some day you will listen Something may go into your sleep

Something may hit you, some day, in some moment And you may wake up! I would love you to wake up

But if you decide not to wake up, you are Not to be condemned and thrown into hell. You are suffering enough just by being asleep

There is no need to make you suffer more in hell. So this i8 the only difference

Between Buddhas and the ordinary people Otherwise they are all alike

Alike in the sense they all have

The same potential to become awakened Not alike in the sense of being similar -- They are unique.

Remember your uniqueness. Love yourself, respect yourself Respect your own voice;

Listen to it and follow it. It is better to go into hell Following your own voice

Than to go to heaven following somebody else'5 Because even that heaven

Won't prove much of a heaven; You will be just a blind follower.

My sannyasins are not my followers. They are in love with me

Just as I am in love with them. They are my friends,

And I respect them as much as I can.

A real master always respects his disciples. The pseudo master has no respect

For the disciples.

In fact he lives by condemning them. The more he condemns them

The more he proves that you are lower The more high he feels;

Naturally the difference becomes greater. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The pseudo master is simply suffering from

An inferiority complex

Hence he tries to prove himself superior. But a Jesus or a Buddha or a Lao Tzu Had immense respect for others.

You respect yourself and you respect others too Love yourself and love others too

And just this simple change in your attitude Can bring a radical revolution.

It can transform your whole being. Veet Marcella

Warlike qualities are not good qualities, particularly in a woman.

They are not good even in a man, but in a woman warlike qualities are absolutely wrong.

They don't fit with her being.

Her being is made of the stuff called love. She can only bloom as love.

But for centuries,

we have appreciated warlike qualities;

hence all these names exist in almost all languages.

They have to disappear.

We can find beautiful names. So remember it:

All that creates conflict in life has to be transcended.

That is the way of the sannyasin: the way of love, the way of peace.

Only love and peace can lead you to god. The mind is mundane, the heart is sacred. The mind thinks, but never knows

The heart knows, but never thinks. The mind is blind, that's why

It goes on thinking and groping in the dark. But it cannot come

To any conclusive conclusions.

All its conclusions are only arbitrary:

A little more thinking and they will change. It is all guesswork

And one cannot depend on guesswork

One cannot risk one's life for guesswork. One has to move from the head to the heart Only then does real life begin,


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Because the heart simply sees what is the case.

There is no question of brooding over it. The heart

Knows no process of arriving at a conclusion Because it has eyes to see.

When a blind man wants to go out of the house He immediately starts thinking,

'Where is the door? Whom to ask?

On whom to depend? Who is reliable?

Somebody may play a trick upon me, May make me a laughing stock.

Someone may mislead me.'

A thousand and one problems arise in his mind.

But the man who has eyes doesn't think about it. He simply gets up and goes out the door Because he sees the door.

He does not think even for a single moment About the door.

That's exactly the situation of the heart. Sannyas

Is a radical shift from the head to the heart. And when you start living from the heart, Your life is holy.

It has tremendous beauty, grace, an infinite joy!

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #25



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