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24 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004245 ShortTitle: 84POEM22 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

Truth is available only to the lover Not to the logician.

Truth opens itself only when you drop the mind And listen from the heart.

One can go on thinking about truth and one can Create great systems of thought

about truth But to think about truth is not to know truth.

It is an experience, not a question of thinking And experience needs a totally different approach.

And for centuries we have been trained In logic, not in love --

That's why we go on missing truth.

Everybody wants to seek truth It is something intrinsic It is something so deep- rooted in man That one cannot avoid seeking it, it is a must.

But one can seek in a wrong way Then one will not find.

Mind is the wrong approach The heart, the right approach.

The initiation into sannyas means A shift from the head to the heart. Meditation is alchemical

It transforms your whole being

It destroys all limitations, all narrowness And makes you wide.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It helps you to get rid of all boundaries:

The boundaries of religion, nation, race. Awareness helps you not only to get rid of

All kinds of logical, ideological confinements, Imprisonments, but also it helps you to transcend The limitation of the body, the mind.

It makes you aware that you are Pure consciousness and nothing else.

The body is only your house, you are not it. Mind is only a mechanism to be used.

It is not the master, it is just a servant. As you become aware

That you are neither the body nor the mind

You start expanding, you become wider and wider You start becoming oceanic, skylike.

That transformation brings glory to you And also it brings victory to you.

A man who lives without meditation Lives in defeat and failure.

A man without meditation

Lives an undignified life because he lives In prison, in a small dark hole while

His birthright is to be as big as the sky. Even the sky is not the limit!

Put your total energy into becoming More aware, more watchful, more alert;

Aware of , your body, aware of your thoughts Aware of your feelings.

In the beginning it is difficult

Because for centuries, for millions of lives We have lived in an unconscious way

Hence it has become almost second nature For us to live the life of a prisoner.

We have forgotten completely

That it is a prison in which we are living. We have started believing in the chains. Not only do we rationalise our chains We decorate our chains, we colour them We decorate them in beautiful ways.

We not only deceive others, we deceive ourselves That they are not chains but ornaments.

We can make our chains golden

We can make our chains Studded with diamonds and emeralds We can make beautiful chains -- very artistic


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And then we can fall in love with the chains.

That's what has happened.

And it has been such a long process That we have completely forgotten

The language of freedom -- we have become slaves. Sannyas means a tremendous awakening

A great commitment to wake up.

It is an arduous effort, it is an uphill task But it is worth it.

Because it is only through awareness That you will know what life is:

Its beauty, its poetry, its significance Its glory, its victory,

All these can be said in a single word And that word is god.

God is only a metaphor -- it represents All that is beautiful and valuable

All that is significant.

It represents eighty-four thousand poems. Go beyond following.

If you want to be a Christ

The most significant thing to understand is That following is not going to help you,

It is a hindrance, it is a barrier. All followers are imitators

All followers are false and pseudo.

Each individual has to be himself or herself.

Jesus is an authentic individual He is not a follower of anybody. He is not a follower of Moses He is not a follower of Abraham.

These were enlightened people, Abraham and Moses. Jesus loved them, but he was not a follower.

He appreciated the beauty of these people He appreciated, he imbibed their spirit But he was not a follower.

He tried to be himself

That's why he was punished.

The society does not like individuals.

It wants followers, imitators, pseudo people. It is afraid of real human beings

It is perfectly at ease with the phony ones. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The authentic individual is bound to be punished.

That's why Jesus was crucified:

He became Christ. Christ means he attained

Realisation of his own being.

You cannot be a follower of Christ.

You can be a Christ, you can be a Buddha -- They are synonymous.

'Buddha' is the eastern word with the same meaning 'Christ' is the western word

For the same experience. But never be a Buddhist

And never be a Mohammedan, never be a Christian -- Just be yourself!

My whole effort here is to help you to be free From all kinds of religions and churches

And Bibles and Gitas and Korans So that you can grow

According to your intrinsic nature. Certainly the day you are awakened You are a Christ.

Why settle for being a Christian? Christ was not a Christian -- remember.

And if you meet Christ he will immediately say, 'Don't be a Christian.

It is not a beautiful phenomenon to be a Christian. Be a Christ!'

Christ means the crowned one, the annointed one, The blessed one. So you have to transcend all kinds of following.

By becoming a sannyasin

You are not becoming a follower of mine, No, not at all.

I am not interested in creating followers. I certainly want to help you to be yourself But I don't want to force you

According to a certain pattern.

Each sannyasin has to be unique -- remember it, Because god never creates two individuals alike, He always creates unique individuals.

Hence a really religious person 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Cannot be a follower -- drop the very idea.

Humanity has suffered very much because Of this whole stupid idea of following others. Learn to be free. Learn from everyone

From Moses, from Mohammed, from Jesus from Zarathustra, from Krishna, from Confucius.

Learn from the whole world. Remain available.

Be a disciple: always open to grow Always open to receive any challenge That life gives to you.

Respond totally, accept every challenge. That's the way of growth -- not following. Every man is born

With many kinds of bitternesses, many poisons.

Man needs to renew himself, to transform himself To drop much that is ugly, much that is bitter.

Life is a great art.

One should not take life for granted. Birth is not synonymous with life Birth is only an opportunity

Then you have to work upon yourself. There are a thousand and one things

To be dropped greed is there, anger is there, Hatred is there, lust is there

And so on, so forth.

And unless these things are dropped Unless they are removed from our being... These are like weeds

And we are so full of these weeds

That we cannot grow roses in our being. We have to take out, uproot all the weeds We have to change the whole soil

We have to remove all the stones We have to prepare the ground Only then are roses possible.

And when roses grow in your being Your life starts having joy

Your life starts having beauty Your life starts having grace.

And then you have something to offer to god Otherwise what is there to offer?


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- We have so many ugly things

Which cannot be offered to god. We have to hide them

But by hiding them, nothing is changed.

The more we hide them, the more we repress them, The deeper and deeper do those weeds go.

Their roots become more and more strengthened They get more nourished.

Becoming a sannyasin means a commitment That you will try now for the real birth

And you will deliberately drop many kinds of Stupid ideas which dominate the mind.

Mind is full of stupidities And much has to be done.

Man is almost like a raw diamond.

A jeweller can understand the hidden beauty Of the raw diamond

Ordinarily you will not be able To see any beauty in it,

It will look like just an ordinary stone

Maybe a little cclourful, maybe a little shining But nothing very special. Before the Kohinoor.

The greatest diamond in the world, Was found in Golconda, in India, The person who found it in his field Had it for three years

And had no idea what it was.

He just thought it was a beautiful stone. His children played with it for three years. He might have lost it,

The children might have thrown it away, But somehow it remained in the house. travelling sannyasin had stayed for the night And he could not believe his eyes

Because he had once been a jeweller. He said, 'What are you doing?

You can become the richest man in the world! I have never come across such a diamond.

This is the biggest diamond ever.' Then the work started on it.

Now it is part of the crown of the British queen. The weight is one-third of the original,

So much has been cut and polished. but it has

Become millions of times more beautiful 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And that's how man is:

Every man is born like a raw diamond. I can see -- I have been a jeweller!

So when I look at you I can see a diamond, A great diamond -- but you are not aware Because you don't have any idea what a Great opportunity has been given to you And what you can do with your life.

You can create such dance, such music

Such immense beauty, such incredible ecstasy Which is unimaginable.

But people die without ever experiencing Anything worthwhile that

For the simple reason they never Prepare themselves for it.

Life has to be an art, and one has to work hard. Only then does the transformation happen.

Once you drop the ego you are godly.

The only barrier is the ego. Intrinsically everybody is a god Potentially everyone is a god But the ego is covering us.

It has to be removed. It is a thick layer

Of absolutely unnecessary dust It has no meaning at all.

But we are trained for it

The society prepares Us for it. It serves the vested interests. Society needs you to be egoists Because unless you are egoists You will not be ambitious.

And if you are not ambitious

Then the whole economic structure The political structure --

All will simply collapse. They all depend on ambition.

So every child has to be poisoned

Through ambition. And ambition means egos

You have to be the first.

You have to be the president of the country The prime minister of the country

You have to be the richest man You have to win the Nobel prize You have to be Mr. Universe

And you have to be a beauty queen 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And all kinds of nonsense!

Only one thing is not allowed you To be yourself, simply yourself.

Everything else you can try

But never to be just simply, ordinarily yourself. If everybody is simply himself

The whole economic structure and politics Will go down the drain.

Who would like to be the president? For what? It will be impossible to find somebody

To become president

Unless you make it a punishment, Somebody commits some crime and then He has to be president of the country.

Somebody commits a crime

Or is found trying to commit suicides then he Can be punished by being prime minister.

Things like that.., otherwise who would suffer All kinds of neuroses and psychoses

And tensions and anguish and anxiety? Who would be so stupid as to waste his life?

The whole of religion is a rebellion Against the structure of ego and ambition. Learn to drop the ego.

The day the ego disappears all is achieved. All that's worth achieving

All that will give you bliss and freedom All that will make you aware

That you are immortal

That there is no end and no beginning That you are eternal.

Then suddenly life becomes a celebration. Everybody is born as a rock

And everybody has to become a flower. Everybody is born absolutely closed And everybody has to become open

To life, to love, to god

To the wind, to the rain, to the sun.

To be a rock helps you to remain protected, It is a kind of security -- one is very safe.

To be a flower is dangerous

Because the flower is so fragile, so delicate. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- It is dangerous to be a flower

That's why very few people try to be flowers. They would like to remain rocks.

Rocks live long.

But what kind of life does a rock have? It has no life.

It lives long because it is already dead. It cannot die because it is not alive.

Don't be hard, don't be rocklike.

Become sort, vulnerable.

Yes, it is dangerous to be a flower

But the only way to live is to live dangerously. That's the way of sannyas: to live in danger

To live in insecurity

To live in tremendous trust

That whatsoever happens is good. Even if the flower lives -only one day Or for only one moment,

It is far more valuable

Than the long lire of a rock.

A single moment of being a flower and fragrant And dancing in the wind And in the sun and in the rain

Is far more valuable

Than to be a rock for eternity

Because that single moment contains eternity. The rock is a grave, so come out of the rock. Everybody is born as a rock, remember,

So there is nothing wrong in it. Everybody is born as a rock

But everybody is born with the capacity

And the potential to be a flower.

This is-' the miracle of life, the magic of life That here rocks can become flowers.

It all depends on you, on your courage.

Gather courage and then all the mysteries of life Start opening up for you. Remember always

Bliss cannot become a goal of your ambitions It is not an achievement.

On the contrary, it showers on you only

When you have dropped all idea of achievement. When the achieving mind is no more there

When you have dropped all kinds of ambitiousness 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Suddenly, as a gift of god

The grace of god

Bliss starts showering on you. You cannot achieve it

But you can open up to receive it. There is no way to reach it directly One has to be very indirect.

It is the sutbtlest experience of life. You cannot be aggressive

You have to be very feminine.

You have to learn to wait, to be patient. Infinite patience is needed.

If one is in a hurry one will miss.

God is not possible if you are in a hurry. If you are in a hurry

Then it is nothing but the ego. The ego is always impatient. It is afraid of death

That's why it is impatient. It is constantly scared

Because death can happen any moment. Death is always there waiting

It can jump upon you, any moment --

One never knows... Hence time seems to be very short And much has to be attained.

So be in a hurry, be speedy.

That is not the way to attain bliss.

Relax, rest and trust that whenever you are ripe And when the season comes and your turn come.

The grace will shower on you.

It can't be otherwise, it is inevitable. God is never unfair

Existence is very just, absolutely just. But one has to learn how to welcome. Just keep your doors open and wait.

That's what meditation is all about:

Keeping your doors open with a welcoming heart Waiting, trusting, praying, but not in a hurry.

Then one day the miracle happens And it always happens as a gift.

You can never claim it as your achievement Because it happens only when you are not, There is nobody to make any claim.

The ego is no more there to claim. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You are simply empty, utterly void.

Absolutely no one is there inside you.

In that very moment the mystery becomes available.

That emptiness becomes the host for the guest. Your being becomes the host

And god becomes the guest. Eighty Four Thousand Poems Chapter #23



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