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Chapter title: None

23 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004235 ShortTitle: 84POEM21 Audio:

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[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only) Religion is rebellion:

Rebellion against tradition, convention Rebellion against the past and the dead. Unless one is free completely of the past 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- One never knows what life is.

The past encapsulates one against life. It surrounds you like the China Wall

It doe not allow you to penetrate the present.

Rebellion means destroying all these walls.

To live in the present is the greatest rebellion And to live in the present

Is to live in meditation, and to become capable Of living totally in the present Is to be able to enter god.

Rebellion against the priests Helps you to commune with god. Rebellion against the scriptures Helps you to commune with truth. Meditation

Is the only anchor in the ocean of life. Without it one is always just driftwood. With meditation you are anchored.

You can stay centred

And you can choose your direction. With meditation

You start becoming a master of yourself. Without meditation

You are at the mercy of unconscious forces. That's how millions of people go on living: Victims of the winds. They don't know Where they are going, why they are going

It is just that the wind

Is blowing in that direction.

Meditation is the most essential thing in life. It is food, nourishment for the soul.

Without it man is without a soul. Devote your energies more and more Towards getting deeper into meditation.

And by meditation I simply mean awareness. A three-dimensional awareness is needed First, you have to be aware of your actions Second, you have to be aware of your thoughts Third, you have to be aware

Of your Emotions, feelings. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

Once you become aware of these three dimensions The fourth awareness happens on its own.

Once these three awarenesses are there You become aware of your being

You need not make any effort for that.

You just prepare the ground

By being aware of these three things And the fourth comes as a gift from god. People are living in their egos

And that is the root cause of misery. To live in the ego is to live in darkness

To remain in the ego is to remain blind. One has to come out of the ego.

The idea of god is only a device

So that you can surrender your ego.

It will be difficult for you to surrender it Without someone there to receive it.

There have been people

Who have surrendered without a god. Buddha did it.

There is no problem in it Intrinsically it is not imossible But it is very difficult, certainly. With the idea of god...

And god is simply an idea

It is a device to help you surrender your ego.

It feels easier to surrender your ego With the idea that god will take care. There is no need to be taken care of. You are not insecure.

You are not a stranger to existence You are part of it.

Existence is constantly nursing you Helping you in a thousand and one ways.

But one is afraid. One thinks 'I have to take care of myself

Otherwise who will take care of me?' Hence people cling to the ego.

But once the idea is there that there is a god And you can surrender your ego That he is omnipotent


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And you will be in far better hands

That he is omnipresent and he is omniscient... Your ego is very limited and small

His powers are infinite

So it is a good bargain:

Drop the ego and let him take care of you! It appeals to the mind

To our businesslike intellect To our arithmetic, to our logic. It seems to be convincing.

But in fact god is not a person

It is only a device to help you to drop the ego. Once the ego is dropped you will know

That it was a device. But it worked! Your thorn was false in the first place No real needle was needed to take it out.

Only a false needle was needed to take it out. Your disease was false in the first place Hence homeopathic sugar pills will do.

Seventy per cent of illnesses are false

That's why with seventy per cent of illnesses

any pathy succeeds.

It depends on whether you believe in the pathy: Homeopathy, naturopathy, ayurvedic...

Or you can invent your own.

Any pathy works if you believe in it Because in the first place the illness is false. All that you need is a support

So that you can drop it

A place somewhere to drop it

Just a wastepaper basket to throw in. That's what Patanjali,

One of the greatest seers of the world Has said, 'God is a device'.

And I perfectly agree with him

And it is one of the most beautiful devices Because it makes it easy

It makes surrender smooth. But the whole purpose is:

One has to drop the ego any way; This way or that is irrelevant.

Remember this much

That the ego has to be surrendered. Don't cling to the ego.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And the very surrender transforms you

Opens your eyes, the darkness disappears. You are full of light, you are light

You are transmuted; you are no more part Of the mundane, ordinary world.

Suddenly, doors of all the mysteries

Are open for you, the miraculous is yours. Your life starts taking on

A new colour, a new joy, a new song. It starts becoming a new dance.

In the East,

we have always looked at existence as if everything is divine.

In the beginning it is 'as if'.

When you start the journey it is 'as if'.

But when you end the journey it is the truth:

the sun is god, the moon is god,

the rivers are goddesses,

the stars are gods, the trees are gods.

Christianity has condemned this idea very much; they think this is paganism. It has a tremendous beauty, this paganism.

In fact the pagan is the only religious person because he lives surrounded by gods.

He transforms everything into the divine.

And of course when the whole existence is divine, you are also divine. You cannot exclude yourself.

The whole existence is divine inclusive of you. God is no more a person in the East.

It is a quality.

It is life itself, it is existence itself.

So in the East people worship everything. And that has a beauty --

a tremendous sacredness about it. They will worship the moon, they will worship the river --

any excuse is enough!

The point is not the object of worship the point is worshipping.

Whom you worship is irrelevant. So in the East,

the father is worshipped; the mother is worshipped.

There have even been people like Ramakrishna who used to worship his own wife!

Once in a while he would call to Sharda, his wife, "Become a goddess, sit upon a throne!"

He had a small throne for her; 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

and of course the wife had to follow the orders because in the East the husband is a god!

You cannot say no to the husband. So she would sit on the throne and he would worship her.

People would think that he had gone mad, completely mad.

But he was the most sane person of those times in the East.

You see the beauty of it? Any day he would say,

"Sharda, I feel like worshipping you -- come here and become a goddess!"

It is fun, it is play:

there is no need to be fanatics;

in that you can worship only Christ. You can worship your own child!

There is no question, as the Mohammedans say, that there is only one god and no other god.

The pagan attitude is that everything is divine. There is no god because everything is divine. There is no god but everyone is a god.

Remember it -- the moon is only one of the gods.

The Indian scriptures say

there are three hundred and thirty million gods. How they manage to count is a puzzle!

It seems to be just any figure --

the biggest figure that they could think of. In those days India had that size population; so the idea of so many gods is very good.

Gods everywhere; in the marketplace,

at the railway station, in the buses.

Gods fighting, gods quarrelling,

gods talking, gods getting married and divorced -- all gods!

This is a totally different view

than that which Judaism has given to the world; and Christianity and Mohammedanism

are simply offshoots of Judaism.

There are only two religions in the world:

Judaism and Hinduism. Judaism believes in one god;

it is very non-democratic, it is dictatorial.

God seems to be like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin or Mao Tse Tung.

Hinduism believes in a very democratic existence: everybody is the same, all are divine!

Remember it,

let it become your very feeling about everything -- trees, moon, sun, stars.

And that will help you immediately to go into deep meditation.

Be here as long as possible. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You will not find more beautiful gods anywhere... and crazy too!

Love is more like a fragrance Than like a flower or a seed.

These three things have to be understood deeply: The seed, the flower. the fragrance.

Sex is more like a seed -- very gross

All is just potential. nothing is actual yet. And the flower, the ordinary love, Which is a little higher,

Goes a little beyond sex.

It has no sexual overtones any more. It can be just friendship

It can exist between two friends.

It can exist between husband and wife

In fact unless it does there is no intimacy.

Sex never makes you intimate. Animals are never intimate.

Sexuality never brings you really together. It brings your bodies together but not you. You are far bigger than the body

Far more than the body. When your psyche

Starts coming into close intimacy

That is the beginning of love, the ordinary love. Sex remains but becomes secondary

Love becomes primary.

This is the state of the flower. And the third state is

When sex simply disappears and love remains Just a pure fragrance, not even a flower.

You can catch hold of a flower.

But you cannot catch hold of a fragrance. You can very well possess a seed

You can even keep it locked in a box. You cannot lock up a flower.

If you do it will die.

The seed will remain but the flower will die. It is far more fragile.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- You have to be a little more careful.

It is a higher phenomenon, more delicate.

But a fragrance you cannot even catch hold of. It is already free, it is freedom.

That is the ultimate in love

Where love takes the flavour of prayer.

The majority of people remain at the seed stage. Only a few arrive at the second stage and

Very rarely does a person arrive

At the third stage; only once in a while A Jesus, a Buddha, a Lao Tzu, a Krishna. But that should remain the goal.

Unless you attain to the fragrance of love You have not known life in its totality

In its wholeness you have not explored it. You have remained just on the periphery

You have not entered the very core of it. And at the very core of it is the treasure The kingdom of god.

Happiness is temporal:

One moment it is there, another moment it is gone. Hankering for it is futile. Whatsoever you do

It is not going to stay with you.

It is a prostitute, it cannot be yours forever It promises, it is very generous in promising

But it betrays you every day. And people are such fools:

They go on believing in the promises Again and again -- the same promises For the same kind of happiness.

To become aware of this fact

Is the beginning of the real search for bliss. Then one does not want happiness Because what is the point of having it When tomorrow it will be lost

And again you will be in the same despair? In fact, in more despair than before

Because you would have tasted something of joy And that will make you even sadder.

The real search

Has to be the search for something eternal 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Something abiding.

And it is there, but one cannot find it Looking out from oneself -- it is not there. There you will find only temporary relief,

Moments of happiness And then long periods of misery. It is a totally futile exercise.

For those small moments one pays so much -- It is not worth it.

With the same energy turning in You can find eternal bliss.

It is your intrinsic nature.

The whole thing depends on where you are looking. If you are looking in the outside world

You can find only moments

Only oases in the desert of life. But if you look in

You will find eternal bliss, Eternal peace, eternal life. Once found it is yours forever, Even death cannot take it away.

A sannyasin has to learn pure acting.

He has to look at the world as a great drama. A thousand and one plays are going on

And you have to participate in many games. You are constantly moving

From one stage to another:

From the house to the office From the office to the church

From the church to the club And so on, so forth. They are all different stages, different sets

And you have to play different roles But they are all roles --

Don't take them seriously.

There is no need to renounce them. To renounce them means

You have -- taken them seriously.

That's why I say never to renounce anything. Live your role, enjoy it, it is fun

But take it lightly, take it easily. It is not worth worrying about. So whatsoever role

You have to play in a certain circumstance Play to your utmost ability, play it totally But once it is finished


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Whether you have succeeded or failed Is irrelevant.

Don't look back, go ahead:

There are other plays you have to play. Failure or success are unimportant.

What is important is the awareness That everything is a game.

When your whole life Becomes full of this awareness

You are freed, then nothing binds you

Then you are no more tethered to anything Then you don't have any chains on your hands Then you are no more imprisoned by anything. You use masks but you know

That that is not your original face And you can remove the mask Because now you know it is a mask It can be removed, it is removeable.

And now you can know your original face too. The man who is aware that life is a game Comes to know his original face.

And to know one's original face

Is to know all that is worth knowing Because that is the face of god

That is the face of truth That is the face of love That is the face of freedom. Sugata means well-gone

One who is no more part of this world Who has really gone;

What exists here is just a shadow.

He is no more earthly

He exists no more in the body because

He is no more the body, he is no more the mind He eats, but he eats not He drinks, but he drinks not

He talks, but he talks not, because even while He is talking he is absolutely silent And even when he is eating he is just

A watcher of it, he is not the eater. While walking he is just a witness Not the walker.

Doing all kinds of things he is never a doer Because there is no ego any more.

The ego is gone forever, hence He is called well-gone

Gone to the farther shore. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- He lingers on this shore a little while

To help those who are seeking and searching For the way

To tell them that he has found it

To convey the message

To tell them that they can also find it To encourage them

To give them a few indications and hints. To share his experience he tries to linger A little bit on this shore, but in fact Ninety-nine per cent of his being

Is already gone.

When Buddha was dying

His disciples started crying -- naturally. Even his closest disciple, Ananda Started crying, tears started coming.

He was older than Buddha,

Buddha was eighty-two, he was eighty-four: A man of eighty-four crying like a small child. Buddha said 'Stop this nonsense, Ananda!

What are you doing?'

And Ananda said, 'I can't listen to you any more. At least in this last moment allow me

To do whatsoever I feel like doing. Don't say anything.

I am feeling miserable.

You are dying, I have not become enlightened yet And once you are gone, all hope is gone.

You were my hope!' Buddha said, 'I am dying? --

What nonsense are you talking? I died forty years ago,

I died the very day I became enlightened. Since then only a shadow

Has been lingering with you.'

This is the meaning of Sugatas well-gone.

And that is the ultimate goal for every sannyasin: He should become a well- gone.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #22



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