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4 April 1980 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Archive code: 8004045 ShortTitle: 84POEM02 Audio:

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No 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

[NOTE: This is an unedited tape transcript of an unpublished darshan diary, which has been copy-typed on to the computer. It is for reference purposes only.]

By going beyond all religions One becomes religious.

The true religion

Is neither Christian nor Hindu nor Mohammedan. The true religion is a transcendence

Of all creeds, dogmas, scriptures.

The true religion is not a religion in fact But a kind of religiousness.

It is not a noun but a verb.

It has nothing to do with organisation.

It has something to do with the individual. It is something inner.

Not that you go to a particular church

And you become a Catholic or you go to the temple And you become a Hindu -- no.

You go into your own being And you become religious. And to be religious is enough.

There is no need for any adjective. Jesus is not a Christian, remember And Buddha is not a Buddhist.

And Krishna is not a Hindu.

These people are far beyond beyond all these Small small sects, doctrines, creeds, churches. These people live in a kind of

Boundaryless existence, without boundaries. When you live in a world of no limits

Then you are truly religious. My sannyas is not a religion.

Ti is a new type of vision: it is religiousness. You love, you meditate

You make every effort to be authentic. You try to be responsible, not according

To any commandments given by somebody else But according to your own inner light.

You become a light unto yourself.

Up to now you have been only formally a follower of Christ. Now you are really becoming one.

Remember, Christ has nothing to do with Christianity.

The Jews and the Romans only destroyed the body of Jesus. But Christianity has destroyed his very soul. He was not really crucified in Jerusalem, he has been crucified in the Vatican.


Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

So if somebody really wants to be a Christian now, he should not be a Christian at all in the first place.

Avoid Christianity, because it is a fabrication of the priests. Follow anyone who is awakened and you are following Christ. Never follow the priests, follow the prophet.

People follow the priests because they are born in a certain community.

To follow a prophet means to choose. It is risky, it is dangerous. One can never be certain, there is no guarantee.

To go with a prophet is going into the unknown.

And this is what is happening right now: You are moving now into a dangerous journey.

But to live dangerously is the only way to live. All other ways are ways of dying.

In my vision courage is the most divine quality.

Everything else is secondary, courage is primary Because if courage is there Everything else follows.

If courage is missing, then all is missing. Only a courageous person can be sincere Truthful, loving, religious.

Only a courageous person can go In search of the ultimate

Because the search is arduous It is an uphill task.

It is easy to go downwards Gravitation helps you

But to go uphill is difficult. And the higher you move

The more and more difficult it becomes.

Before the ultimate is reached One is tested to the utmost.

Only a few courages people have passed

The ultimate examination of life and existence. These are the Buddhas, the Christs, the Krishnas. But everyone has the capacity

To become a Buddha.

If anything is missing it is courage And courage can be gathered.

Even a cowardly person can gather courage. He has the ingredients.

He just has to pt them together. Sannyas is a courageous step.

It may lead you into many difficulties. Face them joyously, enjoy facing them. And you will be surprised

That each difficulty becomes a blessing

And each challenge proves a tremendous gift of god 1/08/07 Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Because it integrates you

It makes you more and more solid. It gives steel to your spine

It makes you a man of steel.

A man of courage is always a king. Only cowards are slaves.

But to really be a king one has to be A master of oneself -- not of others. That is very easy and cheap

Because there are millions of cowards in the world Who are really hankering for somebody

To enslave them, who cannot live on their own. They are always longing

Tor somebody to dictate to them.

They cannot move even an inch in their lives By their own light.

They want to cling.

They want to be guided, led, like sheep They always need shepherds.

Hence it is very easy to become

A ruler of people -- that is not worth much. The real problem, the real challenge, is

To be a master of oneself.

And that is the whole purpose of sannyas: To make you a master of yourself.

One should not be a slave of one's own unconscious. That's what people are.

Everybody believes he is a master. In fact that belief is very dangerous

Because it never allows you to see the truth. It keeps you befooled.

Somebody insults you and you are angry And you say, ' I was angry.'

That is wrong because you can say 'I was angry!' Only if you are capable of not being angry.

But you were not capable of not being angry. You were possessed by anger

You were not a chooser, there was no choice. Somebody insulted you, he pushed a button And the anger came

Just as you push a button and light comes.

It was mechanical. You were not the Master of it. You behaved like a machine.

When somebody insults you and you are the chooser Of wether to be angry or not

Then you are a master. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- And the same is true for all your instincts:

Greed, lust, ego.

If you are a chooser, then there is no problem. But if you are not a chooser

But only reacting in a mechanical way Then you are not yet a man.

Only by becoming master of your own consciousness Do you become a man. It happens only through meditation.

There is no other way.

Meditation is the alchemy of transforming The unconscious into the conscious.

It gives you a tremendous power

Far greater than anger, greed and lust. Then you can control without repressing.

Then you can direct, channelize your forces.

You can transform your energies into higher realms. Then life really becomes

A great experiment in growth.

Man remains almost unaware of his glory

Of the great splendor that he brings into the world. Because he never looks inwards.

He remains a beggar Although in fact he is a king. He remains a beggar

Because he goes on looking outside, hankering For this and that and always for more...

And there is no end to it.

Hence our so-called emperors are also beggars. Nobody is ever satisfied.

But a person who turns in

Suddenly bedtime contented because he comes across The immeasurable treasure of his own being.

And the glory is so tremendous The ecstasy so incredible

The joy so overflowing

That not only does it make one contented.

Whosoever comes in contact with such a person Starts feeling something of the unknown Something of the mysterious.

That's how masters have been able To transform millions of people.

They have become aware of their splendor And everybody who comes close to them Becomes aware of the splendor

Not only of the master

But finally of his own self also. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- The beginning of disciplehood

Is to be aware of the glory of the master.

And the end is to be aware of your own glory. They are not two different things.

One can be full of justice

Only if one is free from one's mind, otherwise not. The mind is always prejudiced for or against Hence it can never be just.

The mind lives with conclusions.

Even before looking at facts it has already decided. The mind has decided wether there is a god or not. A few people are atheists, many are theists

But all are in the same boat The boat of the mind.

They have decided without ever exploring. That is the way of the mind

It decides without enquiring. Enquiry needs intelligence.

Enquiry needs tremendous love for truth. And enquiry needs as a basic requirement That the mind be put aside so that you Can look directly without any prejudice Coloring your eyes.

And that's what meditation is all about. Putting the mind aside.

Then one is just, always just.

One cannot be unjust, that is impossible.

Be meditative, be more and more meditative So that you can know what no-mind is.

Out of no-mind blooms the flower of justice. A divine voice is always there in the heart Always calling you.

But you are not available

You are engaged in some mundane affairs In some ordinary things.

Your mind is full of unnecessary rubbish Busy without business.

So you go on missing the still small voice within.

Once the mind is silent, once thoughts disappear Once you are left without any thoughts

Suddenly the voice is heard.

And to hear god directly from your hart 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:- Is the beginning of transformation

It is revelation.

God always comes as a revelation

Never as knowledge but always as revelation. Remember it.

And it is not far away. He is always there Twenty-four hours a day

Waiting for you.

But people go on running hither and thither. They waste their whole life

In such stupid nonsense that it seems unimaginable That man can be so unintelligent.

But he is.

A sannyasin has to be intelligent.

He has to reconsider his whole life-style. This is the beginning of a great pilgrimage. I am not in favour of renouncing the world. I want my sannyasins to live in the world But very skillfully.

To live in such a way That nothing affects you To live in such a way

That you are in the world an yet not of it. That is non-attachment.

Renouncing is very easy.

One can escape to the mountains, to a monastery And forget all about the world and its worries.

That is very easy; any coward can do that. And to live in the world and be worried

Is also easy; everybody is doing that. I am telling you to do something

Totally different from both these extremes. I don't want you to be a worldly man Although I want you to be in the world.

I don't want you to go to a monastery Although I am initiating you into a monkhood. I am trying to give you

A very paradoxical way of life

But it is only through paradox that one grows. Life is a dialectical process

So the more paradoxically you live The higher the peaks you will achieve. 1/08/07

Copyright Osho International Foundation 1994

Osho's books on CD-ROM, published and unpublished Query:-

Eighty Four Thousand Poems

Chapter #3



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